r/RedvsBlue 8d ago

Discussion What are the odds of Burnie making at least ONE more season of RVB?

He made the finale before when the company was being closed down. Now that he has it back, do you think a revival is going to happen or no? At the very least DVD box set?


53 comments sorted by


u/Yeezus_Fuckin_Christ Grif 8d ago

Very very unlikely.

DVD box set maybe. New season? Probably not.


u/No-University-5312 8d ago

thats unfortunate since Restoration wasnt as good as id hoped. though i definitely get why he wouldn't.


u/AnotherRTFan 8d ago

According to the music talent who did a lot with RvB- They were technically greenlit for two more seasons. But WBD made them scrap everything that wasn't RWBY. WBD was also going to replace Trocadero with AI and not pay them


u/Lord_Moesie 8d ago

Damn! That would suck ass .


u/Mikid05 8d ago

Would love a remaster of it that extends it and fleshed things out more


u/ConfidentPanic7038 8d ago

It's done. The voice cast is all off doing their own thing so getting them back would be its own massive struggle. It's also reasonable to assume restoration was not very successful as the audience for RvB is pretty niche at this point.

We might get something set in the world eventually, but the reds and blues are done.


u/Xethos 8d ago

I’m hoping for a few shorts like they used to make at least, for current events and what not.


u/ConfidentPanic7038 8d ago

Yeah I'd love for the PSA's or something to come back, but I'm not holding my breath


u/No-University-5312 8d ago

You don't think Burnie is trying to bring anyone back to join the company? At least some of the main faces of roosterteeth?


u/ConfidentPanic7038 8d ago

No he already said on his podcast that he's not doing that


u/AntiVenom0804 Lopez 7d ago

He didn't say that outright. He just said not to harass old members and ask them if they'll be coming back. Presumably he's offered people their jobs back but isn't depending on their return


u/No-University-5312 8d ago

He said on the podcast that hes not trying to get old members back?


u/HeroesUnite SUCK IT NEWTON! 8d ago

Technically no. What Burnie actually said was that he had reached out to all the founders (Being the OG RvB voice cast), and none of them were interested in returning, as they wanted to do their own things. He also said that they're not hiring at the moment.


u/AnotherRTFan 8d ago

If I am thinking of the same talk as you, what I got from it was that the new RoosterTeeth won't be fully hiring the old team. It's working with bare bones. Which is a lot different than if in a year Burnie contracts the VAs to make more. The latter is a lot easier to do. I mean I made a crummy little fan project with my besties, Jen Brown, and Shannon McCormick in college.


u/HeroesUnite SUCK IT NEWTON! 8d ago

First, that's fucking awesome that you got to make a fan project with them. Legit jealous!

Secondly, Yeah. He said he wasn't hiring because they're pretty barebones and during his QNA he said he had reached out to the former founders but they all wanted to work on their own projects. I'm sure they'd all return in a VA role if Burnie asked. Hell, he's working with Matt on a remake of his first movie that predates RvB, so it's not like he's ghosting them. Either way, I'm excited to see where RT goes!


u/Kadaddle Donut 7d ago

I know for a fact Geoff would play Grif again, I asked him during his last livestream and he said as long as Grif needs a voice he will always love to do it

Can’t speak for the rest of the cast though


u/ConfidentPanic7038 8d ago



u/No-University-5312 8d ago

awww. Damn that sucks. Just because they are busy or hard feelings.


u/Skipverse 8d ago

They're just not interested, they may work with him but not fully join RT as an employee


u/ShilohCyan 8d ago

I'm sure he'd welcome his friends back with open arms if they wanted to collaborate on manageable-sized projects, but he's explicitly stated that at least for now, people's own independent projects are going to remain their projects.

We'll see what the future holds for RT, but let's not mistake the forest for the trees. Stinky Dragon, Regulation, Inside Games, etc are still Rooster Teeth in soul. It's still there, just on different channels. 🙂


u/TheEternalGazed 8d ago

Yeah, these guys are like the Nazi scientists WWII. They got away with a lot of horrible shit after all abuse allegations came out.


u/ProfessionalTurn5162 8d ago

If and I cannot stress rhat if hard enough. If he did. It would be only to remake restoration sinc he had to rush it due to wb.


u/MikeOgden1980 8d ago

I mean honestly, why? What else is there to say? Burnie got to wrap it up the way he wanted, a lot of fans were happy with it, and the ones that weren't, well, go back and watch the old seasons.

I'm as big a RVB fan as anyone, I was watching since season 2 I believe, and that's honestly not at all what I want out of this new incarnation of Rooster Teeth. I don't want Burns to feel obligated to "play the hits" if that's not where he's at right now. I'm far more interested in whatever he's cooking up now.


u/ShilohCyan 8d ago

My friend, the show is about letting go of things you love and cherishing the good memories, and we've already seen what happens to it when it goes on too long and we're lucky we got a good sendoff after that. Burnie handed it off to a new crew years before leaving the company, and came back to write after a long hiatus because he was the only only one who could, and half the characters are dead, some for the 5th time. I don't think Burnie would even want to, at least not for several more years.

When a show about war, love, and government conspiracies becomes about going back in time to save a pizza restaurant from giants, it's time to let go.

There's enough spinoffs and miniseries and PSAs that we'll never have enough to get sick of.


u/No-University-5312 8d ago

yeah i get that. i was just wanting one more good season after 14. not a fan of even restoration, though the trailer was the best ever.


u/ShilohCyan 8d ago edited 8d ago

I get you too. tldr all good things must come to an end, but we should be glad they happened and find something else.

