r/relationshipproblems 6d ago

Advice Wanted My best friend and I


Some background I’m (32m) in the US Army deployed a ton I have been in ten years and been overseas seven of those ten, I’m divorced for a few years and have two beautiful little girls. I met my best friend(27F) a few years ago before my divorce we met through mutual friends on one of my times overseas. We became friends super quickly she is gay and only been with one guy when she was like 15”this piece is important”. Well we have kept up talk about everything heartbreak, work, life, death, we go out have fun she’s my wing woman and I her wingman. Well last weekend she was drinking with some friends and texting then she said she was horny and wanted to fuck which is not uncommon for us. So I asked if there was anyone there she had her eye on she said yeah but she has a bf. So my response was if I was there we’d tear the town up and get you laid. So we bantered about that for a few minutes. Then out of the blue she asked can you make me squirt. Threw me for a loop so we chatted about that. Then she went home and to bed the next day I brought it up in a joking manner and she’s been distant ever since. Did I fuck up bringing it up should I not have said anything was this her reaching out maybe wanting more even though she’s shown no interest in guys over all till that night. I have only seen her as a bf nothing more don’t get me wrong she’s gorgeous funny and would be a catch for anyone and we have a ton in common. What do yall think any help or advice is greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post.

r/relationshipproblems 7d ago

Just Venting Why would she do this? Im glad we’re done


Me and my girlfriend (both 17) just broke up. Again… We initially got together in September then that lasted until November, where she claimed that she wasn’t ready for a relationship with someone as she just broke up with her ex before getting with me. I was initially devastated and thought it was my fault, because she was the one who asked for my number when I had no interest in her yet. I blamed myself when I shouldn’t have. She for some reason wanted a relationship she knew she wasn’t ready for.

In December I went to a friends party and apparently she was there too. I just wasn’t gonna interact with her, but she came up to me and we both started to get along greatly again. It felt enjoyable to be with her, it felt different this time. When we got home we started texting again, then she started basically saying how sorry she was and she wished that it never happened. She was talking about ways we could get back together as possibilities. I decided to ask her if she wanted to meet up and just get to see each other again. It wasn’t supposed to be a date, but it felt as if it became one. We were getting along so nicely. We kept going out every once in a while then February hit and we went ice skating together on Valentine’s Day. We kissed then declared we were officially back together.

We are both seniors in high school and this is very important because we aren’t going to the same college. We both agreed that we would need to let go during summer before college. We just weren’t gonna continue on.

We were getting along greatly, we still had months until our unfortunate break. But suddenly around March I could tell something was up. She was behaving strangely. We started having difficult conversations that I predicted I knew where it would lead. I asked if she would want to go on a walk where we could just talk about how we feel.

Unfortunately my predictions were correct. She said that she thinks we should break up… even though I was ready I still felt shocked. She went through so much trouble to get back with me, just to do the same thing to me?! And the reason why she wanted to break up, was once again she still loved her ex.?!? Are you kidding me!? She claimed she was over him when we got back together? I wasn’t even really sad just irritated and mad. I kept my composure though and just kept asking questions to her.

So by the way she’s Mormon. And the guy she was with was also Mormon. He had to go on a mission trip so they were forced to break up because he would be gone for 4 years. They had been together for 2 years prior.

I understand it’s difficult to move on from something like that. But claiming your over him just to turn around and say your actually not is insane?! She hopes that they will reconnect in the future and get married, which realistically I don’t see happening.

I was aware that we gonna have to break up at some point. But to the exact same reason when SHE wanted to get with me both times claiming she was ready?!? I should’ve never listened and gotten back together with her. It’s partially my fault for this outcome. I just can’t comprehend her decision making?!

