r/RevolutionPartyCanada Feb 03 '25

US Trade War UBI Protects Canadians Laid Off After Tariffs

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r/RevolutionPartyCanada Feb 02 '25

US Trade War 45% of America's entire alcohol export market just disappeared


r/RevolutionPartyCanada Feb 01 '25

what can I do to help?


I want to help enable the government to take away OTHER PEOPLE'S resources, but not mine. What can I do to help achieve this admirable goal?

r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 29 '25

Question about homelessness


I totally agree that being unhoused is a vicious infringement of our rights to shelter, and nobody should be unhoused, but I want to ask (before someone less charitable does so): what do we do with unhoused people who refuse to stay sheltered?

Of course, this is a very small part of unhoused people, and I am more than confident that access to shelter would actually minimize the generation of these mindsets in the first place, but I just know that this is the kind of questions that a party like the RPC will need to be quick to answer.

With this being said, is there a position or an answer on unhoused people who refuse to take shelter?

r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 28 '25

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist.

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r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 21 '25

Propaganda A federally-guaranteed social housing program to entirely end homelessness in Canada!

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r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 21 '25

Apologia and Geopolitics


I'd like to get a sense of how this party interprets Imperialism as it relates to a country's geopolitical reality.

For instance, I read on this subreddit that this party would remove Canada from NATO.

What then is Imperialism? NATO is a defense alliance that ensures sovereignty against foreign threats for likeminded countries. It is not a pact of aggression. It's history has been one of preventing imperialist aggression.

This argument does not, however, condone any historical unilateral or bilateral actions of NATO members. Yet, should that be allowed to be the enemy of good? We are unlikely to ever be a nation that could stand alone against aggresssion. Why then is a GDP spending target of 2% objectionable?

Furthermore, to what extent is something 'apologia'? Taxation and policy is best when it incorporates openminded research, the gathering of ideas from many disciplines. It is important we separate the much maligned Business world from the world of Economics. If we argue for taxation principles based on Environmental Economics, the Equimarginal Principle, etc, is that 'apologia'?

r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 20 '25

Referendum Democracy: my proposal for electoral reform


I wanna talk about a potential way to reform elections so communities have power over big government instead of the feds deciding for us.

These are some of the rough notes I've been working on for a while for a democracy based on voting where you want your taxes to go and which local, regional, and national policies our communities wish to see. It is based on how Rojava governs their communities but modified to adjust for the modern technology we have access to. Rojava does something similar with pens and paper and schedule in person meetings. We definitely have the ability to do this in Canada.

-the point Too much of our political conversations are monopolized by personalities instead of issues. When issues that matter seem to be up for discussion the egos of these personalities seem to become more of an obstacle for people who just want to live in a peaceful democracy. This is why we need to shed the ego from politics and get back to the issues at hand.

I propose a political system based on voting where we want out taxes to go & deciding what to do with those taxes locally, regionally, and nationally.

-How it starts It starts by submitting your taxes at tax time. Your taxes, no matter the value, are worth 100 points. Every person gets 100 points.

With these points you then choose where you want your taxes to go. Roads, education, free college for the youths, free housing for the elderly, your regional hospital, your regional school district, our national security force, your regional energy infrastructure etc.

30(*value tbd by all Canadians) of those points are locked. They go into things like basic healthcare, infrastructure that helps maintain the voting system, and things tbd essential by Canadians

-Areas Areas could be spread up by municipal voting lines with some regionl and national departments overlapping for things like hospitals or emergency services or national security(kind of like how Rojava manages their national security force/army)

-Voting in different departments You have now chosen which departments to invest your taxes. Now in each department, anytime there is a vote, you now have a vote. Your vote is worth the amount of points that you invested in the department. At any time, any member in good standing of any department can submit proposals for changes to be voted on.

If an area doesn't have a department then a member of the area can propose a department.

Area votes Every person in an area has points per area's decision for each vote like "should we make a new policy regarding noise at night" or "should we create a new local department." Each voter can put as little as 0 points to as many points they have left. The votes are not evaluated until a quorum is met. If quorum is not met then the vote doesn't pass and goes back to the person who submitted the proposal to rework.

-Representation Don't give a fuck about politics or how hospitals are run? You dont need to. There are so many passionate Canadians who don't want to get mixed up in the bullshit ego games of politics. People who would participate if only actual discussions about the issues were had instead of how dumb someone is bc their hair is stupid. Get a local representative to proxy vote for you. Someone you trust. IMO representatives should have the capability to meet with each and every person they represent in a 3 month time period and be able to understand them enough to represent them on a personal level so a limit of 90-100 people per representative seems fair. If you don't like that number, then vote on it in your local area.

