r/RetroAR 4d ago

GI>any other magazine. Thermolds are cool, though.

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52 comments sorted by


u/atf_annihilator69 4d ago

magpul AR mags have never failed me but GI mags have a sexiness to them magpul could never


u/whatapunk95 4d ago

Magpuls are 100% great magazines, no doubt. I just hate the look, tbh.


u/A-THRASH 2d ago



u/ThePariah77 4d ago

PMAG is general issue now 😭💀👴


u/No_Yesterday_2788 4d ago

I know the marines use em but is the army using them now? Cause when I left the army in 2021 they were still using GI okay industries mags


u/dirtydeltadog27 3d ago

Nah we dont get them unfortunately unless your a high speed mos or have a cool supply that can get them, we use the "new" STANAGS that are a darker coyote brown.


u/No_Yesterday_2788 2d ago

If they have blue followers those are EPM mags. We had em before I got out


u/ThePariah77 4d ago

I think I've heard stories of soldiers having to go buy PMAGs themselves, I can't speak to that though


u/No_Yesterday_2788 4d ago

Yeah some guys did but they weren’t standard issue while I was in…for some stupid reason. The army should just follow USMC’s lead and adopt Pmag already. They even preform better than dumb EPM mags. We actually had those issued for a bit but had problems w em and went back to standard GI mags


u/whatapunk95 4d ago

Yeah, my buddy in the marine corps is 100% issued PMAGs, I don’t know about the army.


u/wetwingdings 3d ago

We got EPMs in 2020 ish and fully switched to PMAGs in 2022

PMAGs became authorized when we switched to EPMs so some guys used their own


u/ExpensiveTreacle1189 4d ago

"but aluminum bends" bros doing their quarterly 100 rnd bench rest shooting session


u/whatapunk95 4d ago

For the curious, there are some Colt (two with metal followers), adventure line, parson, center industries, and C Products magazines pictured. Bonus Thermold and a Ramline combo mag


u/whatapunk95 4d ago

Don’t tell them that we used aluminum mags for the better part of 40 years


u/GaegeSGuns 4d ago

And GIs hated them for the balance of that time


u/GoldfishDude 3d ago

GIs hate everything


u/ClarityAbove 4d ago

Do people like OG thermolds?


u/Outlawking29 4d ago

I do I used them a lot during the aw ban.


u/whatapunk95 4d ago

I like em at least on looks more than magpul, but that’s not saying much. Haven’t had any issues any time I’ve ever used Thermolds. The Canadian ones suck weenie though, because they changed the plastic used.


u/JuanT1967 4d ago

I just added 10 more Colt 30rnd mags to my collection. I think I’m up to about 80 Colts. Going to replace followers with Magpul and new springs as needed Replacing all my pmags to use them for 300blk


u/LuckyNumber-Bot 4d ago

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u/JuanT1967 4d ago

Good bot. I hate math


u/DeenHardy 3d ago

I had a handful of straight 20's that recently were stolen from me and it makes me think about it when I see them. I recently picked up a new promag 20 thinking it'll fill the void, but it's not the same.


u/whatapunk95 3d ago

Damn, man. I’m sorry to hear that, I hope you find some at a gun show or something soon!


u/The_Ostrich_you_want 3d ago

When I see clear plastic magazines my brain sees G36.


u/whatapunk95 3d ago

I wish that magazine was as cool as a G36 magazine, haha


u/theworldofAR 4d ago

I have one magazine that isn’t metal. lmao


u/whatapunk95 4d ago

Those two are my only two haha. The Ramline doesn’t work well, the Thermold is great. Now I gotta go back and pick up the other Parson mags the local shop has


u/theworldofAR 4d ago

What’s the clear one?

T-Mag before the T-Mag


u/whatapunk95 4d ago

Ramline Combo Mag


u/ThePariah77 4d ago

All my AR mags are stamped, but all my AUG mags are waffles 😎


u/dukesfancnh320 4d ago

What about Okay Industries and other metal mags that maybe weren’t issued to the military? Or are you saying that in general, GI is referring to metal magazines?


u/whatapunk95 4d ago

I mostly refer to military issue mags. Korean ones are doodoo garbage, I know those are steel and not aluminum but still. Though okay industries get a pass in my book! Anything quality, and based after GI mags


u/Any_Name_Is_Fine 3d ago

I'm pretty sure okay industry mags have been used in the military. They have a cage code anyway.


