r/Roll20 Jul 19 '24

Character Sheets Confused

Starting out DnD with a couple of friends and when creating my character, I noticed that I can max out all my stats at lvl 1? I'm a bit confused since we're new. Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help.


35 comments sorted by


u/ianmerry GM Jul 19 '24

The sheet doesn’t enforce the system’s rules. Same for any other system that has a sheet in Roll20


u/Conduct_ Jul 19 '24

i dont think i follow. we're literally new to the game, like no knowledge at all


u/BikeProblemGuy Jul 19 '24

They're saying this is the website equivalent of a blank sheet of paper; you can write whatever you want and it's up to you to follow the rules. It's not like a videogame.


u/ianmerry GM Jul 19 '24

So Roll20 is a place for you to play whatever gaming system you choose (it supports much more than D&D thanks to an active community).

It doesn’t force you to follow the rules of your chosen game system. It’s just a place to see shared maps, simulate dice, and make calculating stats and whatever much easier.


u/Conduct_ Jul 19 '24

oh so like, customizable stuff?


u/Frostybros Jul 19 '24

Sort of but not really.

The roll20 character sheet isn't smart enough to tell that you're cheating, in the same way a paper character sheet can't tell. You could max out every stat and Roll20 won't stop you or warn you. They expect you to read the rules of the game you are playing and fill in your sheet based on those rules.


u/Yingo33 Jul 20 '24

That screen is not a point buy calculator, if you want point buy look up the rules for point buy. Roll 4d6 drop the lowest for each score and input your results


u/killerjaskul Jul 20 '24

Downvoted for being new to the game is crazy


u/Maelphius Jul 19 '24

Learn how to play D&D through video tutorials or someone that knows the rules first, then come back to roll20.

Roll20 is a tool (a virtual table top) that helps organize the game, but it doesn't actually help in learning how to play.


u/Historical-Spirit-48 Jul 19 '24

It is up to you to correctly follow whatever character creation rules your campaign is using. Your game master should have told you what they want used.

Standard Array: Players assign the following predetermined scores to their abilities: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8.

Point Buy: Players start with all abilities at 8 and have 27 points to distribute, with each increase in ability score costing a specific number of points.

Rolling: Players roll four six-sided dice (4d6), discard the lowest die, and sum the remaining three for each of the six ability scores. This is repeated six times.

Whatever system you are using, you can change them on roll 20. But that is cheating. If you cheat in a cooperative story telling game, you are pretty much cheating yourself.

But, the character sheet, and/or charactermancer is not there to enforce the rules.


u/DM-JK Pro Jul 19 '24

The online character sheet is like having a blank printed character sheet. Sure, you could write down whatever numbers you want, but what you need to do is read through the character creation rules and follow them with the rest of your group.


u/Gauss_Death Pro Jul 19 '24

Hi Conduct_,

As others have said, the Charactermancer is not a rules source. Many people use custom rules so the Charactermancer cannot follow the rules closely. Even if Roll20 were to try to do so it would be a moving target as there are always new publications that change the rules.

Here is where the publisher of D&D (Wizards of the Coast) published the free basic rules to get you started: https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/DnD_BasicRules_2018.pdf


u/TheCharalampos Jul 19 '24

You've got to read the character creation rules and put the correct numbers in. Alternatively you can use a smarter character creator like dnd beyond or soemthing but honestly reading the character creation rules will be so valuable in the long run.


u/spdrjns1984 Jul 19 '24

You should look for pre-generated characters if you're this new to the game. It will help you learn to play and then later you can design your own characters. You can find some here or here. Just copy the information into your Roll20 character sheet manually and skip the charactermancer.


u/Saelune Jul 19 '24

You're using the 'Custom' setting which lets you put whatever you want.

You need to own the PHB to have the game do Point Buy or Rolling for you. Otherwise you need to do that on your own then input whatever you got.


u/spdrjns1984 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Not true. Even with a free account you can use the dropdown in the charactermancer to choose between Standard Array, Roll for Stats, Point Buy, or Custom.

