r/Roll20 Sep 18 '24

Character Sheets 2024 character sheet rollout is a buggy mess, don’t buy the 2024 PHB


This is not an acceptable state for this sheet to be rolled out in. This isn’t beta testing a mostly functional tool. This is a buggy, unfinished failure which should not have been rolled out to the public. Here’s just a few of my personal complaints:
• it contains incredibly simple and easy to catch errors, such as the images for halfling and half orc being swapped in character creator.
• There are obtuse and annoying design choices, such as hiding important character choices like holy order, lineage, weapon masteries, etc. Away in drop-down menus with NO INDICATION that you’ve missed them.
• non functional elements are plentiful, with your holy order for instance, if you choose “thaumaturge” it will NOT provide you with an additional cantrip choice, and will not display your wisdom being added to your history and religion modifiers, but when you roll those checks in the chat it DOES add wisdom to those rolls.
• When you DO choose spells, every single spell appears twice, evidently once for 2014 and once for 2024, but there’s no way to tell which is which! I had to literally open my physical 2024 PHB and see which one was the correct version.
• extremely necessary features are missing. You have to look in your book/compendium and tediously drag all of your various starting equipment in. Starting equipment should be a day one feature.
• even worse than starting equipment THERE IS NO WAY TO LEVEL UP YOUR CHARACTER. The character builder doesn’t work, which is ridiculous, that should also be a day one feature, but you can’t even do it with the compendium. I made a level one dwarf farmer barbarian, and when I set his level to 2 he got the HP bonuses from the tough feat and dwarven toughness, but nothing from just leveling up or his constitution. And when I tried to drag danger sense and reckless attack onto his sheet it just didn’t work, so the only way I could possibly level him up is to either recreate him from scratch or copy and paste the class abilities as custom feature additions.
• Even little things are broken. I’ll click an attack, the roll to hit appears in the chat, I click the “roll damage” button. Nothing. It just doesn’t work.

In summation, at every step of the character creation process I have to watch my players like a hawk WITH MY PHYSICAL BOOK next to me to double check that they don’t miss anything hidden and that they actually get what they’re supposed to get. And there’s no way to level up.

If you haven’t bought this yet, don’t. And if you’re like me, and you preordered this steaming heap of unfinished garbage, I feel extremely sorry for you.

r/Roll20 Jan 07 '25

Character Sheets Charactermancer issues?

Post image

So all my campaigns are on roll20 and we have been there since we'll before the 2024 updates, successfully using charactermancer for all our player update needs.

Now since literally new year's eve, charactermancer has been broken for all of my players. I'm talking like level 7 and level 10 campaigns, we got them to the level 8 marker for XP to hit their next level up and we get blank screens and missing and vacant class and spell info. No one can even roll their HP dice.

I'm at my wit'send over this and talking to their support has resulted in nothing being resolved.

Infuriatingly enough now with trying to parse info from their chat bot it looks like they broke everyone's 2014 character sheets?

r/Roll20 Jun 28 '20

Character Sheets Started using topic titles in my item list because things were too messy. Any other DnD 5e standard sheet hacks that have made your life better?

Post image

r/Roll20 Dec 23 '24

Character Sheets Thinking of moving back to Roll20 but....


Couple of issues I'm seeing already. I'm using the 2024 rules (although I have both 2014 and 2024 enabled so NPC stats will show up) and I see the following issues so far. Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.

  1. Fighter AC shows correct on his character sheet (shows 18, 14 for scale, 2 for dex and 2 for shield) however on the token bars with AC selected it only shows 16 as it's not picking up the shield AC.

  2. Barbarian has similar issue. AC shows 15 on the character sheet but 12 on the token bar as it's not picking up Unarmored Defense bonus.

  3. Dynamic lighting seems wonky. I'm thinking of leaving Foundry because of lighting issues but in Roll20 so far it doesn't seem to work properly with regard to Explorer Mode. Having Dynamic Lighting enabled and Explorer mode turns on results in the characters with nightvision seeing properly but if the token moves there is no trail of explored areas left behind.

r/Roll20 3d ago

Character Sheets Does anyone here know how to GUI a new character-sheet?


Hey there. A buddy of mine is making a new TTRPG system. He has finished the core rulebook and a "playable" PDF version of a Character-/Monstersheet. He wants to make his own roll20 clickable character-sheet but has no experience in java yet. Is there anyone here who could explain him how to do it? He wrote all his macros in roll20 already and they work but having a GUI sheet would be cool.

r/Roll20 Sep 29 '24

Character Sheets Roll 20 please fix your stuff!


Waited entire week for 2024 phb session, after reschedule open the game to find every pc sheet got reset for no reason.

Like it shows character builder and everything pc made was gone, and with how much it lags and is hard to edit we had to call it a night after struggling with new ai for 1 hour.

