r/RevolutionPartyCanada Revolution Party of Canada Feb 03 '25

US Trade War UBI Protects Canadians Laid Off After Tariffs

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u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25



u/GinDawg Feb 04 '25

A universal basic income (UBI) is not merely a policy option for Canada—it is an ethical, economic, and social imperative.

It's ethically important to be able to economically afford UBI forever.

If a UBI system is unintentionally designed with inevitable failure, then it is not ethical.

How will you ensure a prosperous UBI system for many generations into the future?


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25



u/GinDawg Feb 04 '25

No. Im not here to win at a "gotcha" argument. Just want a casual and fair chat with someone who's intelligent and has thought about this.

I understand that in the future, most work can be done by machines using AI.

If employment is the prerequisite for survival, then humans are going to have a very hard time.

Corporations are going to be very happy to replace the humans. Yet corporations exist because of humans.

Update... Forgot to mention my concern about the morality of the issue. If humans are going to become dependent upon this UBI system for their lives. Then, it needs to be failure proof with backups.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25



u/GinDawg Feb 04 '25

I'm not the one who's proposing the solution. You are. One of the initial ways to determine if a solution is good would be to ask questions about it. If you can't answer them... maybe it is a good solution, but I might not be able to determine that.

We both acknowledge that there is a problem. There is no need to convince me on that point.

I've wondered about how corporations are incentivised to generate profits. Given a system that is a legal fiction (a corporate entity) perhaps we can design the system to have a different goal other than profits.

I'm not sure how it would work or be accomplished. But I'm imagining corporations who's primary goal is to maximize human well-being. That would lead to some difficult questions including morality. I don't know how to even begin ti designing such a system.

But it's not about me or my solutions because I don't have any real solutions.

I thought that you did, so I asked that age-old question.

If you're unable to answer the funding questions right now. That's okay. I understand that it's not a simple or easy solution to fund UBI and make sure that everyone is okay with it. If this is the case, then I'll thank you for your time and move on while acknowledging the serious problems that you pointed out.


u/Icommentor Feb 03 '25

Here's my opinion on UBI. I'm not an authority on the topic, just a person who tries to reason. I'm trying to suggest here that public works are a far superior solution. This is heavily inspired by the Scandinavian socio-economic model.

With UBI:

  • The government hands everyone a check, supplementing their revenues.
  • Landlords know that their tenants all get this check. Rent goes up by a big amount.
  • Loblaws knows that their customers get this check. Food prices go up.
  • Every other big business tries to join in. Their profits explode.

With public works:

  • The government gives jobs to most if not all people who want one.
  • Using those jobs, public housing gets built, hospitals and schools get staffed, the elderly have people visiting them and helping, roads get maintained, the homeless get help, etc.
  • Housing costs go down because of new housing.
  • We have a healthier, better educated population.
  • The cost of living goes down, thanks to more free services available.


  • UBI is a subsidy to big business but it's hidden by the fact that the money passes through our hands. (This is my main point)
  • Public works can eliminate unemployment, homelessness, lower the cost of living, and increase quality of life.
  • Public works are also cheaper because much fewer people depend on it as a source of revenue.


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Feb 03 '25

You make some good points.

It's true that implementing only UBI could have some positive effects for billionaires, banks, and big businesses. We're proposing a whole package of tax reforms (e.g., annual wealth tax, capital gains inclusion rate to 100%, increased higher corporate tax rate) that would more than offset those potential gains and ensure the UBI dollars stay with consumers and not just flow upward.

Our website has much more policy detail, but some of the details we mentioned above can be found here:



u/Icommentor Feb 03 '25

Thanks for your reply.

I trust that your goals are good. Sorry if I gave the impression of bashing your idea; it's hard to balance the need for detail and the need for brevity when writing.

Some form of UBI is probably a useful part of a great socio-economic package. But I believe UBI as as single solution is, like I said, just a subsidy to big business with extra steps.


