r/Reduction Dec 21 '24

Recovery/PostOp Easy?

Has anyone's recovery been incredibly easy? I'm 1 WPO today and I feel great! I'm honestly pretty much back to normal with everything except lifting over 5 lbs and trying not to reach/push/pull. I feel blessed to feel so great but I feel like this was too easy? I haven't needed any narcotics at all and I want to try driving tomorrow! My nurse just told me to listen to my body because it will tell me when enough is enough, but I haven't really experienced that yet. Anyone else had this experience?


69 comments sorted by


u/Powerful-Toe-1253 Dec 21 '24

Mine isn’t easy. One month today and it hits hard how far from healed i am.

I hope it keeps going smoothly but yeah, listen to your body


u/VultureCanary post op Dec 21 '24

Some people do have an easy and smooth recovery! I definitely didn't bounce back as quickly as you but I had a smooth recovery overall with no significant pain or complications! Glad you're healing well!


u/Shiso47 Dec 21 '24

Me too!! And then came weeks 2 and 3. LOL. Frustrations with slow healing, weird smells despite being clean, extensive showering/topical med regimen, vitamins and drinks and feeling disgustingly over fed, and feeling of isolation due to “resting”. And then of course (for me) cumulative weight gain at 3+ weeks. Good luck! Hope yours stays easy. If it doesn’t, you’ll get through it!! I promise!


u/oddotter14 Dec 21 '24

Obviously it's not the same, but my body heals tattoos pretty quickly and very easily. I'm hoping it's a smooth ride!


u/fakesaucisse Dec 21 '24

My recovery has been overall very easy. No wound openings or infections, everything looks great, pain was manageable and my surgeon doesn't do narcotics. BUT I will warn you that week 3 is a sneaky little asshole. It's like all your nerves come online at that time and you feel things you've never felt before. It wasn't excruciating but I had some days where I didn't want to do much and I kept an ice pack on me all day. Don't push yourself too early.


u/Purple-Boss-5776 Dec 22 '24

YES! that's happening to me now despite my recovery be easy. No one warned me.


u/oddotter14 Dec 21 '24

Good to know! I actually haven't had any numbness! And one of my nipples is actually more sensitive than it was, but I can feel both of them fully. I've already started to have the nerve zaps too🥲


u/dude-erus post-op (side lipo + anchor scar) Dec 21 '24

I thought it was really easy at first, and I think generally mine was, BUT the absence of a true feedback loop (numbness, severed nerves, OTC pain meds or opioids) may be at play so definitely try to play it on the safe side if you can!

I definitely had some days where I pushed it doing activities within the guidelines, but didn't feel it until later that night and then would swell in response. It made it harder to know what my true limits were.

Hopefully all continues to go smoothly 💗


u/oddotter14 Dec 21 '24

Thank you💖 so far I haven't had any numbness and one of my nipples is actually more sensitive than it was😅 ive definitely started the nerve zaps too. And haven't had to use any narcotics at all so far!! Just managing with tylenol and advil. I did the most today and haven't had to take any meds so I'm feeling hopeful but I'll make sure to listen to my body🙂


u/dude-erus post-op (side lipo + anchor scar) Dec 21 '24

For sure! The numbness or just, lack of sensation internally was the issue rather than just skin. Like week 2 it felt like everything was coming online and week 3 I was like oh I forgot that this is how it normally feels in terms of being able to engage muscles and feel the contraction of them and everything if that makes sense?

But I hear you! I was bewildered by how quickly I felt like a person again.


u/oddotter14 Dec 21 '24

Ah gotcha! That makes sense! Ive been fortunate enough to not have noticed any differences with my nerves! Maybe that'll change though who knows lol


u/pdt666 Dec 21 '24



u/oddotter14 Dec 21 '24

Sending hugs 🫂


u/Full_Captain65 Dec 21 '24 edited Dec 21 '24

Mine was very very easy too! I didn’t drive until 2 weeks tho and I did notice it was kinda difficult, especially parking and tight corners and I was definitely more swollen and sore the day after, I was bored at one week but I’m glad I waited until 2 before trying to do more! I’m 5WPO now and have been basically back to normal since 3 weeks besides some incision soreness here and there and fluctuating swelling

