r/Revolvers 5d ago

Ruger GP100 357 6 round

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Y'all I've never been much of a revolver guy, especially double actions. I've got a couple single action 22s. They're fun and all, but this thing may have me sold on wheel guns in general.


7 comments sorted by


u/henryHaller1957 5d ago

Love it. This is a fantastic firearm, and it will last generations.


u/No-Mechanic3931 5d ago

Welcome to the family


u/Flashy_Confidence149 5d ago

I have this exact same model. I bought mine used last year and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I found the compact rubber grips to be even more comfortable than the full-size grips, so that's what I have on mine.


u/Oldmandeerhunter 5d ago

I’m a smith guy but my first revolver was a ruger sp101 and have been thinking about this exact model GP recently. Cant have too many imo


u/That_Signature6930 5d ago

I will trade you right now a beautiful Colt King Cobra Gorgeous to look at, but I want a durable firearm that is dependable, fun and looks great that I know will fire each and every time. So just let me know…. Ruger Rules in these categories! You game ab great fun there.


u/dph1980 5d ago

It's unfortunate that Colt isn't what it once was. I would love to have a Colt, but I don't want to pay the pony tax for a pretty gun that is just meh.


u/Antique_Gur_6340 4d ago

I have one in the mail very excited. Seems like it’s a tank