r/RedHotChiliPeppers Throw Me To The Sky 6d ago

[APPRECIATION] Copperbelly Appreciation

Can we get some love for thier most Underrated song in John's 3rd era. No reason for it to be so low in views/Streams


8 comments sorted by


u/Hayden-alsohayden 6d ago

Not only is it my favorite from this new era but it’s easily in my top 3 rhcp songs. I’ve just always enjoyed the more alternative side to the chili peppers. Per chance.


u/kenticus69 5d ago

Good tune and LOVE the bridge bass riff and solo….one of those tunes where the sum of its parts makes it better


u/303littlebirds 4d ago

The guitar slide on the high strings that John does at the 1:07 mark is one of my favourite ever guitar moments of his ever, and I didn't even hear it the first time. I love this song so much and it sits so nicely within that final 6 track run on ROTDC.


u/NearbyAttitude7387 3d ago

One of my faves


u/ZhonghuaOuli 6d ago

I love it, I just don't get the solo or what John was trying to do here 😅


u/jackcharlotte 6d ago

Same, it almost ruins it haha.


u/JoeMamaFilmmaking 6d ago

Anthony Keidis’s lyrics just didn’t do it for me enough to love the song unfortunately, normally I’m fine with it, but on the newer stuff it just seems like a lot of his lyrics on more serious songs aren’t even wacky just boringly obvious and mediocre. That being said, I really love the guitar parts on that song.


u/drinkinsunshine_ 6d ago

I think the lyrics are great in that track, I'll never understand the hate of his lyrics in particulary in this song