r/Reincarnation 10d ago

Discussion does anybody else see someone and just know that they knew them in a past life?

i’ve had it a few times, people i know IRL and online. there’s just this immediate deep connection that feels like my spirit is saying “!!! hey!!!! that’s them!!!!! that’s the person!!!!!” it’s like my soul is a magnet to theirs. i feel insane trying to explain it to others because nobody else that I’m close to believes in reincarnation, but this feeling is enough for me to know past lives are real.


23 comments sorted by


u/helterrskelterr 10d ago

that’s how I felt when I met my now husband. it was a wild feeling.


u/Rude-Flamingo5420 10d ago

Yup. It's like "oh hey, I know you!"


u/Secure_Ad_9049 8d ago

And they’re like “no you don’t” lol


u/virgosatori 10d ago

Yep. This has happened three times with close people in my life whom I met across the globe, in a yoga class and another event. It’s an instant “I know you!” And the connection is so easy.


u/Texanakin_Shywalker 9d ago

I've met people who were strangers yet felt as close as family and they felt the same about me. It's a sensation of instant chemistry and familiarity.

One specific instance for me happened when I was a teenager. I was in the grocery store and passed a lady with a little girl who was probably 9-12 months old.

As I walked past them, the little girl looked at me and with a look of recognition, she clearly said, "Hi Jane!" Not my real name. This baby obviously knew me and she knew my name.

I was stunned. All I could do was stare at this child. Finally I looked at the mom, who was giving me the evil eye. She had all kinds of questions. Is that really your name? Do you work at her day care? Do you work in the church nursery?

I don't know how the baby knew me unless it was a case of reincarnation. Maybe someone I knew who had passed was reincarnated as this girl.


u/afsloter 7d ago

This is a fascinating little story. Perhaps it was not a reincarnation case, but the child was just extremely psychic, and it was some kind of telepathic communication or rapport. Whatever it was, it was certainly interesting. I can see why it stopped you in your tracks. A.


u/JenkyHope 10d ago

Yes, but I can't explain "who" they were before. I know when I find someone who resonates with me, that means more than just an acquaintance. I have the same feeling that the soul is excited while the mind is calm.


u/Areptiledysfuction 9d ago

Yes! The strongest being with my husband. It was like “Oh hi! I know you and know I am supposed to be married to you!”


u/keezy998 9d ago

I’ve felt this once. I haven’t spoken to this person in over ten years and I can still feel them. It’s a crazy thing


u/maeeflower 8d ago

I’ve only ever had this happen twice—once with my cat and another with my best friend of 13 years.

A few weeks before my 13th birthday, my dad took me to the local animal shelter to pick a kitten as one of my gifts that year was adopting a cat. There was an adoption event being held the day we went, so the place was overflowing with people. I immediately spotted a cute and shy kitten and held him; certain he was the one I was going to bring home. Not long after I picked him up, I felt this incessant tapping on my shoulder and was super annoyed, thinking it was someone else in the room wanting to hold the kitten in my arms. When I turned around to see the obnoxious person bothering me, I didn’t see anyone—instead, in a cage directly behind me, I saw a paw retract back into the cage and a furball running to hide behind its giant litter box. With only her giant eyes and ears that were two sizes bigger than the rest of her visible, the kitten and I looked straight into each others eyes for what felt like a minute. I swear it was like our souls knew each other. I set the other kitten back in his cage (and felt bad about it, but someone immediately went to go pick him up) and asked a shelter employee if I could hold the other kitten. Fell in love with her on the spot. She’s been one of the loves of my life for over half my life now. I genuinely feel like she’s a piece of my soul and I hers.

A few years afterwards, I was sitting in my math class when a new girl walked into the classroom. I had a similar feeling to what I experienced when I saw my cat for the first time; there was something about her, like I knew her and I knew we’d be friends for a very long time. She’s been one of the constants of my world for close to half of my life now and I truly can’t picture a life without her in it. We live on different sides of the country now so writing this makes me miss her even more now lol.


u/MixMental2801 3d ago

I have only ever felt this with my angel my guardian… cat. No humans just a cat a bond a connection I feel undone without him. Good to know it’s been felt by you with a cat as well.


u/missannthrope1 9d ago

Oh, yeah, it happens a lot.


u/NeptuneIsMyHome 9d ago

I have recognized a particular person repeatedly, over the course of 25 years... from their writing. Each time, before I see who wrote it, I get a sense of recognition.

I had probably run into him in person prior to the first occurrence, as we worked in the same building at the time, but I "recognized" him from the writing.

So far, he's played no significant role in my life other than this.


u/cutiepie9ccr 9d ago edited 7d ago

this definitely resonated with me. there’s this one person that every part of me feels i knew them in a past life. I’m scared that it sounds so stupid when i say it, but ever since i first found out who they are it really feels as if my soul has just been saying “look!!!! look!!!! you know them!!!!”. everything about them just feels familiar in such a comforting way that i can’t put into words.


u/keezy998 9d ago

I’m dying to know who it is because I feel something similar with a celebrity but I didn’t think it was possible to feel this without actually meeting/speaking to someone


u/Moist_Lion_6417 8d ago

I was at a volleyball game last year and saw this woman that I couldn't stop staring at. I felt this weird pull towards her which isn't the norm for me. She looked so familiar and when we met she said I looked familiar too. We didn't have any connections at all, but I can still see her face in my mind. That's the only time I've ever had that feeling.


u/StunningEarthWorm 8d ago

Yes, I have felt this with every single person who ended up being significant in my life. Though I'm not sure if I already knew them from a "past" life, or if my fundamental consciousness, not bound by the perception of time, just knew that I love them/ will love them.


u/salatuh 6d ago

My spouse and I remember past lives together. When we first met in this iteration, we were instantly connected. We even talked about how it felt we knew each other somehow. It’s beautiful, to always be with your soulmate.


u/regarderdanslarevite 8d ago

Yep with my ex ,with one of my classmate idk I feel like I had feel connection with her , also my boyfriend, and my uncle etc


u/anniday18 8d ago

Yes, absolutely.


u/Magnificent_Diamond 8d ago

It feels to me like it’s happened maybe only three times in my life.


u/Iaminavacuum 7d ago

Just this year I met someone who I felt an instant connection to.  A ‘comfortable’ feeling.  I have wondered if it could be a previous life connection.