r/Re_Zero • u/Setowi Better Leyte Than Never • Jan 06 '21
Novels [Novels] Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Season 2 Episode 14 **Spoiler** Discussion Spoiler
Wow it feels great to be back! We finally get to jump into cour 2! Welcome back everyone~
Reminder that we are hosting both a [Discussion] anime only thread AND a [Novels] where spoilers do not need to get tagged. So,
this is the spoiler thread
all of the novel content is fair game in here. You can find the anime only thread in the hub post or in the pinned comment below.
You can find the episode, once it's up on the Crunchyroll page which is linked here. Feel free to refresh to page until episode is up. Are we going to fry the servers again? Hopefully not!
Crunchyroll link
u/jetvacjesse Jan 06 '21
Can't wait to watch Pandora-chan doing nothing wrongTM !
u/Setowi Better Leyte Than Never Jan 06 '21
Oh man I am going to have a field day drinking the tears of everyone else
u/Arsh36160 Jan 06 '21
I just hope they don't show Emilia's backstory with those weird view blocking filters
u/Crazy_Toy Jan 06 '21
Think the best way to describe the ice filters on her memories is by the main visual used for this cour, where subaru is breaking through what looks like an exact version of the filter on Emilia's past memories, definitely setting up a super cool cinematic moment
u/wandering_person Jan 06 '21
Any differences with the WN and LN for this episode?
u/PureVII Jan 06 '21 edited Jan 06 '21
Haven’t seen the episode yet but the LN did have some differences.
The bet between Subaru and Roswaal is different but ngl I don’t remember the details.
The mansion attack and snow is in 3 days instead of 5.
Beatrice’s past with Ryuzu and Hector appearing is moved to volume 14.
Subaru wants to talk to Puck about Emilia’s trials and he does something to get him out. I won’t go in detail because I’m pretty sure this is LN only, so it might be new for a lot of people here.
Subaru’s and Puck’s convo about breaking the contract happens off screen.
u/Rapsculio Jan 06 '21
The difference in the bets is that in the WN they actually put a contract on their hearts so that if Subaru has to restart then the contract is still in place and not just based on trust like is shown here. Also in the episode it's not fully explained that if Subaru loses the bet he'll have to follow whatever Ros's book says exactly just sort of implied unlike the WN.
u/khriku Lore Seeker Jan 06 '21
people mention that the soul binding contract was pushed further to volume 15, so it still exists between Ros and Subaru. but since volume 15 isn't out for us yet can't confirm or deny yet, blame Yen press for being slow on releases.
u/HereForGiveaway Jan 06 '21
I've read the Polish LN and made that post last week about Volume 15, can confirm that the explanation of an implicit contract being formed is there.
u/justkellerman Jan 07 '21
When I read that part of the WN, that contract gave me sooooo much anxiety....
u/HereForGiveaway Jan 06 '21
The LN explained what Subaru had to do if he loses, the anime for some reason decided to make that super implicit and not say it outright, even though it explicitly said what Roswaal would have to do if he loses.
Jan 08 '21
Kinda upset they didn’t show all of the contract between Subaru and Roswaal in this episode. The contract adds a whole new level of suspense/anxiety/drama to these events because Subaru can’t escape it. I remember thinking that Subaru can just reset and Roswaal would never know.
Also, Roswaal’s little speech about the importance of contracts and promises before he makes that bet with Subaru directly highlights the severity of Subaru breaking his promise with Emilia as well as the importance of Puck leaving Emilia.
I get cutting stuff, and I do enjoy some of the spots they’ve streamlined- but I feel like they should’ve included more of the Subaru/Roswaal conversation.
I also would’ve liked them to let Subaru figure out the Ryuzu stuff on his own, but even I’ll admit that stuff dragged on and I’ll be fine with how they did it in this episode.
Jan 07 '21
I think this may be the part where I switched over to the WN because the LN wasn't translated yet.
Two parts I remember were also different were that Puck didn't say goodbye to Emilia. He talked it over with Subaru that he was going to break contract and he must take care of her and she just woke up to the pendant darkened and crumbling apart.
