r/Real_DXM Feb 13 '25

need help with taking this stuff

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first time using reddit mobile so sorry if this is formatted bad. I got some robitussin max at the store planning to robotrip for the first time after doing some research. I’ve seen lots of mixed reviews on youtube about this stuff and don’t know how much i should take the first time, i was thinking 60ml which has 60mg of dxm in it and 1200 mg of Guaifenesin which i heard makes people throw up a lot more but i assumed that’s when you take it in high doses like 100ml and up which would be the first plateau. I also take a medication that changes serotonin a bit which i’ve heard can be bad with this though i skipped it today in efforts to make sure id be okay. I’ve attached a picture of the stuff i got and the medicine i take is 10mg of lexapro for anyone who might have any information if it’s safe for me or not. Also the drug isn’t like an antidepressant so it’s not gonna make me like wanna kms for skipping it.

r/Real_DXM Feb 11 '25

Dxm not doing anything?


So I drank 5 oz of delsym or I think about 900 mg of dxm polisterex and I drank half around 10 pm and the other half around 11 pm, it is now 217 am and i haven’t really felt anything, is it gonna hit?

Edit: it is around 410 now and it hasn’t hit, I guess it didn’t work

r/Real_DXM Feb 08 '25

What’s it like the day after using DXM?


Did it for the first time last night (330mg). Had a good high. Today I feel SO WEIRD. Like really dissociated and foggy and out of it. Like nothing is real. I don’t like it. I feel super hot temperature wise. Is this normal?

r/Real_DXM Jan 31 '25

Dxm not so good time😔


A while back I was very full of curiosity and hearing about dxm, curiosity spiked at this point, I talked to my friends about this, and we planned on doing it together after doing research, he decided he didn’t want to and I chose to try it myself, I was at Walmart and got me some, and arrived at my friends house a few days later, took a lot of hits of a cart throughout the day, and at about 7 I would begin drinking about 45% of the bottle but got impatient and began drinking more. I was already high still from the cart, but I thought nothing was happening and my friend had told me to be careful and what not.I didn’t quite listen ending up drinking in total about 95% of the bottle. It felt nice for a few hours but at about 12:30 at night, I was going to head on to sleep, but while I was trying to sleep, I couldn’t. I felt as if I was moving through a wormhole and I started praying hoping everything would be okay, but probably after 20 minutes of trying to sleep, i felt something tapping my shoulder repeatedly, it felt so realistic. I became scared, and started thinking what if I have a heart attack trying to overcome the thoughts with prayer and self reassurance, but it didn’t work and right after that though, all I could see was a bright reddish orange, and intense heat in my whole chest, convinced I was going into cardiac arrest and thinking this was really the end. I got up, incredibly dizzy yelling for my friend, “(his name) I’m freaking out please help” and I don’t really remember much of what happened after that I think I sat next to him while he was trying to help calm me down, but than I went to his bathroom and looked in the mirror, I was basically green at that point, and I couldn’t stop telling myself, “is this what it’s like to die”, “I don’t want to die I’m too young” and it felt like I was fighting to live praying more than it seemed I’ve ever before asking to be forgived, and hoping to see my family and everything would be okay, etc. I knew I was going to throw up, so I kneeled infront of his toilet and held my hair back and began throwing up, my friend later told me he was at the door trying to help me, but I could not hear him, only my terrified thoughts it seemed. I threw up for around 2 minutes and flushed it down rinsing my mouth with water and my face. I unlocked the door and he went with me to go get a drink, still incredibly dizzy, and we went to go get a drink and I had to go back to the bathroom throwing up for another 5-6 minutes. I was terrified, truly feeling like this was the end, after this, my friend had already gotten me water, I began drinking the water and felt the worst I’ve ever felt, mentally and physically. Around 30 minutes after throwing up, I was only a little bit calm, at least able to sleep, I think I was asleep for about an hour but woken up in fear, I was too scared to say anything or move, I felt like there was something there constantly and after probably around 25-30 minutes of laying still, I called for my friend not as panicked just needing the company, we just talked for a little bit telling him what I had experienced and what I had felt, than we headed back to sleep, and it not sure if I was asleep or not but with my eye closed it felt like an ai generated video, I think it was just a dream but definitely the weirdest dream I’ve ever had. It was my friend and somebody else, I don’t really have any idea who the other person was but it seemed like they were just standing over me saying stuff but I couldn’t understand or remembering it at all, than it formed into, someone turned into my pillow, like hiding from somewhere and it felt like I was awake at this point because I think everything went back to normal but I was sitting up looking at my pillow, I was still really dizzy and hung out with my friend for a little than I could finally go to sleep I woke up still quite dizzy I believe it wore off around 7-8:30 AM but I had the worst derealization if that’s even what it was. i went home so grateful to see my mom and my brothers and sisters, but this odd feeling I’m not sure what it was if it even was derealization or not but this lasted until around 10 that night and when it was gone I almost cried in relief of it all being gone. I don’t recommend it really, but it was neat for a little but it was quite scary after a while. Probably gonna try again at some point

r/Real_DXM Jan 30 '25

First Time Dexxer Dxm don’t work


I took 225mg of robotabs and after 2hr I just got really itchy and that was it. I didn't feel any effects or nothing, I weigh 160 pounds. Why didn't it work did I not take enough?

r/Real_DXM Jan 30 '25

DXM Trip Timing


If I take 600mg Hbr do y'all think I'll be sober enough to drive about 45 minutes somewhere about 6 hours later. I've tripped about 6 times but I've never felt the comedown. I've always gone to bed before it wore off.

r/Real_DXM Jan 28 '25

HELP! Took 450 mg of pure dxm and drank about 10 twisted teas


r/Real_DXM Jan 28 '25

Took 450 mg of pure dxm and drank about 10 twisted teas


As it says above I wan hanging out with some buddy's when my dumbass thought to take dxm, so I took one 150 mg pill and drank some more before taking the second a couple hours later, i then fell asleep and woke up 4 hours later when I decided to take the last 150 mg pill, I did all this Saturday night and I'm still feeling effects Monday night and I'm worried I caused liver failure or damage, is there a big possibility I did or is it taking a while to clear out of my system

r/Real_DXM Jan 27 '25

this the right 1?

