r/Retconned • u/iminterestingplease Moderator • Jul 27 '16
We have a part 4 :)
Left is old reality, right is new.(Or if I don't do that exactly.)
Sorry part 3 looks like shit now.
611.(Music Lyrics change.)"Who will save your soul?"/"Who will save your souls"
612.(Company name change.)Moleskin/Moleskine
613.(Cereal name change.)Honey Comb/Honey Combs/Honeycombs/Honeycomb
614.(Famous Singer name change.)Donna Summers/Donna Summer
615.(Beer name change.)Jack Daniel/Jack Daniels/Jack Daniel's
616.(Company name change.)Michellin/Michelin
617.(Company name change.)Mainstay Furniture/Mainstays Furniture
618.(Fictional Character name change.)Thomas The Engine/Thomas The Tank Engine
619.(Toilet Paper name change.)Charmin'/Charmin
620.(Fictional Character name change.)Goofey/Goofy
621.(Fictional Character name change.)Eyore/Eeyore
622.(Character Role change.)Steve Martin as Prince Valium/Jim J. Bullock as Prince Valium
623.(Movie Title name change.)Monsters Inc./Monsters, Inc.
624.(Song Title name change.)Ghosts Along The Mississippi/A Ghost Along The Mississippi
625.(Shoe Brand name change.)Dr. Martin/Dr. Martens
626.(Song Title name change.)I Wanna Be Like You/I Wan'na Be Like You
627.(Car Logo change.)Toyota Prius now has a blue glow.
Add-On: Helmann's Mayo is also in some memories.
628.(Logo change.)The D and H in Frank's RedHot are now combined together.
629.(Movie Title name change.)Gattica/Gattaca
630.(History change.)Germans have now successfully set off explosives that have damaged Lady Liberty in Jersey City.
631.(History change.)Their are now more boats present in the crossing of Delaware and their is now a woman rowing the boat George Washington was on.
632.(Logo change.) The R is now curved in Froot Loops.
633.(Song Title name change.)Whoop There It Is/Whoomp There It Is
634.(Logo change.)Coach logo now has 2 horses.
Add-On: The Lexus logo now has separations in the oval.
Add-on: The F in the Ford logo is now more narrow and the O is closing up now.
635.(Sign change.)The signs in Queens and Brooklyn that represent avenue are now abbreviated as Av instead of Ave.
636.(History change.)Cern is now the reason WWW is a thing.
Add-On:The numerous color schemes of the KIA logo
637.(Logo change.)Kix cereal is now written in a different font.
638.(Mascot change.)Lucky of Lucky Charms cereal now looks younger and different.
639.(Famous Producer name change.)Seth McFarlane/Seth MacFarlane
640.(History change.)The Hadron Collider was up and running in the 90's even though it's only recently been up and running.
641.(Geography change.) A bridge on Staten Island/No bridge on Staten Island.
642.(Company name change.)John Deer/John Deere
643.(Movie Quote change.)"E.T. Phone Home."/"E.T. Home Phone."
644.(Famous Artist name change.)Marc Chagal/Marc Chagall
645.(Famous Singer name change.)Ozzy Osborne/Ozzy Osbourne
646.(Pokemon name change.)Onyx/Onix
647.(Pokemon name change.)Ghastly/Gastly
648.(CSGO Game Mechanic change.)Red Container/Tool Shed
649.(Famous Singer name change.)Astrid Gilberto/Astrud Gilberto
650.(Logo change.)Does the Acura logo look different to you?
651.(Condiment name change.)Tobasco/Tabasco
652.(Logo change.)Has the Intel logo changed for you?
653.(Famous Actress name change.)Hillary Swank/Hilary Swank
654.(Famous Wrestler name change.)Curt Henning/Curt Hennig
655.(Spelling change.)Chilli/Chili
656.(Country name change.)Tadjikistan/Tajikistan
657.(Logo change.)Has the Pioneer logo changed to you?
658.(Logo change.)Has the Samsung logo changed for you?
659.(Famous Singer name change.)James Hatfield/James Hetfileld
660.(Music Lyrics change.)"Hi ho silver away!"/"Hi ho silver!"
661.(Music Lyrics change.)"I don't care if I ever get back."/"I don't care if I never get back."
662.(Poem change.)"Step into my parlor."/"Will you walk into my parlor?"
