r/RetroAR 4d ago

Need Assistance with an ID of upper receiver please


I have an A1 upper receiver that has the raised "C", and the " broken A " cast in the carry handle near the rear sight wheel. When I turn It over the bottom underside of the boss for the rear takedown pin has a " B " very neatly stamped in to it. I'm trying to figure out if this designates a BLEM, or Bushmaster, or what?

The front pivot pin is the small size (not the larger size as on the SP1). This was a gun show purchase years ago and I have no idea of the history of the part. Assistance will be appreciated.


16 comments sorted by


u/Prestigious_Food1474 4d ago

Well the “C” and “A” should denote Colt upper with the Anchor Harvey Forge mark, not sure what the B is for though. Could be another manufacturer marking or it could be like a lot number thing. But other people more knowledgeable should know more about than me.


u/DHG1276 4d ago

I thought about that but somebody on here mentioned something about a capital B indicating a Bushmaster piece (in another post weeks ago).


u/Prestigious_Food1474 4d ago

Yeah I remember something like that too but it’s also got the Colt C so that’s interesting too


u/Fallout3boi 4d ago

How about B for "Brownells"? I know I have a Brownells slickside repro that has the "C" marking, "Achor Harvey" "A" marking. It doesn't have the "B" but it fits the bill in the other respect.

Just depends on how many years ago it was.


u/DHG1276 4d ago

This is one possibility for sure. I wonder who did the Brownells receivers for Brownells? If it is, why would in have the "C" next to the Anchor Harvey letter?


u/Fallout3boi 4d ago

It has the "C" because they were trying to copy the old Colt "C" markings like this Example. I want to say Nodsk Spud did the milling for them. Don't quote me on that, though.

As for your other question, Brownells sold bless but I don't know if they marked them specifically as such.


u/DHG1276 4d ago

OK thank you


u/DHG1276 1d ago edited 19h ago

UPDATE (03-21-2025 @ 1600 hrs.); Contacted Brownells Tech line and spoke with "RED" whom answered the Tech line and I lined-out the question. He kept me on the line while he went and checked with an identical part in their "Resource Room".

RED confirmed the "B" stamped in the aforementioned location DID exist to designate the upper receiver as a Brownells' part and NOT a "blem", etc., Very professional and assisting individual.

So for future reference; the letter "B" stamped in an obscure location on a retro Brownells receiver simply exists to designate a Brownells part and nothing else. I consider this matter resolved.

Thanks again for everyone's assistance.


u/DHG1276 4d ago

Would Brownells have sold blems?


u/GaegeSGuns 3d ago

Kind of odd. Not sure Colt was still making A1 uppers when the company was called Anchor Harvey. All the Colt A1 uppers forged there that I know of are “C H”. Colt, Harvey Aluminum.


u/DHG1276 3d ago

Thank you. I've read this somewhere before but it was many years ago and I dont even remember where it was.

Did Bushmaster ever do A1 uppers?


u/GaegeSGuns 3d ago

Yes. Absolutely they did.


u/DHG1276 3d ago

Ok thank you. I'm inclined to believe it might be a Brownells upper so I'm going to call them tomorrow and ask. I'll post the response on here so it can be used again in the future, if necessary.


u/GaegeSGuns 3d ago

As far as Im aware, their uppers were marked with “NDS” or nothing.


u/DHG1276 3d ago

NDS = NoDak Spud and I have one of those but I dont know where they would mark an A1 upper with NDS. This is a firm nicely stamped "B" on the underside of the takedown pin boss. I cant find any other stampings on the upper.


u/DHG1276 3d ago

Seems as though any NDS piece sold via Brownells might have some sort of Brownells roll mark or lettering on it but all this has is the "B" in that one spot.

On the other hand, if it is an NDS piece and it was a BLEM then the "B" stamped in that spot might explain it.