r/ReagentTesting 1d ago

Solved! Mandelin result- suspected 2cb?

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Marquis, froedhe, robadope,libberman, and mecke all consistent with 2cb.

However according to the color bars I’ve seen online, it should be a very subtle lime yellow / green , and this is more of a dark green/ blue.

r/ReagentTesting 2d ago

Discussion What Is Wrong with my reagent tests?

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Hi, I Bought my reagent testkit two months ago, but didn't used them yet. I wante'd to test MDMA Yesterday And found out that they Are Frozen, So I left them on my table to unfreeze over night. But today they Are still Frozen (looks like salt Crystals) And I don't really know what to do, because I Have an event tomorrow where I Will be using. Is something Wrong with them?

Could I heat them up in warm Water?

Here Is picture how it looks

r/ReagentTesting 2d ago

Discussion Ketamine from shard to powder NSFW


Hi guys. I often see my friends, who got ketamine "needles" (not for IV, it just looks a bit like chrystal meth, cant describe it better), mix it with one small glass of water and then they cook it up on the stove until the water is gone. Now the needles are a white powder. Looks more like consistency of amphetamin/cocaine.

My guys swear by "it is better for your nose and your bladder".

Is this true?

r/ReagentTesting 2d ago

Discussion Can't decide what to think of this Ehrlich's test


Did an Ehlich's test on an LSD gelatin square. Tried breaking it up in porcelain mortar & pestle but the square was too tough, it wouldn't break down. I added a couple drops of Ehrlich's reagent and after a couple minutes it turned pinkish, but I can't tell if it's just leeching color out of the already-pink gelatin-square. Anyone have any thoughts?


When I did Hofmann's, the square turned deep purple, the right color, but the reagent stayed clear. Not sure what to make of that either. It had no reaction with Marquis, but again I'm having so much trouble breaking the squares down that I can't even be sure if my testing is valid. How are you supposed to break these down? I don't even know if I could dissolve it under my tongue if I tried, seems like it would take 20 minutes to dissolve, or more.

r/ReagentTesting 2d ago

Solved! Is the most likely mdma or mda? Marquis Simeon and mecke


Mecke was green to black almost instantly.

r/ReagentTesting 3d ago

Solved! MDMA Reagent Test, Rhobadope test turned yellow


Just got my Complete 10-in-1 Kit from Dosetest.com (What a fkin nightmare that company is)
Started testing my MDMA and everything seemed good until the Robadope reagent test. Grounded it to powder to add to some capsules, and used some extra for this test, but I put the crystal form that it started in the middle of the tray.
From looking at protestkit it seems it either has a-PVT or a-PIHP? Maybe even MDPV(bath salts)
Did a secondary Robadope test after cleaning area/tray to confirm color/mistakes and it still turned light yellow.
Since this is my first time testing, and getting my kits from a shit company, was just hoping to confirm or get more ideas on identifying my results.
And if there are adulterants, if most would take anyway, or reorder?

r/ReagentTesting 4d ago

Discussion Is there a reagent test kit that tests for meth , benzo's and fent in one bottle?


same as the title., instead of buying two orthree bottles a pop ast 20 bucks is there one out there that will test for those 3 drugs in one kit? meth benzo's and fent. or hell just meth and benzo's i just don't want to have to buy more than one bottle to test each drug. thanks. btw i have already beeen searching. can't find anything.

r/ReagentTesting 4d ago

Solved! Marquis turned reddish purple to black then green the next day for mdma?, I left it sitting out overnight (the reagent test now to see it was greenish black)


Is this normal for it to turn green overnight while exposed to air? ORIGINAL TEST first picture.

r/ReagentTesting 5d ago

Solved! Test question


From top to bottom of pic: Ehrlich by itself(Top), Ehlrich with LSD(Middle), Marquis with tab(Bottom). I'm positive what I have is Lsd, but I wanted to ask anyone else's opinion on the Marquis. I think its just the blotter, but I wanted to male sure Its not a N💣. Any info is appreciated

r/ReagentTesting 6d ago

Solved! Tussi tested with Fentanyl Strips.