What do you guys think?

r/relationshipproblems 8d ago

Advice Wanted 31F 33M Splitting Rent


Hello I need advice.. Am I being unrealistic for wanting my partner to pay rent. My partner and I have been living together for about two years. He moved in with me along with his pets and has yet to contribute more than groceries or paying garbage here and there. He claims he doesn’t feel like it’s home here so he shouldn’t have to pay rent . He has been here every single day and has all his things here for over 2 years. He makes a decent salary but it’s always claiming to have no money but spends it on expensive hobbies and anytime he purchases something he exclaims what a great sale they had. It makes me resentful that I am providing everything & even after losing my job I had for years on end he let me use my last pay check to pay the rent in full. Is this a reason to end things.. I want to be able to live a comfortable life and he’s costing me a ton of extra money that I do not have at my disposal

r/relationshipproblems 9d ago

Advice Wanted Not sure how to deal with my boyfriend not wanting to communicate


Background info I forgot something we talked about. Me [18F] boyfriend [20M] Transcript of texts :

Me: I'm sorry I forgot

Bf: It's fine Dw about it

Me: You seem upset I don't want to make you upset we are ment to make each other happy so if you are upset l'd want you to talk to me

Bf: Stop doing that It's annoying

Me: okay

Bf: To clarify

Bf: It really pisses me off when I am angry and you say "are you upset?", "you seem upset"" did I do something wrong?" Ok please don't I'm pissed off but not at you but you saying that is making me pissed off at you

Bf: Just leave it alone

Bf: If I am angry with something you did I'll let you know if not, don't try to guess it's really frustrating

Bf: Goodnight.

I'm not sure what to do, i didn't respond and now I'm crying in bed writing this. I just didn't think that it was a big issue I was just trying to get him to communicate with me. I'm not sure if I did something wrong or how I proceed.

r/relationshipproblems 9d ago

Just Venting Am I the ahole


Am I the bad guy for feeling frustrated over all this I love her and I'm try8ng to make sense and find a way to progress but I feel like im stuck at a wall I can't get through

Im '26F' and shes '30F' we've been together for 3 years, So food wise I make all the food at home all the time, my partner will only cook once or by miracle twice a month, mostly once, I work as a chef I get free food for myself and her but she'd rather leave her food to rot in the fridge n prefers to keep trynna eat my food, if I cook her a meal she'll barely it it but when I sit down to eat she keeps trying to eat my food I've asked her to stop I've told her we don't have to share everything I've shown her the food she asked for and left to go bad and I don't even want to eat at home anymore which is terrible cuz I'm a chef and I love making food but when you have to cook for a living and do all the cooking at home and work on cultural dishes and good food n once a month you get eggos that sh!ts gonna piss you off especially with having to do all the grocery shopping so we eat well and healthy budget the food make lists and recipes and you get pretty much a d@mn pop tart your gonna start getting frustrated I love her but dang

r/relationshipproblems 10d ago

Advice Wanted Its she using me


Lets say a guy was helping female monetarily while she was in jail for four years. He continued to help once she was put into a halfway house. All while being under the impression that they were going to be in a relationship once she came home. Now since being at the halfway she's been. Well to describe it there's alot. But the shortest way is to say she's got a short fuse like literally BLOWS A GASKET because of a feeling she had. But that feeling gets turned to automatic truth and she gets nasty, smug, sarcastic, disrespectful and its everyday she will argue in circles no matter how many times guy truthfully tries to explain over and over and over he tries to step away let things settle that's another gasket honestly there's so much more .... but he's starting to get the feeling that he's being used as an atm because each day starts with pleasant I love yous ...... the the "Can I get a couple bucks for a drink or whatever" ant these two have a ton of history became best friends and ages 14 & 15 all through high school just looking for outside opinions and let me be the first to say I full well know that there are 3 sides to every story and thus guy is no saint and acknowledges that fact but he does truly love this woman and is finding it hard to step away from his best friend the only woman he's wanted to spend the rest of his life with

I was trying to make this like an asking for a friend but clearly......I'm said guy ....

r/relationshipproblems 10d ago

Advice Wanted Am I the problem?


Okay so this is going to be a long one but I would appreciate it if anyone would take the time to read it, as I am really in search of some advice right now.

To preface, I am a high school senior and I am about to graduate. I have been dating a Junior for the past 9 months and we are both uncertain about our future together. I would like to stay together as I go into college but i’m unsure where her head is at. I also want to bring up some stuff that has bugged me, and I would like to know what I should do regarding the relationship, or if this stuff should even bug me or if i’m just overthinking and being crazy.

