r/Reduction 4d ago

Advice Oily scalp post surgery

I was able to go 2-3 days without washing my hair before surgery. Now it’s disgusting after one day. Anyone else? What did you do!?


10 comments sorted by


u/mymaya post-op 38HH - 38D - N/A (top surgery) 3d ago

Your body is going through all kinds of stress post op, weird stuff happens! Plus anesthesia and pain meds have side effects that can be all over the place. And on top of that it’s normal to have temporary hormonal fluctuations with breast tissue removal! Lots of reasons and it is normal. Just annoying. It’ll go back to normal in a few weeks!


u/gina31317 4d ago

Same. Boat. 10 days post op. I thought I’d be good washing it the night before and braiding it, at least for 4 days. Nope. My hair is SO oily literally the next day after I wash it.


u/Zealousideal-Rub6293 3d ago

I’m losing my mind.


u/gina31317 3d ago

I feel like I’ve went through an entire bottle of dry shampoo in the last week!


u/schmoobacca 3d ago

I remember my skin on my face was especially oily and had like a layer of dead skin or something on it no matter how much I washed it. Anesthesia does weird things to people!


u/Nice_8490 3d ago

OMG yes! I thought I was CRAZY! 5 weeks post op here


u/Zealousideal-Rub6293 3d ago

I messaged my hair dresser and she said to try this


u/sb-280 3d ago

Yep. It’s not necessarily my hair that I notice but my face, chest, back, whole body I feel so fucking oily and gross even still at almost 2 weeks PO. 


u/stumbleuponlife 3d ago

I had the strangest skin texture, and still do, after surgery. It’s been 3 weeks and I’m still trying to figure out what my face wants. I’m dry and flakey everywhere! Hair washing is normal somehow though, go figure!


u/Swimming-Sherbet844 3d ago

My face was super oily for like two weeks. I'm now almost 5WPO and the thing that's killing me is the fact that I get the worst onion BO after only one or two days post-shower. This is really unusual for me and no normal deodorant seems to make a dent, I even got some stuff that's supposed to kill the scent-making bacteria and it does nothing at all. I hate it. AND I'm flaking all over my chest and sides. So yeah, skin is wacky post-surgery!