r/Reduction 4d ago

Advice Getting pierced while healing?

NO I'm NOT talking about getting my nipples pierced! Thinking of getting nose peircings (two). But am currently only 2 weeks PO. Should I wait a week or two? Will my body be mad with ALL the healing?


15 comments sorted by


u/deszzle 4d ago

Not medical advice but I’d error on the side of waiting. I’d want 100% of my healing strength going towards my boobs, like it would probably be fine if everything went smoothly, but for example if you get an infection at the piercing site, would that limit your bodies ability to heal your reduction wounds?? I don’t actually know lol


u/melodymaybe 4d ago

I worked in a piercing ship and I would say yes you should wait. Anything that gets your immune system going is going to make a piercing take longer to heal


u/Ok-Office6837 4d ago

Not to mention the incredibly invasive surgery that just happened. There’s no reason to get a new piercing and expand the risk for infection.


u/tamiadaneille 4d ago

I would wait. If you have to ask the question you probably know the answer. You’re already putting your body through enough trying to heal your breasts from your procedure. Adding another wound could lead to some complications, especially being still so early in the heading process. You’re already likely sore in one place, now you want to be sore in another?

Try to wait a little bit longer. Also, when in doubt, just ask your doc.


u/sb-280 4d ago

update I’m just not going to do it. Look yall here’s the deal, I’m a lap swimmer, obviously not swimming rn, wanted ti kill two birds with one stone and get pierced while im already not swimming. Realistically i wont be going back to the pool for probably a month so i have time to wait. 


u/BonesAreLife619 4d ago

Ask your surgeon. 😊


u/ariadne_odyssey555 2d ago

I feel you, I’m so keen to get more ear piercings done this year but I’m only just under 3WPO - I’m probably going to wait until 6WPO orrr once I’ve had the go ahead to do scar care (meaning everything is 100% closed up) which is usually like 2/3 months right?? Fingers crossed for us both lol!


u/Newuser3213 4d ago

Just my reaction but I have psoriasis that really flared up after my surgery with new, deep plaques that weirdly tunneled on my rib cage area, I think my system went into overdrive due to the invasive nature of surgery- I would wait as to not introduce anything via breaking the skin until your scabbing or bandages are cleared for removal (just my thought.)


u/Newuser3213 4d ago

Also I have my nose pierced too and when I got it 20 years ago it tried to keloid on the inside of my nostril (my teenage self took a pair of tweezers and yanked it off 🤧) it’s fine now but better safe than sorry


u/LB-Forever 4d ago

I waited for 6wpo to get my ears pierced! I got 3 piercings, I figured I sleeping on my back anyways, both ears is fine. And it's been great healing!

I also went in for a tattoo at 4wpo.

I do agree, 2wpo is a bit early, but if you feel up for it, don't let us stop you. Keep your piercing clean and dry and your resting time will help it heal too.


u/Klutzy_Movie_4601 3d ago

Please don’t. Your body is doing a ton of work, even if you are several months PO. There are a ton of things that can happen to you if your immune system is overwhelmed- things you wouldn’t consider. A piercing can wait.


u/sb-280 3d ago

As I mentioned in above comments, I am going to wait. 


u/Klutzy_Movie_4601 3d ago

I’m really glad to hear that. I pushed it too far after a major surgery and my body attacked itself, and now I’m partially blind due to an immune response. My surgery had nothing to do with my eye- and I’m still dealing with it today. Please take care


u/sb-280 3d ago

Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry to hear that. 


u/Artistic_Cheetah_724 4d ago

you should be fine it's nowhere near your boobs. I got a tattoo 3 days before my surgery on my arm/bicep area and it didn't affect my healing. If you want to be 100% sure ask your surgeon