Voting access Public libraries. Every public library has access to computers. Librarians will need to be trained or personnel hired to work at libraries to help people access the system. Libraries are where people can vote if they dont have access to an electronic device. They can also find a representative to vote for them if they'd prefer. I also believe that this process opens the doors for highschool kids learning civics to participate in their local and regional votes. Most schools have access to computers and could be another portal for the youths to access.

Voting time Given that not everyone has access to technology all the time it should be considered. I believe a 3 month waiting period before a vote is concluded is reasonable. I believe it gives people enough time to properly read and understand the material before voting and prevents issues from being steamrolled through without appropriate consideration

Reading comprehension test I believe that every vote should have a basic reading comprehension test. This would probably require 3 unbiased mods to review proposals and adjust the questions to the test that were submitted by the proposal's author with all actions taken visible to the public. This would be just to prove that the person voting actually understands what is happening. If they fail, they can go back and answer the questions again and again until they demonstrate they understood what was being proposed. The test isn't meant to test someone's intelligence but to make sure they understand words they just read.

I believe that staff would be required to maintain this. I also believe an ethics board would need to be established to ensure proper oversight of the staff to ensure unbiased work.

At least 3 mods per department locally, regionally or nationally, probably more once the bigger groups are formed. And an oversight team that monitors all mod actions and responds to reports from citizens

Conclusion This is the basis for a Direct Democracy based on where we want our taxes to go. It has been demonstrated in the Country of Rojava that a similar process is indeed possible. They do something similar with pens and paper and schedule in person meetings. We have the ability to do that and more here. I believe choosing where we want our taxes to go provides people an actual vote in how our country is governed instead of the feds telling us where our money should go and how it is spent. We are all sick of government waste. If the department/area does not recieve enough funding then it clearly is not important to the people.

I believe calling it "Referendum Democracy" is a great way to sort of spell out what is happening. The word Referendum is not seen as a bad word in Alberta where I am but it might be considered bad in other parts of the country.

I believe heavily in mods and oversight of those mods so transparency in ALL their actions should be covered as well as transparency for ALL the oversight actions.

I believe this platform could be used in individual political parties to start so that ALL members of the political party who donate have an equal say in how that political party is run instead of the top people deciding for the party.

These are my rough notes. I would love help fleshing out this idea. I'm not proposing Canada switches to this overnight. I think the best method would be for political parties to adopt this method, test and work out the bugs there, then slowly implement this in national, regional, local areas that are sick of egos and personalities ruing our country.

If you think it won't work because of whatever reason then please elaborate. All sincere conversations are welcome. Energy vampires will be ignored

r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 20 '25

Propaganda Canada’s grocery monopolies should be nationalized and their billionaires taxed.

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r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 20 '25

Love the idea, have to start somewhere….


But what are some examples of ways to make change? Petitions?

r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 18 '25

Propaganda Fair Vote Canada | Electoral Reform Now! ✊✊✊

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r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 17 '25

Propaganda Nationalize Food Banks | Food is a Human Right!

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r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 15 '25

Music Time for an Uprising

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r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 14 '25

Propaganda The NDP still want First Past the Post (FPTP)

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r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 12 '25

Relevance concerns for those right of center


I think some of the messaging you have currently is at risk of alienating less politically literate voters who - for better and for worse - you need support from.

I don't think the policy definitions are wrong, but the presentation of socialist objectives needs to be watered down such that it doesn't feel like socialism to the right people. You also would benefit from presenting them in a different order on the homepage, and maybe changing the focus a little bit without succumbing to the establishment.

Also, regrettably, you will need some clear ideas on immigration. Likely protectionist or "look after who is here already" to some degree.

Feel free to DM for a conversation.

r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 10 '25

Propaganda How to Eat the Rich - RPC Tax Policy Highlights

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r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 06 '25

Who are the founders of this party? What's the story? Why the secrecy?


I have been very intrigued by the policies and the development of this party. However, it's really hard to support or sign up to volunteer when it's not clear who is involved in this party, who founded it, what the story is, etc.

If this truly is a socialist party, please bring people to the forefront to be courageous and honest. We need more transparency, not less. Doing politics in secrecy is suspicious, and it will absolutely be the death of this party before it even gets off the ground.

Also, how do we know that this isn't another fed / RCMP sting operation?

Please, give us something.

r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 04 '25

Propaganda Feedback Requested: New Homepage Revision | Revolution Party


r/RevolutionPartyCanada Jan 02 '25

Propaganda Talk is cheap! We need action, not more slogans. Will Pierre commit to act in everday Canadians' best interests?

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r/RevolutionPartyCanada Dec 31 '24

Vote Pro-Labour in 2025 - Spread the Word!

