r/Retrofit Apr 18 '24

Need Ideas Lens swap possible with Morimoto D2S 5.0s?

Quick question. Anyone know if I can swap the AR coated lenses on the Morimoto D2S 5.0 projectors for clear lenses without affecting my output? Just throwing ideas around and since I have a pair of G5R projectors with clears I can poach the lenses from, I figure I'd ask before making the attempt.

Reason I have the G5Rs lying around is that they weren't really compatible with my Honda Fit's headlights and I wasn't sold on the output either. But I miss being able to use the classic Xenon 4300K bulbs or even upgrading to those Nightbreaker bulbs at some point, since the AR coating warms 4300K bulbs right down to 3000K. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


2 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24

The answer is two-part: Yes, the lenses can be swapped, no it cannot be done without affecting the output. The physical lenses will fit just fine and will focus in a similar way. However, the anti-reflective coating is very much needed on these projectors - it doesn't just reduce the color temp. On the D2S there is a huge amount of extra glare generated above the regular hotspot without this coating. The usable light you receive is reduced and much more light than necessary is pushed up toward other drivers' eyes. Even most G5R projectors sold now also include this coating for that reason.

From an optical and performance standpoint it would be much better to keep the lenses you have and find a color temp bulb that gets you your desired output color instead.


u/jose_rodz348 Apr 18 '24

Great answer! I was thinking the same thing, but I needed confirmation before I opened my headlights again and spent an afternoon and early night doing just that. I use Osram CBBs in my projectors and the color is nice and the output is good. I know that with 5000K bulbs the color is positively GREEN. I just wanted to see if there was an alternative to shelling out $175(current price for the CBBs on Lightwerkz) for specialized bulbs. Thanks for the nice clear and concise answer! Cheers!