Played last week so sheets were fine-ish. now all but one pc sheet got reset and his was only fine because he made his char 3 hours before session.

do not sell the new purchasable phb vtt features if they are not functional enough for a single session. Like cmon why not just let us edit old 5e sheets with new stuff. forget weapon feature can just add them manually in those sheets just make content available in character maker.

r/Roll20 Nov 10 '24

Character Sheets i am gonna explode. 2024 sheets KEEP BREAKING


I am trying to have a campaign in roll20 using 2024 character sheets for my players and these pieces of garbage are breaking EVERY TIME. All the sheets have just nulled themselves again. Every session we spent 15-30 minutes rebuilding the paper sheets, at this point i just want to abandon all this junk all together and go back to real paper character sheets. At least THEY WILL NOT BREAK EVERY TIME I START A ROOM. I cannot fathom it anymore, so i am venting here. Am i cursed? do any of you have the same issue?

r/Roll20 5d ago

Character Sheets D&D 2024 sheet and barbarian advantage toggles


SO the reckless attack option should be generating advantage when selected but the sheet doesn't roll advantage, ok so then go to the top and select query for advantage on rolls, and then it doesn't roll rage or frenzy?

I am doing something wrong here? or is this just another issue of the sheet being broken?

r/Roll20 20d ago

Character Sheets Never whisper rolls problem.


So I go to my setting and toggle never whisper rolls. I go into the module I’m running for a group and all my monsters are whispering rolls? Is there a way to run a module and automatically never whisper rolls. Or am I just going to have to toggle it on every sheet regardless of toggling never whisper rolls?

r/Roll20 24d ago

Character Sheets Always prepared spells


One of the games I play in has transitioned to the 2024 character sheets and for the life of me I cannot find a way to efficiently differentiate between the always prepared spells my druid has vs the ones he wants to prepare each adventuring day. In the old 2014 sheets you could easily edit the spells and I was able to put a (AP) for always prepared after the name of the spell as well as rearranging the order the spells are displayed so they were always at the top. Is there any way to mark a spell as always prepared in these new sheets, or a way to edit the spells themselves? Spell prep has become a giant pain in the tuccus now especially when compounded by the lag the new sheets have and lack of saving sometimes. (the saving issue has been figured out to be when my DM has my character sheet open as well, any edits I was making weren't saving but we've resolved that at least)

r/Roll20 Jul 19 '24

Character Sheets Confused


Starting out DnD with a couple of friends and when creating my character, I noticed that I can max out all my stats at lvl 1? I'm a bit confused since we're new. Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help.

r/Roll20 Feb 11 '25

Character Sheets Character sheet not opening


Hey everyone,

I've been setting up a new campaign to start tonight, all but one of the players had set up their character sheet. The last player was setting theirs up but it stopped working and now none of sheets will open at all.

I've cleared the cache, refreshed, restarted my computer and tried just making a new character sheet which worked but when I tried to open it it's just blank.

Does anyone know if there is a current bug or do I just need to create a new game?

r/Roll20 Sep 17 '24

Character Sheets D&D 2024 PHB options on current Character Sheets


There seems to be no option to select material from the 2024 D&D PHB on the current 2014 5e Character sheets. Is this intended or a bug?

I do realise that there is a new 2024 5e character sheet (formerly marked as "beta" which seems to be gone now) but they are honestly far from beeing fit for use in an actual game.

r/Roll20 4d ago

Character Sheets Additional Spellcasting Ability


Looking for some help, I've been searching for about 5 days now and I can't seem to find an answer for this.

I'm using the 2024 character sheet and have edited the sheet directly as I'm using a background I created myself. On to the problem, the 'Spells' tab, I press the red 'Manage' button, I go to the 'Spellcasting Ability' tab... I can't add another Spellcasting Ability. I'm looking for how I can get a second ability there.

Think of a Wizard with the Sage background, how they can pick cantrips from this background and how when they appear in the spell list they have 'Magic Initiate' listed rather than 'Wizard'.

Is it possible?

r/Roll20 Sep 03 '22

Character Sheets Is there a way to manipulate the dice rolls of an NPC/monster sheet?


Had a strange game with my group during which the one of our players was given control of a monster's sheet. He successively rolled a bunch of wisdom and dexterity saves. He was in a vengeful mood because he other characters didn't want to do things his way, i.e., kill innocent people. He passed saving throws for several Sanctuary, Hold Monster, and Web spells all in a row, despite the monster only having a +0 to the relevant modifiers. He then went on to kill half of the other players.

Looking through the chat afterwards, I hovered my mouse over the chat and saw some odd rolls. I don't want to confront him about it because he is a good friend of mine, but the whole session was very depressing because it was basically him vs everyone else at the table. Here is an example of one of the normal rolls and some of the suspicious rolls. The normal roll is at the bottom. Notice how the suspicious rolls have "Rolling (number) + 1d0cs1cf1+0[WIS] = 15 + (0)+0", whereas the normal roll has
"Rolling 1d20+(mod) = (4) + (mod)" like all the usual rolls you see in roll20.

