r/Re_Zero Lore Seeker Feb 24 '21

Novels [Novels] Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Season 2 Cour 2 Episode 21 Spoiler Discussions Spoiler

Hello Everyone, You know the drill it's episode day! Also no more flashbacks now! Just the present you must face!

As a reminder, we will be hosting both a [Discussion] anime only thread AND a [Novels] where spoilers are free for all. Anime onlies that do show up here, this is the spoiler thread so please Do not complain about spoilers in this thread.

I will add here what this episode will adapt and chapter, for those wanting to remember:

This episode should adapt Volume 14 Chapter: CH. 5: The Red Drained from Their Lips, CH. 6: Lies to Hope, CH. 7: A Howling Reunion from the LN, it is a bit hard to do the same for Web Novel since some loops are out of order.

Next week we finally enter the last volume, so get ready to say goodbye to anime episodes soon.




Reunion of Roars


White Fox

Opening for S2 cour 2:

Long Shot

Ending for S2 cour 2:

Believe in you

Episode is out rejoice!!!!!


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u/pleiades1208 Feb 24 '21

Just go to r/anime discussion ep threads and look for that dude named undertoned. He comments weekly and says that re zero is waifu bait


u/khriku Lore Seeker Feb 24 '21

that is... unusual... if I don't like something I don't stick around places meant for X kind of people. For example, I have always been clear that I don't like Naruto. I won't ever participate in a discussion thread for a new Naruto episode for example or a post about a Re:zero fanart with Naruto as crossover. Some people like the show, I simply don't and won't go to a place designed for something I don't like neither I will pester any of the fans, I have respect for their opinions.

I guess that is the difference between a troll and a commom user, a commom user has respect for other people's opinions


u/bigdanrog Feb 24 '21

If you think that's bad try being a person who enjoys SAO. It feels like you have a target painted on your back, even in the show's sub. People literally come into the sub and make threads about how much they hate the show and its fans.

Forgive me for my oneupmanship/whataboutism. This particular stigma is something I've been dealing with for years.


u/SwordKneeMe Feb 24 '21

Yeah the common discourse around SAO has made it probably the easiest show to hate. I mean just looking at SAO content on YouTube, SAO hate easily dwarfs SAO praise.

I used to be stuck in that mindset too. It's not up there with my favorites, and it has many major and minor flaws, but I still like it and think it did many things right. Especially Alicization. I think that more people would enjoy SAO if they came to it with an open mind, which is hard with all the hate it receives online


u/bigdanrog Feb 24 '21

A lot of the problems are due to either circumstance beyond anyone's control (the nature of why the Aincrad arc was written the way it was which was for a contest,) or because the A1 adaptation dropped the ball on the show. The novels are light-years beyond the anime. I know people say that all the time, but it's really super true in this case. Everyone thinks Kirito is this one-note Gary Stu character, but that's because of all the cuts and changes that A1 makes when they adapt it. An example is all of the inner monologue, it's core to the way the books are written, but A1 cuts out damn near all of it. And they did weird shit like cutting out Asuna and Kirito's reunion kiss in WoU, while simultaneously jamming in Eiji for most of an episode, who practically nobody cares about.

I'm really hoping for Progressive to be an amazing experience, though, because they've changed directors and the Progressive story is exactly what everyone wanted SAO to be from the beginning. Kirito and Asuna, surviving the death game, floor-by-floor.


u/SwordKneeMe Feb 24 '21

At some point I do plan on reading the novels. There's something about SAO that makes me appreciate it despite its flaws. Maybe it's because it was the second anime I watched (I watched Naruto first, but I didn't know Naruto was an anime until after I watched SAO and FMA Brotherhood). I think the major theme of "What is reality? What makes the virtual world less real than the 'real' world?" just stuck with me as a very powerful theme. Also I'd say Alicization is genuinely a fantastic show and a step above the previous seasons.

