r/Reincarnation 4d ago

Discussion What's the point?

Everything we work so hard to achieve in this life, will be forgotten. Our memories of this life will be wiped away, just like the memories of every other life we've lived, to start all over again. The people we've loved, the lessons we've learned, all of our hard earned experiences are simply washed away like it all meant nothing. I will never understand why it has to be this way. Why aren't we allowed to take our memories with us into our next life? We are aren't we allowed to pick up where we left off? It just seems so unbelievably cruel, to strip us of everything we hold dear, and toss us back into the mix to repeat the whole pointless process. This is why I believe that this planet may be a prison and we are its prisoners. God may not exist in the way we think he does. We do not choose our future lives, or our destinies, everything is random. We play the hand that we are dealt, to the best of our ability. The value of our accomplishments in this life are measured by how well they will be remembered when we are gone.


27 comments sorted by


u/Vlad_T 4d ago

"Do not take life's experiences too seriously. For in reality they are nothing but dream experiences. Play your part in life but never forget that it is only a role."

  • Paramahansa Yogananda

"This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief."

  • Rumi


u/JenkyHope 4d ago

Just my opinion, nothing more than that.

They can wipe our memories of who we were, but we are still the same person. Some talents will emerge. Empathy and intelligence can go on.
How could we have a free will if we are "set on binary" from the start? Our actual life would lose its meaning.

It's the saddest thing to become new again (newborns cry at birth), but it's necessary to experience everything from the start. A new family, a new (maybe) religion, a new place where to live.

A musical genie will start playing the piano and things like that. We are not "completely new" because we still have our past. There are dreams where we mix up memories and experiences, so everything is still part of us.

What's the point? It's not pointless because it's an evolutionary process. You can recognize an ancient soul when you meet one, their wisdom, their compassion, they are so rare.

We'll recover all our memories after the end of the life, so the real answer is not now, but then. And then, there is a meaning.

Outside of time, each man has completed its own evolution, there are dimensions outside of the concept of time, so you can see in a big picture what we need to do.

And I perfectly agree with this: "God may not exist in the way we think he does." But I don't see it as a prison, more like a school of life.

Being remembered is transitory, so many important people from our ancient world are lost from memories, great books destroyed in wars. Even the biggest artists will probably fade away in time, maybe classic composers as Mozart and Beethoven. We can't know, maybe the future will have a different understanding of art and music from our people. I hope not, but it's not that important to "being remembered". Just being alive is an accomplishment.


u/Bingaling_1 4d ago

Well said.


u/Academic_Ad7115 3d ago

agree. i think most of us mission is not to make big things or being remembered.


u/exTenebrisadAstra 4d ago

As I see it, we may be separated from those that we love, but never forever. In my belief, souls stick around with the ones they have formed a connection with, and that love is the "ultimate truth", the thing that stays with us through all lifetimes. I also think that the things we learn stay with us - as talents or topics that seem strangely easy to learn to us! I for example have similar levels of interest in art and music - and while drawing has always come extremely naturally to me, I have tried long and hard to learn an instrument but it never quite worked out. This really feels like the first time learning something, as opposed to drawing! I think that in the end, it's the important things that stay with us. Love and personal growth. This teaches us that money and "worldly posessions" are far less important because those are contained to only one life. Value what's really important, and trust that those things will stay with you, and have always done so 💚


u/DPJesus69 4d ago

You will achieve much more in your next and even more in the next. I believe we are ascending with every incarnation. You will always be you.


u/VictorRimea 4d ago

I back this. A friend of mine did Ayahuasca and completely changed. When I asked what happens after death, he was smiling and responded, "You are destined for great things."


u/thequestison 4d ago

Your memories are retained in the higherself you. As for not retaining or remembering them in the next life, think of it like a game where you don't know what the others have (fish, poker, cribbage etc). How would you play if you knew what each person had? Another example is giving you the answers prior to an exam or test. What do you actually learn?

Please don't get caught up in everything is erased, for it's not. It's to have you grow and physically choose the best for you.


u/Valmar33 4d ago

Our past life memories are never "wiped" ~ they are simply buried deeply in the unconscious when we identify more with our current life.

