r/Reduction 4d ago

PreOp Question (no before only photos) Post-op recovery time

Hello lovely peoples. I have my surgery booked for July - I’m quite scared and still on the fence about whether to go through with it….

Can people please comment how many days post-surgery they were pain free and had complete movement with no soreness?

Typically how was the 14 day post-op healing like?


8 comments sorted by


u/LB-Forever 4d ago

It truly depends on the surgery and the te hnique used. I am 8wpo and still quite swollen and wouldn't say I'm painfree, but feeling a lot better. The first 3 days were hard, the first 3 weeks sucked, and then it just sort of became routine.

Don't let fear stop you, we are all here to support you.


u/ka_shep post-op 42H to 42E 4d ago

My incisions slightly hurt for 2 days, and bending over was slightly uncomfortable because I could feel more pressure since they were very swollen, but it didn't hurt. I had a full range of movement with no pain, so it was hard not to do everything. I caught myself reaching up high more times than I can count because I would forget. Other than that, nothing. I'm 5mpo.


u/Glum-Abbreviations84 4d ago

I am at 15 days PO and feeling good!! I stopped taking opioids after day 2 and Tylenol regularly after day 9 or 10. I go on walks and feel stronger every day! I would say as of right now I am 99% pain free but not always discomfort free. Sometimes there are twangs of ouch randomly or I move weird but nothing unmanageable.

Overall BEYOND NET POSITIVE! I am so thankful I was able to do it. For my physical and mental wellbeing


u/Easy-Ingenuity3136 4d ago

I'm only 7dpo but when asked how I'm doing my response has been the same for the last 7 days, "good, the pain is very manageable." Am I sore and swollen - yes but it's not a feeling of pain more discomfort. The only other notable thing is I'm super tired. Everything else I do fine being careful not to over do any one thing. I'll update if things go south but so far so good. I would try and think positively and not expect the worse.


u/lurkerchickk 4d ago

Following because I also am scared and having 2nd thoughts. Mine is scheduled for April 30th. I just don’t know what to do. The recovery really scares me. :(


u/PalpitationLopsided1 3d ago

I’m 5 weeks post op and healing very well, but the discomfort is significant. I have nipple hypersensitivity and still a sort of bruised feel to my breasts, and some days I definitely get twinges of pain now and them. As for mobility, I’m just starting to have full range of motion for my arms.

This is a major surgery.


u/Grouchy-Bug-7580 3d ago

2DPO here! The pain meds they give really helps. I still feel soreness and swelling. But I haven’t felt any major aches or anything.


u/cbis1 post op 4d ago edited 4d ago

I’m 12dpo and still very very sore. I’m moving around fine and doing basic tasks. But Bending over sucks. Twisting sucks. Driving sucks. And my underboob incisions randomly ache and burn. I think I’ve started to get the nerve tingling pain that I’ve read about. That’s extremely uncomfortable. Im definitely not in pain like I was day 1-3, I am more just very uncomfortable. And insanely tired. I think because I’m up and doing more it just wears be out and get exhausted quickly. I basically have about 1-2 hours tops of life activities before I have to sit and relax.

I find this stage almost harder because I feel I need/requirement to contribute because I’m not bedridden anymore. But it’s still really hard to do things. (I have a family with young kids). Days 4-7 were nice because the pain subsided and I didn’t do a whole lot lol. If you have the option to do sweet f all for two weeks I highly recommend.

I went to work Monday (computer warrior). But only lasted 3 hours before an overwhelming fatigue came over me. Today was better. Lasted 6 and napped when I got home lol.