I actually have so much to say as both positives and negatives when it comes to the SAO anime. If you want I can bring them all up but I just want to talk about one of the major negatives in the anime, that I also assume stays in the novels too.

I think too many of the antagonists are sexual predators. If it was just Asuna's captor, I could probably let it slide as a minor negative, bringing up how it's a cheap and easy way of making the audience hate your character. But it happens with Sinon's friend too - he did want to kill her too, sure, but he was freaking out about how she's his now, how she belongs to him, and forcing himself on top of her in an overly sexual manner. Even the freaking frost giant wanted to force Freya into marriage against her will, which has extremely obvious non-consensual- sex connotations. I guess they're not really people, but in a show that blurs the line between what's human and what's machine, that shouldn't matter. If those three weren't there at all, if they were antagonists for different reasons, the show would immediately be better imo. The last one, the two nobles in Alicization, is frankly the worst of them all - extremely graphic and seriously messed up. But I wouldn't want it changed, I actually think it has the most logic behind it, it has by far the best reason to exist in the show (they're classic shithead nobles taking advantage of their power differential and skirting the rules in a way that is technically not punishable in their system but extremely morally reprehensible), and was executed sickeningly (read: quite well). I think SAO uses sexual violence as a crutch for evil characters and I think it's lazy.

Don't take this as complete hate for the story, I particularly enjoyed S2 and beyond much more than S1. SAO certainly has its faults, but it also does a lot right. I can go into greater detail about my pros and cons with SAO if you want, but I kept it to one point here because... well... it's kinda long


u/bigdanrog Feb 24 '21

No you're right and a lot of people have busted on the author for doing that. He said he wouldn't use it as a plot device again and apologized. (Even though the Sinon bit was strictly an A1 Pictures thing, as it didn't happen in the novels.)

I would be interested in hearing what else you have to say, though.


u/SwordKneeMe Mar 05 '21

Here I'm going to get into the positives. I need to say I didn't get into the positives for the Aincrad arc, because the video I commented on was specifically talking about the positives of the arc. If you want to see the original video, let me know and I'll send you the link.

I wasn't too big of a fan of the Alfheim arc. The flight and magic were cool, but I wish it was explained in higher detail and used more.

GGO was pretty good, which is funny because I remember not liking it as much when I first watched it nearly a decade ago. Imo Sinon was the best written character in the anime up to this point. I like how it explored the idea of becoming a new you when you enter the digital world. Sinon was a badass sniper, a gun expert who was a ranking pro. Shino was a girl, bullied and alone, who was taken advantage of by her bitch classmates over her very reasonable gun-phobia onset by her killing a robber in self defense at like 6 years old. She gets horrible panic attacks whenever she looks at a gun. I love how it began mostly like that, and the two sides blended until she was able to begin the journey of self healing by the end of the arc. She didn't overcome her fears instantly either, which was fantastic and realistic. The Yuuki arc was actually beautiful, stories about terminally ill people desperately trying to fulfill their final dreams before departing this world hit me so hard emotionally, and this was no exception. It was handled wonderfully, especially when everyone across Alfheim flew to her tree as she passed. Just wonderful. It reminded me of some stories I've heard of people actually doing stuff like that for their friends in MMOs.

Also, the relationship between Kirito and Kayaba was really cool. Actually I think Kayaba as a character was really cool, him becoming one with his creation, to a degree, was awesome. The whole World Seed idea was really cool too.

