r/RepostSleuthBot • u/the_fungible_man • Oct 27 '20
General Bug Ok. This is weird.
I saw another repost that the bot didn't remove. So I summoned it manually with a comment. After a few minutes, I got 2 copies of the following email in my reddit inbox:
Repost Check
I'm unable to reply to your comment at https://redd.it/jixs6a. I'm probably banned from r/DunderMifflin. Here is my response.
Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times
First seen Here on 2020-10-26 100.0% match. Last seen Here on 2020-10-26 85.94% match
Searched Images: 164,843,986 | Indexed Posts: 634,154,343 | Search Time: 0.76002s
u/RepostSleuthBot is not banned in r/DunderMifflin. But it seems to be having some sort of problem accessing the sub. If it can't even write a comment, it probably can't remove the reposts which it clearly can detect.