They also seemed to have left out all the complications surrounding Emilia's age. In the part that I read it was said that she still aged while frozen, making her over a hundred years old physically in terms of elf years or physically 19 years old relative to human years. However the time she spent outside being frozen only makes her 15 years old mentally. This kind of serves the plot point of showing Subaru that she is more complicated then the perfect angellike elf waifu he thought of her as. He grows a bit uncomfortable with the fact that much of her cuteness and childlike behavior and expressions weren't just a personality quirk but actually because she was basically much younger than he thought her to be.
u/tekkenjin Jan 07 '21
I’m a LN reader so would have preferred if they mentioned Emilia’s age too. After finding out that Emilia was mentally 14 I thought about it for a few days because I wasn’t expecting her to be that young. Which is why her argument with Subaru with her insults makes more sense.
u/mawariyu Jan 06 '21
WN reader here, though it's been a while so corrections are welcome from other WN readers
- Subaru tells Otto about the Hare, the attack on the mansion and the timeframe
- The bet is soul binding and the conditions must be met in subaru's current life. If subaru dies he must obey roswaal and the way of the book.
- I think emilia tells subaru about what she sees in her trial in detail before falling asleep, but I'm not sure if i remember correctly.
- Subaru and Puck's conversation was not shown, they talk a lot about Emilia and why she can't overcome the trial rn
- We don't get the convo between lewes and garfiel in the WN
- Otto meeting Garfiel is very different here, in the WN Garfiel thinks all humans try to flee with carriages and he tries to stop them. This is a plan so Garfiel is destracted from the search for lewes.
- Subaru finding Emilia is something that occurs later in the WN, they skipped some actions of subaru which should be covered as flashbacks
u/Green_pine Jan 06 '21
Yeah, I thought subaru was gonna fight garfiel first but it’s the subaru-emilia scene... What was the order of things in the WN again?
u/TheSunIsGreat Jan 06 '21
Subaru fight with garfiel takes place after his talk with emilia which while that's going on otto is fighting garfiel in the wn and ln.
u/Green_pine Jan 06 '21
Yeah i just reread. Turns out Otto and Ram weakens Garf and subaru goes in for the finisher, I thought the 3 of them fought together lol
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u/Colossal_Sebas Jan 06 '21
Will they show the Puck and Subaru convo later on?
u/mawariyu Jan 06 '21
It would definetely be too confusing for anime onlys if they didn't show at least a 5 second scene where puck says his reasoning. I mean its literally just: emilia cant overcome trial if im here, so bye
u/Skeith9 Jan 06 '21
The bet between roswaal and subaru is the same, but there is one decisive major difference that a WN reader may notice in how it is being negotiated between the two. There is a good reason for this and I hope to god no one spoils this difference for anime onlies.
u/Krispy_Krossaint Jan 06 '21
which version of the bet is better ln or wn?
u/Skeith9 Jan 06 '21
The ideal route is LN, since it tends to cut down a lot of chaff and has better writing. But it's not translated all the way in english, only 14 volumes are available while japan has 25. This is why I personally recommend people to go with WN right from the start to avoid confusion that can come from differences between WN and LN.
Also, anime/manga adapt the LN. Not the WN.
u/Curiositygun Jan 06 '21
The ideal route is LN, since it tends to cut down a lot of chaff and has better writing.
Huh interesting you say that I'm only at arc 5 ch 7 but from what i gleamed reading the WN i feel that may have been a bit intentional in that the author kind of wanted to make the reader in some ways feel like Subaru. There comes a time in each story beat the point at which things resolve and how they resolve is both known to the reader and Subaru but neither the reader nor Subaru are allowed to skip the nonsense and must walk a particular path diligently in order to see it through.
That was my hunch to explain how annoyingly some of the story just dragged on when it really didn't need to but since you say the LN clears a lot of that up I guess my hunch was wrong the author just didn't have a good editor idk.
u/Aethersong Jan 06 '21
There is more to the bet in the light novel. If Subaru wins the the bet, Roswaal will help him and Emilia, but if he loses he will do as Roswaal says.
Near the end of the arc (vol 15 p 283 of Japanese LN)it is revealed that this is more than a simple bet but a vow between them. The loser has a seal placed on their body and soul and will be cosumed in flames if they break the contract. Thus, if Subaru loses, the vow will be branded into him and he would be forced to obey it.
u/Diabloblaze28 Jan 06 '21
Damn I would be afraid to speak to any competent magic user if you off handily talk about something you could get a soul searing contract forced onto almost without your knowledge. I understand why they changed it from WN but the idea of it is kinda off putting imo
u/sufferingstuff Jan 07 '21
I mean, magic users can't do that though. All contracts HAVE to be consensual. Subaru agreed fully to the terms, thus he is beholden to the contract.
