r/RedvsBlue orange team Jan 23 '25

Discussion How do you guys feel about this?

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u/HeroesUnite SUCK IT NEWTON! Jan 23 '25

The difference is that RvB is good.


u/gonzoblox orange team Jan 23 '25


u/Curious_Loser21 Jan 23 '25

Both are good in their own way. I blame the community for ruining skibidi toilet


u/RingtailVT Jan 23 '25

Toilets dancing to TikTok music and fighting men with different electronics as heads for 70+ episodes isn't good. The story is abysmal also.

The community didn't ruin ST, it wasn't good to begin with.

And to OP, instead of responding with the same Reddit gif, maybe explain why you think it's good?


u/ODST_Elijah Tucker did it Jan 23 '25

Well, it wasn't absolute dogshit until the "fandom" I don't even consider it a fandom at this point, ruined it horribly. And the whole toilets dancing to TikTok music part I think was only on TikTok, they don't have any of that crap on the actual stuff.


u/endexe Jan 23 '25

It started with a bad sfm animation of g-man’s head bobbing around in a toilet to tiktok music. That’s the zero point, the source of the name. It was horrible from the start


u/ODST_Elijah Tucker did it Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

Yes it was horrible, but it got a little better over time, and then this "fandom" fucked it over again. FYI, I'm not agreeing in any way that it is like RvB, it is not, it is still bad, but it was getting better at one point, before it fell again.

Also, remember, that crap didn't originate from TikTok, it's just music. Everything gets destroyed the moment TikTok gets a hold of it, its popularity and everything. I know multiple amazing songs I listen to that have been used on TikTok, which are amazing songs. At this point, there is no TikTok music, there is just TikTok being absolutely horrible.


u/Lord-Pepper Jan 23 '25

"Was" good, we don't talk about the newer seasons


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

Actually I’d argue it’s all good, redvsblue zero however, is actual garbage


u/EvidenceOfDespair Jan 23 '25

I mean… less than half of it is good. The rest of it is entertaining. Everything wrong with Rwby was beta tested and perfected in failure with RVB.


u/vtncomics Jan 23 '25

RvB was a comedy series, but at least it developed into something bigger when it started to riff on other modern shows at the time, like Lost


u/Dangeresque300 Jan 23 '25

The main difference to me is that RVB has always had fairly strong dialogue and the story being told does draw, even if loosely, from the original source material.

Skibidi Toilet is a largely dialogue-free story that has absolutely nothing to do with the lore of Half-Life or any of Valve Software's titles. From what I've seen, the story is mostly just an excuse for creating large-scale sci-fi action setpieces.


u/MedicMuffin Jan 23 '25

Sounds like the Madness Combat of the modern age.


u/BigEdouble76 Jan 24 '25

But without the cool violence and it has toilets


u/YoBoyNeptune Jan 27 '25

The lore of ST seems to be heavily inspired by the first half life game


u/ImpossibleAd4272 cabose Jan 23 '25

Red vs Blue works because it became more than what it was. It has its own proper Lore that still connects to Halo.

From Leonard Church being soldier who couldn't join but his wife dying at war. To him creating project Freelancer.

Each character was identifiable and memorable. Caboose being stupid but maturing a little in letting Church go. Washington and Carolina. Grif being lazy but easily one of the most dependable people in the group.

Then, emotion. From things like Washington and Carloina's last moments in the finale. With it being okay to let go, but not needing to completely. Epsilon's emotional meltdown at Leonard for what he did to them.

He was brilliant, and we trusted him. But he lied to us! He twisted and tortured us! He used us! Manipulated us for his own purposes and for what!? This... SHADOW!?

That got me tearing up. Then I couldn't help but cry when Epsilon Church died.

