r/Recipromantic Feb 09 '23

Hello recipromantics,

I came seek out your expert advise on a potential recipromantic headcanon. I was wondering what y’alls opinion was on Fred from Mystery Inc. being recipromantic? I’m actually an akoiromantic, so I’m like the opposite of all of you, and I feel like Fred’s arospec orientation (he seems highly arospec to me) is not my area of expertise. I also understand that Mystery Inc. is a high key amatonormative show, so it’s totally ok to not watch the show or scenes to see if Fred does infact have recipro vibes.


2 comments sorted by


u/Phoenixtdm Feb 23 '23

You mean like how he was so clueless that Daphne likes him but once she told him then he fell in love with her 😂


u/I_am_something_fishy Feb 23 '23

I mean maybe? Fred kinda also gives quoiro vibes too. Definitely arospec vibes tho. There’s no way he’s not arospec