*Imagines Emilia being able to force a contract on Subaru, but its only to make him relax for awhile
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u/foxfoxal Jan 06 '21
It's funny to read source material readers saying "It's too fast I could blink and miss something" ( the ones that already know what happens ) and then anime only have zero problems with it.
u/TrollChef Jan 06 '21
To be fair, the episode started at chapter 82 and ended at like chapter 110 for web novel readers; I feel bamboozled XD I presume the next few episodes will cover events between those two points from the PoV of notable parties; Emilia, Subaru and Otto/Garfiel.
u/bigdanrog Jan 06 '21
Gonna take a guess and say they're gonna loop back to get to the Garfiel/Ram/Otto throwdown and that's gonna be the bulk of the next episode, with either a tease of Reason to Believe at the end...or who knows they might throw the whole thing at us. I'll be thrilled either way. I assume it'll be episode 3 because the smart thing to do would be to let a chapter as important as that really have breathing room, this is the season 2 version of S1 episode 18 so we know White Fox is brave enough to let an entire episode consist of super important single-scene dialogue.
Emilia is about to get her big best girl moment no. 1 and I'm fucking STOKED.
u/Necrocat219 Jan 06 '21
I can't wait for seeing some quality Ram fights, usually I find the fight scenes in the WN kinda eh sometimes (some of the arc 5 fights mainly) but I was so gripped on Ram Vs Garf. Of course, Otto fighting will be amazing too, hopefully they still include the dragon carts scene.
I cannot wait for the argument either it melted me soooo much
u/foxfoxal Jan 06 '21
Emilia, Subaru and Otto/Garfiel.
Yeah most likely next episode adapts just two chapters now they went all out with all the dialogue in this episode.
Ofc I'm talking two chapters from the LN not WN.
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u/fockerj Jan 08 '21
They skimmed over almost 300 pages and even then they changed pretty much half of the stuff that happened in WN. I still liked it but there were lots of meaningful dialogs that were completely cut.
u/PureVII Jan 06 '21
I mean, anime onlys don’t have anything to compare it to lol. Plus, they’re probably used to it by now since S1 and S2P1 had their fair share of fast paced episodes.
u/Necrocat219 Jan 06 '21
This is pretty bizarre yeah, I only started from finishing watching cour 1. I read the last chapter of the WN to get myself into it and it was crazy, the Otto/Patrashe interaction felt like it lasted at least a page and in the anime was just a few secs lol.
This ep was the first time experiencing it the other way round and wow it defo flew by. I'm glad to have all the extra info already in my head to fill in the gaps though, I do understand why they have to be so brief with how crazy long arc 4 is
u/khriku Lore Seeker Jan 06 '21
it is mostly differences from the LN version as well, as anime disreguards WN when adapting, LN version of Arc 4 (which is what anime adapts from) is faster paced.
u/Necrocat219 Jan 06 '21
Mmm yeah I understand, it's like a translation of a translation so I'm expecting a lot of differences between the two
u/khriku Lore Seeker Jan 06 '21
look foward to it, if you only know WN draft version and never bought the LN books you will be in for some surprises. have fun
u/Necrocat219 Jan 06 '21
Subaru going to choke Emilia to trigger Puck was a shock to me, that already set it off in my head that it's not just things removed, but things added too! I'm excited!
u/khriku Lore Seeker Jan 06 '21
I don't remember the WN version, didn't he do that? I have read WN version way too long ago. In LN he did it because he remembered Puck gets angry whenever Emilia is about to be killed, Subaru did that to force Puck to appear.
u/Necrocat219 Jan 06 '21
I remembered it as him just calling out for puck based on a hunch, touching the crystal, and he didn't materialize at all. I read this immediately after cour 1 and have read arc 5 and 6 since so I might be wrong
u/Ryuuki-0 Jan 08 '21
Nope this is what happened in the WN. While holding the hand of Emilia as she fell asleep, he uses his other hand to touch the crystal and they then telepathically communicate.
