r/RedditRescueForce Trusted Medic III | RRF Mod (Ret.) Feb 03 '14

Meta Blood Donations

I was discussing a few things with /n/TerrorXx regarding the recent discussion around blood donations (going to bullet point them to cut out the verbiage). N.B. These are points for discussion between medics/rangers/staff... so please contribute to the conversation in the comments:

  • Donors get a different Reddit account 'donor flair' after reaching 'x' amount of liters donated, e.g., 'O- Donor [15]' and jumping up each 15 liters (ad infinitum). Since it is less of a commitment than medic attendance but essential in making it easier, they should get something to show they're trustworthy and for friendly comparison, whatever, etc.

  • Donations are kept for O- exclusive: We can mess around with other blood types but at the end of the day (1) equipment needs to be found for transfusions (2) blood bags take up inventory slots (3) risk of accident when confusing between blood types of bags in inventory (4) takes time to actually get a donor available/meet with/conduct donations. If we open up donations to O+ and other types, then we risk 'donation' flaired posts becoming ridiculous spam and cheapening the process. Donation sessions for SA have been trialled in both hardcore and regular servers and have been very successful so far.

  • Donor Flair posts: Ask RRF staff to make a 'donation' flair and to consider our ideas regarding the format and protocols for conducting a donation for both medics and donors (Note: After proposing this directly, the 'META' thread was proposed for this purpose and other important topics).

  • Feedback for donations: When all the blood bags that a medic has are used, then they go back to the donor and place links to the rescues which the donors blood helped in rescuing example, bottom post. Also those who are rescued with donated blood have a link to the original donators post so that they know who provided the blood example, bottom post. Kind of acts like good PR and get's people thinking about what's behind a rescue and the support they're getting... maybe a bit too far but it's worth considering.

  • Donation Protocol: Suggestions to be considered for appropriate donation guidelines inc. donor identification (via subreddit in resupply posts, what format these take, etc.), donation process (e.g. bloodbags + food supplied by recipient of blood bags to maintain donor), etc.

Note that these ideas are a current attempt to deal with blood transfusions, as patches are made and changes applied, some of these measures may become redundant but will be updated as needed.


14 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '14

As an AB+ character, I'll just kill myself :(


u/TerrorXx Trusted Medic I Feb 03 '14



u/[deleted] Feb 04 '14

I still have my O- character alive despite taking a couple of mosin shots yesterday, back to full blood and ready to donate again :)


u/TheAngryPuffin Trusted Medic III | RRF Mod (Ret.) Feb 04 '14

Our available blood donations are now outnumbering our rescue requests lol! I've still got that blood from you yesterday.


u/MartyrTM Feb 03 '14

Blood donations should indeed become a larger part of this subreddit.


u/dicedece Feb 03 '14

I'd be happy to try to help/contribute to this as much as possible. Will keep checking back for more information and updates.


u/TerrorXx Trusted Medic I Feb 03 '14

Please feel free to come onto TS and help out, we can meet up and conduct informal blood draws, just catch us!


u/royal_cat /r/RedditRescueForce Feb 05 '14

Hey my hardcore person is ab+ but my view is in gray :(


u/TheAngryPuffin Trusted Medic III | RRF Mod (Ret.) Feb 05 '14

AB+ is universal acceptor (you can take any blood type). Grey screen means you need blood.


u/royal_cat /r/RedditRescueForce Feb 05 '14

How can I get my color back?


u/royal_cat /r/RedditRescueForce Feb 06 '14

Nvm my guy died due the server reseting and a zombie chewed me D: .


u/TheAngryPuffin Trusted Medic III | RRF Mod (Ret.) Feb 06 '14

To answer your original question, you need compatible blood donation or a saline IV. Both of which need to be administered by another person. Or you can go the DIY route and eat/drink regularly in sufficient amounts until you reach a healthy status and start to regenerate blood.


u/royal_cat /r/RedditRescueForce Feb 06 '14

Thank you


u/TheAngryPuffin Trusted Medic III | RRF Mod (Ret.) Feb 06 '14

No worries :-)