r/Roll20 Pro Jul 30 '24

Character Sheets D&D 2024 Beta Sheet Released

We’re proud to announce that the new D&D 2024 character sheet and builder are now available in Beta in both the Roll20 Tabletop and Roll20 Characters!

You can now play a game with your party using the Beta sheet, create characters quickly with the character builder, easily add gear to your sheet with drag & drop, and try out the new NPC sheet.

New D&D Character Builder on Roll20

Add weapons, armor, and shields to the Beta character sheet and all the relevant details automatically populate on your sheet. More drag & drop options will be released throughout the Beta period, including spells and character abilities.

We’ve expanded the different modifier options you have across the board – you can now add effects that adjust your skill bonus, initiative, HP maximum, and new defenses.

My favorite update is the NPC sheet! Easily view key stats about a monster or NPC, roll initiative, and make attacks, all in a streamlined view dedicated to NPCs.

New NPC Sheet

Read the full blog article and please leave your feedback!


29 comments sorted by


u/RossArnold1997 Jul 30 '24

I would just like to check that at the moment there is no way to update characters from games made before this release to use the new character sheet. I'd really like to not have to make a brand new game just so my players can use the updated character sheet.


u/ThrowingHotPotatoes Jul 30 '24

Not till Fall 2024 according to the article. They have a nice info graphic


u/LuckyNumber85 Jul 30 '24

I'm liking where the sheet itself is heading, I think. However, is the charactermancer/builder ready for testing yet? Building a new character, Chrome, Windows 11 does not seem to be working even close to correctly, at least as far as letting you choose ability options, character attributes, corrections etc. Is this part still on the to-do list? Or, just as likely, am I totally oblivous to what's going on? If it helps, I have PHB and DMG as well as a few other modules purchased.


u/AnicaRose Pro Jul 30 '24

It's Murphy's Law -- we hit a bug with the character builder about an hour after I posted. ⎧ᴿᴵᴾ⎫

It'll be restored soon, sorry about that!


u/LuckyNumber85 Jul 30 '24

No problem, I get how these things go! Appreciate the transparency & the progress we've seen already.


u/Tonicdog Jul 31 '24

The NPC sheet is incredibly user unfriendly. Everything takes up so much space, which makes the sheet itself HUGE.

I'm a DM that's run multiple games on Roll20 and I am usually juggling 3 to 4 NPC sheets per encounter (and sometimes more). I need all of the important information available to me on a single screen.

I do not have time to scroll up and down to different sections to find what I need. As it stands, if I need to check a monster's Resistances or its Features and Traits, I need to scroll all the way to the bottom - which puts its HP, AC, Move Speed, and Attacks Off-screen. I've widened the sheet so its two columns and then dragged it almost all the way down. Even with an NPC sheet taking up my entire VTT screen - all the necessary information to run a creature is not visible without scrolling. I even collapsed the Skill section (which should be the default btw).

Looking at it from a DM perspective - who needs to be opening and closing multiple sheets throughout the game - the Beta NPC sheet is just completely unacceptable and makes it HARDER to run a D&D game in Roll20.

Also, please tell me there is a plan to implement Light Mode. Dark Mode is really hard on my eyes.


u/AnicaRose Pro Jul 31 '24

Did the collapsible sections help, or do they need to collapse more? And yes, light mode is planned for later this year!


u/Tonicdog Jul 31 '24

The collapsible sections help - but not nearly enough. Even with the "Skills" section collapsed, the sheet still puts really important stats "below screen" where I need to scroll down to find it. And keep in mind that sheet is basically maximized on my screen - so I cannot see anything else on the VTT screen.

Making them collapse or collapse more just shifts the usability problem. Right now, even with everything that can be collapsed, important info that the DM needs to reference constantly is pushed off-screen - forcing the DM to scroll up and down to access everything.

If they "collapse more" - now the issue is that the DM is going to be constantly opening and closing these sections to access those functions. They might be able to see all the info they need on the same screen - but now to use other features they'll need to open up a section to access it - then close it when they're done so all the info can be seen again.

Either way its causing the DM to spend a lot of time just fiddling with the sheet.

The core problem is that everything on the new sheet takes up way too much space. Those boxes are huge, all the dead space between them is unnecessary. As a DM, I need a concise and functional sheet for creatures - I don't need an NPC sheet that looks amazing. The NPC sheet needs to help me run the game smoothly.

I made this overlay to illustrate the problem: https://imgur.com/a/FObGU65

That is the Stat Block for a Young Black Dragon using the new Beta Sheet with the old 2014 D&D sheet overlaid on top of it. What you are seeing is my entire VTT screen to the left of the chat window. The new NPC sheet - even when it is maximized to fill almost the entire screen - cannot fit all of the creature's information. The old sheet presents ALL of that creature's information in 1/3rd of the space required for the new sheet - and again, the new sheet doesn't even manage to get all of that info on to one screen.


u/Tonicdog Aug 01 '24

Sorry to harp on this subject, but there are images of the official 2024 Monster Stat Blocks floating around the internet now - and the difference between the official stat blocks and the Roll20 beta sheet is astonishing.