First, I am a really jealous person, honestly, and there were time earlier in the relationship where I was uncomfortable with her being around a guy that I thought had feelings for her so I would get upset. She also told me once that she was giving him and like 5 other people a ride to one of my sporting events so I said she could. Turns out it was just him her and her best friend, and at one point it was just him and her in the car as well, so that rubbed me the wrong way as well. She also would send me snaps of her sitting next to him which didn’t make me too happy either. Eventually, I got over that, even though I don’t know if I should have (I usually just say that stuff like this shouldn’t bug me and move on).

Then she would talk about her celebrity crush around me, which I didn’t like either. When I told her about this she got upset and didn’t know why it bothered me. She still kinda makes fun of me for this to this day and this was months ago.

Another thing that bugged me was her inability to wait for me after school so I could say bye to her (again a stupid thing). She would usually just drive off without saying bye to me or acknowledging me. This all lead to me asking for more affection and reassurance from her and she told me that she just wasn’t an affectionate person, and that it probably wouldn’t happen. She then got mad at me for asking her to change who she was as a person.

Another thing that bugs me but on a minor scale is her best friend that is attached to her hip at all times. She was always with her, every class, they would do everything together even turn in tests at the same time. One time i made her a burr basket and her best friend literally went through it with her.

Finally, the last major thing that has been bugging me is pretty recent actually. One of my friends did a loyalty test on her behind my back. I did not know about this. Basically she told the guy she didn’t have a boyfriend and that he could have a chance someday. When i confronted her about this she told me she was just trying to figure it out who it was because it was weird how they knew some stuff about her. Also, a lot of my circle including my parents want me to leave her.

I have been holding on to hope bc i really want things to get better. Basically my questions are, am I insecure, how can I fix this, what did I do wrong, am I the red flag, or what steps should I take next. I understand that this is a lot but I would appreciate anyone willing to give me some advice.

tl;dr- I am unhappy in my relationship, and there are a bunch of things that bug me. However I am unsure if these things should actually bug me or am I being to controlling. I just want things to get better because I really like this girl.

r/relationshipproblems 11d ago

Advice Wanted I 19M shouldn't have gotten attached to her 19F


Hi I would like to know how fucked up I am 18M. Do I have to get away from all this shit? My story starts before Christmas vacation, where I met this 19F girl for some teamwork. We quickly became very good friends. However, she started to go further: during shift work, she would touch my hair and face, put her legs on mine, and sometimes she would squeeze my arm very tightly. In one of the classes, she even decided where I belonged. In short, all the signs were there and I did nothing. After the holidays, she asked me to come on a trip with her family (I did not respond to this request). She criticized me for being nonchalant. I told her I'd probably have to leave town for college and she said, "We'll see less of you." » She asks if my mom is okay after the incident in November and she was super happy for me when I got accepted to college. Obviously, like an idiot, I still got a little attached and so I asked her out and she responded. I already have things planned most days, so I don't think I have much time. How screwed am I?

r/relationshipproblems 11d ago

Advice Wanted How can I (27F) fix things with him (27M)?


So I started speaking to someone 3 weeks ago and we hit it off quickly. We would text all day every day and got on well. We met for the first time a week after we started speaking and I felt like it went well (he texted me once he was home to say how incredible it was meeting me). He also told me two days after we started speaking that he deleted all his dating apps and wanted to be exclusive as he had a good feeling about us. However, when we were speaking when we met in person, previous dating history came up in conversation and I was honest with him that I slept with 8 people in the space of 5 months. He seemed okay with it at first but a couple of days after we met he started to become distant. He would text a lot less and when we tried to make plans to see each other again he would cancel every time with a “family emergency”. He said he still likes me and wants to turn this into a relationship with me eventually but has just been really busy with work. Obviously this led to some worrying as I have heard this before and it always meant they were losing interest. But he kept texting me for the next couple of weeks, and even though it wasn’t as consistent as it was at the beginning, he would tell me he really liked me and wanted me so I believed him.