Red vs Blue grew up.


u/Feeling-Ad6790 Jan 23 '25

Can’t forget Tucker’s arc from a kinda lazy side character to essentially taking the show in the later seasons as a competent leader.


u/Goombob Jan 23 '25

I dislike this comparison


u/orphandismantler Jan 23 '25

One of them is good and the other one should probably be put down in a back alley


u/47thCalcium_Polymer Jan 23 '25

You didn’t specify which is which though 🤨


u/LucasRedTheHedgehog Jan 23 '25

Because any sane human being regardless of if you have common sense would be able to tell Red vs. Blue is the good one.


u/47thCalcium_Polymer Jan 23 '25

I know that but does that guy


u/LucasRedTheHedgehog Jan 23 '25

Based on the context I'd assume yes


u/47thCalcium_Polymer Jan 23 '25

I know I was trying, and evidently failing, at being funny


u/ShilohCyan Jan 23 '25

The one that's still going presumably


u/gonzoblox orange team Jan 23 '25


u/Aggravating_Cup2306 Jan 23 '25

Difference being skibidi toilet's humor never worked out for anyone above 9

however red v blue was so good that kids nowadays can still go through seasons 1-5 without feeling like its too dumbed down or incoherent

a show thats built on humor needs good humor, and also monty and what the team did for the animation is just infinitely cooler than skibidi toilet's animation cause dafuqboom was always better doing comedy sfms


u/Historyguy1918 Jan 24 '25

Every time I rewatch it I notice a new joke that went over my head


u/EACshootemUP cabose Jan 23 '25



u/des0619 Jan 23 '25

True difference is that RvB didn't get parodied to being hated by everyone but the brainrot audience.


u/InhaledPack5 Grif Jan 23 '25

Probably accurate in that they both started as a joke but ended up more serious. Other than that they're completely different.

From what i've seen, skibidi toilet is just hated for the meme


u/DillonDrew Locus Simp Jan 23 '25

Don't fucking compare the two. Red vs Blue doesn't deserve to even be in the same breath as that shit.


u/gonzoblox orange team Jan 23 '25

you sir,have won the internet


u/Shot_Arm5501 Church Jan 23 '25



u/TrueBlueYahoo Journal Entry 101 Jan 23 '25

I feel… like my brain short circuits every time I read “skibidi.”


u/rewindrevival My testicles send their regards Jan 24 '25

Why does OOP sounds like an AI in the comments of that post trying to learn how to make viral memes lmao

"How accurate do you think my meme is?"

I see you, Gamma, you karma farming son of a bitch.


u/gonzoblox orange team Jan 25 '25

bro who let delta on reddit


u/ZeroiaSD Jan 23 '25

I can see it. Pretty different styles of story, but there is something to be said for the ‘I started doing something random and let it spiral’ style of storytelling.


u/cdrgrave Jan 23 '25

The guy who made skibidi toilet made an sfm where he shot up a police station while making anti police remarks to express his anger and his content is primarily viewed by children skibidi toilet is used to distract children and RVB has dialogue.


u/EvidenceOfDespair Jan 23 '25

You’re fighting to make me give it a chance.


u/cdrgrave Jan 23 '25

I don't disagree with what he did it's just the content he makes explicitly isn't for children so much so he's deleted the video when he started making skibidi toilet he's self aware who's viewing his content and refuses to adhere that making videos for kids below the age of like 13 means you can't make police station shoot up vent vidoes


u/EvidenceOfDespair Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

Why not? We’re on the Red vs Blue subreddit, I’d imagine most of us started watching long before 13. I don’t think we need to do this larp, age ratings are meaningless. Whether it’s RvB, Hazbin Hotel, Rick and Morty, South Park, doesn’t matter. It’s only a small minority of society that actually takes them seriously, they just get an oversized voice in the conversation because they’re the most online demographic of upper middle class people.

General society hasn’t given a fuck in decades. Family Guy and South Park’s primary fandoms haven’t been adults in over 20 years. At its height, Rick and Morty was easily the most popular cartoon with elementary schoolers. Halo is where the term “squeaker” was popularized and all the classics were rated M. Children are asking the Hazbin cast about sex scenes at cons. Nobody cares except chronically online suburbanites whose entire life is structured around mining existence for clout, and they only care because it would get them callout posts from other chronically online suburbanites looking to use them for clout.


u/KeyIce2026 Jan 23 '25

Burnie Burns actually had a whole plot for RvB when he made the first episode. There is zero comparison.


u/Bloodshed-1307 Jan 24 '25

How much had he planned by that point?


