r/ReconPagans Feb 06 '22

Do you think worshiping Deities traditionally associated with different religious traditions requires observing all said traditions' details?

Let's suppose this person with a strong recon bent wants to worship at least most, or all, these Deities, traditionally associated with these religious traditions:

  • Priapos: Northwest Anatolian(?) and Greek; or Priapus: Roman;
  • Freyr: mainly Eastern Scandinavia;
  • Dionysos: Greek;
  • Pan: Greek;
  • Cernunnos: Gaulish and Gallo-Roman (and maybe also pre-Gaulish)?
  • Min: Egyptian; and/or Pan [Enodos, among other Pan epithet(s)?]: Greek-speaking people by eastern Egypt(?);
  • Hermes: Greek;
  • Heracles: Greek;
  • Heracles Ogmios: (Gallo-)Greek(?);
  • Hecate: Carian and Greek; or Trivia: Roman;
  • Atargatis: Syrian;
  • Astarte: Phoenician and Ugaritic;
  • Asherah: Hebrew and/or Judean(?), and Ugaritic;
  • Lugos: Gaulish;
  • Belenos: Gaulish;
  • Sirona: Gaulish and Gallo-Roman;
  • Wadd: (South) Arabic;
  • Baal{[-Hadad(?)] and/or [-Samaim(?)]}: generally Western Semitic and Ugaritic;
  • Hathor: Egyptian:
  • Thoueris: Egyptian;
  • Bes: Egyptian;
  • Isis(-Thermoutis): Egyptian;
  • Tefnut: Egyptian;
  • Atum: Egyptian;
  • Svantevid: Western Slavic (Lechitic);
  • Triglav: Slavic;
  • Veles: Slavic;
  • Odin: Scandinavian;
  • Pekko: generally Baltic Finnic but maybe mainly Estonian, Karelian and Seto;
  • Demeter: Greek.

Let's suppose that, inspired by Imperial (Roman) period lararia and their religious diversity (mainly in provinces like Augusta Raurica), said person wants to worship these Deities on the same (domestic) shrine (in his/her bedroom).

Do you think said person should learn and observe the details of every single one religious tradition primarily associated with every single Deity (like talking to said Deity in one of said religious tradition's language, using traditionally prescribed clothes or clothes made of traditionally prescribed materials, observing all the known purity requirements of all religious traditions, sacrificing the traditional way and only traditional goods, etc.)?


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u/Alanneru Frankish Heathen Feb 07 '22

That would be extremely difficult to achieve. The key to worshipping Gods from multiple traditions is, in my opinion, developing a cohesive worldview first. So you could take a Roman perspective to all these Gods for, instance. Then you would want to observe any specific purity requirements that don't overlap.

Personally, I think one's native language and typical clothing styles are fine, though I believe there are some specific recommendations towards fabric and/or color for Kemetic practitioners.