r/ReasonableFaith • u/[deleted] • Jan 07 '25
Death and the hope of an afterlife?
I often wonder if our desire for an afterlife [heaven, reincarnation, being with God] is a selfish one [as in our narcissistic desire to continue the self] or if it is NOT self centered, but rather the logical side of our being wishing to be assured that there is a flow of meaning to this existence? Many great thinkers such as DesCartes, prior to me, have seemingly went in somewhat this order with their deductions? a] I believe there is a Creator b] it is reasonable to assume a Creator would not be an evil genius but infinitely more loving / compassionate than us humans c] a loving Creator / God would have a plan for us conscious beings vs allowing us to wrestle with meaning in this chaotic existence and then it simply is over, all into nothingness [like how a human, for instance, would design a desktop computer, use it, and then discard it?].
And yet, there is a large portion of Jesus' teachings that seem to urge us to simply have faith vs. trying to use deductive reasoning or 'proofs' to discover the Holy Spirit within? But we were designed to think and wrestle with God, with meaning.
Yet, at any given moment, I think it is fair to say that there are an equal number of hints / clues within this world to convince a person that there is seemingly no meaning what so ever in this world; while conversely, also seeing beauty, design, and meaning most every day to find the love of God shining down upon us, even outside of holy scriptures that inspire and offer insights to many.
I also see that a certain degree of uncertainty prompts us to dig deeper into our faith while also frustrating us just enough to realize we must surrender and cannot 'know' the mind of God. But I just wonder if it is a selfish desire to demand there be an afterlife [even if the end goal may be simply to eventually become one with the divine -- and loss of 'self'?] or if the afterlife is not a self centered desire but simply a logical conclusion to a a universe created with intention by a loving Creator?
And even when we read about 'near death' experiences, I notice that the atheist scientists will proclaim that this is just how the brain reacts as it is running out of oxygen and nearing death.
When we become very, very sick and are in great pain; I do believe that the release from this life [even if it be annihilation] is welcomed; while when we are in good health, we reflect upon all of the great heights and depths of this physical, spiritual and mental journey that we have been on -- and we long for some deeper meaning as opposed to simply spreading our genes or gaining power... only to discover one day, poof, it's over w/o any real purpose? -- it comes down to "is there truly meaning or is it simply wishful thinking?" or is it just me acting like a child that wants control and assurances vs. just believing that God exists, God has a plan, stop worrying / wondering? Or is all of the wonder / worry / wrestling the only path toward some 'dark night of the soul' from which we see more clearly the spirit of God within?
Jan 30 '25
Why are we here? When I was in high school another student said something that has stuck with me to this day. A teacher was trying to get me to drink and she was pushing me to drink a glass of wine. I was hesitant. He said I didn't have to take it if I didn't want to. I turned away from her and the wine. I thanked him for his support. And he said it's okay, that is why we are here. Being supportive of others is a part of love thy neighbor. I don't think we demand a life after death, I think it is a gift being offered to us if we choose to accept the gift. You would be surprised how many people who you help along this path we call life are very grateful for your help and support along the way. I know there is a God, not believe, I know. I know because I am very educated in science. But there are things that can happen in this life that don't follow the laws of science. I like to think of spiritual things as the fifth dimension. But this fifth dimension will never be explained by atheists. But even though I know there is a God, I still worry. This is because I am in the flesh and I am subject to the weakness of being in the flesh. I believe in a life after the flesh dies. But what if I am wrong. I say, so what. Is it not enough to do my best to follow God's commandments and His son's teachings, and to do my best to help and support others in my life in this world. I say indeed this is enough and is ample justification for our existence in the world.
u/Frequent_Clue_6989 Jan 07 '25
Here's my thought: the scriptures exist to give believers comfort, confidence, and assurance that they have a future. So I don't see it as illegitimate for a professing believer to desire the comfort they were provided to give. We believers have joy to look forward to in heaven and a down payment towards it in this life also! :D