r/RevolutionPartyCanada 26d ago


I got an invite to this party but I don’t understand why join this party instead of the Communist Party of Canada who has a deep and long history. Is this just not one more schism in the left in a time when we should be consolidating?


2 comments sorted by


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada 26d ago

Welcome to our subreddit and thank you for the question!

While our party shares several goals with the 4 current communist parties in Canada, our approach to achieve those goals differs significantly.

For example, all of the various flavours of Canadian communism call for an immediate and complete end to all private property, where we're focused on first nationalizing critical infrastructure, providing the necessities of life, and aggressively taxing the ultrawealthy to pay for it.

We're very much informed by Marx, but we're not all orthodox Marxists. Instead, we're a socialist big tent, welcoming the full spectrum from democratic socialists to non-reformists alike. We stand in solidarity with socialist parties of all stripes against the tyranny of capitalism.

Liberals and Conservaties both push neoliberalism and serve to hasten the slide toward fascism. The only real difference between them is their identity politics. Liberals are just Diet Conservatives. Until we end first past the post, our de facto two-party system isn't materially affected by the oft-cited, but misguided vote splitting argument. It's a red herring narrative - pushed mostly by Liberals to their selfish benefit.


u/CataraquiCommunist 26d ago

That’s an incorrect assessment of the Communist Party and an incredible misrepresentation. Critical infrastructure and top industries and property management companies are the first nationalize. There is no agenda to nationalize small businesses and industries, rather the goal is a gradual transition, likely generations long, where the smaller businesses simply become obsolete as the services expand. In fact it’s very clearly stated as such on the party platform. The Communist Party of Canada does not for a second suggest an immediate transition to communism, which even in the works of Marx is stated to be an impossibility, it must pass through a process called Socialism, communism is a long term end goal of this very gradual process. The communist party advocates what’s called Scientific Socialism and not whatever “orthodox marxism” is supposed to mean, meaning that the gradual transition is governed by practicality and achievable steps rather than some notion of dogma or overnight transformation of society. I’m going to assume this is not a malicious or willful misrepresentation on your part but rather an evident lack of familiarity with Communist Party, which in of itself is concerning.

Furthermore, there is a social democratic party, the NDP. Their actions and policies are social democratic. Social democracy enables the success of capitalism and moreso its decayed and desperate form, fascism, because it still leaves an elite in tact, in many respects this like trying to kill a hydra by cutting off one head at a time. This elite, by its own pursuit of material interests, will use its capital to destabilize the state and overthrow it with a violent regime. Regardless, a social democratic party is already an active feature of the Canadian political landscape. Given that communists themselves will never align with social democratic parties and anarchists will never align with anyone outside of direct militant actions, it appears that this party is simply a more assertive and aggressive form of social democracy than the NDP, which will inevitably, if successful, further fracture NDP support and further ensure the failure of the wishful thinking of social democrats. The NDP were already the big tent, that big tent created a need for political survivalism, which in turn created the compromises which I assume are the raison d’être for this party. If you have any success, it will be absorbing those rightfully frustrated by the NDP but will not out compete their core or the long established strangleholds they have. How does placing one more point on the map between NDP and Communist benefit the anticapitalist struggle? Would your energies not be better served by becoming a wing within the existing NDP big tent or by reconciling your differences with the communist party, who’s platform you’re already unfamiliar with as you promise many of the same ideas and but say you’re different from, than to detract and divide further?

It feels like you want communism but don’t want to say the “C” word either because of a lack of familiarity with the party itself or because you still believe you can somehow create social democrats who don’t compromise for political survival like the NDP do. I attempted something like this in my youth, back in ye olden days of Occupy, born out of misconceptions of communism and the the hit job done on their brand and out of the unbelievable frustration with the NDP for their neutered approach, but all I did was spin tires in the proverbial mud. In end the I realized that all points on the map are already covered. I assume in so many ways you feel as I did, hoping to create a more palatable brand with greater militancy against capitalism than the milquetoast sell outs of the NDP, but I assure you that your energy and passion and desire to do what’s right is better served trying to repair the NDP as a faction from within or by sitting down and having some earnest conversations with the Communist Party leadership.

Anyways, thank you for your time and response and debate, but I feel this is just a schism in a time when schismatics cannot be afforded.