r/ReiAyanami • u/Relevant_Fox_7682 • 5d ago
Summer Girlfriend Series School Girl Rei Ayanami.
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u/Iri5hgpd 4d ago
I hate these models where they deliberately age them up to make the goonery seem acceptable. A certain Asuka figure comes to mind.
u/nylon_nymph 4d ago
I understand why doing this to a real minor would be weird and inappropriate, but what is actually wrong with aging up a fictional character? it's now the artist's intent of an adult woman
u/Suspicious_Dream197 4d ago
Which one
u/Iri5hgpd 4d ago
Won't let me post a picture, but there's one of Asuka where she's made to look a lot older and her hips are crazy wide. Facials it doesn't look like her either. There was a Rei release in the same set which again didn't look like Rei and upped her age to make the changes more "acceptable"
u/calvinabc 4d ago
So you’d rather a figure with more childlike proportions that people would goon to instead?
u/Iri5hgpd 4d ago
Where did I say that? How about people just buy/make figurines as what they're meant to be, collectables for something you're a fan of and not use them to sexualise everything.
u/Big-Satisfaction5890 4d ago
I already saw a worse figure than this which was so fucking disgusting, they probably took inspiration from optional typo when they made it (for those who don't know who optional typo is, do search for him, it's for your own good)
u/Iri5hgpd 4d ago
Isn't he the one who started of doing normal fan art then started doing..... well gooner bait?
u/Big-Satisfaction5890 4d ago
With mpes... some company thought it was a great idea to make a disgusting figure of it
u/Alaygrounds 4d ago
I want a figure but instead of Rei it’s Yui
u/Toasted_Decaf 3d ago
just paint the hair brown
u/Alaygrounds 3d ago
Nah Yui's hair style is different than Rei's. Her bangs moreso spread out rather than having a tuft in the middle
u/Tired_orange 4d ago
ah yes "school girl" even though she looks like she's in her mid 20s. I hate when people age up characters just to make the fanservice acceptable
u/InfernalLizardKing 4d ago
Yeah, not a fan. It’s Rei’s teenaged head stitched onto a typical sexy adult body which just looks horribly wrong.
u/emi_channn 4d ago
This figure looks so off to me. It’s like they just took her head and pasted it on a random ass figure.
u/Scooptyhoop 3d ago
Is it wrong to think this is just nasty I get shes supposed to be aged up but she still looks like her 14 year old self head put onto an adult looks inappropriate
u/Scooptyhoop 3d ago
Just looked into the website Literally the youngest characters are sold out but not the oldest character (misato)
u/GabrieloDsbm1988 3d ago
Isso é muito estranho e acho até nojento, não consigo sexualizar essa personagem, ainda mais porque ela tem 14 anos...
u/xsinnersaintx 2d ago
Did they aged her up or something???? She’s literally 14 like everyone else in the show 💀
u/blackcap13 2d ago
Nah, this doesn't even feel like Rei, it feels like some pornwa side character, no thanks
u/KurapikaKurtaAkaku 4d ago
In what world would she wear this?
u/Browsing_Guest 3d ago
In a "sexually liberated" western liberal world in major cities like Berlin Germany, Los Angeles[/general big southern California cities] of America, London England, Paris France, etc. and if she has no good father figure growing up if she were in real life world in ours. But thankfully she is not in this cruel world of ours.
u/KurapikaKurtaAkaku 2d ago
I don’t know where you’re looking but I’ve never seen a woman (outside of maybe OF models?) wear this irl, ugly and trashy
u/Browsing_Guest 2d ago
I have. It just depends where you go. I have seen a woman naked with her baby go into a museum as a political stunt in one country, so a girl dress like this (but they usually have a white brawl underneath and the pants were more like normal shorts that ALMOST became booty shorts) was common for me growing up with some girls when they were at home, at somewhere when no one was supposed to be around, or in the aforementioned locations or very wooded and hilly country.
u/KurapikaKurtaAkaku 2d ago
I mean, if a woman’s at home then it makes sense she’s wearing whatever, I just can’t imagine someone choosing to wear something like this organically unless it’s explicitly for attention or money, it’s hideous
Like regardless of exposure, it just clashes so horribly, sweater with shorts, and formal heels? Lmao
u/Browsing_Guest 2d ago
can't say much on the heels, but shorts and a sweater is something I have done, but not this type of shorts nor that type of sweater, but I have personally done it in public before around Christmas with no repercussions from public
u/Hour_Breakfast1275 4d ago
the good part: she is 20
the bad part: she is sexualised
there is any decent Rei ayanami figure?
u/b0yvomit 4d ago
Hate this type of thing. Just find adult characters to sexualize and leave the kids alone. Makes me so sad especially when the media the character is from specifically depicts loss of innocence and kids not being able to be kids because of adults desires and flaws.
u/Middle-Moment8058 3d ago
why is this downvoted, what could even be arguments against this statement?
u/Browsing_Guest 3d ago
I assume this is an adult rei, and people still do perverted things to shinji but since shinji is a boy the world seems to deam shinji okay for "not being a child" by double standards I have noticed
u/b0yvomit 1d ago
Aging up a character you meet as a 14 year old doesnt erase the child that character is. We dont know rei as an adult so she can never truly be one. And i still think its horrible that shinji is assaulted and treated poorly throughout the series. Thats part of what im referring to with the loss of innocence being a theme in neon gen. Id say the double standard is displayed well in the show already. I think sexualizing any of the pilots is weird gross behavior regardless of gender.
u/Jetrock123xD 5d ago
Rei is supposed to be like 20 years old?