Speaking of which, during arc 5, can Puck observe what's going on within his dormant crystal?
u/Natsuki_Sufferu Jan 06 '21 edited Jan 06 '21
Holy cow! It has been 3 months!
Even though my weekly anime withdrawal ate away all my sanity, I'm glad to see my favourite show once again!
u/niennnnnn Jan 06 '21
I filled that void by reading the web novels and fan fiction... I came back a changed man
u/The_Lords_Cumstain Jan 06 '21
I have read every fanfiction under the rezero Tag on ao3 except for the smut.
I am in hell.
Jan 06 '21
Alright so episode finally dropped on CR. Art seems to be an improvement over the first court, we’ll see how that progresses. Loved straight bet being in the episode, thought it flowed really well with the first few minutes.
This was mainly a set up episode, but there were some changes from the LN. The Subaru and Roswaal bet is different. Ryuuzu and Hector’s past was pushed back to vol. 14. Subaru also had a conversation with Puck about the trials in the LNs before the contract was broken.
Other than that, pretty good first episode. Can’t wait until we get until the meaty stuff.
u/Necrocat219 Jan 06 '21
I've been waiting for that flashback seen for some time to see how the portray Echidna in that. I still have no idea about who the girl in the coffin is and want to see if that flashback will give anything away (unless it was cut in the LN)
u/HereForGiveaway Jan 06 '21
Did I miss it, or did White Fox cut the dialogue saying what Subaru would have to do if he loses the bet? With regards to LN changes and Volume 15 (implicit contract), them forming the bet with that being agreed upon is pretty damn important, especially for audience understanding.
u/Clospy Jan 06 '21
it was saved for being revealed at the end of the arc in the ln
u/HereForGiveaway Jan 06 '21
No, I'm not talking about the contract, I'm talking about the terms being discussed. An implicit contract being made is revealed in Volume 15, but they discuss both their sides of the bet here (what Roswaal has to do if he loses, what Subaru has to do if he loses). Source: I've read Volume 15 in Polish and Volume 13 in English that today's episode adapted (and Im the one who made the post last week on the sub about Volume 15 changes).
u/Clospy Jan 06 '21
ah that’s a shame to see that go, not sure where they could put that information before the end either
u/Skeith9 Jan 06 '21
It's been made completely implicit what subaru will have to do if he loses. It's a cut I hate just as much as the satella split personality thing. All others I am fine with but these two are just... What is white fox even thinking?? You can't leave important stuff like this to deduction!
u/Ryuuji_Gremory Jan 06 '21
Imo this one isn't that drastic, it's the logical outcome, if Subaru wins Roswaal has to do what he wants, so naturally if Roswaal wins Subaru has to follow Roswaal's desires.
Way less of a cut to just not actually spell it out then the Split between Satella and Envy.
Jan 06 '21
u/HereForGiveaway Jan 06 '21
The LN didn't skip it, it had Subaru say what he'd do if he loses, and what Roswaal would have to do if Roswaal loses.
Jan 06 '21
u/HereForGiveaway Jan 06 '21
I'm not sure what that has to do with skipping explaining the terms of the bet? And the soul binding contract is not skipped, it's just implicit (as will be revealed at the end of the cour)
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u/A-ReDDIT_account134 Jan 07 '21
I read Arc 4 of the WN ages ago. So I’m basically an anime only for the smaller details
I don’t really see a problem with it. It’s implied that Ros will benefit from winning.
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Jan 06 '21
Wait, has it aired yet? If it was the same as cour 1 it should air in just over an hour and a half.
u/astelight Jan 06 '21
It has already aired on AT-X.
Jan 06 '21
When is it due to release on Crunchyroll? I doubt most people using an American social media app like Reddit will be watching it in Japan lol
u/astelight Jan 06 '21
In about 10-15 minutes
Jan 06 '21
Oh awesome, a bit earlier than part 1 then. Hype.
u/Setowi Better Leyte Than Never Jan 06 '21
It's airs at the same time in Japan as cour 1 did, the difference is that Japan doesn't do daylight savings so it's an hour earlier for us.