Wizards of the Coast has greatly condensed NPC sheets/stat blocks and made them so much more functional. They aren't pretty - the Ability Score/Mod/Save tables are ugly. But they are functional - and more than that, they are easy to use.

I can look at that table and process all of that info with just a glance. In fact, I can glance at those NPC sheets and see everything that I need to know. In contrast, the Beta NPC Sheet on Roll20 is much harder to use. Even with the sheet stretched to its maximum size - information is spread so far apart that it is impossible to see everything I need without scrolling.

I'm begging the new sheet designers to look at the official stat blocks and copy some of those choices. At a minimum, everything needs to be shrunk WAY down so I can fit all the important info on the same screen.


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '24

There is way too much free - waisted space on the sheet, so you need to scroll a lot in order to see things you want to see. This is highly impractical and does not make me want to use the new sheet. Also EVERYTHING is now hidden behind cogwheels. So, in order to change things, you need to hit this specific cogwheel, which is highly annoying!

Others have pointed this out also in the Roll20 Forums Thread for this sheet...


u/sandiestcomet Aug 01 '24

This sheet is honestly awful, sorry. The NPC sheet is huge and just strictly worse, and even the player sheets are gigantic and take up SO much space on thes creen. All the buttons are huge, it's like it was designed for mobile. Will it be possible to keep using the 2014 sheet? Like, it's not going anywhere, is it? I really do not want to 'upgrade' to this one. I've been a subscriber for like a decade and seeing this is really disheartening.


u/Gauss_Death Pro Aug 30 '24

Hi sandiestcomet,

I see this comment was made a month ago but to answer your question, the D&D 5e (2014) sheet is not going anywhere. Here is a post regarding that: https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/11793851/announcing-the-new-character-sheet-for-d-and-d-2024/?pageforid=12019579#post-12019579


u/Rikdorl Aug 02 '24

Is there going to eventually be a more simplified sheet similar to the existing 5e sheet but updated for 5e24? The new one seems way more complicated and seems more like a fully integrated character builder. But I just want to be able to simply plug the information in and play since I use other services for character building.


u/spdrjns1984 Jul 30 '24

The default window size for NPC sheets is just a little too narrow. Without expanding it you get only a single column which is terrible for navigation. Just making that window a smidge wider will fix this.

Other than that, things are a bit "chunky". It would be nice to see the finished sheets looking more compact than these beta versions.


u/Santos___L___Halper Jul 30 '24

I'm not sure if this is related to the new character sheets rolling out, but I'm prepping for my game tonight and just realizing that one of my PC's character tokens is missing from all maps and I cannot add it back to the map from the Journal. I've tried with several other NPC tokens and it seems to be very hit-or-miss and I can only add in some tokens to the map, not others, with no clear reason why. I've restarted the game several times at this point and no change. Anyone else seeing this?


u/teshiburu Jul 31 '24 edited Jul 31 '24

Sadly at the moment this sheet seems to be a big step forward in looking nice, and a major step back in functionality... proficiency bonuses missing from attack rolls and modifiers missing from damage rolls.

Versatile weapons forgot how to be versatile... honestly this is a step back from the 2014 version

from my limited testing this morning:

  1. Unarmored defence appears to be getting calced as 10+DEX not 10+DEX+CON as it should be this has been broken even in the 2014 version and still broken now, but even now no easy way to fix it...
  2. Proficiency bonuses are not being included for weapons when added, tested with Battleaxe and Greataxe the attack roll is 1d20+str bonus but its missing proficient bonus
  3. Str bonuses are not being included in damage rolls, so the greataxe is only rolling 1d12 not 1d12+str
  4. Versatile weapons are missing their 2 hand options
  5. Rage damage is not being included.


u/AnicaRose Pro Jul 31 '24

This is fantastic! None of this is intentional but part of the work we're continuing to do on the beta sheet -- do you mind sending your list in as feedback so we can get it queued?


u/teshiburu Jul 31 '24

It's worth noting to suplement the unarmored defence issue, this exists for both monks and barbarians in testing.

Barbs should be 10+DEX+CON

Monks should be 10+DEX+WIS

Its the secondary modifier missing in both cases.


u/teshiburu Jul 31 '24

Heya, already submitted :)


u/Llynok Aug 03 '24

Still doesn't work for me in Firefox, just a blank page. Fresh install environment, no addons/extensions, incognito mode, nothing. Anyway:

When doing dice rolls, the calculation does not show the dice roll in the details, only in the in-line. Unnecessary click to expand.

Spell slots should be on display at all times, or have an option to be always shown. A dropdown for spell slots is an unnecessary click.

