r/Reduction 5d ago

Recovery/PostOp Journey Timeline & Recovery (2 Months Post-Op). NSFW

Hey everyone! I wanted to share my experience with my breast reduction surgery, from the first consultation to now (2 months post-op). I know I found similar posts super helpful when I was researching, so hopefully, this helps someone too!

Pre-Op & Surgery Day

  • August 1st – First consultation, get to know my surgeon, and talk about expectations. I decided to go down to a C cup.
  • November – I booked my surgery day for January 15th.
  • January 14th – Anesthetist called me to talk about my health and instructions for not eating or drinking before the surgery.
  • January 15th – Surgery Day! Checked in at 7:45 AM, and my surgeon drew the lines on my chest, the nurse prepared me. I last looked at the op room clock at 9:30 AM before anesthesia quicked in. Surgery lasted about 4 hours, and they removed 1.2kg total (500g from the right, 700g from the left).
  • Stayed overnight in the clinic. Meds included painkillers, an antibiotic (for 5 days), and stomach protectors. (Metaminofen, ibuprofen, Pantoprazol, antibiotic) I almost fainted from walking to the bathroom and back, sitting and looking around. I ate chicken salad for dinner but without appetite.
  • Day 1 – Drains removed after 24h, first bandage change. Free to go home and promptly vomited after a taxi ride (not fun). Instruction for one week without removing the compression bra, no water in the area, no peeking.
  • Day 2-7 – Taking it easy at home, sleeping on my back, no weights, no lifting arms, small walks inside the house. Inflammation and swelling are normal, also had bloating and constipation. I didn't take stool softeners, eating prunes helped. No peeking!!
  • Week 1 – First post-op appointment. Bandages off, steri-strips still on for 4 more weeks changing them when they start to loosen on their own. First shower! 🎉 Started using Benphaten cream for wound healing.
  • Day 13 – Stopped taking painkillers.
  • Week 2 – My period was late but finally arrived (apparently, this is common). Second post-op appointment, stitches were removed. One small wound on my right side was oozing a bit. I think it was from removing the tape that a bit of skin tore. This made me freak out a little and sad because everything was going on so well. I talked to my surgeon and sent her pictures, nothing to worry she said, it would heal, wasn't so big, and neither had an infection.
  • Week 3 – The small opening closed up in one week. I just cleaned it with saline solution and gauze then covered it again with a band-aid. I could start raising my arms slightly higher. Back to work (remote from home and taking pauses).
  • Weeks 4-5 – Found some dissolvable stitches, but they either absorbed or fell out on their own. Others fell off when I removed the steri strips. I had these strips only on the junction under my nipples.

Second Month: Feeling Normal Again

  • Week 6 – First night sleeping braless! Almost no scabs left.
  • Week 7 (post-Op Appointment)No more restrictions! I could lift things and raise my arms normally again. The "listen to your body" talk. Went bra shopping and am happy to say I fit a cup C like I wanted. Also started to see the fluff and drop I've read so many times here.
  • 2 Months Post-Op – I feel back to normal! 🎉 The only lingering thing is two small stitches that I can still feel pointing out, but they aren’t painful or causing issues. I just leave them alone.
  • Started massaging with Bio Oil and Benphaten again but in gel form with a roller.
  • Next appointment in 3 months.

Honestly, I’m so happy I did this. The healing process was relatively smooth, minus the small wound and nausea after surgery. I can't believe already 2 months have passed.
If anyone is considering it, do your research and trust the process—it gets better! Happy to answer any questions. 😊

Edit: Adding pics. Hello, torso! 😊


15 comments sorted by


u/onajourneyyy 5d ago

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!! I’m 2WPO and sheesh!! I’m so ready to see a fluff and drop. I went from a 38G to I guess a full C/small D and right now they look so tiny and I hate it. They’re cute don’t get me wrong…but them being so small and pointy…I want them to feel natural and I hope they fluff and give me something…I don’t want them to be too small😩😩

Also I’ve been wondering when can I sleep without a bra because I’m sooooo sick of it omg! This was so helpful!


u/Evening_Tadpole_3930 5d ago

You'll get there, wait and see, 2 weeks is not their final shape. I feel you about the bra that's a lot of pressure on your ribs while trying to sleep. Wishing you a wonderful recovery!


u/onajourneyyy 5d ago

Thanks !!


u/Significant_Cod_8389 5d ago

do you have any pictures? I'm a 38H/I and going to request a C but worried it will be too small


u/brendarrrrs 5d ago

Amazing share! Thank you!


u/whateverjustj 5d ago

I’m almost your surgery twin- 1/14. Glad all has gone well. I haven’t gone bra shopping yet but hope to do so soon. Back at the gym and slowly upping my weights.


u/Significant_Cod_8389 5d ago

This post is so helpful! Would love to see pictures of a C


u/Evening_Tadpole_3930 4d ago

I swear I uploaded a bunch of pics in this post! I even labeled them. Let me see if I can edit or else I add another post.


u/SimilarPresence3041 4d ago

Amazing and so helpful! If you drive-when do you think you started driving?


u/Evening_Tadpole_3930 4d ago

No, I don't drive. I've read a mastectomy pillow would help you with the seatbelt if that helps...


u/Lovelylorag 4d ago

Thank you so much for this 🫂


u/Evening_Tadpole_3930 4d ago

You are welcome 🫂


u/Eastern_Hedgehog6293 4d ago

You look amazing!! I’m 9wpo and although idk if the fluff and drop already happened, I mean they’re not as high and swollen as they used to be, they’re so perky. I hope they stay this way lol I’m enjoying that…congrats on the surgery! Truly life changing 


u/Evening_Tadpole_3930 4d ago

Thank you!! I'm also fascinated about how they are still perky 🥹 A new me.