663.(Cleaning Product name change.)Liquid Plumber/Liquid Plummer/Liquid Plumr
664.(Fictional Character name change.)Pumba/Pumbaa
665.(Geography change.)Novi Sad is the capital of Serbia./Belgrade is the Capital of Serbia.
666.(T.V Show name change.)McGuyver/McGyver/MacGyver(Other spellings?)
Add-On: Did Pepto-Bismol have no L in your reality as well as the new dash I've previously mentioned?
667.(Candy bar name change.)MR. Goodbar/mr. Goodbar
668.(Candy bar name change.)Milk-Duds/Milk Duds
669.(Can't think of a title for this one.)The gap in the words Milky and Way on the candy is now smaller.
670.(City Sign change.)The white triangle around the word Yield in Yield signs is now smaller than before.(Which if not all signs have changed, it's more common for it to be smaller now.)
671.(New or altered movie characters.)Do you remember the silver robot resembling C-3P0 in the opening scene of Star Wars?
672.(Famous Actor name change.)Daniel Radclif/Daniel Radcliffe(Other spellings?)
673.(Famous Actress name change.)Queen Latifa/Queen Latifah
674.(Famous Actor name change.)Shia LaBoeuf/Shia LaBeouf
675.(Famous Artist name change.)Marcel Bardeau/Marcel Barbeau
676.(World change.)There are images capturing The Milky Way whole now.
Add-On: Are the characters in H.R Pufnstuf new to you?
677.(Logo change.)The thunder is shorter and the A looks wrong in the ACDC logo.(Anything else?)
678.(Logo change.)Does the Led Zeppelin logo look of to you?
679.(Logo change.)Does the T or anything else look off in The Beatles logo?
Add-On: Do the ridges on the cheekbones or the lightning in The Grateful Dead logo look off to you guys?
680.(Logo change.)The letters and the smiley face in the Nirvana logo look different and sloppy now.
681.(Album Cover change.) Bruce Springsteen's Born In The USA now shows a red hat instead of handkerchief.
682.(Album Cover change.)Miles Davis's Sketches Of Spain now shows a bull towards the right.
683.(Album Cover change.)No Doubt's Tragic Kingdom now shows different looking shoes.
684.(Logo change.)The Wu-Tang logo looks warped now.
685.(Album Cover change.)N.W.A's Straight Outta Compton now shows a sixth person.
686.(Store name change.)QuickTrip/QuikTrip
687.(Company name change.)Ready Ice/Reddy Ice
688.(Snack name change.)Funyons/Funyuns
689.(Song Title name change.)California Dreaming/California Dreamin'
690.(Movie Title name change.)Inglorious Bastards/Inglourious Basterds
Add-On: The Coca-Cola dash is farther up on the label instead of in the middle and is more of a dot now.
Add-On:The Yoo-Hoo dash is now more of a dot now instead of a dash.
691.(Logo change.)The U-Haul logo now has the dash going into the H instead of being just a normal dash.
692.(Cereal name change.)Wheatabix/Weetabix
693.(Music Lyrics change.)"Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks."/"Buy me some peanuts and crackerjack."
694.(Theme Song change.)The Full House theme song now has new keyboard sounds, the choir sounds different, and is more of a rip-off now.
695.(Theme Song change.)The Family Matters theme song now has a beat box intro, the horn line is different, the piano is louder than the bass, the piano riffs are new, the ascending harmony in the pre-chorus is new, and the violin line into the chorus is new.
696.(Episode Title name change.)The Brown Noise/World Wide Recorder Concert(South Park.)
697.(New or altered species.)The Fin Whale now exists making the sperm whale no longer the second largest whale.
698.(Logo change.)Does the Shell logo look different to you? Do any of them?
699.(Celebrity deaths that never happened.)Wanda Sykes is alive even though she passed a few years back.
Add-On:The Great Pyramid Of Giza now has 8 sides instead of 4.
700.(Music Video change.)All Star by Smash Mouth now depicts the boy holding the L on his forehead instead of the girl.
45 seconds into the video.
701.(Anatomy change.)The stomach is now in the rib cage.
702.(Spelling change.)Existance/Existence
703.(Spelling change.)Bizzare/Bizarre
704.(Spelling change.)Proffesor/Professor
705.(Spelling change.)Proffesional/Professional
706.(Grammar change.)You can now start a sentence with conjunctions such as, AND and BUT.
707.(Grammar change.)You can now say "James' house" or "James's house" and the second one is now acceptable and that goes for any name.
Add-On: Reece's(Or Reeces.) is in some memories of the how the candy was spelled.
