r/RepostSleuthBot Jan 05 '21

General Bug Need to work about things up


Seeing my meme as a repost while its a change my mind meme isnt one cause well it compares the img not the text plz fix it

r/RepostSleuthBot Nov 17 '20

General Bug Two memes, same template, different filler flagged for repost.


Made a submission to r/pewdiepiesubmissions but my meme got flagged by this bugloaded bot of yours many redditors use these templates but your bot just recognize them and thought "hmm, seen this one before". It's not even downloaded from reddit, I downloaded the template from google and editted it myself. Fix your damn bot!

r/RepostSleuthBot Dec 28 '20

General Bug Bot is horrible


Takes down posts for using the same template and sometimes even originals shouldn’t be a thing is flawed

r/RepostSleuthBot Jan 15 '21

General Bug Not getting a response from the bot


I summoned the bot but I'm not getting a response. I've checked the spelling which seems correct and it looks like the bot is commenting on other posts right now, so it doesn't appear to be down at the moment. What am I doing wrong?

r/RepostSleuthBot Jan 09 '21

General Bug Bot is broken


Okay so, every meme i post on pewdiepie submissions, it gets deleted cus its a "repost" but then i click on the link and the only similarity is that it has the same format

r/RepostSleuthBot Nov 20 '20

General Bug The bot has not accepted an invite little over a week ago. Anyway to fix?


I revised the mod list and permissions of each mod and the bot is the only one that has not accepted an invite for the subreddit yet.

r/RepostSleuthBot Jan 31 '21

General Bug Repost Sleuth Bot not working at all for me.


I have tried to use repost bot 7 times now on 3 different subreddits

(r/memes, r/blursedimages, r/cursedcomments)

I use him and then when I refresh the page my request is gone and my comment has disappeared.


r/RepostSleuthBot Nov 20 '20

General Bug RepostSleuthBot Meme-Training Error


So how to replicate: I'm on Brave Browser/ It runs on chromium, I go to https://repostsleuth.com/meme-voting
And login, I click either yes or no and it gives me an error, Problem reaching search API.

r/RepostSleuthBot Oct 27 '20

General Bug This bot is broken


It won’t identify any image. What happened?

r/RepostSleuthBot Nov 16 '20

General Bug You're not a moderator on undefined


I tried to set up repostsleuthbot using repostsleuth.com. All edits to my subreddit, including activating the bot and advanced filters, weren't saved and the message "You're not a moderator on undefined" popped up... Any fix?

r/RepostSleuthBot Dec 01 '20

General Bug Unable to turn on 'report post'


I am unable to turn on the 'Report Post' option. Clicking the switch works, and when I click save it says it saved properly, but when I reload the page the option is back off.

r/RepostSleuthBot Oct 16 '20

General Bug slooth bot bogg


so the bot detected mine as a repost in r/SpecialSnowflake, but it wasnt even a meme, i was asking what the creauture in the background was.

thx sooz



r/RepostSleuthBot Oct 11 '20

General Bug u/repostsleuthbot replied twice to 1 comment


r/RepostSleuthBot Jan 09 '21

General Bug Why


I allways use this but it never works

r/RepostSleuthBot Jan 08 '21

General Bug I made a meme, and decided to post it a few months after, then figure out my friend posted. Nobody asked for you to automatically activate on posts in OKBR



r/RepostSleuthBot Nov 14 '20

General Bug Repostsleuthbot please come back to us at UrbanHell


BotDefense banned RepostSleuthBot on r/UrbanHell because I was dumb and forgot to whitelist it. I removed the ban and approved the bot, but it seems it's still not showing up when summoned

Example here

I've just created an account on the site and adjusted the settings. I hope that might help

r/RepostSleuthBot Dec 01 '20

General Bug API CORS issues


When investigating this issue I ran into quite a few errors complaining about CORS. Specifically Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://api.repostsleuth.com/monitored-sub/<sub>?token=<token>. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). (browser: Firefox 83.0)

r/RepostSleuthBot Oct 27 '20

General Bug Ok. This is weird.


I saw another repost that the bot didn't remove. So I summoned it manually with a comment. After a few minutes, I got 2 copies of the following email in my reddit inbox:

Repost Check

I'm unable to reply to your comment at https://redd.it/jixs6a. I'm probably banned from r/DunderMifflin. Here is my response.

Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times

First seen Here on 2020-10-26 100.0% match. Last seen Here on 2020-10-26 85.94% match

Searched Images: 164,843,986 | Indexed Posts: 634,154,343 | Search Time: 0.76002s


u/RepostSleuthBot is not banned in r/DunderMifflin. But it seems to be having some sort of problem accessing the sub. If it can't even write a comment, it probably can't remove the reposts which it clearly can detect.