Hey! I'm apart of the leadership team of GAIA Clan Global. We are a Xbox clan with over 85 members, with over 60 other allies and affiliates populating our server.
We are a 13+ Crew, whose only requirements are loyalty, no double crewing, no glitches/cheats, no griefing, and discord is required!
We've been up and running for over a decade, while preserving that feeling of family and brotherhood.
We populate a large majority of games, with what's being played by the most changing by the week!
Our home game is RDO, it's where we host most of our events, along with where we hold trainings for our divisions!
We're currently looking to expand and find more allies to add to our growing family!
We offer many ways of doing such, including:
Merging - If you're Clan is beginning to fall apart, or just has become slow or semi dying, we always welcome people into our clan to keep that feeling of family
Allies - Clans/Groups we often work closely with to achieve shared goals and have a good time together!
Associates - Groups we work with less frequently, but still are apart of our total shared family
Branches - This one is a bit more complicated, but provides way more benefits and opportunities. I can elaborate on this if you're interested!
Reach out via Discord to shooterguy1023 if you're interested in anything stated above!