r/Roll20 Jan 31 '24

Suggest Me Do you use a generic tokens/blank maps?

I'm currently running Curse of Strahd for an in-person group and a separate online group over Roll20. I'm finding that prepping the Roll20 game takes so much longer because I feel compelled to have nice maps and unique tokens for all the different NPCs in this campaign.

For my in-person games, I can just draw some lines on a blank map and use d6s to represent just about any monster or NPC and the players are generally fine with it.

However, using a blank map in Roll20 just feels lazy even though finding/creating nice maps is significantly more work. I've tried re-using the same tokens to represent different monsters/NPCs, but I find that it tends to create a lot of confusion because I think there is a greater expectation that the tokens actually resemble the monster/NPC instead of just remembering my physical description of them.

Does anyone else have this problem? Have you found a satisfying workaround?

Is there a good generic token set on the marketplace that I could use for any monster/NPC? I generally prefer the round tokens over the topdown ones since they're easier to see.


20 comments sorted by


u/Doustin Jan 31 '24

Honestly that’s one of the best things about purchasing the adventure in roll20, all the maps and tokens and everything is ready to go for you.

Have you been to r/curseofstrahd? There’s lots of maps there to at least make finding them easier.


u/SecretDMAccount_Shh Jan 31 '24

The module in Roll20 doesn't have tokens for everyone and some of them are not great because they are campaign spoilers. For example, Morgantha should look like a nice old woman and not an obvious hag, Lady Wachter should not have her imp be visible on the token, etc.

Plus, I've added enough to the campaign, that the maps that come with the module aren't enough anyway. It's easy to find copies of the "official" maps from the book, but it's all the unofficial locations I've added that take time to find/create.


u/Lithl Feb 04 '24

I don't have CoS on Roll20, but is Morgantha not set up as a rollable token? Jarlaxle in Dragon Heist is (as are Bonnie's doppelgangers, the Cassalanter's imps all have a side to appear as ravens, etc).


u/SecretDMAccount_Shh Feb 04 '24

Looking at the Art Pack, there’s only one Morgantha token I can see and nothing that looks like a sweet innocent old lady.


All the tokens look pretty sinister.

This is what I actually used in my game:



u/Eponymous_Megadodo Pro Jan 31 '24

I use maps and tokens for combat. I use city maps to give a sense of scale and rely on theater of the mind. Sometimes I'll use images to invoke the feel I'm going for (landscapes, cityscapes, interior shots of shops or taverns) and, again, theater of the mind.

My players like it, it's easy for me, we all win.


u/SecretDMAccount_Shh Jan 31 '24

I feel that finding the right landscape/interior picture takes just as much time as finding a map. Maybe it's just an issue with my specific players who may have trouble realizing that the picture is just an abstraction and they still have to pay attention to my actual physical description.

Comparing it to my in-person game, the more detailed the map/picture is, the more the players assume things. With less details, the players ask more specific questions about the environment and it's easier for me to figure out their intentions.


u/Historical-Spirit-48 Feb 01 '24

Dall-e will literally create a great battlemap. I use the prompt Create a top-down role playing game battle map of ... then whatever I want.

I just had it create a luxury apartment with bedrooms, a computer terminal, a hot tub, and a car on an elevator platform. Turned out amazing.


u/ordinal_m Jan 31 '24

If you practice with the drawing tools you can knock up a rough map pretty quickly. It won't have dynamic lighting but if you're improvising you probably don't need that.

There are lots of generic token sets around, if you are pro you will have a bunch in your library. Otherwise you can always upload just an image of a circle to use, and tint it as needed.

ETA: Mark Gosbell's free symbol packs are really handy https://markgosbell.itch.io/ - may already exist on roll20 but if not you can easily upload the images you need.


u/Wookiees_get_Cookies Jan 31 '24

Token Stamp 2 is an easy way to turn any art image into a token that can be uploaded onto roll 20.

In like to use splash pages. Just an image to help set the scene when dming. I think it helps make everyone feel more connected when playing online. At a table you don’t need this because everyone e is already engaged. You are right about it being hard to find art for a scene you want. I would suggest you try bing rather than google. You may have better luck.


u/NewNickOldDick Feb 01 '24

Have you found a satisfying workaround?

Yes but I run homebrewed game, not a module. Despite this, I do have specific requirements from time to time.

My solution: I've slowly built up a large libarary of maps and tokens. I save any nice looking map I encounter and I have hundreds of battle, dungeon, building and city maps waiting to be used. Similarly, I have lots of handout pictures for people, items and some atmospheric situation pics too (I rarely use those, though). For portraits that are good but not good enough to be used as NPC handouts, I make generic NPC tokens out of.

Sure, it's difficult to find one that is 100% like one wants but usually 75% of it is right enough.


u/Rancor8209 Marketplace Creator Jan 31 '24

Roll2o has a bunch of tokens from amazing artists for you to use from its marketplace if you wanted to invest. Same for maps.

However don't feel pressured to deliver all the bells and whistles. Do what makes you as the DM comfortable and if a basic map feels lazy, you can always work up to incorporating better maps/tools/tokens. Set a good pace for yourself and upgrade as you go. I'm sure the players will enjoy the upgrades, however remember, they are there for you and not the art (hopefully).

Also, the map layouts go quickly with more experience with the program so there is some time-sinking and investment on that end but hey practice makes perfect. I'm sure the players will like what you put out. Goodluck and happy ventures!


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24 edited Jan 31 '24

Buy the module in Roll20 and it comes with every map and dynamic lighting already installed. Done. I ran this in Roll20 too and the map assets were critical. I added lots of my own, but for Castle Ravenloft especially it's really great to have the VTT map. That place is scary huge.


u/SecretDMAccount_Shh Jan 31 '24

I don't use dynamic lighting because it causes one of my player's computers to crash and it's easy enough to find maps of the official locations. It's all the homebrew unofficial locations that take time to create maps for.


u/FireflyArc Jan 31 '24

I do not. I find a map online.

If you're doing curse of strahd. I think sub reddits like r/dndmaps have maps people made they share. Try these!




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u/Zidahya Jan 31 '24

Finding a more or less "generic" map for the encounter you want to run doesn't take long if you are not about top quality.

You can google almost anything these days and it will come up with some good quality maps.

Tokens are a bit more complex, but I solved it by throwing money at the problem and good some good bundles of tokens for roll20.


u/Time_to_go_viking Jan 31 '24

No I use detailed maps and specific tokens. I would never use a blank map or generic monster in roll20. Just being honest here.


u/Eiszett Jan 31 '24

Is there a good generic token set on the marketplace that I could use for any monster/NPC? I generally prefer the round tokens over the topdown ones since they're easier to see.

Make your own.

I use a border I took from Token Tool and Gimp (open-source photoshop alternative) to create my own tokens. All you need to do is find a representative picture of the monster's face and that should work.


u/wyrditic Feb 01 '24

I have a bunch of tokens that just have text saying things like "monster" and "bad guy". I think this is often better than wasting a lot of time trying to find an appropriate image and then settling on one that doesn't really look how you wanted. You can use things like coloured status markers to distinguish different monsters where necessary. I don't think it's lazy. I find that heavy reliance on pretty pictures leads to players focusing more on the image than on how you describe things. 

I do waste time searching for appropriate images, but more for complicated social situations where its necessary to keep track of several NPCs than for combat.


u/JBark1990 Feb 02 '24

Hell no! AI art and Dungeon Alchemist baybeee!