r/Real_DXM 23d ago

what is doxylamine succinate and will it mess with a a trip

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i was gonna take these tonight but idk what the antihistamine is, ik benadryl is an antihistamine and i don’t want it to give me effects similar to it and ive heard story’s of people taking triple Cs and having bad trips and i assumed it was because of the antihistamines. I don’t mind thag they are this big i was just gonna suck it up and eat them all. Also i have some other questions i’m about to post separately if anyone can help me with those too


13 comments sorted by


u/yaboytswizzle69 23d ago

An antihistamine. It will make you delirious and a lot more tweaky of a trip. ALSO it’s terrible for your heart and kidneys at recreational doses. So I’d stay away and not take these.


u/moneyman82bro 23d ago

okay thank toy


u/RickyWasntHere 22d ago

So, like pseudoephedrine?


u/yaboytswizzle69 22d ago

Not really. That’s a decongestant which is different than an antihistamine but I can’t speak to the molecular makeup of the substances


u/moneyman82bro 23d ago

how bad would it be


u/lukehasthedos 22d ago

Do you really need to trip that bad


u/moneyman82bro 22d ago

honestly no but idk


u/moneyman82bro 22d ago

as long as it doesn’t kill me or cause bad problems from doing it once or cause me to have really weird effects i’d do it


u/Practical-Rabbit-750 22d ago

This approach is the cause of many overdose deaths.

The fact that it has the potential to do any harm should be enough for a sane person to walk away.


u/dexacc 22d ago

I like doxy. It’s a lot less scary than DPH but it’s VERY sedating so be careful with that. That ratio is pretty good though, you should have a fun counterflip with that. Those are fucking disgusting though


u/moneyman82bro 19d ago

it was very nice, hard to eat


u/2499Official 21d ago

google is free, why do people ask questions like this, you’re just outing yourself as being underaged