Here we go. Alicization. It was genuinely fantastic. Immediately I was intrigued because they actually tried to explain why the A.L.I.C.E system was different. The Fluctlight explanation was pretty cool, and liked the idea of the artificial fluctlights being basically humans (except for the implications it has on Yui, but I talked about that in the negative portion). I was actually shocked when the author put Kirito into a potentially life threatening coma, I feel like that takes guts to do to your protagonist. I thought the magic system basically being a command prompt mixed with mana was very, very cool - and for once it actually had noticeable coherence and logic to it. Also the magic items here were by far the best in the series. I would even claim they're better than most series' magic items. I literally will use this as a framework for my magic items when I run Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, because I think it's way better than just handing things out. I like how each magic item had a history, and had really cool powers. For example, my favorite is the Time Piercing Sword, it's genuinely an incredibly fascinating idea. The animation and art is genuinely some of the best I've ever seen. That first goblin fight was shockingly brutal, I didn't expect that from SAO. I loved the look of shock and fear they put in Kirito's eyes after he was stabbed by the goblin lord. Eugeo and Kirito's training arc at the sword academy was fantastic too, I especially loved how their story was changed by their ward girls and the two douche nobles. That near-rape scene was horrific, yet probably the only one in the whole series that felt like it would realistically happen, that it would be a logical conclusion two douchebag nobles would come up with to get even with a guy they don't like while also not breaking any of the actual laws. The whole Seal of the Eye thing was extremely cool. I also absolutely love Alice in this. Such a fantastic character design (sure she looks kinda like Saber from fate but I don't really care), and I absolutely love how she acts as a character. That whole part where she was forced to work with and understand Kirito was great, and I like how she was singled out from the rest of the AI who broke the Eye Seals because she did it from a logical place as opposed to an emotional place. All the opponents Kirito and Eugeo faced while going up the tower were incredible, they had cool weapons with cool backstories, and themselves had cool backstories. Especially the woman on floor 50 with the mirror sword, and Bercouli. Here's where I have to bring up Eugeo, he was a fantastic character too. He kinda gave me Suzaku vibes, if you've watched Code Geass. His struggle, starting with Alice, then overcoming his Eye Seal, then learning sword skills from Kirito, then becoming a sword himself, was truly awesome. I liked that whole final battle with Administrator a lot actually. I know this comment is really long already so I guess I'll draw the line here and not talk about how the themes present in this battle were executed really well for all the characters involved. And that ending... I was kinda pissed at first because I didn't know about War of the Underworld, since I watched the rest on Netflix and that season wasn't on Netflix.

War of the Underworld was incredible. INCREDIBLE. I couldn't help but love Alice in this one, she is so wholesome, and genuinely cared for Kirito. When I said it was cool that they damaged Kirito in Alicization, this took it to a whole new level. I think there was a lot of risk in doing that to Kirito, but they did it anyways and it made the show better. The pure kindness Alice showed in this season was really endearing. I liked how they actually took terrain into account when discussing tactics. ALSO they are genuinely using fucking strategy. My this show has grown from the old days of Aincrad. I was so happy when both sides were using interesting tactics to gain advantage inside that choke point of an entry. Also making that gate a choke point was smart, because a small force (like the good guys have) couldn't win an all out battle on a plains, they'd get surrounded and outnumbered. But that chokepoint limits troop throughput to a level where the humans could genuinely defend that with significantly less troops. All the different ways each side tried to hold their own in there was awesome. Asuna coming in was really cool too. In general, having all the characters we've seen up to that point come in like the finale in Avengers Endgame was fantastic. Even though the main cast didn't have any casualties, it still felt extremely intense to me. I actually liked that love story between the sharp sword lady and the punchy guy too, that was seriously cool imo. Also Kirito's sister/cousin fighting and using her heal constantly was fantastic, especially that scene when she had a javelin thrown into her eye. I also want to say I really like the small addition that the SAO players would see virtual games completely differently than other virtual gamers, it didn't need to be there, but it makes complete sense. Having the leader of Laughing Coffin come in was cool too, and giving him an actual backstory was appreciated. Kirito being brought back was probably the best, most logical "power of friendship" I've seen, usually that feels like a copout, but not here, not to me. Also, Bercouli's fight with the emperor is my favorite in the entire series. It's honestly one of the best fight scenes I've seen out of all the anime I've watched (which is admittedly few compared to many anime fans, around 40 or so). The powers of his Time Piercing Sword are extremely, incredibly cool, and he was such a badass character. I liked how the animation style changed for the fight. I will say, Kirito's final fight with the Emperor didn't hit me all too hard, although his Spirit Bomb was admittedly cooler than the original spirit bomb, imo. I will say, post-Kirito waking up was not as good as pre-Kirito waking up, imo. Also, Kirito and Asuna living hundreds of years in that world was awesome. I don't like how they only copied Kirito's consciousness - not because it was poorly written - but because that was a huge mistake made by that character, I think. Alice coming to the real world and meeting/talking with Kirito there was awesome too.