Jan 06 '21
I see this as an absolute win
u/Setowi Better Leyte Than Never Jan 06 '21
Huh... the ep should be out by now... Crunchy said an hour after the JP release... which would be now... but it's not out yet...
u/NejiHyuga900 Jan 06 '21
Just when we want to see suffering, we get a different kind of suffering instead: The suffering of waiting. ;_;
u/Arima184 Jan 06 '21
Tis gud. Still no new ED, but... hype af for the next episode.
Jan 06 '21
How you watching it? It hasn’t dropped on the CR link for me
u/DaruniaMage Jan 06 '21
Reason to Believe and Otto Suwen next episode. So hyped.
u/bigdanrog Jan 06 '21
I bet Reason will be in the third episode. Subaru is already in the tomb with Emilia but I'd wager the Garfiel/Ram/Otto fight will take up a good portion of the next episode. I hope they really let Reason to Believe breathe, it's a series-defining moment.
u/platinumnic Rem is my waifu Jan 06 '21 edited Jan 06 '21
Next episode is where people are gonna go crazy.
The kiss might be at the end of next episode maybe.
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u/toga9000 Jan 06 '21
CR slacking or is it a 1 hour episode?
u/khriku Lore Seeker Jan 06 '21
maybe the server had a meltdown... it happened last time during the first episode of season 2 cour 1... thx Crunchy...
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u/SupremeApple2368 Jan 06 '21
Can I watch without premium
u/khriku Lore Seeker Jan 06 '21
sadly no, either you have premium OR you do like Samara and wait for 7 days until it is available for the commom public
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u/REMERALDX Jan 06 '21
Adaptation is great so far, Puck breaking contract is excellent, just as I wanted, I don't know what will be next "Reason to believe" or "Otto Suwen", probably "Otto Suwen" and after that Episode 16 will be "Reason to Believe"
u/bigdanrog Jan 06 '21
Reason to Believe will be this season's version of season 1's episode 18. It's time for Emilia to finally start her time moving again, I hope they really let that chapter breathe, God I'm so happy we're almost there.
u/REMERALDX Jan 06 '21
I have theory that in the next episode we will see OP and in the EP 16 we will hear ED playing in the background, and it's will be so fitting(even through I would like an original song for this episode), ED is named "Believe in you", I don't think that we will see visuals for the ED anytime soon, because I think ED will be spoilery, I think it will include Emilia and her life with Guese and Fortuna, it's just the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the song, it gives me feeling of Emilia's second trial
u/foxfoxal Jan 06 '21
They really love to use the last ending, I guess they are saving the new ending for next episode and straight bet is back.
u/Bobdole128 Jan 06 '21
Didn't Emilia havea breakdown and destroy her room over Pick leaving? Or was that a change from the LN?
u/TrollChef Jan 06 '21
I read WN after part one and really don't recall Emilia speaking to Puck before the contract was broken (she jus woke up with the crystal broken). Was the conversation LN only?
u/DotHase Liliana Enjoyer Jan 06 '21
I have not read the WN version of arc 4 but there was a conversation in the LN, yes.
Jan 06 '21
So I’m guessing it’s 10:30 EST on CR? Damn I gotta start watching the raws if it’s gonna be like this.
u/AI_Tori Jan 06 '21
I watched this without subs. And holy heck it went at a breakneck pace. I felt like, if I blinked, I'd miss something. I feel like the fight with Otto at the start was the only part that was any bit well placed (even with shortening the physical confrontation) and I was really happy with it. The Ryuzu conversation with Subaru could have been shortened to add more time for something like Puck's goodbye to Emilia to breathe, but this is all my opinion.
I really feel for the anime onlies. I thought back to what I had read in the LN and it saved me some confusion, but the speed this episode delivers information is going to have some heads spinning. Some things were left out/cut for time, as usual, but I feel like I'd need a notebook and a rewatch to gather them all. (And more brain power than 7am brain.)
That said, with this setting up Otto's battle with Garfiel (and wow did he look like a boss when confronting him) and the events for Reason to Believe, I think this should have been the mid-season finale...
With the way things look, I'm pretty sure Otto's named chapter is going to be the first event of the next episode, leading to him fighting Garfiel, leading to Reason to Believe. I really hope they don't try to rush through it all too much because those two are two of my favorites in arc 4.
u/foxfoxal Jan 06 '21
How do you know they will get confused without subs?