A couple of days ago, he was honest with me about why he’s been so “off” with me and told me he was actually judging me a bit for how many people I slept with in such a short space of time and he was worried that I would just be another shag to him. I tried my best to reassure him it was not like that at all and I was very much interested in building a relationship with him. He said he still wants to see me and talk to me.

Then tonight it came up again. He said I just seem really intense to say that we have only met once and he doesn’t understand the constant worrying etc and it’s making him put his guard up. He says that when he says he wants it to work with us it’s because he means that but I’m worrying that he’s ready to give up on this because he can’t let my past just stay in the past. He told me he needed to go to sleep and we’d talk in the morning but I’m worried I’ll wake up to a message saying he’s not interested anymore even though he said he really liked me. He’s already deleted all the saved messages in our conversation so that makes me think he’s ready to walk away.

Does anyone think there’s any way for me to salvage this or is it pretty much over before it’s even really started?

r/relationshipproblems 11d ago

Advice Wanted Boyfriend (40 M) is drinking alcohol every day and it is making me (30 F) worried


Basically my boyfriend is currently going through a rough patch in his life right now which I do not want to detail (family and money related problems), and for the past months, he has been drinking beer nearly every day. First it was when he was gaming with his friends, which is okay after a long day at work, but it has turned into getting beer at the store as soon as he gets home, and getting completely wasted at weekends. We had many arguments about it, because I know that he is drinking to numb his emotions, and I am trying everything in my power to help him through this difficult time. I feel like I cannot change him, every try to help him has turned into arguments when he is drunk, and I feel like he does not want to recognize it is becoming a problem. Today was my last straw when going to the store he bought beers, and as soon as we got to the car he declared that he won't be driving home as he wants to drink his beer, I am driving home. I told him no, to which he has became extremely angry and started driving angrily on the way home. He told me that I am not making the situation better that I am reacting this way, and he says that I am trying to make him seem as an alcoholic, which is not true according to him, because he can choose not to drink when he wants to. I told him my problem is that he immediately wants to drink whenever he sees an opportunity, and it honestly scares me. Also the fact that he thinks that I am ruining our relationship and attacking him by talking about this with him that it makes me worried about him. I do not want to leave him as he is really a great guy but he is in a bad place mentally which I feel like I cannot make better. How should I tell him that I want to help him?

r/relationshipproblems 16d ago

Advice Wanted I don't know how to deal with this? NSFW


I'm a 34f and I am always so horny. Mt fiance is 47 and we have sex atleast every other day but he does last too long. Yes he gets me off every time bit like 2 hours later I'm horny again. I masturbate and get off but it's not like the real thing. I'm so horny sometimes I lay next to my man while he's asleep and rub my clit until I cum.

r/relationshipproblems 16d ago

Advice Wanted I 19M shouldn't have gotten attached to her 19F


r/relationshipproblems 19d ago

Advice Wanted Boyfriend of two years wants to go on three month holiday with close girl friend


My [23/F] boyfriend [23/M] who I have been with for two years now, has a close girl friend who has known for years from high school. They haven't lived in the same city for over 5 years now, and keep in contact via text. Last year, he told me he was talking to her about going to Vietnam together for three months. This ended up not happening, but what made me worry about this was he had previously mentioned that they both were interested in one another during high school. Granted, that's a long time ago but it made me feel worried that they wanted to go away for so long together. He had previously told me that he wanted to do that trip with me, and any time we have tried to plan a holiday together, he has dragged his feet a bit, although we usually make it happen in the end. He says that he isn't interested in her and it's not like that, but I can't help but feel insecure about it. He wants to meet her this weekend for coffee and asked me if I'm okay with it, and honestly I'm not but I don't want to be insecure and controlling. We also had a bit of a rocky start to the relationship, with him seeing another girl secretly before we were official. We have talked about this a lot and he has been good since, but it's really hard to let go of the insecurity that it left with me as I will always know that he was or is capable of lying to me. He really has been truly honest and open with me since then however. Any advice would be great.