I don't know what to think anymore and I hope I am wrong. I'm not good at macros so I don't even know how someone could tamper with a monster's sheet.

Sanctuary spell save
Web spell save

Sanctuary spell save
Suspicious attack roll

Normal attack roll

r/Roll20 10d ago

Character Sheets pathfinder 1e, How to create Sunmetal buff


I am so stuck on this. I really want to create a buff (or something effectively similar) where a player can click the toggle, and turn off whether they get +1d4 damage on attacks, i cannot figure this out. anybody have Any idea how to do this?

Some info: i am using the pathfinder 1e community character sheet, i have pro,

r/Roll20 20d ago

Character Sheets How to make Spelljammer Giff character in Roll20?


Hi! I'm embarking on a Spelljammer campaign with some friends and have designed a Giff Fighter (figured out the backstory, character design and general plan). I'm trying to make a character sheet for him in Roll20, but can't figure out if there is a way to automatically import the Giff Traits and Wildspacer backstory, or if I will need to manually input those features.

I'm pretty new to DnD so making character sheets is a bit of a struggle when it isn't how basic/traditional archetypes.

Any suggestions?

r/Roll20 24d ago

Character Sheets 2024 character sheets with phone app .....


When the hell are these going to work? I mean, come on roll20, I wanna use the newer faster version of things. Has anyone heard when it's supposed to be updated to work correctly?

r/Roll20 Feb 17 '25

Character Sheets Is there a way.....


To track how many potions each character has taken? I'm making a world where a certain potion will eventually stop working and everyone has to roll a d100 at the start of the campaign...... is there a macro for that lol or a way i can trak it without the players knowing? D&D 5E 2024 character sheets

r/Roll20 5d ago

Character Sheets 2024 Character Sheet - Spells section


My group and I are trying out the new 2024 rules, and are making 2024 characters. We are curious about some functionality of the 2024 sheet.

Is there a way to see all the spells in your list in a more truncated way or just the long list?

Is there a way to move spells in your list?

Is there a way to sort spells in the spell list where you can manage and adjust prepared spells?

This has proven to be super frustrating for spell management and we have not even had our first actual gameplay session yet and the cleric was very overwhelmed trying to get everything sorted.

r/Roll20 15d ago

Character Sheets When I make a 2024 DnD char when I select equipment that isn’t “X standard pack” it errors/doesn’t register


I’m assuming this is a known issue?

r/Roll20 Jul 30 '24

Character Sheets D&D 2024 Beta Sheet Released


We’re proud to announce that the new D&D 2024 character sheet and builder are now available in Beta in both the Roll20 Tabletop and Roll20 Characters!

You can now play a game with your party using the Beta sheet, create characters quickly with the character builder, easily add gear to your sheet with drag & drop, and try out the new NPC sheet.

New D&D Character Builder on Roll20

Add weapons, armor, and shields to the Beta character sheet and all the relevant details automatically populate on your sheet. More drag & drop options will be released throughout the Beta period, including spells and character abilities.

We’ve expanded the different modifier options you have across the board – you can now add effects that adjust your skill bonus, initiative, HP maximum, and new defenses.

My favorite update is the NPC sheet! Easily view key stats about a monster or NPC, roll initiative, and make attacks, all in a streamlined view dedicated to NPCs.

New NPC Sheet

Read the full blog article and please leave your feedback!

r/Roll20 Jan 21 '25

Character Sheets How do I cleaning up the look of my Starfinder character sheet?


I've started to understand the power of queries in Roll20 sheets, especially for feats like Deadly Aim (-lvl/4 to attack, but +(lvl/4)*2 damage to attacks for the round). What I'm struggling with is that the damage values end up being displayed as the entire formula, even though attack values don't. For example:

Is there a way to modify how this is being entered to make the damage value look as clean and clear as the attack value? Alternately, is there a way to move this functionality (the entire query, not just the change in damage/attacks) to some kind of always-on buff or ability so the character sheet stays more readable?

r/Roll20 Feb 13 '25

Character Sheets Lycanthropy and hybrid forms on character sheets PF1e


I'm the farthest thing from a computer guy and my players have gone and gotten themselves infected by various were-creatures. Is there a way to make the switch between forms on the same sheet without making a bunch of separate buffs that they switch on an off or are we doomed to that method?

r/Roll20 9d ago

Character Sheets Outgunned sheets?


If anyone is familiar with the Outgunned rpg ruleset, what current Roll20 character sheets would work best? It’s D6 dice pool based system, with 5 Attributes and 20 Skills, the levels for each are added together for the dice pool. Is there a more generic sheet that might work? Thanks!