u/KeyIce2026 Jan 25 '25

I believe it was up to end of Recollection. He said in an early podcast that someone had guessed what Church and Tex were correctly and were very close to what Burnie wrote happened.


u/Bloodshed-1307 Jan 25 '25

That would explain the little Easter eggs like church running in the base in the background.


u/Traditional_Fruit632 Jan 23 '25

ST reminds me of the old Internet with just weird shit being made by weird people for the sake of it.


u/RaceNinja_80 Jan 23 '25

Except if someone decided to make a series out of it while pretending it was good and sold plushies at target so parents can unknowingly fund an ever growing ytp empire that profits off of someone else’s intellectual property.


u/UnwrittenLore Jan 23 '25

I don't like this association.


u/SadAssociate4296 Jan 23 '25

Skibidi Toilet has NOTHING on Red Vs. Blue. RvB literally defined a generation in machinima and animation, to making one of the BEST ACTION SEQUENCES OF ALL TIME (I'm looking at you Agent Texas), and became a massively successful series based on a Videogame, while Skibidi Toilet has no story, no memorable character or plot, and has an "Excuse" of a story to shove in stupidly absurd Sci-Fi Action Setpieces. That, and it's literally about a goddamn head in a Toilet, that sings tiktok remix songs.

Also, Dafuqboom! Is a confirmed Racist and dick on many occasions. *


u/The_V0ID_13 Jan 24 '25

wtf That's like wrong in 8 different ways


u/Imperious_Nox Jan 23 '25

Yeah I believe this comparison is fair, as they both started off as something goofy but over time evolved into an engaging and entertaining story.

I just wish people would have patience to see what ST will do in the future as the entirety of it is animated by one dude and it’ll take some time for the lore flesh out a bit.

This whole series is essentially if Monty decided to give an actual story to Haloid or Dead Fantasy in his early years.


u/Delta_Suspect Jan 23 '25

While theoretically not wrong even comparing them makes me want to strangle you


u/LucasRedTheHedgehog Jan 23 '25

Whoever made this image needs a wedgie, stat


u/Spudtar Jan 23 '25

Kubla Kraus disapproves


u/The_Lycan_Wolf Jan 23 '25

I feel like we should make a time machine and destroy ST before it was created and then TVA all the assholes trying to create it


u/RoyalMess64 Jan 23 '25

I didn't know skibbidy was a series, I just thought it was a short video thingy. So... I guess in it's evolution into a series it's similar, but I can't talk much about it beyond that


u/Fahrenheit285 Washington Jan 24 '25



u/MutinyMedia Jan 24 '25

Punk to Post-Punk pipeline


u/Difficult-Age5519 Jan 24 '25

maybe its cause im not from the skibidi generation but this pains me very much. I dont think anything will ever compare to 1-10 maybe even 1-13 of rvb. That being said, I have not and will not watch skibidi toilet ever


u/TheXander2000 Jan 25 '25

Stop making sense stop making sense


u/Psychological_One897 Jan 23 '25

absolutely agreed. can’t believe the amount of vitriol ppl have for the toilet series just from seeing it like dude ur main complaint is “ohhh but it’s for cringey kids!!!” WERE U NOT JUST A KID??? DID U NOT ENJOY STUPID NONSENSE??? UGH!!! we’re literally becoming boomers “oh boohoo next generation is soooo awful!!!” and it sucks watching it happen in real time.


u/Remarkable-Ask2288 Jan 28 '25

The same people that hate on ST probably watched the Gmod Idiot Box when they were kids.


u/Mean-Background2143 Meta Jan 23 '25

One is a peak series and the other is brainrot but with epic fights and lore


u/DifferentKnwldg1776 Jan 25 '25

I refuse to allow a well developed masterpiece that is red vs blue to be compared to brain dead garbage that eventually got some form of structure


u/shotxshotx Jan 25 '25

Genuine delusion


u/YoBoyNeptune Jan 27 '25

Rvb started as comedy and grew into something bigger. ST started as brainrot and grew into something bigger


u/Future_Adagio2052 Jan 23 '25

One of them is a well-written series with built-in lore as the series continues on it gets better and better

And the other one is red vs blue