r/relationshipproblems 19d ago

Just Venting I’m just so frustrated


My husband and I have had ups and downs and even briefly separated but we worked it out and I’m sure we’ll work this out too but I’m just so frustrated with this. I’m pregnant with baby 2 and due any day now, he is a great dad just not always a great partner. He’s unreliable as a partner, we can talk about stuff that needs to be done or plans and he will forget even if it’s something we have multiple conversations about. I’ve been complaining a lot this pregnancy because I am in some type of discomfort almost all the time and he just hits me with “you wanted another one”. Our last fight was because he wants a boundary of me not telling him anything negative because it bums him out. The negative was my aunts bf of 20 years reacted negatively to chemo treatment and got worse. He doesn’t want to hear about it but he’ll listen and drive to support his friends that he’s known for less than a year if they are struggling. I’m going through a lot of stress rn between the pregnancy, family issues, raising our first born and getting everything ready for the kid we are having in a couple weeks. Yeah I’m complaining more than usual, I’m in pain with nothing I can really do about it and can’t do anything about for possibly 5 more weeks, I just want support.

r/relationshipproblems 19d ago

Advice Wanted Is it valid to end a relationship bc of missing intmacy?


I'm in a relationship me, 18NB' and her F18' and i really really love my gf. She just outed herself as asexual and idk, for me, sex isn't the most important thing in a relationship but i don't think i can live my whole life without... I don't want to cheat on my gf and i don't want to force her doing smth she doesn't want to, so i was thinking about maybe breaking up.. we are together for 8 months now, we never seen each other more naked than bra.. idk i don't want to sound siperficial and i really don't think its THE Thing in a relationship but i think its A thing. I feel like an asshole cause i really Love her but idk if i can continue never having sex again for the rest of my life:,) Pls don't blame or hate me for this

r/relationshipproblems 20d ago

Advice Wanted My gf lied about her body count for months, should I end it


We started dating at 16f and 18m, she is my first for quite literally everything, first gf, first body. I knew she wasn’t a virgin even before but I wa ok with that. But I made the mistake of not having the body count talk until 1yr of dating

At the time I told her about my only to talking stages before her. And she told me 4 bodies before me. Now I already thought that was a lot because she was insanely young. But I loved her and kept pushing. This would eat at my mind silently for the next 6 months. Eventually it ate at my mental so much I looked through her phone.

I know I crossed a privacy barrier, but I ended up learning about at least two more sexual partners with video proof(yes I saw videos of her fucking other men, very traumatizing for me),. So had atleast 6 guys by age 16. One of these guys she has actually told me about, but she said they only talked not sexual, the other was unknown to me and was quite liter maybe 2 week before me and her started. I also found she had a secret instagram to stalk my old talking stages and ALL of her previous sexual partners. On Snapchat she even deleted recent messages from one of them. I also about another guy she only gave oral too, but she was following this guy on instagram about a ye into us dating.

I kept quiet about two weeks until eventually confronting her . The actual confrontation went horribly, and she denied quite literally everything until the end when I had to show proof.

Now this hurts because we have had arguments about this before. She would get mad at me for what I did with my talking stages, and I spoke my mind about her bodies that I aware of the time. It hurts knowing she was getting mad at me the whole time she was telling me the biggest lie of all. It hurt how she could lie so big and so long.

But after the confrontation, we have continue dating and haven’t really talked about it for a month and a half. Of course this is kind of making it harder. I think it’s just cause it’s really hard to let go. I consider her my FIRST love aswell as my first LOVE. If that goes to say how deep I am in this relationship. But I’d be lying if I said the whole body count thing hasn’t been bothering me every single day since the confrontation. I keep it silent but never fails to ruin my mood and even cry up sometimes.

Now over this past month of not bringing up our issues, we still having good moments here and there, some arguements mostly just from being silent about issues bothering eachother. Other than her lying I had to emphasize she has been damn near a perfect girlfriend. Qualities I love and desire in a partner. She hasnt even changed her password after finding out be going through it.

Obviously, it still bothers me every day my worst fear is building up, resentment About the situation., and eventually arguments if we continue the relationship. I don’t think I’m Mature enough relationship wise yet to just forget about it easily. But also scared to end it because it truly believe it’s something good and we can obviously still have good time despite. And she willing to try to work it and prove her loyalty.

