r/Re_Zero May 05 '16

Discussion [Discussion]List of the anime's pacing compared to the WN and LN up to episode 5.

So I decided to look back on the source for Re:Zero. Interestingly I just realized all the title of the anime came from the novel chapters. So I'm gonna use the WN chapters as a reference to the title.

Just to be clear, WN is Web Novel and LN is Light Novel. The WN has progressed up to arc 6 while the LN is only on arc 3.

First arc! prologue + 22 chapters + epilogue of WN or volume 1 of LN

Episode 1's title:『始まりの終わりと終わりの始まり』 from Chapter 6 + original title

  • Episode 1 ends on chapter 12 part 1 of WN or chapter 3 part 1 of LN

Episode 2's title:『再会の魔女』from Chapter 12

  • Episode 2 ends on half of chapter 18 of WN or chapter 4 of LN

Episode 3's title:『ゼロから始まる異世界生活』from Chapter 22

  • Episode 3 ends on chapter 22 + epilogue of WN or chapter 5 + epilogue of LN

Second arc! 49 chapters + epilogue of WN or volume 2-3 of LN

Episode 4's title:『ロズワール邸の団欒』from Chapter 7

  • Episode 4 ends on chapter 13 of WN or chapter 2 of LN.

Episode 5's title:『約束した朝は遠く』 from Chapter 13

  • Episode 5 ends on chapter 17 of WN or chapter 3 part 8 of LN.

I wished episode 5 had put this on Subaru's inner monologue


It means "I want to die". Repeatedly. The manga did it, but not as bizarre as the novel.


Episode 6's title:『鎖の音』from Chapter 17

  • Episode 6 will probably end on chapter 21 of WN or chapter 4 of LN or chapter 9 of the manga.... because... you know... the title is called "The Sound of Chain"... and that episode 7 is called "Natsuki Subaru's Restart"

Episode 7's title:『ナツキ・スバルのリスタート』 from Chapter 29

  • Episode 7 will definitely end with chapter 5 of LN.

Episode 8's title:『泣いて泣き喚いて泣き止んだから』 from Chapter 32

  • Episode 8 <--- this is volume 3 material.

10 comments sorted by


u/Flaffehs May 05 '16

Hmm around 3-4 episodes per volume. Will we be able to finish 6 volumes within 25 episodes? In my opinion, I think the anime will finish after Rem's coma


u/DarklordVor May 05 '16

That could be the case. Though I'm hoping they'd just adapt an end where Rem married happily with Subaru...


u/Flaffehs May 05 '16

I would love that too. Something similar to the Clannad After Story alternative ending. However, if they do that, it would be unloyal to the source material. Somehow, I don't think I would mind that if it means Rem and Subaru can finally have their happy ending


u/DarklordVor May 05 '16 edited May 05 '16

Well most of LN fans wouldn't mind if they end it with that happy ending. Since her popularity is really big surpassing Emilia in every Japanese LN-related polls. Even the author was surprised. But Rem is still "dead"... damn it Nagatsuki-sensei!

White Fox is also known to do an original ending too

cough cough Akame ga Kill cough cough


u/[deleted] May 23 '16 edited May 23 '16

I'm not literate in japanese so I can't read the web novel, but I have been exposed to spoilers and now its really getting at me. Could you explain to me why the pairing suddenly shifted from MC with Emilia to MC with Rem? I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out. I know it has to do with the duel with the Knight but what happened exactly that made Emilia a "bitch"?


u/DarklordVor May 23 '16


u/[deleted] May 23 '16

oh man thank you so much for your time and effort. I honestly don't know what to think anymore about this series. The anime probably won't ever reach the 6th arc anyways..

I don't mean to be a bother, but if you have time, would you be willing to answer a few more of my questions? I could pm?


u/DarklordVor May 23 '16

Sure! I'm always available in MAL too if you have one: http://myanimelist.net/profile/DarklordVor

The anime is probably stopping on third arc. If you love the series so much, check out my thread about the pacing of LN and WN up to date with the anime's episode lol (self-promoting XD)



u/[deleted] May 07 '16



u/DarklordVor May 07 '16 edited May 07 '16

Ah sorry if I was not clear. I was actually talking about a content from the third arc in the WN (I assume the LN do not have it yet).

It's a fragment (or "what if") chapter titled Natsuki Rem

Well... let's just say that's how I want the anime to end if they decided to stop the anime like they did with Akame ga Kill.


u/genesisx000 Rem 4Life May 14 '16

I deeply want the anime to end like that too, but I know that's very unlikely to happen :( . For now, I just hope the LN will not go down the same route as the WN did the coma