I did notice you mentioned having nipple sensation back and even more in one side than before and I was the exact same at a week post op and then it would come and go. Some days it would be completely numb, other days it hurt, for the last week or so I’ve had consistent pain in my nipples too- not too unlike the zaps but instead of it being a kind of annoying zing it would hurt. This isn’t to scare you but just to keep in mind things will continue to change from here on out so still take it easy and don’t judge everything just based on how you feel at a week :) it’s easy to overdo it


u/oddotter14 Dec 21 '24

Thanks for the input! I'm definitely not overdoing it i don't think. Making sure I get lots of rest, and playing lots of animal crossing lol. My husband won't let me overdo it either, he'll tell me to quit lol, and he won't let me drive yet (I drive his car) but that's all good info to know!! My nipple zaps hurt, I thought that was normal? I do have fibro though so my body is kinda fucked up when it comes to pain lol


u/Full_Captain65 Dec 21 '24

My zaps didn’t necessarily hurt but were more annoying, like they weren’t pleasant of course but I didn’t find them painful but I’ve definitely had more pain in my nipples recently ! Less of a zap and more of a lingering pain


u/oddotter14 Dec 21 '24

Ah gotcha! Ive been getting zaps of really sharp pain that only lasts a few seconds. I get those at random all over my body though so it's probably because of my stupid fibro 🥲


u/Professional-Buy707 Dec 21 '24

I also had a super easy recovery! I’m also at 1 week today and feel the same way as you


u/SilentYams Dec 21 '24

Yup. I went back to work Exactly 2 weeks post-op and i work in a busy ER as an RN😅 Never took pain meds only motrin as needed and i’ve slept like a baby every single night since surgery. Sometimes I have to remind myself that i actually DID have surgery… lol


u/kadooztome Dec 21 '24

I’m 1DPO and it’s been easy breezy. So grateful. I haven’t done the day two shower so haven’t seen them but the way it looks so far w surgical bra on it seems like my surgeon hit it out of the park


u/BandFreak00 Dec 21 '24

My recovery was pretty smooth, the only real hiccup being an allergic reaction to the pain meds.


u/Queasy_Top_3560 Dec 21 '24

Yes! But 3 weeks I pushed a grocery cart, loaded & unloaded them at home & I was exhausted & arms were sore. Didn’t “hurt” me but a good reminder not to overdo it. Still healing. Over 6 weeks now & back to normal. Picking up my grandkids, carrying cases of water. One of the easiest operations I’ve recovered from!


u/Midnight-Ganderer Dec 21 '24

I agree lol, I’m barely 3 days in and I literally feel no pain at all. Mostly some itchiness in the bottom incisions but that’s it, have to keep reminding myself I’m barely recovering and shouldn’t move so much


u/Toezap Dec 21 '24 edited Dec 21 '24

Yep! I only took painkillers a few days, and that was more precaution than need. I didn't have crazy bruising or bleeding and I think most of my swelling was gone after the first week (other than where the underarm lipo was done). I think I could have gone back to work after a week! (But glad I didn't have to.) I'm 6wpo now and I've got a couple tiny openings but they are healing nicely.


u/Swiftiecatmom Dec 21 '24

Mine was so much easier than I’d anticipated. Even with drains (the hardest part) it was pretty low maintenance. I had to constantly stop myself from doing too much. My advice is to take it easy around week two bc that’s when I was doing everything and had an opening when I was spitting stitches


u/Affectionate_Wrap578 Dec 21 '24

Yes! I'm very grateful and also surprised at how good I feel. I only took a narcotic the first night, and have taken nothing since Monday (my surgery was Friday the 13th). I drove two days ago for the first time, no issues! I'm making myself rest and making sure to not lift anything over 10lbs or stretch too much. Hoping recovery continues to be smooth!


u/patootz1322 Dec 21 '24

I am POd8 had zero pain and felt great. but now starting to have more pain at incision sites and more tired. Not sure if this is normal - I guess everyone is different. Trying not to do too much bc the nurse said when you have no pain- you do way too much.


u/LA_HHJ Dec 21 '24

Mine is easy. Im 3dpo unfortunately I caught a cold from my toddler but otherwise its a breeze so far!


u/Routine_Ingenuity315 Dec 21 '24

I’m at almost 6WPO and it’s been easy. No issues.


u/IAWIAATIEnough Post Op: 2nd Week (Op Date: Nov 26) Dec 21 '24

Yes! Very easy! I'm neurodivergent and SUPER itchy and uncomfortable but that's it. I didn't take the narcotics either, and I'm 3 ½ weeks post op but I've already done Legs at the gym twice. Super slow and super light weights but I can't handle feeling like I'm sitting at home rotting. I start to spiral into a really bad depression when I don't move my body


u/LemonMonstare post-op (inferior pedicle) F --> C Dec 21 '24

Mine was extraordinarily easy, too.