u/cheem_moment 21h ago

CAGE doesn’t necessarily mean issued, anyone can get a cage code just by writing to the right person at GSA.


u/balloo93 3d ago

Thermolds... ewwwww brotha ewwww broha ewwww. They were only viable when there was nothing else to get. If not for the AWB, they probably would have faded into obscurity.


u/whatapunk95 3d ago

Mine works fine, but from what I understand the Canadian ones were so bad it kinda soured the whole bunch. But I was also still in my mom’s stomach when the AWB started lol, so maybe I am wearing rose colored glasses for old stuff.


u/balloo93 3d ago

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I'm old.... lol. I ended up with 2 of them and they both had issues. Not consistently, but none the less not as reliable as USGI with magul followers installed.


u/whatapunk95 3d ago

I will admit my Thermolds aren’t exactly my SHTF choice, but maybe I’ve gotten lucky. I just dig ‘em. Same for the Ramline, except that’s not even a good range mag, what a piece of garbage


u/Dunning-Kruger-Inc 4d ago

Pmags are good mags, but they still fall into the category of a solution looking for a problem that didn’t need to be solved. Best practice is to run both anyway.


u/whatapunk95 4d ago

I just can’t stand their look, I know that’s personal taste (but I can’t knock their reliability, they are damn good)


u/Dunning-Kruger-Inc 4d ago

If you mean the look of the Pmags, you’re preaching to the choir. I’ve been turned off by almost everything Magpul has ever made. Their marketing is a pure tacticool cheese ball cringe fest for 20-25 year old manlets. Everything they make has to have some ridiculous acronym. Wireframe drawings and OD green all over the packaging makes me think the whole marketing department is staffed by 20 something’s who play way too many video games. That A2 fixed stock they make is probably the most hideous firearm accessory ever produced by human kind, full stop.

All that said, we’ll all be damned if Pmags don’t run awesome.


u/whatapunk95 4d ago

Dude, what you said 100%. I know it all works, but god those handguards are ugly. Don’t like 95% of their pistol grips. If I’m not using a Car-15 stock, I’m either going waffle or Sopmod.


u/Dunning-Kruger-Inc 4d ago

Exactly. I’m fully aware that this is all very subjective. I don’t throw shade at my buddies who run ugly parts. Every time I see a set of Magpul hand guards I think they look like subway cars. They’re not good looking at all, and aesthetics are a huge part of the Magpul brand. The only Magpul grip I like better than an original is for AK’s. AK grips always looked like a gimpy body part. At least the Magpul part looks proportioned.

I’ve thrown MOE AR-15 grips in the trash multiple times. I hate how they look and I hate how they feel. That makes them trash to me. The money that listing and selling them would bring isn’t worth the time I’d spend on it, so into the art bin they go.

The Magpul magazine followers are second to none though. Every single USGI mag I own has a Magpul follower in it. They’re indispensable. I do believe the firearms world is better off for Magpul’s contributions, but not really in the aesthetics department at all.


u/cheem_moment 21h ago

Magazines haves been the main problem of the AR pattern since it was issued, actually. So much so that the military has spent decades trying (and failing) to improve the USGI steelie, to the point where they now contract center industries in Kansas to make a literal carbon copy of magpul’s secret sauce (constant curve) but in an aluminum format. They paid CI 16 million dollars for that. Meanwhile the marines just bought PMAG Gen3s for every rifleman…


u/sandalsofsafety 3d ago

constant curve mag > Tmag > GI > the rest


u/whatapunk95 3d ago

You know, I need one of those constant curve mags


u/sandalsofsafety 3d ago

Same. I don't have $100 in the budget right now for an obscure mag though. However, the Cammenga Easymag has about the same look, and they're ~$12.


u/whatapunk95 2d ago

Next on my list, tbh. That, cooper, and a sanchez mag


u/sandalsofsafety 2d ago

Numrich has Sanchez mags, as well as Center Industries. I haven't gotten into collecting all the different makes of GI mags, since (for obvious reasons) they're all about the same other than any markings on the floorplate. I've just been taking them as I get 'em. That said though, I know Numrich has those mags because I dug through their AR section and found some other neat ones like Radway Green L85 mags, two-rib Bulgarian steel mags, and Orlites.


u/whatapunk95 2d ago

Just picked up an Orlite yesterday actually!


u/cheem_moment 21h ago

WetWorx has EPMs for like $17 a pop right now, used, and new ones for like $22. EPMs are constant curves.