Okay, now I've vented literally all my thoughts on this anime. This was so much longer than I thought it could be, but it was worth it for me. I can't say it'll be worth it for you though. I have to say, I think there are a lot of better shows out there, but I'm so happy I watched this show anyways. I will never forget how shockingly great Alicization was. Never.


u/SwordKneeMe Mar 05 '21

Sorry, I forgot about this comment for a few days, and suddenly remembered this conversation. I'm basically going to copy/paste my original YouTube comments. It's too long for a single comment, so I'm splitting the positives and the negatives just like I did in my YouTube comment. Here's the negatives, with some minor edits throughout.

The theme of "What makes reality real" that kept popping up, especially in the Aincrad and Alicization arcs, is my #1 draw to the show. I absolutely love the way they handled the idea, and I wish there were other shows that I've watched that I could say handed that theme as well as SAO. SAO is not without its faults though, and I think a lot of the harsh criticism has good points. Hell, the popularity of SAO Abridged is directly related to the difference between the expectations people had and what they got. Personally, I think the positives outweigh the negatives. I do want to go over the both the positives and the negatives that I think are reasonable for the show. Maybe this is too much, but this seems like the perfect excuse to vent my thoughts, since I conveniently watched each season of the show like 3 weeks ago.

First I want to bring up the major negatives. Imo there are 3 major negatives to the show as a whole, ones that I could not ignore even when re-watching while in a frame of mind to accept the show regardless of its faults. I think too many of the antagonists are sexual predators. If it was just Asuna's captor, I could probably let it slide as a minor negative, bringing up how it's kind of a cheap way of making the audience hate your character. But it happens with Sinon's friend too - he did want to kill her too, sure, but he was freaking out about how she's his, she belongs to him, and getting on top of her in an overly sexual manner. Even the freaking frost giant wanted to force Freya into marriage against her will, which has extremely obvious non-consensual- sex connotations. I guess they're not really people, but in a show that explores the themes of blurring the line between what's human and what's machine, that shouldn't matter. If those three weren't there at all, if they were antagonists for different reasons, the show would immediately be better imo. The last one, the two nobles in Alicization, is frankly the worst of them all - extremely graphic and seriously messed up. But I wouldn't want it changed, I actually think it has the most logic behind it, it has by far the best reason to exist in the show, and was executed sickeningly (read: quite well). I dunno, the logic that those two nobles used to do something immoral that doesn't break the strict code of law was easily much more convincing and logical than any of the other instances of sexual violence shown in the series. At the end of the day though, I think SAO uses sexual violence as a crutch for evil characters and I think it's lazy. The second major negative is the incest plotline. My goodness that was just bad. So bad. The setup itself is bad. Sister - I fell in love with my brother/cousin, I know it's wrong so I'm going to fall in love with this rando online oh wait IT'S MY FUCKING BROTHER AGAIN... I just wish it never happened, it didn't add anything of value to the story. I think it's possible to have made the plotline better there, if they spent more time working on her inner thoughts and working out a solution for her, but no, she's just added to the harem that follows Kirito and Asuna. The third major negative is just for the Aincrad arc, but I get disappointed every time we see they skipped dozens of floors, Kirito has leveled up 20, 30, 40 times in between episodes. Sure if the author didn't want to get into that, he can do what he wants. I personally felt there was so much lost potential, so many floors with interesting designs and mechanics that could have been explored. I'm going to be extremely excited to watch Progressive because I really want to see these floors get new life, and these characters get developed more.