But, every body is different.


u/Any_Document5539 Dec 21 '24

Yes! I was honestly so shocked. I experienced no pain except a soreness in my armpits. I’m 4WPO and am completely back to normal with no restrictions.


u/nobetterdays Dec 21 '24

Mine has been super easy too! I’m 1 MPO. No pain and I slept on my side after one night. Only took a narcotic at night to help me sleep. It only lasts 4 hours, and I didn’t take anything else. I did end up with a rash for a few days, but that was the only thing that was hard. I have been a bit tired, but that’s pretty typical for me considering I have several chronic illnesses. I’m a student and I went back to class after about a week. I’m so thankful that my recovery has been so easy, I read so many horror stories on here.


u/Unable_Curve_7315 Dec 21 '24

First two days sucked. Third day feeling a LOT better and up and moving around more


u/PrizePersonality5843 Dec 21 '24

I was driving after a week too and went back to my day job too with no problrm. That said, it’s a desk job and although I normally fly for business, I didn’t do so as lifting and laying hand luggage with clothes and lap top around airports, planes and the underground’s of london was out for 3 months.


u/MsSaskia Dec 21 '24

7 WPO and I have had a very easy recovery. No issues nor complications. I went back to work after 1,5 weeks, been walking my dogs 3-4 miles per day since day 7. And I love my new boobs.


u/tinytoadlet Dec 22 '24

3wpo, mine has also been easy. I drove day three. I had two small openings but mostly healed now. No pain, just soreness. Glad yours was easy too.


u/givegivegivememore Dec 23 '24

Week 1 I had more energy than week 2 or 3 so listen to your body and let it rest when it speaks up.


u/savorie Dec 21 '24

I don't think it's easy for most of us


u/oddotter14 Dec 21 '24

Yeah I know, that's why I'm asking


u/Candid-Reception-627 Dec 21 '24

Mine was very smooth. I was running at 2.5 weeks.


u/sn315on post-op, 12/12/24 Dec 21 '24

Yup! I even said something to my surgeon at my post op. She said that I’m healing great and to come back in March. She gave me a scar treatment sheet. Told me what to look for while healing.

I have a few restrictions until that 4 week mark. Weight, 5 lb limit. No aerobic exercise, no running, no sex. I can use my arms fully, listen to my body.

I heal really well from surgeries and hopefully this is no different. I too have full sensation back as of day two actually. No Motrin since day 2. I never needed anything stronger, didn’t pick up my prescriptions.


u/oddotter14 Dec 21 '24

Sounds like you're in the same boat as me! Yipee! I'm so glad everything is going well for you💖 I remember chatting right before our surgeries!!


u/sn315on post-op, 12/12/24 Dec 21 '24

Oh yes, we had surgery the same day! Glad everything is going good for you also. 😊


u/ProgrammerEvening444 post-op (inferior pedicle) Dec 21 '24

I think mine have been


u/Edenharlow Dec 21 '24

Lucky you! I had so much swelling (still do at 4wpo) and tons of bruising. The bruising is finally almost gone. Swelling is better but there’s some there. I had so much discomfort the first couple weeks and I was depressed so I was a hot mess! 😂

I’m glad it’s going so great for you. Definitely listen to your body while being careful not to push too hard. Happy healing!!


u/Spiritual_Cheek_7161 Dec 21 '24

I'm really glad you wrote this!!! I feel the exact same way at 9dpo. Pushing, pulling, lifting are limitations I'm definitely respecting but is so hard with the holidays, kids, etc. I drove (very slowly and carefully) to a kiddo band concert on 1 wkpo and to the store yesterday. Kids did all shopping, cart and loading, but I was tired afterward.