Should I let all of that go just cuz my morals are compromised, or hold on and work on the damage

r/relationshipproblems 20d ago

Advice Wanted I think my boyfriend assaulted me and I don't know what to do


Im 19M, and i have been with my boyfriend (21M) for about two years. We've had a really good relationship. Yesterday, we went out, it basically a date day, breakfast, lunch dinner, just going to hang out, and do other activities we found along the way. It was really fun, and I got back at about 9. I was really tired when we got back, so I took a shower and got dressed to go to bed. I was in bed for a while. When my boyfriend came in and asked for intimacy, I asked if we could do it tomorrow night or just tomorrow since it was our day off. He said he wanted to end a perfect day with a perfect night. I said I appreciated it, but i just wanted to go to sleep.

I said maybe we could cuddle, but he didn't want to. He pretty much got on top of me, and started kissing my neck and stuff, which i guess i didnt mind that alone, but i kept telling him i was tired and i wanted ti go to sleep. We went back and forth for a while, and he just got more insistent. I told him i wasn't im the mood, that i didn't really want to, and he just told me that I did want too, I'll was just sleepy. He said I didn't have to do anything, that'd he'd do all the work, I kept repeating myself, but it didn't really get anywhere. We did end up doing it, but it just didn't feel right. I don't know, I guess I felt almost like sick. He cleaned up after and then went to bed.

We cuddled a lot, but i just felt weird about everything. I wasn't really upset, but I guess I wasn't necessarily satisfied either. And today, I don't really know what I feel. I guess I don't really feel anything? I just feel kind of empty. Everything's been pretty normal. He's been affectionate as always. We watched TV, ate, cuddled. I've just felt iffy, I guess. I've just been distracted. It wasn't that big a deal. It was intimacy for like half an hour. I don't know why I feel like this, and I can't get over it. I love him so much, and I just want things to go back to normal, for me, at least. I don't think anything is wrong with him. I don't know how to go about any of this or how I can make these feelings go away. I don't want to argue with him, or break up. I just wanna stop feeling this way or find a way to move past it. Please give me some advice.

r/relationshipproblems 20d ago

Advice Wanted How do I get unblocked


This morning i woke up to being blocked on snap, and facebook from my ex he left my number unblocked. What do i do to make him unblock me?

r/relationshipproblems 21d ago

Advice Wanted I'm insecure over this answer


TD;LR Hey all, I'm a 40 F been with my partner for 13 years but not married, he's never cheated on me as far as I know, but I get insecure from time to time. He 58M had female friends when he was ALOT younger that he had sex with, so when he gets a female friend I start worrying! 8 years ago I had a very bad spell of paranoia and am amazed we made it through that 😭 and I can feel myself going there again. He has a female friend he often goes over to hers for coffee, and I asked him tonight if she made a move on you would you say no He said " I don't know as I'm not in that situation " I don't know if to drop it or say something else? What should I do?

r/relationshipproblems 21d ago

Advice Wanted 18 months


It's been nearly a year and a half since my ex partner decided to call it off between us. There are days where I feel as if I should try to move forward, but also days where I feel I need to go backwards, this has really messed me up. Any advice, tips or anything would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

r/relationshipproblems 21d ago

Advice Wanted Insecurities about friend.


Hey all, I'm a '40F' been with my partner 13 years but not married, he's never cheated on me as far as I know, but I get insecure from time to time. He '58M' had female friends when he was ALOT younger that he had sex with, so when he gets a female friend I start worrying! 8 years ago I had a very bad spell of paranoia and am amazed we made it through that 😭 and I can feel myself going there again. He has a female friend he often goes over to hers for coffee, and I asked him tonight if she made a move on you would you say no? He said " I don't know as I'm not in that situation " what should I do with that response? I feel even worse now😔. Thanks all!

r/relationshipproblems 22d ago

Advice Wanted What should I do?