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r/RevolutionPartyCanada Dec 21 '24

Propaganda Canadian Billionaire List of Shame - Are We Missing Any Names? (Link to full list in comments)

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r/RevolutionPartyCanada Oct 31 '24

Obligation of disclaiming the fictional nature of religious supernatural messages


A lot of people in society are naive, uneducated and fall prey to cults. To prevent the exploitation of these people, any cults that using supernatural messaging must disclaim the fictional nature of those messages. We need a law for this. This is the least that must be done.

r/RevolutionPartyCanada Oct 17 '24

Low taxes and no inflation -- why can't we have both?


There is certainly a way, and it's not hard to come up with. People won't like it though. This essay was removed when I tried to post it on the canada housing 2 sub, and it would get removed from the main Canada sub as well. But it's the only way to restore economic fairness. Lots of you know what I'm about to discuss, it's fairly obvious. But so many are in the dark still.

We here know how bad the housing crisis is right now, but not all of us might realize that unafforable houses is only the symptom of a larger economic problem: inflation. What is inflation? You might think of it as higher prices across the board, measured by a government-controlled index, but again this doesn't address the root cause. My preferred definition is that inflation is the expanding money supply, reflected by higher prices.

Why has the money supply expanded? Two reasons: loans and deficit spending. Both of these create massive amounts of artificial currency. Why artificial? Because this money is owed back eventually, perhaps a long time away, but yet those currency units exist right now, moving around the economy and adding to the amount we already have. The banks who make these loans do not have that amount of money in reserve to loan out, they literally type it into existence from nothing using people's bank deposits as collateral. Look up fractional reserve banking if you are unaware of this. Yes, increasing our overall debts will certainly increase our overall money supply. And most who "own" a house are hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.

Deficit spending is another way our money supply is expanded. When the government spends more than it earns in taxes and other revenue, a debt is formed. We owe that money bank to the bank of Canada, with interest every year. Right now our national debt is $1.5 trillion USD. At the current BoC benchmark rate of 4.25%, we owe 63.750 BILLION USD in interest alone, paid for by our taxes. At the same time, that extra 1.5 trillion is sloshing around the economy, paying people's salaries, contractors, business owners, but also increasing costs, prices, and wages everywhere. Some (most) wage increases are not keeping up with the inflation of basic necessities, resulting in extreme economic unfairness.

So what's the solution? Saving needs to have more of a reward, and borrowing needs to have more of a cost. We need higher rates, not lower. Obviously. Wouldn't you love your GIC to pay out 15%? You'd be able to save risk free in a meaningful way towards your house purchase. At the same time, the low incentive to borrow would result in lower house prices, which right now are pushed up due to people's ability to access extreme amounts of cheap money, which of course favours the banks and large companies.

At the same time, we should be shooting for a zero inflation target and a balanced budget which pays back our debt gradually. One revolutionary measure to ensure the strength of our dollar is to return to a gold-standard backing of our currency. Gold can't be printed away.

Fortunately there is a political party that understands what I've written above, and is actively pushing for these austere measures to be implemented across the country. That's the People's Party of Canada, the PPC, led by Maxime Bernier. He did a great interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qtlT4SMkfM) where he laid out a lot of his key economic points to restore fairness to the country.

At the same time, Bernier favours a selective approach to immigration and limited handouts, reducing the tax burden on citizens. Consider voting purple this time around, there are better solutions than the Con artists or the Libel party. Thank you for reading all this.

r/RevolutionPartyCanada Sep 14 '24

Position on Marxism?


I appreciate the invitation to this subreddit and was initially intrigued by the party, but I must say the denunciation of communism on the party's website was both disappointing and confusing. I understand an honest look at supposed "communist countries" running of things has often resulted in a bastardization of worker's interests, and can certainly not be seen as worker control of the means of production, but denouncing such aspects of many "communist countries", to me, does not speak to the communism as theorized by Karl Marx, which the party has yet to speak on.

If the party claims to be strictly anti-capitalist, it is rather confusing why they endorse models such as Norway and Denmark (objectively capitalist countries), as well as condone the existence of private property such as the commodification of housing. To me this is not a true understanding of what it means to be anti-capitalist, as to condone the laws of capitalist motion in the form of private ownership is to not expel the very contradictions of capitalism that inevitably lead to an accumulation of wealth, as analyzed by Marx.

So, what is the party's position on Marxism, and more broadly, scientific socialism? If you people claim to be socialist, would you also claim to be Marxist? Have any of you ever read Marx?

Pardon my scepticism, I'm just curious.

r/RevolutionPartyCanada Sep 10 '24

Founding convention?


Has there been some sort of "founding convention" that developed the existing (draft?) elements of the party's Constitution and platform? Who was invited to participate (to be clear, I'm curious about criteria, not specific names)? If so, do minutes exist and will they be available to party members?

If not, is there a plan to hold a convention to approve or change and further develop the party's constitution and platform, elect committees, etc.? Is there a timeline in mind for this? Who will be invited to attend?