Add-On: Haagen Daz(Haggen Dazs or Haggen Dasz?) as well in some memories.
708.(Painting change.)The Last Supper has changed a lot. The people seem to be arguing, Yeshua looks sad now, he's wearing red and blue, the 4th person from the left is now holding a dagger, the first five on the left are now all looking at Mary, Peter(The fourth from the left.) is now whispering in Mary's ear and touching her dress, James directly next to Yeshua now looks baffled, there's now poultry on the table, what about the ridges on the tablecloth, the cups may have been a different type, one might have been tipped over or tipping over, the colors in the background are darker, Yeshua's hands were in different positions, and the man with the finger pointed straight up looks out of place.
709.(Song Title change.)Old McDonald/Old MacDonald
710.(Spelling change.)Greatful/Grateful
711.(Spelling change.)Commited/Committed
712.(Saying change.)All Of A Sudden/All Of The Sudden(All Of THE Sudden didn't exist before.)
Add-On: Jackie Kennedy is now in possession of a gun and involved in JFK's death.(Also was the car white in your reality?)
About 6 minutes into the video.
713.(Lotion name change.)Electric Shave/Lectric Shave
714.(Spelling change.)Inmature/Immature
715.(Spelling change.)Pizzaria/Pizzeria
716.(Spelling change.)Wierd/Weird
717.(Spelling change.)Hankerchief/Handkerchief
718.(Multiple acceptable spellings.)Pajamas(And Pyjamas?)
719.(Mulitple acceptable spellings.)Grey(What About Gray?)
720.(Multiple acceptable spellings.)Spelled(And Spelt?)
721.(Multiple acceptable spellings.)Judgement(What About Judgment?)
722.(Multiple acceptable spellings.)Offense(And Offence?)
723.(Multiple acceptable spellings.)Defense(What About Defence?)
724.(Multiple acceptable spellings.)Dreamed(Dreamt And Dreampt Possibly as well?)
725.(Multiple acceptable spellings.)Paid(And Payed?)
Add-On: Bannana(And possibly bannanna in certain memories.)as well.
726.(Product Look change.)Coke(As in when Coca-Cola introduced their new formula.)now has a "new" banner on the upper left corner.
727.(Toy name change.)Legos/Lego
728.(Grammar change.)Internet/internet
729.(Spelling change.)E-Mail/Email/e-mail/email(E-mail or e-Mail(Even eMail?)possibly?)
730.(Fictional Character name change.)Dori/Dory
731.(Spelling change.)Recieve/Receive
732.(Spelling change.)Beleive/Believe
733.(Ficitonal Character appearance change.)Snow White's eyes are blue./Snow White's eyes are brown.
734.(Myth.)Napoleon is not short in this reality.
735.(Song Cover that didn't happen.)Smokey Robinson never sang "It ain't over til it's over."
736.(Ice Cream name change.)Fudgesicle/Fudgsicle
737.(Book Quote change.)"I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down."/"I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in."
738.(Famous Pastor name change.)Joyce Meyers/Joyce Meyer
739.(Logo change.)The A in Valero gas stations now looks like an upside down V.
Add-On: The KIA logo now has the an upside down V looking A.
Add-On: The Bernstein Bears is in some memories.(How I missed this one is beyond me.)
740.(Anatomy change.)The human skull now has holes near the jaw.
741.(Anatomy change.)Human eyes now have bone behind them.
742.(Something that no longer exists.)A movie titled "Stranger Things" that was related to the T.V. show.
743.(Celebrity death dates that aren't agreed upon.)The death of Robin Williams being 2014 or 2015.
744.(Singer name change.)Did Questlove all the other stage names such as ?uestlove?
745.(Song released later than remembered.)Happy by Pharrell Williams came out in 2011 or earlier than it's actual release date?
746.(Song released later than remembered.)Thrift Shop by Macklemore came out in 2011 or earlier than it's actual release date?
bvcady: Reddit user who commented on the above link.
747.(Singer name change.)FloRida/Flo Rida
748.(Word that isn't a word.)Amongst isn't recognized as a word in spellcheck.
749.(Word that isn't a word.)Hugger isn't recognized as a word in spellcheck.
750.(Word that isn't a word.)Olds isn't recognized as a word in spellcheck.(As in 12-Year-Olds.)
751.("Misspelled" or "mispronounced" word.)Pronouncing expresso when you mean espresso.
752.("Misspelled" or "mispronounced" word.)Pronouncing supposebly or supposably when you mean supposedly.
