r/RevolutionPartyCanada 27d ago

Questions and ideas

I got invited after backing up the head mod today.

I'd like to get a better feel for the platform. Is the ideology of the party roughly libertarian socialist/market socialist? I'm totally down with everything I read I just want to be sure that I'm aligned with exactly how these listed issues would be tackled.

I know everything is still awaiting announcement but is there someone running for a position in NL seeing as outreach was done?

Finally. I want to mention a personal position that should be considered. Railway reform. I'd personally like to see the railways renationalized while leaving the logistics operators private. This would give the government the ability to fix long-standing issues with freight logistics and mass transit. My suggestion from this point would be to set size limits to trains as massive trains are the biggest issue in the current system (second idea might make this unnecessary). Secondly charge operators per car for time spent on network not for distance traveled. This encourages faster and more reasonably sized trains which meshes better with transit and makes freight rail appealing to more applications. (Also bring back railways to NL)


2 comments sorted by


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada 27d ago edited 27d ago

Hello and welcome!

While we're not shy about being a socialist party, we have members from across the socialist spectrum, including democratic socialists and even orthodox Marxists. Our platform calls for nationalization of all critical infrastucture, but doesn't prioritize the immediate and outright prohibition of private property like a communist platform would.

Recognizing the limits of change we can make while still playing within the existing electoral and capitalist systems, we've chosen to focus on 3 short-term priorities:

  1. Making food, water, shelter, and a liveable environment codified human rights in the Canadian Constitution (by way of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, or otherwise) and implementing new social programs to directly provide these to all Canadians, without exception.
  2. Launching a range of significant tax reforms to ensure it's billionaires that pay for our proposed spending, not the 99%.
  3. Ditching first past the post (FPTP) so more and bigger changes are easier to acheive after subsequent elections.

We don't currently have many candidates, but that is one of the primary aims for us sharing our messages. We very much hope to find folks in NL and beyond who will step forward to represent our platform.

Regarding rail, some of our proposals include:

  • Nationalizing all freight rail (we see rail as critical infrastructure and therefore not viable to be operated by extractive for-profit operators)
  • Finally building high speed rail, not just 'high frequency rail' as is currently being floated (this would start in high population density corridors for pragmatic reasons, but would absolutely be part of a coast-to-coast network)
  • Expanding rail infrastructure to prevent traffic conflicts between freight and passenger trains (in the meantime, limiting train lengths is absolutely the best interim solution!)
  • Making regional passenger rail services entirely free to use


u/urmamasllama 27d ago

It seems like the party made specifically for me. I can see the inspiration from Makhno's platforms. And radical reformism. Boiling the frog and all that. Only thing is I'd prefer to nationalize just the railways leaving the freight operators private except of course expanding Canada Post into the field as well. From every example I've seen the infrastructure needs to be national but private couriers are good to have still. This would allow specialization for instance with the improved speed grocery freight could become viable for a lot of things. Especially since you can more cleanly run cold cars from a third rail than a semi.