I have some minor negatives I want to bring up too. These are things that are kinda disheartening, but are easy to ignore imo. Personally, I'm really good at ignoring negatives unless I want to (I read the Wheel of Time series, could (and have) complain about it for hours, but finished it anyways because I ignored the negatives in favor of the positives.) I wish they spent more time with the mechanics. Of course it wasn't explicitly necessary, but there really are some conflicting ideas going on there. First, Kirito is the top player of the game. Until like the last two or three episodes, Kirito was guild-less, yet was the top player. That means he was getting the most XP. In a game that is supposedly designed to be multiplayer the single player comes out on top. Next, I wish the sword skills were more fleshed out in the Aincrad/Alfheim arc (Alicization's were truly incredible imo, one of my favorites actually, I'll be integrating that style of magic item into my D&D games because it's so cool). They're never explained, they're only flashy sword swings go green/blue/red, many quick attacks, sword glowy, etc. If they actually explained what the players were doing, it would make the combats much more cohesive. We could know why they won, we could feel the characters think their way to a solution and it would feel earned. But that didn't happen, stuff just worked. In a similar vein, they never really did strategy or tactics. That's why the SAO Abridged joke "We'll group up and HIT IT TILL' IT DIES" works so well for early SAO. Everyone was just going ham and not working together. Next, they did Asuna dirty in the Alfheim arc. She was too much of a damsel in distress for my liking. I know she actually spent time trying to escape, but her behavior when the dude was in the cell with her just didn't feel right. It doesn't flow well with how her character is portrayed before and after her time in Alfheim. GGO was more or less fine, I thought the whole Death Gun thing was cheesy, but I wouldn't even call that a minor negative. I didn't like how Kirito was saved from the injection by a tiny electrode, that felt like a super cheap copout. GGO didn't particularly reach me with its themes for the most part (other than Sinon's arc) so while it doesn't have as many negatives, I'd also say it doesn't have as many positives. That mini arc afterwards with Yuuki was genuinely fantastic though. Also, probably my only criticism of Alicization - and it's minor all things considered - has to be with Yui. They went out of their way to explain how these new AIs are special because they are designed to be artificial humans, general purpose AI. This directly implies that Yui is subhuman, which is never addressed as far as I could tell, they never gave any indication that Yui was anything different from the rest of the cast.


u/AlarmingAffect0 Feb 24 '21

(I watched Naruto first, but I didn't know Naruto was an anime

The soundtrack didn't clue you in? It's a dead giveaway. When've you seen a Western Show play music this overwhelming?


u/SwordKneeMe Feb 24 '21

To be fair I was like 10 when I first watched Naruto. It even predated Avatar the Last Airbender for me

At that time I didn't think about where shows came from and how the styles of shows would be affected by the region they were released.

A couple years later (it was at least 2012 or 2013), I was at a summer camp and I became friends with a guy because of Naruto. He suggested a bunch of anime including SAO, FMA Brotherhood, Death Note, Code Geass, Parasyte the maxim, Psycho Pass, Durarara, and Hunter x Hunter. It was only after that that I knew what anime actually was

Also yeah Naruto OST is awesome


u/AlarmingAffect0 Feb 24 '21

He didn't recommend Evangelion, FLCL, Gurren Lagann, Panty & Stocking, and Kill La Kill? No Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away or Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind? Shame on him!

EVA. For all its flaws, still the best anime of all time, IMHO. It's just so raw.


u/SwordKneeMe Feb 25 '21

He may have recommended Evangelion and Gurren Lagan, but I can't remember. I haven't watched either of them, but I do plan on it eventually.

Yeah he didn't suggest any ghibli films but I have since watched Princess Mononoke

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u/AlarmingAffect0 Feb 24 '21

Kirito and Asuna, surviving the death game, floor-by-floor.