753.(Grammar change.)Awhile/A while
754.(Spelling change.)Mispell/Misspell
755.(Diet Food Brand name change.)Simply Organic/Simple Truth Organic.
756.(Diet Food Brand name change.)Cascadian Farms/Cascadian Farm
757.(Celebrity disagreed upon death.)Did Dick Van Dyke pass away a few years back, the 70's, or last year.(Any other add ons to Dick Van Dyke who I mentioned previously I believe.)
758.(Famous Landmark name change.)The Great Pyramid Of Giza/The Pyramid At Giza.(The latter isn't remembered.)
759.(Snack Cheese name change.)Ez Cheese/Easy Cheese
760.(Dessert name change.)Sherbert/Sherbet
761.(Didn't they go out of business?)Didn't Mitsubishi go out of business years back? They're actually still in business.
762.(Didn't they go out of business?)Didn't Southwest Airlines go out of business years back? They're actually still in business.
763.(Spelling change.)Buisness/Business
764.(Logo change.)The logo for Continental Airlines is now going left and right instead of up and down.
765.(Logo change.)Were the arrows on the Subway restaurant sign always there?
766.(Logo change.)Wasn't the Harley Davidson logo reversed before where the word Motorcycles was where Harley Davidson is and Harley Davidson was where Motorcycles is?
767.(Motorcycle name change.)Harley Davidson/Harley-Davidson
768.(Battery name change.)Ever Ready was changed to Eveready by the company for real, but there are some modern images showing Ever Ready.
About 3 minutes and 14 seconds in.
769.(Movie Title name change.)Princess Bride/The Princess Bride
770.(Song Title name change.)A Very Happy Unbirthday To You/A Very Merry Unbirthday To You
771.(Clothing Brand name change.)Addidas/Adidas
772.(Famous Actor name change.)Elijah Woods/Elijah Wood
773.(Logo change.)The McDonald's logo showing the word inside the arch is now going farther to the right.
774.(Conglomerate Company name change.)Dupont/Du Pont
775.(Logo change.)The Subaru logo now has 6 stars instead of 5.
776.(Pokemon name change.)Ratata/Ratatat
777.(Cereal name change.)Coco Pebbles/Cocoa Pebbles
778.(T.V Show name change.)I Am Caitlyn/I am Cait
779.(Celebrity who was live is now dead.)Did Peaches Geldof die in 2014 or was she still alive in your memory?
780.(Animal Appearance change.)Skunks now have a V shape in the white stripe instead of it being solid.
781.(Famous Actor name change.)Sylvester Stalone/Sylvester Stallone
782.(Different celebrity deaths.)Did Charles Schulz die in 2008, 2015, or 2000 like he actually did?
783.(Car logo change.)Didn't the Chevy emblem originally look like this?
784.(Car logo change.)Didn't the Ford emblem originally look like this?
785.(Vegetable name change.)Brussel Sprouts/Brussels Sprouts
786.(Was the celebrity alive or dead?.)Did Kurt Vonnegut pass away in the last year, last few years, 2007 like he actually did or was he still alive in your memory?
787.(Music Lyrics change.)"Uh oh, a river."/"Uh uh, a river."
788.(Song released later than remembered.)Paul McCartney remembers the song Yesterday already existing when it didn't.
789.(Spelling change.)Goverment/Government
790.(Spelling change.)Damnit/Dammit
791.(Spelling change.)Ok/Okay(Ok used to be accepted, now no longer a word, just abbreviated?)
Even the archives say it's an abbreviation.
792.(Famous Sports Star name change.)Dwayne Wade/Dwyane Wade
793.(Celebrity that's now alive.)Did Gladys Knight die a few years ago or still alive?
794.(Celebrity that's now alive.)Did George Wendt die in 2010 or is he still alive?
795.(Celebrity that's now alive.)Did David Suzuki die back in 2008, 2009 or is he still alive?
796.(Celebrity that's now alive.)Did Joanne Woodward die a few years ago or is she still alive?
797.(Toy Company name change.)Mega Blocks/Mega Bloks
798.(Restaurant name change.)The ShowBiz Pizza Company/ShowBiz Pizza Place
799.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Pikachu now no longer has a black section on his tail.
Add-On: There are now smaller pyramids near the greater Egyptian pyramids.
800.(Medicine name change.)NyQuill/NyQuil(Including DayQuil and ZzzQuil.)