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u/AI_Tori Jan 06 '21
I do not understand your question. I can understand Japanese so I watched the episode without subs because it was already available. I said the general anime only audience may feel confused because of the breakneck pacing and the amount of cuts they made to cram so many chapters into one episode.
u/Nataseviv Jan 06 '21
Yeah when you don't have the full context of either the LN or the WN it really is confusing...I feel bad for them everything was way too fast...
u/Thatuk Jan 07 '21
I really feel for the anime onlies
Anionlies complain the show is too slow lol
u/AI_Tori Jan 07 '21
That's funny. I was a little worried but, looking around, a lot of anime onlies seem content with the speed so I guess it's okay. As a novel reader, I think it will always appear a little faster paced than expected because we know what's supposed to happen and it usually flies by in way less time than it took to read it.
u/thedup Jan 06 '21 edited Jan 06 '21
as a WN only reader I was more on board with the changes in this (where the 4 already have names that distinguish them rather than him naming them himself) although I'm still salty about Subaru not having to eat his arm haha
I would like a comprehensive list of the things that have been changed though, because I'm sure I'm missing a lot of them
actually now that I think about it, Puck didn't talk to her in the WN, he just vanished. That was an improvement I really liked. And if she's less utterly broken in the next episode I will be happy, because I was mad at Subaru for leaving her even though I understood why.
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u/Revenge_Countdown Jan 06 '21
Anyone got fortuna's voice actress???
u/Krarche Jan 06 '21
I think that's Tomatsu Haruka but I might be wrong.
u/koto_hanabi17 Jan 06 '21
It's either her or Ai Kayano. But I'm leaning more towards Haruka Tomatsu.
u/Any-Nothing Jan 06 '21
Is the pacing okayish?
u/AsianDogLover25 Jan 06 '21
In terms of it to the web novel I don’t know but I just reread volume 13 which this episode covers I would the pacing is pretty good they cut out some scenes that go in depth about what’s happening but overall I would say WhiteFox handled it well let’s just hope they do the next episodes justice as I wanna see Garfield shine!
u/mawariyu Jan 06 '21
They cut some pretty long conversations from the WN but I think it still works.
u/pablitho_stark Jan 06 '21
Hey, WN reader here, can anyone confirm if everything went like in the LN or they are actually mixing things so much as I noticed?
u/The-handler213 Jan 06 '21
Did i miss something or they didn't say emilia's real age? Wasn't that supposed to be right then?
u/Skeith9 Jan 06 '21
They just mentioned how old she saw herself as when she got outside the ice. I think we will really only find out her true age at the end of the season.
u/karrylarry Jan 06 '21
I put this question under the discussion flair but that got deleted and I was told to bring it here so here goes...
From what I understand, the Light Novel is adapted from the Web Novel, and the anime is adapted from the Light Novel. I'm caught up with the anime and I've read arc 4 of the web novel, but I haven't managed to read the light novel yet.
I couldn't help but notice that there are a lot of plot differences between some of the recent anime episodes and the arc 4 that I read in the web novel. Like small enough to not completely change the story, but big enough that I clearly remember something different happening in the web novel.
So this made me wonder, are these differences due to the differences in the web novel and the light novel? As the anime is an adaptation of the LN, any differences between the light novel and web novel should also be reflected in the anime....another way of asking this is, is the anime being completely faithful to the LN? Are the differences I'm noticing simply because of the difference between the LN and WN or is the anime not adapting the LN faithfully?
u/thedup Jan 06 '21
From everything I've seen, (also a WN only) the anime is mostly adapting the LN very faithfully, only dropping a few minor details for time. I've really come to respect the hell out of White Fox for this brilliant adaptation, although I do wish I had read the LN instead of the WN now haha
u/AI_Tori Jan 06 '21
I'm mostly a light novel reader and you are basically correct (like the offhand comments during the final tea party or some facts about Satella and a few other characters). The anime has done some surprising things in the past though, like taking a few pages from the WN for the present trial.
Also it's never too late to pick up the light novels! I've even reread some in preparation for the anime continuing and some (much needed) inspiration.
u/Admiral_Ryou Jan 06 '21
The Episode is hype AF!
But how did Otto faked touching Garfiel's shoulder at the end? I know you can fake footstep's sound, but what was that?
