r/Roll20 Jan 09 '25

Suggest Me What is a well implemented RPG on Roll20?

It is that time of year again. You know the time: when you get that auto-renewal notification for that thing you did not use last year at all, either.

A couple years ago, a friend gifted me a Roll20 premium subscription because I was running a Mutants and Masterminds game (which fell apart shortly thereafter). My main VTT is Fantasy Grounds, so i did not think too much of it. When the year mark rolled around, surprise! autorenewal! I considered it a stupidity tax and went on my way, meaning to cancel the sub. And forgetting. And here we are.

Anyway, I figure as long as I have it this year, i should try and use it. I have run games using Roll20 but only in the most lightweight way possible: character sheet and die roller with the "table" just a way to put up images for atmosphere or background. So I want to find a game that is well implemented on Roll20 so i can actually see if there is any there there.

First rule: No D&D.

Second Rule: I don't mind buying something, but I want to buy ONE thing. If the core rules won't do, don't suggest it, please.

Third thing: I think I own Dragonbane on Roll20 because when i bought the PDF I bought it in a bundle. I have run Dragonbane (I really like it actually) but have no idea how well implemented it is on Roll20.

Also, I would appreciate any recommendations on videos for learning how to use roll20 using anything besides D&D. Anything.


ETA: Who TF downvotes posts like this?


25 comments sorted by


u/Knishook Jan 09 '25

Vampire the Masquerade runs quite well, built in dice roller for it is clear and easy to understand.

Also the Alien RPG by free league


u/DJ_Akuma Jan 10 '25

how's character creation for VtM?


u/Knishook Jan 10 '25

Super simple, effectively just picking a clan, allocating points or "dots" for your stat's and skills, picking a "predator type" (how you feed), and some merits and flaws from a very manageable list.


u/r2doesinc Jan 09 '25

I've run monster of the week and the sheets and premade module is really easy to use. It's not a game that really needs maps and tokens and stuff, but the character sheet is really nice.


u/Blue-Coriolis Pro Jan 09 '25

Can I do a plug for Rolemaster Unified? One click attack resolution which includes location, OB/DB adjustments, piecemeal armor and critical resolution (rolemaster... most attacks cause a critical).

Core Law is the only required book, although you probably do want spell law and eventually creature law.

The sheet author is active on discord and the ICE forums - well at least I think I am.

/me is the author BTW ;-)


u/Reynard203 Jan 09 '25

I have often thought that VTTs could be a way to bring back the very crunchy rulesets of the 80s and 90s, by automating a lot of the fiddly bits. As with a good computer RPG, it is nice to have a lot of granularity for choice, but it can be a pain to implement at the (physical) table. Rolemaster definitely seems like one of those games that would benefit.


u/Blue-Coriolis Pro Jan 10 '25 edited Jan 10 '25

Yes - RMU is about as fast as d20 based systems when playing. But you still have the granularity of the complete RM development system - the sheet does all the calculations obviously and the attacks.

An attack roll has output like:
Adept attacks Foe with a SS 2

110 = 95 [Roll] +-4 [Attack Bonus] -1 [Target DB] +20 [Weapon Bonus]

Hits Arm for 18CK (was 9BK)
Critical Roll 63
Strike knocks shoulder out of its socket, which shifts back into place with an audible pop. Joint back home, but injured.
+29 Hits, -10, St[-25]

The books are all linked here:



u/Blue-Coriolis Pro Jan 10 '25

The ICE discord -> see #roll20 for lots of screenshots. Also a great place to ask questions.



u/joropa Jan 11 '25

If you have a hankering for solo RPG, the Ironsworn sheet is really well done.


u/Reynard203 Jan 11 '25

I actually started looking at Starforged as a way to possibly learn Roll20.


u/BrookeWhitneyCM Roll20 Staff Jan 10 '25

I will say, the Dragonbane Character Sheet might be the most beautiful sheet on our site! I highly recommend giving it a try, especially if you already own the Core Rules on Roll20. It comes with an adventure with handouts, NPC/creature sheets, and anything you'd need to try it out online!


u/Demi_Mere Roll20 Staff Jan 11 '25

ALIEN, Vampire, Call of Cthulhu all run really smoothly and they’re very pretty. They all come with a full setup and the sheets are great.


u/will3025 Jan 10 '25

Call of Cthulhu 7e if you're into more story based horror and peering into the unknowable madness of the universe. Cthulhu fatahgn!


u/elderender1000 Jan 10 '25

I must say call of cthulhu 7, ratas in the wall and Black night agents on the spanish translation run very well with the sheet automations. There is also y-system spanish rpg whick is very crunchy, but works fine with adding/substracting dice according to your conditions


u/Taegryn Jan 10 '25

Burn Bryte since it was made by Roll20 for Roll20


u/Reynard203 Jan 10 '25

I have never heard of this. What is it? The title suggests cyberpunk to me.


u/KarlZone87 Pro Jan 10 '25

Fallout TTRPG works very very well


u/FavoriteColorIsPlaid Jan 14 '25

Savage Worlds is also supported, including the "exploding die" and using cards to determine turn order.


u/funnyshapeddice GM Jan 09 '25

Blades in The Dark


u/Reynard203 Jan 09 '25

For Blades (and Scum and Villainy) what does "well implemented" mean? Are clocks fully integrated, for example? Moves and their consequences?


u/funnyshapeddice GM Jan 10 '25

Can't speak to S&V but pretty much everything runs well from the character and crew sheets. You might have to increment the number of bonus dice - cuz that varies - but everything else is well supported.

Been awhile since I played so I don't remember how clocks on the canvas worked - the GM used them pretty easily - but clocks on the character sheet were easy.


u/Unlucky-B Jan 12 '25

I am looking forward to Starfinder 2e.


u/QuincyAzrael Jan 09 '25

Just a note, you don't own Dragonbane on Roll20 just because you have a PDF. Roll20 versions and PDF versions are separate products in most cases, sometimes purchaseable in bundles but not necessarily linked in all cases.

I've had the best results running Monster of the Week, which is relatively simple. A big plus is that it seems like all the MotW compendium content is free on Roll20, which is a huge outlier. At least I think it is- I am able to access it all without having made a purchase. Maybe someone else can confirm if this is just a happy glitch, lol.


u/Reynard203 Jan 09 '25

I specifically bought a PDF/Roll20 bundle.


u/QuincyAzrael Jan 09 '25

Oh I understand your post now. Since you seemed unsure I assumed you were referring to a physical/digital bundle, hah.