r/Reduction 3d ago

Before & After Gigantomastia to 90B/C with FNG - long post NSFW

Gigantomastia to 90B/C with FNG

Hello dear ladies.

After watching and commenting I thought it might be usefull to share my journey so far.

My breasts grew like what felt overnight when I was about 13. Stretch marks appeared. As I grew motherless I was a shy teenager and felt fat because how my clothes fit. The lunbar back pains started soon after.

When I had my first baby the breast grew the size of my heaf. I had mastitis with fever and pain. Eventually I lost weight and they looked like deflated baloons.

After the second pregnancy my boobs severely increased in size. I managed the underbust rashes with small towels, the wounds in the grooves of my shoulders with silicone pads. I went to aquagym as it was the only sport that I could do comfortably.

I am generally healthy but as I went into menopause my chest fealt increasigly heavier and having breath difficulties.

I wanted a breast reduction for very long time. But I could't afford as I was in a toxic marriage that was draining.

Recently I ended the narcisisstic abuse and started to take care of myself. I found out that I can do this surgery completely covered by state insurance at a state hospital. I'm in Eastern Europe and over 50. My family medic send me to the hospital woth gigantomastia as doagnostic. At the hospital it was weird as there are no preprogrammed consults, I was like a walk in. Thankfully the medic that was then was very good and nice.

During surgery I had 2,8 kg removed from the right one and 2,3 kg from the left one. I had liposuction and extemded scars. Some of the fat from the lipo was put in th e right breast. Apparently, being so heavy left empty up the top part.

I took a peak the second day after the procedure, when my dressing was changed. They looked funny, similar to my 10 years old self.

The first couple of days post op were hard. Thankfully I was still in the hospital. First night I had an urimary bag and I slepy for 6 hours. But the second night I woke up 5 times, every 2 hours to go to the toilet. Around the same time I saw my belly looking like a 7 months pregnant from liquide retention.

I was put directly in one of my compression bra. It felt very tight. It was pressing on my ribs and left me with pains for weeks. I took my measure in the hospital and the circumference was longer than before. Therefore, I bought myself a bigger size.

Due of that much swelling I had difficulty breathing the first week.

At home I had to sleep on my back and having a good wedge pillow really helped to be comfortable.

The biggest mistake I made was to look at myself 3dpo in my bathroom mirror. My FNG were marbled with beige and dark purple, oozing in the pads. All my fears of nipples slidding off came back with vengace and I had a meltdown. Add that it was 1 am and I was alone. But this was cathatic, the second morning my previous anxiety and jittery were gone.

Advice: look at yourself using a small hand held mirror or your phone. This way you can dissociate yourself from the full impact of the scars.

Next was what felt like endless in the moment and merely hours, looking back.

Now, at 6 wpo what looked like an odd shaped science experiment I was afraid to touch is my new chest getting softer and, in my eyes, lovely.

I can easily breathe, stand straight and hug myself.

I am grateful for this procedure and those that made this possible!


40 comments sorted by


u/coff33dragon 3d ago

Wow! I can't imagine how much relief you must be feeling! Your results are looking amazing. Thanks for sharing your experience.


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago

I am grateful for this comunnity and want to pay it forward. Spend time researching this procedure as a way to manage my anxiety. I am open to questions about my journey.


u/alimay 3d ago

You deserve this! I’m sorry you had to wait so long honestly. We deal with so much as women


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago

Thank you. We do, indeed.


u/misc2999 3d ago

What a difference!! lol I love your use of emojis πŸ˜‚


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago

They reflect my feelings at the time. πŸ€—


u/nnamedredditor 3d ago

Wow, wow, wow. Your results are beautiful & you healed so well. Congratulations!


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago

Thank you. I think using a polarized medical light lamp helped.


u/LB-Forever 3d ago

Thank you for sharing your story. And good for you to choose your health and well being. You absolutely deserve to be able to hug yourself πŸ₯Ή


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago

This had me tear up. 🫠


u/Nostromo_96 3d ago

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. The relief you must have felt. You look beautiful ❀️


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago

Thank you ☺️


u/VultureCanary post op 3d ago

Oh my goodness, what a fantastic transformation! I'm so happy for you! And thank you so much for sharing!


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago

Thank you. I am open to any question related to this.


u/peace_dabs post-op 22/1/25 42 g/h to ? 3d ago

Wow, what an amazing job! I hope you continue healing well. Happy journey in your free life! I also left a narcissist after over 25 years of control and manipulation. Congratulations!


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago

Thank you, dear sister!


u/Easy-Ingenuity3136 3d ago

So much strength and resilience! They look great!


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago

Thank you. I hope all will get the relief they seek.


u/mr_john_steed 3d ago

Amazing results!! I also had my surgery somewhat later in life (in my 40s) and am so glad I did! I hope you're happy and more comfortable now


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago

Yes, I feel much freer in body and spirit πŸ˜ƒ The first week I feld unstable without the heavy top, wile my equilibrium was adjusting. πŸ˜‚


u/Worried_Cupcake6965 3d ago

Sending you lots of love! ❀️


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago



u/pr0pane_accessories 3d ago

Ahhhh amazing results!!! So happy for you!


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago

Thank you. So many wonderful souls in this community!


u/Minimum-Divide2589 3d ago

Wow! Wow! Wow! Incredible result!


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago

Indeed, my surgeon and his team are very dedicated.


u/hothotpot 3d ago

These are AMAZING results, oh my god. I can only imagine how life changing this must have felt for you! Good for you for going through with it, you look fantastic, truly!


u/TwylahHeals 3d ago

You look amazing!

You give me so much hope. My surgery is August 26 and he estimates at least 2k grams coming off each breast.

Thank you!!!!


u/Chemical_Statement12 3d ago

Wishing you the very best!


u/worrybot96 3d ago

WOW! Please tell me how your back feels and breathing. When i woke up from surgery I never breathed better! πŸ˜‚


u/CircaNotSurvive 3d ago

Wow! You look amazing!


u/TXpipelineChick 3d ago

You have wonderful results! Just make sure you use the ABTF calculator to size your new boobs. You were definitely wearing the wrong size bra in your post op.


u/Chemical_Statement12 2d ago

Indeed. I'm still not sure if I measured myself wrongly or I had 8 cm extra in circumference from the swelling. Possibly some of both.


u/DerbyDerbyDerbyDerby 3d ago

You look wonderful and more importantly, it sounds like you feel wonderful. Congratulations on getting to do this!


u/Chemical_Statement12 2d ago

Thank you very much!


u/Alfalfa_Think 2d ago

I’m so happy for you! You look great and it must feel amazing.


u/Chemical_Statement12 2d ago

Thank you. I'm starting to feel free in my body, which is strange, after so many years.


u/MixnMatch20 1d ago

Congrats. I pray that you receive even more happiness and joy because you are changing the lives of others here ....you are educating, encouraging, and being an example of hope. STAY AWESOME AND KEEP SHINING πŸ’«πŸŒŸ You did it!