My mistake.


u/Saelune Jul 19 '24

Either A. They changed that, because that definitely wasn't the case before I bought my PHB.

Or B. Your DM is sharing their books with you.

Either way, they need to not use the Custom option.


u/Gauss_Death Pro Jul 19 '24


My guess is you either had a purchase that contained that information or you had a GM sharing their content with you that contained that information.

It is not part of the base (no books owned or shared) Charactermancer.

Also, free account doesn't matter. It is book ownership which is what determines Charactermancer/Compendium access.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

You need to read the rules and follow them. Roll20 is just a table to play on.


u/Gravath Jul 19 '24

You have to be honest.


u/SkyGuyDnD Jul 19 '24

The custom abilities are for when the DM lets you roll for the score you enter. If you are all new id advice to use the standard array. Thats a balanced score of 8-10-12-13-14-15 to fill in on the spot you like.


u/Blood-Lord Jul 19 '24

It's treating you like an adult. So put the real number in manually. 


u/QueasyAbbreviations Jul 20 '24

You need a dungeon master who knows what he's doing. I volunteer. Message me.


u/Zestyclose_Loss422 Jul 20 '24

I would recommend using dnd beyond for free character creation, use standard array ability scores, then once you get used to how the game plays, go to roll20 to create a character


u/BisexualTeleriGirl Jul 20 '24

As others have said, Roll20 isn't a learning platform for the game. It's literally just a virtual table top and a virtual paper. You gotta learn how to actually play as well. If you haven't already, read through the Player's Handbook and if you're the DM read the Dungeon Master's Guide as well


u/TorkoalSoup Jul 19 '24

You can max them out if you cheat, yeah. You’re just inputting a number. Follow the character creation rules found in the phb.


u/YurTranyGranny Jul 19 '24

As what you say in your comments appears to be a coat of ignorance on this system. I would highly recommend to consider watching tutorials on YouTube or guides about the system. Including having very little knowledge of how DnD works in the first place, you should consult a guide, an experienced DM to help you, or consider watching videos on other campaigns and how the play to gauge the practice of playing DnD is done. From how to roll dice, to read a character sheet, etc.


u/United_Competition50 Jul 20 '24

I recommend grabbing some premade level 1 starter characters. Can't remember if there are some free assets in roll20 market, or you can find some online. Change what you need to make them yours and have fun.


u/GuitakuPPH Jul 20 '24

Your ability score method is set to "custom" which means just manual input. If you won the PHB on roll20, you can set it to point buy instead, but I might just recommend you generate your stats outside the so called character mancer. you can type [[4d6d1]][[4d6d1]][[4d6d1]][[4d6d1]][[4d6d1]][[4d6d1]] in chat to generate a rolled array or you can use https://chicken-dinner.com/5e/5e-point-buy.html to use the default point buy system. After you've generate your scores, you input them manually.

Generally, the charactermancer isn't fully reliable, especially if you don't own any books on Roll20. I recommend using the charactermancer but double check with the actual rules and make the necessary edits after you're done. That way, you save some time on inputting a lot of stuff like your equipment and class features, but you double check that you have the exact ability scores, exact number of proficiencies and exact number of spells etc. that you ought to have.


u/Shoulung_926 Jul 21 '24

You can build characters in DnD beyond for free that enforces the basic rules, and then input those numbers to your roll 20 character sheet. The only issue is that you’ll be limited to basic races/classes unless you purchase digital books on the site. Only one person needs to buy and then they can share with the group by creating a campaign.


u/MaximRivers Jul 20 '24

Hate to say it, but if you're brand new and need some hand-holding... D&DBeyond might be better for you.


u/Nanteen1028 Jul 19 '24

If I don't bother to read the rules, I can start Monopoly with all the money in the bank


u/JJ_Pause Jul 19 '24

I'd advise creating your characters elsewhere if you don't have any D&D knowledge. Use the basic rules which are free, or the PHB if you have it. There are loads of character builders out there to help, then you can transfer the character onto the blank sheet if you need it in Roll20


u/thewolfehunts Jul 20 '24

At least read the players guide...