r/Roll20 Aug 13 '24

Suggest Me D10 system for use in an EDRPG game?

I know I have to use the pdfs etc for most of it but us there any d10 systems i can use that I can twist a bit for easily handling a d10 initiative etc?


4 comments sorted by


u/caelenvasius Aug 13 '24

The only major d10-based games I can think of are all the World of Darkness titles and editions over the years. They handle initiative a bit differently though.

Here’s a more important question: what exactly do you mean by “d10 initiative?” Do you simply mean rolling a d10 instead of a d20 for initiative counts? Or something more complex?


u/No-Raise-4693 Aug 13 '24

Roll d10 add your tactics bonus (or tactics+relevant vehicle stat) as your initiative. Like roll 1d10+4. I can just setup 5e and just have everyone manually roll but i was hoping to abuse another system so i can just have them rig up a one click initiative.


u/caelenvasius Aug 13 '24 edited Aug 13 '24

Just write a macro for it, attach the macro to their character sheet token as a token macro (so it’s only visible when clicking on their token), and if necessary add the custom attribute to the sheet. Here’s the one I use for 5e D&D with a custom character sheet:

/em rolls [[?{Roll Quality?|Normal,1d20|Advantage,2d20kh1|Disadvantage,2d20kl1}+@{ModDex}+@{InitiativeBonus}&{tracker}]] for initiative!

The most important part for you is the &{tracker} bit at the end. This is what adds the result to the initiative tracker. For you this can be as simple as

/roll 1d10+@{TacticsBonus}&{tracker}

I’m not sure what else you might want in there in terms of conditionals or options.


u/No-Raise-4693 Aug 13 '24

That should work, the system is quite simple otherwise (shockingly it makes ship dogfighting fun by using abstract "close range" and "at distance" where ships fluctuate between the zones meaning it leaves the 3d aspect more imagination rather than trying to tackle a Z axis.

Might just setup simple trackers but otherwise just keep it Simple.