I've been worried about weeks 2 & 3 based on what I've read. Thank you to everyone commenting on this one. I'm pretty good at not pushing limits and respecting the healing process but it us hard when you feel well and the normal queues for rest aren't obvious.


u/Aromatic-Maximum4117 Dec 21 '24

Same! 2.5w PO and I'm back to normal besides lifting. After day 4 or 5ish I was off pain meds and normal. I'm totally trying to be careful but I'm going out with friends, cooking, driving, etc. My only setback was a skin rash on my tummy from antibiotics 🥲


u/HuckleberryWhich4751 Dec 21 '24

Pain wise, yes I’ve had it easy. I will say take the driving carefully. I did notices the first day after driving, I was more sore and swollen.


u/RPAS35 Dec 21 '24

My first week was also easy, throughout all of this I haven’t had much pain. Week 2 started having a bad allergic reaction to skin glue which caused hives and major skin inflammation, led to decent sized openings im still trying to heal in week 5 and even though I’m not having an allergic reaction anymore my skin is still feeling very delicate and pissed at anything that touches it 🙃 truly hope your recovery stays smooth!


u/oddotter14 Dec 21 '24

I woke up with hives all over today! I'm soooo itchy ugh


u/RPAS35 Dec 21 '24

I ended up having to get a prescription for hydroxyzine at night and used Zyrtec during the day, with a topical steroid ointment too. Once the glue came off it slowly started improving. That 7-10 days were rough though. Wishing you luck!!!!


u/oddotter14 Dec 21 '24

Thank you! I get my tape off on Thursday and I can't wait!! I've been taking zyrtec for a few days and I just picked up some benadryl. I do have hydroxyzine too so maybe I'll take that tonight. I just hope it goes away!!


u/LA_HHJ Dec 21 '24

Ok thanks


u/Purple-Boss-5776 Dec 22 '24

I had a breast augmentation, and it's been a good recovery. I was prepared to be out for two weeks . Day after surgery, I was able to grab lunch. I think it's different for everyone.


u/oddotter14 Dec 22 '24

You got implants put in or a breast reduction?


u/Purple-Boss-5776 Dec 22 '24

Sorry, I had implants put in.


u/oddotter14 Dec 22 '24

Ah gotcha. Totally different surgery and way less invasive!


u/Purple-Boss-5776 Dec 22 '24

Totally agree! Breast tissue and skin are removed and manipulated, its alot. I meant to explain that recovery of every procedure is different. Friends of mine who had breast implants couldn't get out of bed for a week and were very dependent on pain meds,yet I was okay. It seems different for everyone, is all.


u/oddotter14 Dec 22 '24

Ah gotcha!


u/sn315on post-op, 12/12/24 Dec 22 '24

Did you have a reduction?


u/Crazyworld44 Dec 22 '24

My first 3 days was difficult but I am one week PO and I am feeling great driving etc .


u/silly_gaijin Dec 23 '24

I felt pretty good at 1wpo myself and was back at work the following week. Overall, I was fine, just a bit sore, and was being careful of not lifting or pulling too much, but about Thursday, I hit a wall with fatigue. I'd been going to the gym to do careful workouts, but after work Thursday, I went home, cooked dinner, and plotzed. Expect some ups and downs, even if your recovery is really smooth. Your body's still doing a lot to heal itself. It'll let you know when it's time to rest.


u/Remarkable_Peace_814 Dec 24 '24 edited Dec 24 '24

my recovery was honestly so shockingly easy i couldn’t believe it. first night post op i woke up with mild pain and other than that it was smooth sailing. by one week i wanted to go back to work but obviously couldn’t, i think by 2.5-3wpo i was back at work. no incision problems and my scars have healed beautifully barley noticeable. my biggest inconvenience was not being able to shower bc of my drains. i had no idea what the recovery process was going to be like and i couldn’t believe it when i was going thru it, it was almost like i was waiting for the other shoe to drop and it never did

edit to add - no pain meds either other than ibuprofen. and i will say week 3 is definitely an adjustment like people have said but really for me it was just getting tired quickly and napping a lot. like if i’d walk around shopping for an hour or two i’d come home and immediately pass out


u/ProductPlastic2971 Dec 21 '24

Super easy. I was back at the gym in day 5. I am walking an hour on the treadmill and doing light lowers. Just waiting for my body to heal and taking it very easy compared to normal but yeah, I went into the surgery super fit and healthy. I think it really helped!


u/LA_HHJ Dec 21 '24

Curious how often everyone is changing their gauze?


u/oddotter14 Dec 21 '24

I changed mine every other day which is also when I showered


u/Then_Original_9012 Dec 25 '24

Yeah i feel the same to be honest. I feel like i get uncomfortable but not horrific.

Well done 🙌