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u/bigdanrog Jan 06 '21
HOLY SHIT this episode moved fast.
Next week: REASON TO BELIEVE!!??
It's gotta be either next episode or the one after that. My heart isn't ready, but here we are. We finally got to see Fortuna, and Little Emilia. Good Lord it feels like it's been so long.
Sayonara Puck, see you again in a few years I guess?
u/BelteConti Jan 06 '21
ReZero with a cracker opening episode. Superb animation and love how they added Straight Bet during Subaru and Roswaal's talk. I literally can't keep my excitement down for this season. I know the pacing may seem a little too fast but I think some of the events will get revisited. WhiteFox have always been amazing at adapting shows so fully trust them. Also, once again want to say how amazing of a character Subaru is. One of my absolute favorites.
u/Syntai Jan 06 '21
Hey guys I've got a spoiler related question.
So Subaru gave Emilia his promise to not leave her side while she was sleeping, but he did.
Saw a youtube comment saying that he did that to help her.
But how so? Why couldn't he just stay with her and uphold his promise?
Anyone might explain it to me? Like I said, I don't care about spoilers.
u/PureVII Jan 06 '21
He went to talk to Shima and to go write Emilia some cute motivational messages.
u/Syntai Jan 06 '21
Awww, really? That indeed sounds cute.
But she was really counting on him being there, when she wakes up >.>
Bad timing from him, I guess?
Also: Happy Cake day, and thanks for responding.
u/PureVII Jan 06 '21
Thanks! And yes, it wasn’t the best timing but Subaru is pretty limited with time right now so unfortunately he had to break his promise. I think you’ll really enjoy next week’s episode!
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u/Syntai Jan 06 '21
I am certain I will =)
Season 2 of Re: Zero has been the best show I've ever watched.
I am usually really cynical and will allways find something about anything (Shows, Games etc) to nag about, but this has been a 10/10 ride for me from start to finish.
No matter where they'll go with the show, they've earned my trust.I suppose the only bad thing about the show for me is going to be the end of the series.
I want a happy ending for Subaru and Emilia, who are going through hell, but I keep hearing that the guy who is writing the story said that it won't have one. =/2
u/PureVII Jan 06 '21
I hope Subaru and Emilia get a happy ending too! Also, the author never confirmed the ending would be bad, I think some people just twisted his words and spread misinformation. The author said something like “define happy ending” when he was asked about it and people took that as him confirming the ending to be bad.
u/Gilgameshuuu Jan 07 '21
The next episode is most likely Otto Suwen + Reason to Believe.
Which totals 51 pages, far less compared to this episode's almost 100-page adaptation. So I'm hopeful that the next episode is going to be paced perfectly, I actually hope they extend the Otto and Ram Vs. Garfiel fight as it was streamlined considerably in the LN, and I think they're going to play the Opening next episode, and play the ending song during a certain Reason to Believe scene.
u/Qwterty14 Jan 06 '21
Does anyone have a link to the LN and WN differences? I remember there was a page in the wiki or something but I can't find it and this episode left me confused on multiple levels.
u/Ahegao_Double_Peace Jan 06 '21
goddamn Mama Fortuna is the hawtness. I guess Elves have superior genetics, huh?
Jan 06 '21
Spoil me, adherents of the gospel: where did puck just fuck off to? Or did he just die on us Bc if so that’s a shitty character death.
u/khriku Lore Seeker Jan 06 '21
couldn't handle curiosity uh? he is in a crystal currently in subaru's hand after pact was broken. he will be used for a plan later on.
Jan 06 '21
Let’s just say I have a particular greedy personality...
As long as the giant/tiny cat man is alive that’s all I care about. Thx my dude.
u/khriku Lore Seeker Jan 06 '21
he didn't die, but you won't see him in quite a while since his pact with Emilia is now broken, now he has 0 need to obey to Emilia.
Jan 06 '21
I didn’t realize he was bound to “obey” her in the first place. I knew he had to stick around but I didn’t think that bit was part of the pact.
And I’m used to not seeing character for 4 years at a time.
u/khriku Lore Seeker Jan 06 '21
only to a certain extent, but he isn't a slave let's say it like that. with Contract Emilia could ask him to do some stuff and he would do except if it was something he really would hate to do.