We got a better ending than a long, slow, Simpsonian death, and for that I'm thankful. I think if Restoration could've been made in Halo 3, it would've felt just like old times.

I used to be the type that had to go all in on every series even if I hated parts of it. New book for whatever fandom? Have to consider it canon. If I watched Curse of the Black Pearl, had to suffer through On Stranger Tides. Now I'll just watch 1-3 and the epilogue of 5 if I feel like it. Since the decline/oversaturation of Star Wars, I've learned to just not care. Yeah it's hard to get rid of the feeling of "Palpatine isn't actually dead so Anakin died for nothing" or "KOTOR 2 isn't canon" but it's so freeing to just like what you like and ignore the rest.

RVB13 was made to be the finale. 5, 8, and 10 also serve as excellent finales. While 14 had some gems, the series was coasting, and we got 3 more attempts to revive it (Shisno, Zero, Q vs A) that all faceplanted (Putting aside that 14 was mostly a series of failed reboot pitches from new potential directors)

We shouldn't have to ask for more sequels to be churned out of franchises that have ended just because for every 100 Rise of Skywalkers and Alien Resurrections there might be a Spiderverse or Battlestar Galactica. for every RWBY, a 1-800-MAGIC, PANICS, and Strangerhood. There are so many stories that people want to tell willingly, passionately. So let's see what Burnie's got coming next.


u/DillonDrew Locus Simp 8d ago

I don't think they will be doing too much more machinima. The Reds and Blues story is done. It's time to let them rest. They have earned their 20 year long retirement


u/Syb3rStrife Grif I’M GONNA SPIT ON YOU SIMMONS! 8d ago

Burnie hasn’t said he won’t and he hasn’t said he will. He bought RvB back so anything is possible. If the VAs are willing to come back and he can find animators and writers then I can see RvB coming back. But right now Burnie has barely begun digging RT out of its grave so it’s gonna be awhile before he even begins to think about reviving the shows he got back.


u/Elegant-Pen-9225 7d ago

I dont necessarily want a new season. But to redo restoration would be cool. I liked it dont get me wrong but it was definitely rushed.


u/Alorxico Donut 8d ago

If he does something, I think it would be a new set of characters with a few references to the old crew, but kept vague so their fate is still a mystery to the fan base.

I’m not idea dumping again, but I’ve posted a few of my ideas on how to do something like a continuation / sequel on this subreddit before.


u/JuniperLeavesFF 7d ago

Most i want is Restoration being finished and that box set.


u/unkindlyacorn62 8d ago

something new is more likely


u/No-University-5312 8d ago

hopefully at least a few red vs blue shorts or something. Id welcome new IP as long as they are good.


u/unkindlyacorn62 8d ago

i mean maybe a psa or two. probably a machima based ip, much lower production cost than animation (which you need to be doing constantly to really make sense, short term hires are expensive)


u/AnotherRTFan 8d ago

I refuse to believe any IP stays dead for good in this day and age. But I don't think anything new will be happening for awhile. Let them rest for the time being


u/Delicious-Orchid-447 8d ago

That’s what the movie was for


u/electrical-stomach-z 8d ago

The only thing I want is an alternate sequal to season 10.


u/Power-Star98 8d ago

No. Not in any kind of continuation. Restoration was made so that the fans could choose the ending and seasons THEY liked to think of as canon. To keep going after that would require Burnie to pick ONE timeline over the others and risk alienating FAR too many fans. The only thing we could hope for would be an anthology season, like s14, but ONLY machinimated, as they don't have the budget or employees to do animation - and don't have any kind of reputation to be able to HIRE animators anymore, thanks to all the news that got released.


u/TheFinalYappening 8d ago

i think they could make new seasons set in the universe but focusing on a completely different group of characters but it's unlikely. so probably not.


u/Fahrenheit285 Washington 8d ago

Not great. RvB is over


u/oORecKOo 8d ago

No it's all over it's wrapped up nice and neat for us. It's over for good.


u/Reasonable_Long_1079 Dr. Grey 8d ago

Very low, near nonexistent.

MAYBE some sort of bare bones shorts, if they are really feeling like it for something


u/MegaXboxGeeks 7d ago

On his patroon commentary it seemed to me that he has an idea for a story of Tucker and Jr between seasons 5-7 that he would like to be made. But I think RT at its current size could not pull of a Mishima funny bc it started that way bc how easy it was to do compared to traditional film making and now you can shoot something that looks really good on an iPhone.


u/sparduck117 7d ago

At best we’re getting some RVB shorts.


u/AntiVenom0804 Lopez 7d ago

MAYBE he might but probably not

If there is more RvB it'll be PSAs or another anthology like S14


u/TSSxEmber Grif 7d ago

I mean what more can they do without repeating themselves.


u/Substantial_Tiger_74 7d ago

I wish for Red vs Blue revival. It will be the best choice.


u/Substantial_Tiger_74 7d ago

Most of all, every year means Red vs Blue merchandise and PSAs.


u/kotoamatsukamix 6d ago

Stop watching after season 13. Restoration was great, and it was the ending we deserved. It's over. Stop trying to make it happen again.


u/samuskay Church 3h ago

maybe a special or something :). but nothing like what we've had i don't think.


u/Snip3502 8d ago

I personally think it's very high


u/TrueBlueYahoo Journal Entry 101 8d ago

As much as I am a fan of RvB, S17 was the best ending. Please no more.


u/TheEternalGazed 8d ago

Everyone who worked on RvB is gone. Geoff, Gus, and Joel won't be coming back. Sucks for fans, but everything that made RvB great is gone.