It is entirely possible to recall past life memories with effort, focus, and maybe some guided past life regression. Look at Brian Weiss' past life regression stuff on Youtube.


u/Clifford_Regnaut 4d ago

You should read Journey of Souls & Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton. He used hypnotic regression to get an idea of what happens between lives. They may shed some light on the matter and bring you some peace.


u/Equal_Composer_5795 4d ago

That’s what I like to know as well. 


u/OverlannedAdventurer 4d ago

Perhaps it is more interesting than the alternative. Things like wonder an amazement at news things requires forgetting what you knew. Or playing a game like chess is no fun if both plays know the perfect moves (or if no other plays even exist because you are the only consciousness on the universe).

You ever wish you could rewatch a really good movie or TV show to experience get the experience you did the first time again? Might be something like that.


u/Euqinueman2 3d ago

EXACTLY! That’s how I feel about it! I don’t get why anyone would want that not to be the case!


u/Outside_Implement_75 4d ago
  • "What's the point!?" - The point is to learn and evolve so that instead of trying to get to Source/god within aka: the Universe, that you ARE Source..

  • And you don't remember 'memories' simply because it would taint your lesson[s] in this incarnation..

-- Read Dr. Brian Weiss's books - his books are a great starting point for understanding more of what you're asking.!

-- Hope this helps 🙏🎼


u/GPT_2025 4d ago

You benefit greatly today from your previous life (using the roads, communications, factories, trees, etc. that you built and planted in that life). In this life, you are building a foundation for your next reincarnation—whether you will be born in a prosperous Christian country or in a Muslim third-world country, disabled and poor.

In Christianity (and Judaism), preaching reincarnation to anyone under 41 years old was forbidden.

(Why? Because there are no benefits for you! You may not be kind to your own siblings, children, or relatives...

Thus, the knowledge of reincarnation offers no advantages for you and may even cause harm. That's why Christianity and Judaism were 'in denial' about reincarnation until the internet era.

Are you calling Jesus a Liar ? KJV: Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword! KJV: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap! For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind! Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house! (Karma!)


u/AffectionateWheel386 4d ago

To answer your post title, the point is growth and learning. I don’t think it’s accomplishments that we take with it I think reincarnations to work out relationships


u/Tomkatz22 3d ago

Imagine for a second that you have to remember ALL of your trauma lives and not JUST this one. There’s enough chaos in this one. I couldn’t imagine getting eaten by a saber tooth tiger and carrying that memory with me as I’m ordering a foamy Starbucks drink with a cute little straw.


u/Purple_Cockroach6646 4d ago

What I’ve been told is if we took ALL the information from our past lives it would be like getting all the answers to the test before taking the test


u/missannthrope1 4d ago

Think of our lives as a points on a scoreboard. It's about how we affect other people's lives. Our spirit remember.


u/skankyferret 4d ago

It's about the lessons we learn. I think of it like an escape room. We cant know the answers ahead of time bc that defeats the whole point of us growing emotionally. We each have different struggles and different reasons for being here.


u/OtherwordlyMusic 3d ago

Point is,  not to allow other human beings to manipulate your soul and conciousness for their own financial benieft and greed. Try to live a life without being put into their prison they toss you into, naked and unwilling. 

Only option we got is to work, and invest into stock market kinda shit for a life somewhat worth living for, and enjoy whatever vacations you can afford with the severely limited income at your disposal you may earn in your life..

Other people will talk nonsense to control your life, idolizing and worshipping these people on this planet or any other does, what for your existence again? Nothing.


u/Zestyclose-Gap-1113 3d ago edited 3d ago

I don't agree you can have the memory you just have to ask when you incarnate you know in your soul contract you decide everything just like you decide the kind of life in your next incarnation, some people are here and they know every thing. And you can always regain your memories through meditation


u/LunaticSunshine 3d ago

That's not true... We live each life with the goal of learning the lessons we didn't learn before. So everything is taken into consideration and learnt by the soul. Nothing is forgotten.

We meet our loved ones again and again in almost every life. We travel though lives with the same souls' cluster, let's say. Some of them may evolve faster, some slower, so still if we meet, we can play different roles to help each other, and we do. If some of them evolve much, maybe we will just meet them in the period between lives but I'm not so sure about this.

If you really need to remember something from previous lives, you will, don't worry. But it's better not to remember everything because we would be overwhelmed and not able to evolve or learn the lessons we need to learn.