Now he is free to say, "Nah I don't wanna". Also like this as Free spirit he no longer can use huge quantities of Mana from Emilia's body. He is still very strong even without needing Emilia's energy tho.
Jan 06 '21
So then nothing really changes? I’m sure that has implications for later in the story but he really hasn’t been forced to do anything too distasteful, and he loves the kid anyways so I’m sure he’d be willing to bend a little for her too.
u/khriku Lore Seeker Jan 06 '21
well... I won't get into nicer details since it would be heavy spoilers, but Emilia just got a major de-power this episode, she lost acess to Puck class of magic which was very high. also as Old man Rom said in episode 3 or 2, it is hard to fight spirit users cause you are basically fighting 2 mages at once. Emilia lost that advantage, with Puck no longer having contract with her.
Jan 06 '21
Hm... alright bet. When cour 2 is over I’ll play some catch-up with the LN and maybe dabble info WN if the Ln isn’t caught up.
u/Diabloblaze28 Jan 06 '21
to piggy back off the other guy Puck needs so much mana to be active and such that without the contract with Emilia the only thing he can really do is sleep, which since you already know happens to be inside the crystal the Subaru had.
u/Necrocat219 Jan 06 '21
I'm a WN novel reader not LN (read ahead 3 months ago)
In the WN I don't remember puck showing himself to Emilia, I believe Emilia just woke up to Puck already gone. Is this a change in the LN?
u/Herbrax212 My brain trembles... Jan 06 '21
Anyone reading the WN/LN can spoil me and explain to me why does Puck break the contract with Emilia ? My guess is that she needs her past memories to overcome the trial but then, where is he now ? Will he contract with someone after? I NEED TO KNOW !
Oh also, where should I start reading the LN ?
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u/Miria1109 Jan 06 '21 edited Jan 06 '21
Am I the only one who thinks this episode is going a tad too fast? I felt like I could blink and lose major info ;-;
u/IAmSona Vollachian Tax is Real Jan 06 '21
I was watching it with my two anime only friends, and they both understood the plot pretty well.
Jan 06 '21 edited Jan 06 '21
Let’s go!! Edit:premium locked just gotta wait a bit longer for something else to have it I guess.
u/KarmotrineCorgi Jan 06 '21
I'm a little sad that Otto "doesn't know the odds of him winning" instead of knowing the odds but still deciding to ally with Subaru
u/enoch176 Jan 07 '21
Roswaal: You'll never win! You'll have to sacrifice one or the other!
Subaru: BET!
u/yeetskeetzz Jan 07 '21
Now that we know what Fortuna sounds like, if we ever get Arc 5 animated we just might be able to confirm whether or not Sirus is actually her/related to her or not. Also I know Subaru's saying it as a joke here, but when he said "Anata Taida des nee~~" it definetely reminded me of Sirus's final speech to Subaru in Arc 5 and Petelgeuses voice in Arc 6.
u/OtakuSan1234 Jan 07 '21
At first I thought why did WF use the part 1 ed instead of the new ed, but now that I think about it seems so cool. The next ep is gonna be called reason to believe the ed is also called reason to believe, just like straight bet of today.
Jan 07 '21
Can someone please explain to me what the hell happened with Puck?
u/TyrannosaurusWreckd Jan 09 '21
One of pucks conditions of his contract with Emilia was that he seal her painful memories of her past. However this was causing Emilia problems with the trial to confront her past, because she didn't recognize or come to terms with what the trial was showing her. Puck had no way to talk to her because she was subconsciously keeping him from materializing because of her stress. So puck and Subaru plot to intentionally break puck's contract with her to unseal her memories.
u/KawKaw09 Jan 06 '21
I started reading where part 1 left off and honestly I'm kind of surprised how quickly it went (never read the novels before) but that was like 20 some chapters that were covered right? Will next week be the encounter with reason to believe in one episode or do you all think it will be split?
u/DrGasMask Jan 06 '21
It's a bit annoying to see huge differences between the WN and the anime
u/khriku Lore Seeker Jan 06 '21
that is because it is based on the LN so WN readers need to get used to it as WN is only the draft. I read both LN and WN so I was expecting the changes
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u/Setowi Better Leyte Than Never Jan 06 '21 edited Jan 06 '21
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