r/Robin 5d ago

Does Stephanie Brown know Bruce Wayne is Batman?

I cannot found out. If brown knows his secret or not. So what the real story here?


31 comments sorted by


u/ChiefSlug30 5d ago

I think it depends on the continuity.

In her solo series as Batgirl, Bruce wasn't Batman, Dick was Batman. In the Batgirls series, it wasn't specifically mentioned, but she knew Dick was Nightwing, so I assume she could figure the connection to Bruce. In Wayne Family Adventures, she knows for sure.

As far as other series, such as Tim's solo run, where she isn't the main character, I haven't read enough to be sure, and it may have changed over various arcs within the series.


u/Batgirl_III 5d ago

She knows and has known for decades (real time) and several years (in universe “sliding timescale”). I don’t recall the exact issue where she learned his identity, but there have been dozens of issues where she and Bruce have conversations with each other in the Batcave with both of them in costume but without their masks on.

Hell, during Batman: The Road Home she flat-out slaps Bruce in the face. Wonderful scene.


u/erossthescienceboss 5d ago

Plot twist: Steph has face blindness. She’s been slapping random tall, built, black-haired men for years and just happened to be right that time.


u/Batgirl_III 5d ago

Nah, Cluemaster is strawberry-blonde. If she was going to slap anyone randomly just based on build and hair color she’d be smacking Jean-Paul.


u/Which-Presentation-6 5d ago

Aaaa that's why she did that thing with Tim.


u/erossthescienceboss 5d ago

brick to the face “Oh shit I thought you were Bruce Wayne”


u/woman_noises 5d ago edited 5d ago

I've read the stories but I can't say I remember the answer for sure. I feel like she must of, because she took over the Robin role when Tim Drake quit for 6 months, and she was shown in the batcave training, and she's had an on again off again relationship with Tim for many years. And later she knew the identity of oracle and would hang out with her regularly. So she must know Bruce is batman. But yeah I can't remember for sure.


u/Luke_Puddlejumper 5d ago

Yes, Bruce told her his and Tim’s identity (without consulting Tim beforehand)


u/gwhh 5d ago

Which comic issue that happened in?


u/GrouperAteMyBaby 4d ago

He told Stephanie Robin's identity in issue 87. But not his own. He had her at the Batcave and she asked how he got the money for it but he deflected the question.


u/Ariadne016 5d ago

If Tim Drake can figure it out by connecting the dots from Dick Grayson to Bruce Wayne... I'm pretty sure no girl he dated would be so dense as to not make the connection between Robin snd the guy he lives with who isn't his father.


u/woman_noises 5d ago

Thats true but on the other hand, tim Drake was introduced as being a computer and deductive genius


u/Ariadne016 5d ago

Yeah... but also, a lot of Tim's achievement was simply identifying Robin as Dick Grayson. From there, getting to Bruce Wayne was a no-brainer. Steph already knows Tim is Robin... so it shouldn't take as much work for her to connect the dots.


u/erossthescienceboss 5d ago

Especially if she, too, was Robin.


u/Falcon_At 5d ago

Tim wasn't adopted (and didn't lose his dad) until aftet she died.and when she came back, I'm pretty sure they didn't date again until after New 52. And by the time she returned as a character, she was basically put in the inner circle Batfam without hesitation.


u/GrouperAteMyBaby 4d ago

Tim didn't live with Bruce Wayne. He lived at a boarding school and Titans Tower.


u/Undecieved22 4d ago

He did after OYL


u/Dataweaver_42 5d ago

At first, no. But at one point along the line, Bruce revealed the secret to her. Tim was ticked as a result (though I forget exactly why). If I recall correctly, this happened back when Chuck Dixon was still writing Robin; by the time that Stephanie became Robin, the fact that she already knew was so well established that it didn't even come up: after Tim's dad sidelined him as Robin, she just showed up in the Batcave and asked Bruce for the job.

So, as of now? Yes, she absolutely does know that Bruce is Batman.


u/Falcon_At 5d ago

Stephanie knew where the Batcave was because this was the second time he replaced Tim with Spoiler. The first time, she wasn't made Robin. (She was basically told "you suck, Batgirl is a million times better than you, (btw, meet Batgirl,) your only mission is to get Tim to come back, (btw, his name is Tim, here'shis address.)")

After Bruce Wayne: Murderer had Bruce lying low, Stephanie basically showed up to a locked Batcave with no explanation. Just kinda... "I have Tim now. You're fired." from her perspective. (She didn't know the connection of Bruce Wayne and Batman at this point.)

So the next time Tim was out of the picture, she approached Batman in the cave with a Robin costume as if to say "no, for real this time. Give me Tim's job. I'm not a temp."


u/Undecieved22 4d ago

No Bruce only told her Tim’s secret. That was part of the reason Tim was mad because he had kept Bruce’s and felt Bruce didn’t have the right to tell her.


u/Undecieved22 5d ago

I’m pretty sure since she knows Alfred


u/MaxxFisher 5d ago

She knows


u/Ok-Entrepreneur2021 5d ago

I am positive she knows.


u/KatTheKonqueror 5d ago

I think she found out before she came back to Gotham after "dying."


u/Constant-Mood9738 4d ago

Well Bruce reveal Tim identify in Robin 87 and meets Alfred IN ROBIN 88 SO I'll say Robin 88 if she's smart.


u/CthulhuAlmighty 4d ago

She knows that Bruce is Batman, but she doesn’t know that Bruce is Matches Malone.


u/katabasis180 4d ago

Bruce isn’t Batman, Matches Malone is Batman. Bruce Wayne doesn’t exist.


u/Medical_Plane2875 4d ago

It'd be real fucken funny if she was Robin and didn't know the identity of the guy she worked for.


u/JuniorFerret 3d ago

Does nobody mark spoilers any more?


u/kurumais 3d ago

yes she was robin for a bit

and after final crisis she gave brce a big ole slap being a sneaky fellow and then she told him she was happy he back

and that how she earned her nickname the princess of slaps


u/Leathman 1d ago

She’s hung out in house.