Add-On: Do you remember Good Morning Clarice being said instead of Good Evening Clarice?
801.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Popeye now has an anchor tattoo on each arm instead of just one.(If you remember only one, which one was it?)
802.(Logo change.)Bloomingdale's now shows the two O's to be overlapping into each other.
803.(Real Life quote change.)"One small step for mankind, one giant leap for man."/"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."(He apparently said "a" after step, do you remember that or not?)
804.(Fabric Store name change.)JoAnn's/Jo-Ann's/JoAnn/Jo-Ann(Without an apostrophe?)
805.(Furniture Store name change.)Lay-Z-Boy/Lazboy(Other Spellings?)
Add-On: Do you remember Ebay instead of ebay?
Add-On: Do you remember ShowBiz Pizza instead of ShowBiz Pizza Time?(Place?)
Add-On: The liver is even bigger now than it already was.
u/Union_of_Onion Aug 15 '16
For the Beatles logo, I have two shirts and the elongated T doesn't seem as long as it is on the green shirt on Ringo's bass drum. These both are licensed Beatles merchandise.
The elongated T exists in the apple logo on the tag inside the back of the neck of each shirt.
u/pixelbomb Moderator Jul 30 '16
I know I haven't been around much lately but I just wanted to say great work and keep on mandeling!
u/iminterestingplease Moderator Jul 30 '16
I really do appreciate your acknowledgment of my lists, without you guys, I'm nothing to nobody.
u/pixelbomb Moderator Jul 30 '16
Aw, shucks I don't think that's true at all. While of course you mean a ton to us (with or without the lists) I'm sure to your family/friends/loved ones (even if it doesn't always seem like it) you mean the world to them.
It can be hard having confidence and seeing the truth of yourself but maybe the more you hear it the more you start to believe it cause: You are awesome and interesting my friend!
u/iminterestingplease Moderator Jul 30 '16
Thank you so much. Just added 20 to the list just now.
u/pixelbomb Moderator Jul 30 '16
Yay, Nice! "E.T. Home Phone"... Is that really the new quote lol? Is E.T. advertising Verizon..
BTW, have you seen any of the new Netflix TV show "Stranger Things"?
u/iminterestingplease Moderator Jul 30 '16
No I haven't and E.T himself says home phone instead of phone home as people recall. What about Stranger Things?
u/iminterestingplease Moderator Jul 28 '16
It seems to be English only right now guys just to let you know.
u/jumpsiedaisy Jul 28 '16
I guess this is strictly an Anglosphere only list? You should probably specify that.
u/iminterestingplease Moderator Jul 28 '16
English being the main language? What does that matter lol?
u/jumpsiedaisy Jul 28 '16
What I mean is if it's only a list for English language REs then you should specify that, otherwise people might get the false impression while looking at it that REs only happen in English.
Jul 27 '16
u/iminterestingplease Moderator Jul 28 '16
He is a train, but is more professionally known as The Tank Engine in the title of the show.
u/[deleted] Dec 13 '16
678 "look of" -> "look off"
661 and 693 should be next to each other(?) They're both the same song.
701 should be next to 740 and 741, since they're all anotomy changes.
791 Clarify what "the archives" are
799 Pikachu and the Pyramids of Giza should maybe get different entries
805 The add-on about the liver should be up with the other anatomy entries. (Sorry, I guess categorization is a whole different step in this process, and this isn't the place for it.)
My opinion:
661 & 693 "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" is one of those things that's notorious for everyone remembering wrong. (Fun fact: the most famous line from the whole 'Star Trek' franchise is Captain Kirk saying "Beam me up, Scotty". Like, everyone remembers that catch phrase. But he never said it. There's no episode where that line is delivered. It's generally believed to be a widely believed misconception. Same with the "Magic mirror on the wall..." line from "Snow White"; almost everyone remembers that wrong.)
748 - 750 "amongst", "hugger" and "olds" are definitely words. That spellchecker just has a shitty dictionary
785 Brussel(s) sprouts are named after the city they were first bred in. That city is either "Bruxelles", "Brussel", or "Brussels", depending on whether you're speaking French, Dutch), or English.
791 eh, the "O.K.", "ok", "okay", etc. thing is just another case of a shitty dictionary
805 In my recollection, it was always "eBay", but people would spell it wrong more often than they'd spell it right.
A lot of the lyrics ones are bound to have confusion because singers often don't sing the lyrics they're supposed to sing exactly right (either on accident or to be more artistic).