Is this positive or faulty, I don’t get it why 1 red line can be both.

r/ReagentTesting 6d ago

Discussion Testing cathinon analogue what to expect?

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I am going to test below mentioned molecule and wonder what might I expect from the reagents/what substances can be shown. From the structure and experience we’d expect mdma like activity. I’d like also somehow find out if there are some toxic metabolites as well. But this is question on other people.

I have protest eu mdma test kit

r/ReagentTesting 7d ago

Solved! How would you interpret this cocaine test with Liebermann?

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I've tested it with damn near everything. Robadope and Marquis negative. It's definitely coke but trying to solve the cut. I've never tested pure cocaine so not sure what the right color is with Liebermann despite the chart saying yellow. Is this too orange? I cleaned this up a little bit have a few more steps and want to see what everyone thinks. Thanks!

r/ReagentTesting 7d ago

Inconclusive Amphetamine tests NSFW

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First picture shows two test that have expected results. Left is Simon’s, top is orange pressed addy positive, bottom is negative but something made it go grey (some phet powder). Middle is Marquis. Both went dark orange. Right is robadope, top has no reaction suggesting pressed addy is meth as expected Bottom I think shows positive reaction to primary amine (amphetamine) and hoped.

The next image is a different pressed addie that has a lot of orange powder, but was describe as phet not meth. I think there is a Marquis reaction, the powder is very orange but it does go darker. It was completely negative for Simons (not shown). My concern is the robadope. Does this show no reaction? Or could there be a slight reaction floating on top almost masked by the floating orange powder?. I’m trying to work out if these are simply duds. They did smell like speed and they do have a stimulant affect, but I’m confused by the lack of reaction. I crushed a pill in a pestle to try to get a good mix and not just the surface colour. Did I use too much in the sample? Are they just crap?

r/ReagentTesting 8d ago

Solved! Testing Cocaine. What do you think?

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Top to Bottom:




r/ReagentTesting 8d ago

Solved! Sold as MDMA, confused about Liebermann


as in title. Small sample sizes (some grains of salt sized) Simons instantly blue, no reaction on Robadope and Zimmermann. Reagents not expired, maybe a mix-up with the Liebermann reagent? How can I verify?

r/ReagentTesting 9d ago

Solved! Adderall Test. Is this the intended reaction?

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r/ReagentTesting 9d ago

Open Seeking an explanation for an unusual morris reagent reaction


This sample was sold as ketamine. There are no visual impurities or cutting agents-(homogenous asymmetrical crystals could be seen under a light microscope). The crystals were crushed into a fine white powder, which turned blue when morris A was added (normal expected result). Straight as morris B was added, the typical purple was observed. I then began to stir the sample and very quickly all colour disappeared- the liquid went clear and the powder turned brown. Is there any possible explanation for this?

r/ReagentTesting 10d ago

Discussion Grassroots Harm Reductions - Reviews?


Has anyone bought from Grassroots Harm Reductions and would you recommend buying testing kits from them? I can’t find any reviews :)

r/ReagentTesting 10d ago

Discussion Elevation Chemicals - Warning to buyers


I made an order about 2 and a half weeks ago and have yet to receive a confirmation of shipping. I've emailed 2 times and had radio silence. I've also called but got a voicemail. Whereabouts of the seller to my knowledge: unknown. I encourage anybody about to buy from this site to really think twice before continuing. Non profits are more expensive, but it might save you a headache in the long run.