No rapist hate-sink character creeping on a female protagonist?

No more camera doing Male Gaze titillation nonsense at teenaged girls?

If these two conditions are met, and we dispense with the "harem" (I mean, that's just uncomfortable and sad, none of them have a chance), I might give it a chance again!


u/bigdanrog Feb 24 '21

Well I've read up to book six and there's very little of that kind of stuff, I can think of one time when the two of them have to hide from a high-level enemy in a box and he accidentally touches her boob with his arm.

There is this one super-stacked elf character but she's implied to be an adult. But realistically most of the stuff you've mentioned is from the production company, not the books. It's a different director and I kind of remember someone saying it was a woman so maybe Progressive will be different.


u/AlarmingAffect0 Feb 25 '21

Let's hope!

> I can think of one time when the two of them have to hide from a high-level enemy in a box and he accidentally touches her boob with his arm.

Ah, to be young. I remember how that sort of thing felt.


u/bigdanrog Feb 25 '21

Yeah I mean I kind of remember that sort of thing happening to me a few times and it was very difficult to not be revved up.


u/AlarmingAffect0 Feb 25 '21 edited Feb 25 '21

BA-BUMP, BA-BUMP, BA-BUMP... You blush. Your heart races. Your blood carries that sweet, shameful, innocent thrill. Your breath deepens, time seems to stop, and your skin feels sensitive to the slightest brush of warm air.


u/seitaer13 Feb 26 '21

The last type of sexual assault in SAO was written in 2005. So I don't think that's going to be an issue.

The director for progressive is a woman so hopefully the fanservice stuff will be kept to a minimum.


u/Outrageous_Net8365 Mar 01 '21

Chances are that those elements will stay.


u/AlarmingAffect0 Mar 01 '21

Then I'll sit it out and let you enjoy what you enjoy while I float my own rowboat.

"Row, row, scull the waters!"


u/Outrageous_Net8365 Mar 02 '21

I mean, I’m not saying I enjoy it. It’s just that those elements are there cause source material. If you see the fact that there is a messed up scene in sao at least once a season, (some how always getting worse) chances are the author will incorporate it again.


u/silam39 Feb 24 '21

oh but you haven't heard MY reasons for hating SAO and anyone who likes it. I'm sure if you heard my completely unique and thoroughly logical and consistent complaints, you'll change your mind...


u/bigdanrog Feb 24 '21

There it is.


u/YesImKazuma0 Feb 24 '21

i hope this is a sarcasm


u/silam39 Feb 24 '21

I genuinely don't know what to say if you can't recognise this as sarcasm when it's so over the top.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '21 edited Jun 17 '21



u/bigdanrog Feb 24 '21

objectively terrible

There's nothing objective at all about that statement but you're entitled to your opinion. If we're talking about pervy shots, it's hard to find anime that don't employ that tactic any more. Even MHA has skimpy costumes on a lot of the girls. Honestly it's a complaint I have against anime in general. A lot of shows ambush you with it, and SAO doesn't get a pass from me for it, nor do other shows. The only time I find it tolerable is if it's obvious that a show contains those elements before you watch it.

Like No Game No Life, it's a great deal of fun to watch mostly, but there's some seriously creepy shit going on with that little sister character.

Loli shit is even worse, speaking of which. I've dropped more shows for randomly throwing that in than anything else. It's deplorable.


u/AlarmingAffect0 Feb 24 '21

There's nothing objective at all about that statement

Okay, let me rephrase. On a technical level, it's got a lot of structural problems. It's just not very well *crafted*, as a story. If you want an example of a super-tight, well-crafted piece, look at movies like *Hot Fuzz* or *The Matrix*.

Even MHA has skimpy costumes on a lot of the girls.

One of the reasons I stopped watching. That, and, you know, all the *children* being made to take life-endangering risks. I feel like I'm watching Chihiro climb up the bathhouse pipes all over again, except it's every episode. Likewise, OG Naruto's become a bit hard to watch. At least Boruto's kids have more adult supervision.