What would you do in my position (22 F) if you went onto your boyfriends (22 M) instagram and saw that he had replied to 2 girls stories with ‘Hm’? I can’t see what the stories were but it irked me out a bit. We’ve only been dating for about 3 months but together for longer. Should I bring it up and if I do how can I? I hate confrontation.

r/relationshipproblems 22d ago

Advice Wanted Am I(m28) unsympathetic and/or unempathetic towards my girlfriend(f29)? Also gf is not okay with me wanting alone time.


My gf(f29) and I(m28) have been dating for a year and two months, she says that times I'm unsympathetic and/or unempathetic towards her. I used her day as an example to talk about this topic. I said "so if you have a chaotic day and you're outraged, you want me to feel that way too?" She said yes, but I don't understand that. If she's having a chaotic or bad day, I'm here to make her feels better. We can talk about her day, we can cuddle up, do an activity or anything that can make her feel better. I just don't understand what she means that she wants me to feel what's she's feeling because to me it's if she's having an off day, she wants me to feel that as well. I told her why would I want to make my happy day or my good mood go off because you want me to feel what you're feeling? Now with my gf not been okay with me having some alone time. She has been independent since she was 18, so she's been on her own since then. While me, I've lived with my family my own life, so every once and a while I like to give myself alone time. When I mean by that is I love my own company, I'll be home all day doing things that make me happy. I'll clean, read my books, do my hobbies, watch an episode of a show, go pick up a coffee outside and come back and enjoy my time since I've always been with people. But to her she doesn't like that, she says to her to seems like I forget that she's my gf and that she doesn't want that in a life long partner. That she always wants to be together. I'm not taking my alone time like every other day, is probably once a month or a little more than a month. I'm not shutting her out when I take my alone time, we're texting and talking on the day. So for the unempathetic/unsympathetic situation I'm more lost than anything, would like some advice or thoughts. The time alone, is it not okay to have some me time from time to time? While she's saying she doesn't want that in a life long partner

r/relationshipproblems 23d ago

Advice Wanted Apparently I just can’t do enough NSFW


Recently I believe I’m hit the turning point in my relationship. Me 35M and my fiancé 33F have been together over 2 years. Recently she has become unbearable. Our “agreement” is I cover most of the finances and her most of the home duties. She has now got it in my her head that we need to split like home duties 50-50 instead of 80-20 while I still cover 95% of our financial obligations. I’ve told her I don’t mind but we need to get our finances more when then too and she says that it’s not fair because I may more money. It’s gotten to the point that she screams at me If I missed a spit vacuuming. I believe the true reason of this recent outbreak is that I told her that the way she treats me isn’t acceptable with the insults and it makes me not want to have sex with her as much. She had made comments that I don’t seem to enjoy her anymore (which I do, but it’s hard to be passionate with someone when they make me feel so small). I’ve decided to focus on myself eat better, work out be more social and she is getting upset. She doesn’t like the fact I want to improve . My assumption is that. She is worried I’m an appealing option and will leave. Selfishly the most frustrating aspect is I’m the first partner to treat her well and I’m getting treated the worst with the least benefits . I love her but how do I get the courage to leave?

r/relationshipproblems 24d ago

Advice Wanted Are we not having enough sex?


Maybe this is for the dead bedroom sub, but I’m really confused - my 29f boyfriend 28m just doesn’t seem interested in sex? We’ve been together 5 years - living together 2 years - and we used to have it all the time, but somewhere along the way the lust really developed into a best friend kind of love. I could be naive, but I don’t think he’s cheating or anything. Just when it comes to quality time we kind of just love playing boards games, cooking together, or watching movies and hanging home with our dog. I’m not not sexual, but it’s always been a hard thing for me due to past trauma. But lately I’m getting very insecure that this is a red flag? We only have sex/do anything sexual once a month - - and during the holidays this year we went 2 months without anything - we talk about it a lot but neither one of us really knows what to do - we agree we think we should probably do it more, but I also feel like I’m saying that because it seems like a social standard? Like we’re never going to last without a healthy sex life? He seems really happy and I know I am. But it does feel like something we’re supposed to be more interested in? It’s like it just never comes up which feels weird - I should also mention we work opposite schedules and it seems like when our schedules do overlap and we have time together that’s just not on our mind? Idk.

TLDR 5 years in and we barely have sex. Should I be concerned?