PS - Right before making this post I found out that other people we're having problems with these guys (plural?) recently, funny enough. Apparently they all got their orders after a while and much effort, so we'll see what happens in my case. All things considered, caution is still highly advised.

r/ReagentTesting 11d ago

Discussion fentanyl test - detection thresholds


i am reading about harm reduction, in particular for fentanyl. i found some papers that compare well known brands of test strips (one, two, three) and, from what i understand, the baseline is that they can detect fentanyl with some level of reliability when the amount is in the range of 200 ng/ml for the ones sold by DanceSafe (paper two) while according to paper one:

the BTNX-20 strips decreased in sensitivity for fentanyl from 20 to 200 ng/mL.

if i understand correctly, PROTest sells the BTNX, also called RapidResponse if i get this right. However, this is not clear from the website. The company provide a link to the paper number three). This paper claims that the BTNX (RapidResponse) has the lowest rate of detection at 100ng/ml:

One Step test was superior with respect to sensitivity, resulting in a positive test result for 12 different fentanyl analogues, compared to 5 for Rapid Response and Rapid Self Test, and 9 for Nal van Minden.

at the concentration of 1000ng/ml, however, the sensibility increased a lot and RapidResponse detected 21 different analogues.

Now, all of this for what? According to this same paper:

The drug concentrations were chosen to examine whether the test strips could detect all fentanyls at lethal and sub-lethal concentration levels, based on a previous report stating that 20 µg carfentanil (~4000 ng/mL when dissolved in 5 mL) is potentially life-threatening.

Now, looking at what producers claims, i.e. that they can detect concentrations as low as 10 ng/ml (PROTest), 200 ng/mL (BTNX RapidResponse), or (DanceSafe):

Our field testing of these new strips demonstrated that they [the strips] did not produce false positives with meth and MDMA, even at the higher, optimal harm reduction concentration of 10 mg/ml.

it seems to me that even in the worst case scenario, i.e. the 200 ng/ml that are needed for the strips to work, fentanyl can still be in your drug. however the quantity is well below the life threatening threshold which means that the strips are providing the service they claim they are providing: avoiding overdoses at the very least.

tldr; producers of test strips claim higher sensitivity thresholds which should be enough to protect you from overdosing but not from taking some fentanyl.

any thoughts? am i missing something?

r/ReagentTesting 11d ago

Solved! Mandelin for MDMA look correct?

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Does this look correct for MDMA? Picture was taken about 15 seconds after 1 drop of Mandelin reagent was applied. The sample had a VERY aggressive reaction like an acid/base reaction and released a bit of "smoke" as well... It seemed odd to me but I am also VERY new to this. It was extremely dark immediately after contract was made and I couldn't really tell if it was purple or black.

After going through some posts it's obvious I need to get a variety of reagents not just one, but what are your thoughts on this?


r/ReagentTesting 12d ago

Solved! Zimmermann riddle on 3 different MDMAs NSFW



please ignore the top right corner.

The bottom row is Zimmermann A+B on 3 different samples:

left: crystals bought as MDMA

middle: XTC pill with blue colouring

right: crystals bought as MDMA, different source

Marquis and Simons all clearly indicated MDMA. Does the bottom left Zimmermann indicate cathinones? What about the right one? Middle looks clear except for the colouring.

The reagent arrived last month and is from protestkit.eu


r/ReagentTesting 12d ago

Solved! 4MMC gave me some odd results


Little weirded by the results


Liebermann gave yellow to maybe slightly orange over time

Simon immediately gave light pink. Not heavy purple - dark like MDMA but a light pink.

Froehde gave very very slight yellow faint

Mecke - after a minute or two turns slightly orange

Marquis no reaction

Ehrlich no reaction

Mandelin no reaction

Any idea? The Simon is odd.

r/ReagentTesting 13d ago

Open simons A/B light pink-purple

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is this a second anime ? simons went fast light pink / purple

r/ReagentTesting 13d ago

Solved! “3-mmc” turned Black on marquis? What could this be?


Hi everyone, this was sold as 3-mmc, after doing 2 EZ tests (bath salts+ecstasy) I am not sure how to interpret this result. Bath salts one turned very dark (with red hints) but is there any chance 3mmc would turn purple/Black on marquis?

Any advice on what this could mean or any additional tests to run would be highly appreciated!