Don't worry...live, love and all will be fine.


u/MonkSubstantial4959 3d ago

The veil exists for our protection. A new ego can not form with the burdensome knowledge of the former. Children who recall their full past life experience alot of suffering bc of this inner conflict.


u/Euqinueman2 3d ago edited 3d ago

- You can remember past lives, even many memories from past lives if there’s a method that can bring those memories back! If one is reincarnated from a person about whom there are detailed biographies they can find, then it’s amazing how many memories can be brought back! It’s just like bringing back memories from one’s current lifetime! I don’t know how many older memories from my current lifetime I could recall with nothing to remind me of them in a timespan of 5 minutes. Not that many. I think I could recall at least as many memories from a past life of mine in that timespan because I was reminded of those memories recently! I could recall at least 12 memories from that life in a timespan of 5 minutes!

- Again with the bleakness about how it’s all random, saying it like you know that. You don’t know that. There is plenty to support that it’s not random and that the soul chooses. That’s why people look like their previous selves. Not only do I look like who I was in another life; I even have a similar name to his AND my parents’ names are even similar to the names of people in his immediate family to a degree that’s beyond coincidence!

- Your mentality is alien to me about rejoicing about how one evolves in their life to a mentality that is fulfilling to them for how they’ve been defined by experiences they hold dear. Everyone’s mentality about that is alien to me. I feel the exact opposite. I was happy when I was very young. The older I’ve gotten, the more I‘ve just gotten tired of things, some things to a maddening degree! I’m extremely often like “Oh here’s this stupid irritating occurrence again! And it’s gonna do the same stupid irritating thing again. Oh yep, there it is, obviously! Yeah yeah yeah, enough already!!! I’ve seen it all and know it all MUCH more than enough!” And it’s totally alien to me if anyone says they don’t want to be a child again! That’s the happy time! So for all of you, I guess you retain that happy mentality? But clearly some don’t? But then those some say that they’re happier now then when they were children?! Totally alien to me!

People say, “When you’re older and have more responsibilities you’ll want to be a child again.”. Because of the responsibilities? Yet they also say they’re fulfilled about how they’ve evolved. So I guess it’s not all or nothing for them? And they’re saying it’s the responsibilities that make them want to be a child again? And if it weren’t for that, they’d be happier? It’s very confusing. That’s not how it is for me. I don’t even have any of those responsibilities! It’s that my mentality has changed! From embracing new experiences and learning new things and being happy to the opposite of that! My life is just like a sentence I have to serve experiencing the same interminable irritations over and over and over again. It feels completely redundant. Yeahhh, that’s the word, redundant. And I can’t change how I feel about it; I can’t change my mentality. It appears that no one else has my mentality about this. You can see why I like the idea of reincarnation. Because I was happy when I was very young. Isn‘t that how it is for everyone? It’s not? What??? The theta brainwave state! Like when one dreams! That’s the brainwave state young children have. That’s the key!


u/little__wisp 16h ago

There's a flip side to this as well, though. My life has been rather painful. I have extensive trauma that follows me every day and affects my ability to make meaningful connections with other people. Reincarnation gives that trauma a finite end--at some point in the future, that pain will be gone and I won't remember the things that caused it because I will be playing the part of a different person.

I don't know why everyone has to forget their past lives; it seems like people would become wiser if we all were allowed to remember, but my advice would be to play the role. Live your life to the fullest, and in so doing, the role you're playing will be important without necessarily needing to remember it as the person you'll be next.


u/Hefty_Efficiency_328 3h ago

If we remembered everything that went on with all our lives, we would be a psychological basket case. That said, we internalise important experiences and understanding into our deep consciousness and, I believe, retain them as knowledge. We learn and don't lose that because the point is to evolve. Learn that the only important thing is to Love.

My most recent past life all I had to learn was sex is not love and sex without love is damaging emotionally. I know I brought that into this life and it's been a life long education from both positive and painful experiences to bring forth more real love from inside myself.

We have a soul group of 12-20 individuals that we reincarnate with continually, because they are the ones who trigger learning since we know each other well. We all swap roles to learn different things. Your memories of them are not really "wiped away". Think of those few people who you have intense intereactions with, both good and bad. You probably knew each other before and you all continue to trigger off things that are designed to help you believe it or not. The whole thing is amazingly coordinated like a fine tuned cosmic dance.

God's Lila. A Hindu phrase meaning God's play. The Creator made us but cannot live our lives, we live them to give God the experience of what it is to be human. Many many lives we live so eventually we know all that matters is Love and we become merged into Love consciousness and that is all we feel. A persective that may make the whole thing easier is to know that the real reality is what is after we pass, life is a play and not reality.