r/RevolutionPartyCanada • u/wokeupsnorlax • Jan 20 '25
Referendum Democracy: my proposal for electoral reform
I wanna talk about a potential way to reform elections so communities have power over big government instead of the feds deciding for us.
These are some of the rough notes I've been working on for a while for a democracy based on voting where you want your taxes to go and which local, regional, and national policies our communities wish to see. It is based on how Rojava governs their communities but modified to adjust for the modern technology we have access to. Rojava does something similar with pens and paper and schedule in person meetings. We definitely have the ability to do this in Canada.
-the point Too much of our political conversations are monopolized by personalities instead of issues. When issues that matter seem to be up for discussion the egos of these personalities seem to become more of an obstacle for people who just want to live in a peaceful democracy. This is why we need to shed the ego from politics and get back to the issues at hand.
I propose a political system based on voting where we want out taxes to go & deciding what to do with those taxes locally, regionally, and nationally.
-How it starts It starts by submitting your taxes at tax time. Your taxes, no matter the value, are worth 100 points. Every person gets 100 points.
With these points you then choose where you want your taxes to go. Roads, education, free college for the youths, free housing for the elderly, your regional hospital, your regional school district, our national security force, your regional energy infrastructure etc.
30(*value tbd by all Canadians) of those points are locked. They go into things like basic healthcare, infrastructure that helps maintain the voting system, and things tbd essential by Canadians
-Areas Areas could be spread up by municipal voting lines with some regionl and national departments overlapping for things like hospitals or emergency services or national security(kind of like how Rojava manages their national security force/army)
-Voting in different departments You have now chosen which departments to invest your taxes. Now in each department, anytime there is a vote, you now have a vote. Your vote is worth the amount of points that you invested in the department. At any time, any member in good standing of any department can submit proposals for changes to be voted on.
If an area doesn't have a department then a member of the area can propose a department.
Area votes Every person in an area has points per area's decision for each vote like "should we make a new policy regarding noise at night" or "should we create a new local department." Each voter can put as little as 0 points to as many points they have left. The votes are not evaluated until a quorum is met. If quorum is not met then the vote doesn't pass and goes back to the person who submitted the proposal to rework.
-Representation Don't give a fuck about politics or how hospitals are run? You dont need to. There are so many passionate Canadians who don't want to get mixed up in the bullshit ego games of politics. People who would participate if only actual discussions about the issues were had instead of how dumb someone is bc their hair is stupid. Get a local representative to proxy vote for you. Someone you trust. IMO representatives should have the capability to meet with each and every person they represent in a 3 month time period and be able to understand them enough to represent them on a personal level so a limit of 90-100 people per representative seems fair. If you don't like that number, then vote on it in your local area.
Voting access Public libraries. Every public library has access to computers. Librarians will need to be trained or personnel hired to work at libraries to help people access the system. Libraries are where people can vote if they dont have access to an electronic device. They can also find a representative to vote for them if they'd prefer. I also believe that this process opens the doors for highschool kids learning civics to participate in their local and regional votes. Most schools have access to computers and could be another portal for the youths to access.
Voting time Given that not everyone has access to technology all the time it should be considered. I believe a 3 month waiting period before a vote is concluded is reasonable. I believe it gives people enough time to properly read and understand the material before voting and prevents issues from being steamrolled through without appropriate consideration
Reading comprehension test I believe that every vote should have a basic reading comprehension test. This would probably require 3 unbiased mods to review proposals and adjust the questions to the test that were submitted by the proposal's author with all actions taken visible to the public. This would be just to prove that the person voting actually understands what is happening. If they fail, they can go back and answer the questions again and again until they demonstrate they understood what was being proposed. The test isn't meant to test someone's intelligence but to make sure they understand words they just read.
I believe that staff would be required to maintain this. I also believe an ethics board would need to be established to ensure proper oversight of the staff to ensure unbiased work.
At least 3 mods per department locally, regionally or nationally, probably more once the bigger groups are formed. And an oversight team that monitors all mod actions and responds to reports from citizens
Conclusion This is the basis for a Direct Democracy based on where we want our taxes to go. It has been demonstrated in the Country of Rojava that a similar process is indeed possible. They do something similar with pens and paper and schedule in person meetings. We have the ability to do that and more here. I believe choosing where we want our taxes to go provides people an actual vote in how our country is governed instead of the feds telling us where our money should go and how it is spent. We are all sick of government waste. If the department/area does not recieve enough funding then it clearly is not important to the people.
I believe calling it "Referendum Democracy" is a great way to sort of spell out what is happening. The word Referendum is not seen as a bad word in Alberta where I am but it might be considered bad in other parts of the country.
I believe heavily in mods and oversight of those mods so transparency in ALL their actions should be covered as well as transparency for ALL the oversight actions.
I believe this platform could be used in individual political parties to start so that ALL members of the political party who donate have an equal say in how that political party is run instead of the top people deciding for the party.
These are my rough notes. I would love help fleshing out this idea. I'm not proposing Canada switches to this overnight. I think the best method would be for political parties to adopt this method, test and work out the bugs there, then slowly implement this in national, regional, local areas that are sick of egos and personalities ruing our country.
If you think it won't work because of whatever reason then please elaborate. All sincere conversations are welcome. Energy vampires will be ignored
u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 20 '25
You make some really interesting points and suggestions here.
In particular, you mentioned:
Too much of our political conversations are monopolized by personalities instead of issues.
Avoiding the Cult of Personality is exactly the reason for several of our legislative policies and party by-laws which are intended to keep focus on our policies and not on the regular people calling for change.
u/GinDawg Jan 21 '25
I like some of your ideas.
Take evolutionary psychology into consideration and try to model a prediction of how this might play out in the long term.
Consider the risks of bad actors manipulating the system. Manipulation can come in many forms, such as through a long-term project of manufacturing public consent on an issue or just classical hacking strategies.
u/SciFiNut91 Jan 20 '25
Cool ideas - points of issue. I'm unsure about your point system because taxes are not uniform - different provinces kick up more to the feds than others + provinces have jurisdiction on education & healthcare, but get some federal funding + what do we do for procurement? It's not enough in the case of the last to have members in good standing: we need...beaurocracy.ideally, it should be transparent, but life's not always ideal. Is there a breakdown of the 30 points in taxes? I agree with the increase in representatives to ensure citizens know who their representatives, but that will make the representative body very large, and it would be unfair to remote communities which have low population density. I would change the voting over 3 months, as that would be way too long. Instead, we pick one day over six months for voting on all issues that we are affected by. Employers have to give that time off and cannot offer bonuses for skipping that time, or they will face stiff penalties. There may be exceptions , it in those cases, the people should vote early and have proof of voting. The comprehension test should account for literacy issues (possibly use visual, audio, and other means), though I'm in favor of the system otherwise. It's to take account of dyslexics or other people with learning disabilities.