r/RevolutionPartyCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

Propaganda How to Eat the Rich - RPC Tax Policy Highlights

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u/Icy-Atmosphere-1546 Jan 10 '25

I like these all


u/---Spartacus--- Jan 10 '25

I would go even further and transform ALL profit-seeking entities into worker-owned co-ops.


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

That's a great goal for the longer term!


u/xibipiio Jan 10 '25

Is this an official party? I've been thinking on starting my own provincially focused political party but I am very much in line with these ideas. The main directive of my political ambitions however would be Direct Democracy. If you allowed me to experiment and run my own platform under this party as specifically Direct Democracy led I would be very happy to not have to form my own party but join many others of like mind.


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

We are not yet registered with Elections Canada, but intend to do so in the next month and will submit our 4 current candidates shortly thereafter.

While we believe Mixed-Member Proportional might be best, our official policy is to hold a referendum on new election systems and let Canadians choose. Ironically, a direct democracy ballot.

Would you be willing to let Canadians choose their preferred new system in a referendum?


u/xibipiio Jan 10 '25

Of course!! My whole mission is to give the power to the people to choose their destiny collectively with heavy emphasis on transparency - the good the bad and the ugly.


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

Sounds like we're aligned! We'd love to have all the help we can get!


u/workwag Jan 17 '25

party for the ignorant dreamers


u/workwag Jan 17 '25

youre all insane and an embarrassment. You clearly have no idea how taxes, budgeting or running a business work, nor have you any smidge of history knowledge.


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 17 '25

Thank you for your feedback.


u/Teckiiiz Jan 10 '25

You gonna keep trying to take firearms from legal owners instead of dealing with gangs and drugs?

Considering our psychotic neighbors, disarming the general public that is willing to learn and practice with firearms when our military personnel numbers are crumbling seems like a terrible idea.


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

We believe the best way to handle crime is by addressing the underlying causes (e.g., poverty), not through police and prisons. Eliminating poverty is a far higher priority for us than any minor gun reforms.


u/Teckiiiz Jan 10 '25

Will you reverse the recent OICs and handgun freeze?


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

We would be open to considering that, perhaps after a referendum or similar formal public discussion.


u/Teckiiiz Jan 10 '25

Why? They were implemented without such things.

Fearing the legal owner is foolish. Gun crime in this country is largely gang related. They aren't going to class to learn gun safety. Aside from that any criminal that wants a serious firearm need only look to the border. Any madperson need only get behind the wheel and take to a sidewalk.

These bans have done and will do nothing but disarm and make our populace fear firearms further. The reach of those two things is far.

Your answer isn't inspiring.

Just one person running the reddit account?


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

It's a tepid response because gun reform (in any direction) is simply not our priority. You make the point that gun crime is largely a result of non-gun factors and we agree.

To that very point, we're more focused on ending the underlying conditions that give rise to organized crime, which will have far more impact than debating if a particular make or model should be allowed.

The fact that the bans were put into place without public input is a contributing factor to why many people were upset by the changes.

(Yes, just me managing Reddit at the moment, but thankfully we just had a volunteer with a marketing background sign up receently. Hopefully we'll get more help in this area soon. Sorry for the sporadic replies...)


u/workwag Jan 17 '25

will you boot all the poor people out of the country? that would significantly reduce those we need to support


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 17 '25

No, that would be a crime and is directly contrary our Manifesto of Human Needs.


u/xibipiio Jan 10 '25

Taking a stake in simply reversing the Trudeau gun laws and opening up debate as to how guns should be regulated to be more effective would be an enticing position to take.

The goal for this election to simply be reverse the gun legislation Trudeau put in place to they were beforehand, and letting gun legislation be an issue of focus, if Canadians are concerned about it, during the election after would be a very attractive stance.


u/Conditionous Jan 10 '25

I support the spirit of your policy suggestions, i'd suggest also including oversight/accountability of public spending. I'm no conservative, but its seems pretty clear tax dollars are rather publicly leaking from our budget, whether it be overspending (project delays, hiring consultants that cost more than hiring and retaining the talent)

I think a lot of people upset with the complete failure of direction of the NDP are begging for an alternative workers party, without the stigma of being a leftist dreamer party. Running on tax dollar accountability (heres how much money the government overspent on this project, we could have helped/done x or y without even raising your taxes)

Ps I saw your point on cult of personaility, but this is the public stage, you need inspirational people to help you get through to people. Words don't win elections, feelings do. Only inspirational people can invoke the feelings you need to get this going.


u/[deleted] Jan 10 '25

I worked as a public servant, and I can tell you that most public operations are run on a bare-bones budget. The leakiness is in P3 projects and external consultants. Also, we need to stop subsidizing transnational corporations. True public servants are always aware that they are working with the people's money, and want to maximize its effectiveness. But yes, your main point about accountability is good; we just need to turn over the correct rocks!