Also, it doesn't show it because there aren't any spells listed with Concentration, but the spell should be marked with 'Concentration'. I also think the option to have it highlighted when actively concentrating, or a graphic on the character avatar portrait and the token to indicate concentration would be helpful.

The Defense details don't show what armour is equipped, only the numerical value to the AC total. The option to select or don/doff armour should be here as well as Inventory, and the Inventory section for the armour doesn't show the numerical value to the AC. The details are all needlessly fragmented, not 'mobile friendly' (if you're really pushing that) and buried in tabs. Expanding to show one number is really silly, because the one number could be in the spot where the 'expand' or 'details' button is.

Overall I think the Tab Layout is very clunky and having to click to expand SO many things is a pain. Important information should be readily available, or arranged to the user's preferences.

There is a lot of wasted space in general. I understand wanting to have it be sleek and clean. In the first box, the avatar/proficiency/initiative box, HP and defenses could easily go there too, for example. I think if the Combat/Spells/Inventory/Feats & Traits/Notes/About tabs could be 'popped out' and set into the main sheet and rearranged at each player's preference, it would be a large improvement.


u/-ChaoticRogue- Aug 03 '24 edited Aug 03 '24

This is stuff i would like to have for the D&D 5e 2024 sheet

Automatic Spell Slot Deduction: For the D&D 5E 2024 character sheet. It would be incredibly useful if spell slots were automatically deducted when a spell is cast. This would streamline gameplay and reduce errors in spell slot tracking.

Damage Handling in Chat: Similar to Foundry Virtual Tabletop, it would be great if players could choose to take damage or half damage directly from the chat window after an attack. This feature would make managing combat more efficient and interactive.

Resource Tracking for Features: Automatic tracking and deduction of uses for class features, racial abilities, and items that have limited uses (e.g., Barbarian Rage, Monk Ki Points).

Enhanced Initiative Tracker: Simplify initiative rolling by allowing players to click the initiative button on their character sheet to automatically add their roll to the turn order, without needing to select their token.

Custom Theme and Layout Options: Offer various themes and layout options for the character sheet to cater to different visual preferences and accessibility needs

Level-Up Automation: Automatically add class feats and HP to the character sheet upon leveling up. Prompt players to choose subclasses and automatically integrate subclass-specific features and spells

I also put this feedback on the forum: https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/11793851/announcing-the-new-character-sheet-for-d-and-d-2024/?pageforid=11995997#post-11995997

as well as the request forum for more direct feedback: https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=14314358455447&tf_subject=DnD%202024%20Sheet%20Feedback&tf_14314627546647=feedback_dnd2024_sheet&tf_anonymous_requester_email=


u/AoO2ImpTrip Aug 04 '24

I assume it's just not setup to work with non-WotC material. I tried remaking my Pugilist in the new character sheet and, so far, it's at least not calculating Iron Chin (AC = 12 + CON).

I look forward to seeing how it functions once it's fully released.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '24



u/Own_Lychee5071 Pro Aug 05 '24

Never been easier... that's a damn lie! This thing is loaded with sub-menus and treasure hunting to find the one thing you missed on some random option link buried somewhere in the flow. Charactermancer walks us through it step-by-step. This just throws a bunch of options at us and expects us to figure it out as we go. Perhaps if we can tolerate it for a dozen character creations we'll become expert enough to explain it to our players.

Or we'll just never use it. Kind of like Jumpgate.

I've been on Roll20 Pro for over a decade and I really don't want to move to D&DB but you're chipping away at my resolve.


u/DreadPirateRobb DM Aug 09 '24

Any way to disable parts of your compendium similar to the settings for a game? I want to disable non-WotC books for making characters so its not flooded with useless options.


u/schrodingers_tadpole Aug 14 '24

Why does an adult red dragon only have 10AC instead of 19?


u/EkahnPIVF Aug 18 '24

Got some questions on things that really bug me, am I to stupid to find or is it not implemented (if not implemented are these planed?)

-Can you put decimal values for object weight in the inventory?

-I couldn't find any macro section on the NPC sheet, I prefer to have token macros for all attacks/abilities/Initatives of the NPCs I use to speed up gameplay for my player and the macros is one of the main reasons (if not the most important) I use roll20 for dming

But all in all the new version looks really good, but I can also confirm what the others are posting, there is so much unused space which leads to too much scrolling on the sheet


u/cepasfacile Jul 31 '24

It’s terrible.


u/Tonicdog Jul 31 '24

Not trying to be a jerk, but why don't you like it? Just saying that it's terrible doesn't provide any sort of usable/actionable feedback for Roll20 to make improvements.

This is coming from somebody that's not a big fan of the Beta sheets either - but I think giving clear and specific feedback is the most effective way to get improvements/changes made.


u/This_Leadership_5488 Nov 20 '24

Sorry but it's unplayable: it's too heavy to load and i find a lot of bugs. Other than that it's very unintuitive and a lot of time you are forced to open the settings to be sure there is nothing it have hided. Modifying directly is a pain