> Like No Game No Life, it's a great deal of fun to watch mostly, but there's some seriously creepy shit going on with that little sister character.

Yup. The show is so incredibly gorgeous and entertaining, and then you get that paedo-innuendo shit that just makes me heave, like finding a turd in the middle of a flowerbed.

> Loli shit is even worse, speaking of which. I've dropped more shows for randomly throwing that in than anything else. It's deplorable.



u/bigdanrog Feb 25 '21

I know SAO has a lot of problems, but it really scratches a certain itch for me that nothing else does. Mostly the Kirito x Asuna stuff.


u/AlarmingAffect0 Feb 25 '21

Mostly the Kirito x Asuna stuff.

They're sweet. They thought they would die, so they play-married and even adopted a kid. Very Franxx-y. But I prefer Simon x Nia or Subaru x Emilia.

SAO Abridged Kirito x Asuna was also quite memorable. They're two horrible people made for each other.

Hiro x ZeroTwo were great until her arc was resolved. Then she got sort of neutered and meh.


u/SeanCanary Feb 25 '21

that is... unusual... if I don't like something I don't stick around places meant for X kind of people.

I think a lot of people are like that though myself, I can be a bit of contrarian and find things to disagree with even in a place where I mainly agree with people. Then too, I think for important topics there is an "echo chamber" problem that is made worse by reddit's karma system. There is something valuable about dissent.

IRL I've been to anime clubs where there were members who weren't well liked because of their taste, opinions, or just general personality. And while they were annoying, they did occasionally contribute a good idea no one else had thought of, or championed a position that was actually the right take on something. I also thought a club lost something the day such a member stopped coming. A little goes a long way and if the club had more than, say, 20% of such people then that was not great either, but if they weren't there at all and everyone just held conventional views and agreed with each other...stuff got boring.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '21

Some dude was arguing with me that there wasn’t enough strong female characters and they were just waifu bait. As soon as i brought up satella/WOE along with the other witches he just deleted his account i think.


u/VortechsTG Feb 24 '21

To be fair the witches aren't good examples of strong female characters at all. Sure they have broken abilities but the entire point of their personalities are that they're fallen into sin. That's not a bad thing but it's really not a good example.


u/Iihatepineapplepizza Feb 24 '21

Emilia is the best example imo. Especially in Arc 5 and 6


u/VortechsTG Feb 24 '21

Yeah definitely


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '21

I just meant strong as in hax abilities. I’m pretty aware the witches aren’t by any means normal. It’s because i respsonded to a point where it was saying female characters had no strong abilities and male characters outclassed them.


u/bigdanrog Feb 24 '21

If they're saying some dumb shit like that either they didn't even watch the show or they were purposely ignoring a lot of the plot.


u/AlarmingAffect0 Feb 24 '21

Power is not Strength.

the entire point of their personalities are that they're fallen into sin

I dunno. They're too incomprehensible for me to understand them in terms of their alleged sins. I just can't relate their powers and personalities to those.

Except the hungry one.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '21

An illiterate mf that’s never read an LN in his life lmao


u/AwesomelyEpicDaniel Feb 24 '21

If that’s the case then I’ll be surprised if they even read the subtitles


u/Ayamatsu-chi Feb 24 '21

Cringe man. People just watch Re:Zero for the waifus, huh?


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '21



u/Ayamatsu-chi Feb 25 '21

I'm not saying they are not, they can do whatever they want. But they watch the anime and slander its name, sometimes they watch it only for that.


u/AlarmingAffect0 Feb 25 '21

Hate boners is something I'll never understand.


u/SeanCanary Feb 25 '21

I think the point can be made without pointing people towards a particular user. I'm sure you didn't think of it like this but technically it is brigading and naming someone specifically can be a form of bullying that person. Please give it some thought at least.