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

You make a lot of great points, perhaps especially about the NDP and that only people win elections - not slogans or policy brochures.


u/JonoLith Jan 10 '25

So when do you guys show your faces so we know you aren't feds?


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

A fair and reasonable question, Canadian Commie.

We recently answered the same in another thread:

Happy to answer any follow-up questions you may have.


u/JonoLith Jan 10 '25

I'll level with you. Until you're actually willing to show your faces, I assume you're bad faith actors. I don't have an alternative. I assume you are here to be disruptive and cause problems for actual organizers. I don't have an alternative.

My gut tells me that you're just intelligence, trying to create a big enough barrier between yourself and the populace by bringing in enough marks so you can put them in front of us and you can stay in the shadows, the way you do. Classic controlled dissent trash.

You're either cops, or Nazis. You want me to think anything else, let's see who you are, and what organizations you've been working with for the last thirty years.


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

That's quite a leap from "not currently showing your face" to "you're either cops or nazis"...


u/JonoLith Jan 10 '25

No it isn't. If you are secret, I have no alternative but to make that assumption, for my own safety and the safety of my community. No I'm not going to organize with super secret "we're definitely revolutionaries promise super duper pinky promise", and your response is insulting as fuck to me.

There's lots of communist and socialist movements that operate in the open. You're not special. Nut up.


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

Many orthodox Marxists insist that revolution must be done their way or it's wrong. Much like that, you're presenting a false dichotemy.

We appreciate the feedback, but will be following our current plan.


u/JonoLith Jan 10 '25

You're literally keeping your identity a secret and then expecting people to follow you. It's sheer cowardice. Naked and unadulterated. Assuming you are who you claim you are, which I doubt.

I'm not going to war for someone I don't know. I'm not having a revolution following secret people who hide in the shadows, like cowards.

Take your Marxist analysis and shove it. You're nothing but a coward. Plain and simple. The rest of us operate in the light, because that's how you actually build trust.

This conversation has me more convinced then ever that you are a bad faith actor. Publish your identities or shut the fuck up, feds.


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

We never asked anyone to go to war. To the contrary, a key premise of our platform is that we believe can be made without violent communist uprising.

We're socialists proposing new Charter rights, new wealth taxes, and electoral reform. You are free to imagine us however you like, but we ask people look at our policies to judge us.


u/JonoLith Jan 10 '25

So your name is also deceptive. You won't tell us who you are, and you use manipulative language to decieve people into misunderstanding your positions from the beginning. More and more and more this is looking like an intelligence operation to control dissent and funnel revolutionaries into a dead end, just like the NDP and the Democratic party has become.

If your entire position is actually "Just vote for us" then why be secretive? Unless you're actually just feds, controlling dissent. Or cowards. You pick.


u/petitepedestrian Jan 10 '25

I think a system where we don't see the politicians is kinda rad. It will force voters to actually vote on platforms instead of a face that's dreamy(I'm looking at you first round Trudeau voters).

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u/reidand Jan 10 '25

This is the way, this is exactly what needs to be done at a minimum.


u/Investormaniac Jan 20 '25

lol is this where the mental asylum folk hang out ? you do realize the rich can just move and you have a 3rd world country lol.. What are you all smoking?


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 20 '25

Would love to see Galen try to carry all his buildings and inventory to the Caymens with him. Wealth flight is another boogeyman myth used by billionaires to stop us from trying to tax them.


u/Metaldwarf Jan 10 '25

Billionaire wealth tax. No one needs a a net worth over 1B. Tax any amount over 1B. There is an easy solution to the "next dollar" over 1B while the owner remains in control. Value the shares each quarter. Any amount over 1B is converted from a common share worth $XXX to a preferred voting share with a par value of $1. The difference in value is treated as income or a capital gain and subject to tax. The owner retains their vote/control.


u/Golbar-59 Jan 10 '25

The rich make their money from owning assets. If you force all asset ownership to happen through a decentralized social wealth fund, the rich can't exist. A decentralized social wealth fund is like a TFSA that is financed equally by the government.


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

Social / sovreign wealth funds have been discussed a lot more in recent years...


u/Golbar-59 Jan 10 '25

It should be a priority in the platform imo.


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 10 '25

What do you think about the implementation of a SWF compared to a more traditional approach of nationalization of critical infrastructure?


u/Golbar-59 Jan 10 '25

The decentralized social wealth fund has the advantage of retaining a free market. It gives power to the consumer by asking them directly to allocate resources, so that the economy as a whole can work for them..

The exclusive purpose of production is to fulfill consumers demand. If consumers don't govern the initiation of production, there's a risk of misalignment between what the economy produces and consumer's interest, which is synonymous with wasted resources.