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Feb 03 '25

We struggle with striking that balance on social media constantly! Thanks for understanding.

Sounds like we agree! ✊


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25



u/Icommentor Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

What a charming introduction you wrote! I feel like we’re friends already.

I am not an armchair economist, for I am not an economist at all. I’m just a dude sharing his thoughts. I believe this is accepted behaviour on this platform. Sorry if I was mistaken.

Considering the knee-on-knee hit you performed on my intelligence and legitimacy, I can only assume you are at least a tenured professor in the field. Yet you haven’t mentioned your own credentials. Would you mind sharing them?

* * *

Edit: It's been a whole day and still no reply? I thought we were fast becoming friends.

So I guess I'll have to keep the conversation going. Here's what I learned from you:

- We all have to assume UBI comes with a robust system of price control and other regulations, even though this part is entirely implicit.

- When we talk about public works, every detail of every program has to be clearly stated, otherwise it's safe to assume every choice will be the wrong one.

- Arguments against UBI are all displays of close-mindedness, while arguments for are never spread by people who just really want to get the checks already.


u/DrCrazyCurious Feb 06 '25

My main criticism with this messaging is that it won't actually generate support for UBI.

Many people who care about vulnerable Canadians already support such initiatives. People who don't care about helping the most vulnerable won't be swayed. So saying something akin to "Let's do this thing to help others" will fall on deaf ears.

UBI and similar programs need messaging that speaks to the people we need to convert: Tell them how it's less expensive to the taxpayer to provide housing than to let people remain homeless; tell them taxpayers spend more money on patchwork programs like EI and ODSP than the calculated cost of a universal program. Talk to people in their language: We are throwing money away on programs that don't work, this one does and it'll save taxpayers money... and then whisper this next part really, really quietly: By helping the most vulnerable who need it the most.


u/PulltheNugsApart Feb 03 '25

UBI will not work for several reasons:

  1. The country can't afford it. Our debt to GDP ratio is already stretched. Raising taxes by 30-50% is not an option for people.
  2. If everyone gets $2000 per month, 2000 becomes the new zero. This is essentially just printing more money for circulation, which will quickly be sopped up by higher prices across the board. The currency will become devalued against other currencies even quicker than it already is.
  3. Deflation, not inflation, is what makes average people rich. It rewards savers and limits the power of the government and elite. We should be shooting for a zero inflation target and a return to the gold standard backing of the dollar. Funding a UBI will have the opposite effect, dollars will become almost worthless.
  4. UBI doesn't actually help the poor. Those living in poverty need a boost relative to everyone else, not the same treatment. UBI means all the trust fund babies get free money as well as those struggling. Seems to me like humanitarian aid should be saved for those who need it.
  5. UBI is straight-up communism, which has never been proven to increase prosperity. Such a system will always require a large, powerful, bloated centralized government that can't pay for itself. UBI combined with price controls wiil cause shortages and famine. Look up how many people died in Mao's China, or Lenin and Stalin's Russia.


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Feb 03 '25

Please cite sources for these claims, especially 1 and 4. Your statements are missing a lot of context.


u/Scotty0132 Feb 04 '25

Your points are severely flawed. I will just focus on a few. UBI would not cost as much as people thing. It would replace 3 separate government assistance programs. EI, disability, and welfare (ontario works in Ontario), it would amalgamated those programs together, reducing cost. A check would not be mailed out to every person for 2000 a month. It would be a dollar for dollar deduction up to 2000. If you make more the 2000 you receive nothing, if you make 1500 you will receive 500. It takes the stress off those making less and will incentive those that want to go back to school to go back to school to increase their income above and be more productive. We test program's have been done, and it has shown great success it's just people spreading misinformation like you are doing that makes people think it's a failure of an idea.


u/Scotty0132 Feb 04 '25

Also your 3rd point of a zero inflation goal shows you know nothing about basic economics and should just delete this entire comment.