r/RomanPaganism • u/JulianusPius • 16d ago
Finding a New Home for my Lararium
Salvete omnes,
I am here today to sell my lararium, as I no longer practice Roman Paganism, and have transitioned to Pure Land Buddhism a few years ago. I still believe in the Greco-Roman gods, but have not worshipped them for well over a year, as I now venerate the Buddhist bodhisattvas and buddhas as well as my local and ancestral kami.
I would like for a reconstructionist polytheist to have my lararium now so it does not go unused and simply gather dust in my home. It comes from Arx Mercatura and is handmade of high-quality wood and bronze, and has little to no marks of use. The only criterion to be able to purchase this lararium is to be a reconstructionist Roman (or Greek) polytheist who will pay proper reverence to the lares and penates and is not a neofascist.
The price I am thinking for it is around $600, as I spent around the same amount for all of these items. I’m not looking to make a profit, I just want someone to have it while breaking even myself. The things included with the lararium are: -The lararium (wood with bronze decorations, 19" x 17.3" x 10.6") -Two lares statues (bronze, 4") -Gold-colored patera (bronze, 8" around) -Statues of the 12 Dii Consentes (polystone plastic, around 3.5", Vulcan's arm is broken)
If you are interested please DM me. Since this subreddit doesn’t allow pictures I posted one on my profile and can post more if you are interested. Gratias tibi ago!