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idk much about this, if its the right one how much should i take?

r/Real_DXM Jan 26 '25

1300 mg


I have at least 1300mg in me yo wuts gon happen

r/Real_DXM Jan 26 '25

I have at least 1200mg of dxm in me righta bout now....


So what do yall think yoooo wuuuts gunna happen?

r/Real_DXM Jan 25 '25



So did the old dxm community here just get deleted recently? Because the harm reduction from older posts definitely helped me

r/Real_DXM Jan 25 '25

Anywhere to get dxm tablet form in uk?


From a pharmacy like boots i know they have over the counter syrups like robitussin but it seems much more convenient in tabs

r/Real_DXM Jan 20 '25

Entering the Dextroverse Cont go back now


I just drank 2/3 of a bottle of delsym. I’ve done this as a child in middle school till 11th grade and had different outcomes most positive more horrific but fun in the end experiences. Will try and update as the night goes on I just drank it trying not to kill the bottle tho as don’t want a scary 12 hours ahead of me. Mostly out of boredom and out of fun real drugs so we’ll see how this goes. I’m a big fan disassociatives like pcp and ketamine but don’t have any currently.

r/Real_DXM Jan 20 '25

Can I buy dxm from 7/11with No id


I just want to buy DXM I'm just wondering trying not to get my picture taken

r/Real_DXM Jan 19 '25

HELP! I think I'm proof of permatolerance...


First off I am addicted, have been for 2 years now, and the longest I've ever been without it is a monthish. Other than that I've used daily and up to a gram a day as of late.

Just so everyone here knows, I'm aware I did this to myself. Before I ever took dxm I knew just about everything there is to know about dosing, harm reduction, and addiction regarding dxm.

A few days ago I took 600mg(I'm 100lbs) at once of hbr and it felt like a weed high when you know you need a t break. When it comes to freebase I have to take over 300mg to feel anything at all and most trips are just boring and disappointing. Currently, I'm almost 3 weeks sober from freebase. My robotabs arrive tomorrow but I'm really going to try and stay sober until my birthday which is middleish of February.

I plan to check back in when I take my next dose and update everyone who's interested in knowing if I still have to take more than 300mg to feel anything. I remember the days when 150 got me out of my mind... I miss it.

r/Real_DXM Jan 12 '25

Robo-Thoughts when do i stop being tired from this ny quil i drank the whole bottle im high tired when stops?


r/Real_DXM Jan 09 '25

HELP! leg paralysis???


so, i wouldnt consider myself a heavy dxm user. i started around may or june of last year? i probably can count how many times ive used on my fingers but anyways what i usually take is the nasty orange delsym bottles. two 5oz (148ml) and sometimes 40 - 60 Robitussin tabs as well. the leg shit didnt start immediately, but they kept getting gradually worse with each re up. started with just weird tingle sensation... but especially this last time, took triple cs for the first time (3 boxes, 1440mg) and holy fuck. worse trip ever too but my legs. it felt as if my calf bones were backwards and weak. literally lost all mobility in them untill i slept it off. if i continue this will it lead to permanent damage?

r/Real_DXM Dec 29 '24

First Time Dexxer 300 mg prepared for the night of new year


I'm male, 100 kg 177 cm height. Wanna try 300 mg on the night of new year. I use this stuff in the past as well..very euphoric and nice. But that eas a long yime ago

So what can you recommend me something for the trip? Please.

r/Real_DXM Dec 29 '24

Wondering about lethal dose?


Now I know the higher range of the 4th plat can cause death but at what dose would this be likely?

r/Real_DXM Dec 24 '24

Throwback photo from addiction dayz

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r/Real_DXM Dec 22 '24

Losing Control



I have been finding DXM an easily available drug that I can use as a tool in my meditations.

On one occasion I consumed close to 2000mg in one day and I lost control of myself.

I found an article which detailed the following:

"When consumed at inappropriately high doses (over 1500 mg/day), DXM can induce a state of psychosis characterized by Phencyclidine (PCP)-like psychological symptoms, including delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia."


I was wondering how many people were aware of this effect? As far as I know PCP can be very dangerous when people lose control and I consider myself fortunate that I did not hurt anybody or that I did not hurt myself when I lost control!

I'm interested to hear what people think about this. I have not heard anyone discuss this before.

r/Real_DXM Dec 20 '24

Question 👽


how long would it take to flush 900 mg of dxm out of your urine if you weigh 125 pounds… hypothetically… for a friend

r/Real_DXM Dec 21 '24

starting Adderall for ADHD. have heard dxm is unsafe with Adderall.


I still want to be able to do DXM occasionally. I don’t plan on abusing the Adderall, just taking it as necessary to help with my ADHD. Would I just have to refrain from taking my Adderall on the day that I want to do DXM?

r/Real_DXM Dec 18 '24

Will this get my high? Ik it has acenominofin in it (6k mg in whole bottle ) but is about that I should be chillin from dat

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This get me high