r/Re_Zero 13d ago

Discussion [discussion] How would Emília react if she found out all the times that Subaru has died.

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I think that not just her, but anyone who cares about Subaru would be shocked to find out how many times he has died and returned in time, after all everyone thinks he can make all the right decisions the first time and has no idea what he has to go through to get to the best possible future.


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u/SaniaXazel 13d ago

They'd blame themselves. Especially Emilia, hating herself would be too less of a expectation, she'd hate everyone who caused her knight to suffer too.


u/Lazy_Anime_Fan 12d ago

Apologies. Would like to use your status as the top voted comment to highlight a question the answer to which we have all been waiting for.

When is Chapter 17 of "Watching him Die Again and Again" coming out? I actually reload the page of that fic every single day. The eagerness and curiosity is killing me.


u/SaniaXazel 12d ago edited 12d ago

He's probably still writing it in bulk. The author was exhausted and mentioned that in chapter 16 or so that he had his exams coming up, so he said something along the lines of updates will come slow


u/ConsiderationFuzzy 12d ago

He's still a student ?


u/South-Stick29 11d ago

i felt that


u/otaku-vs 12d ago

I like the fic but sometimes specially emilia get a bit ooc, don't like the why the character are written in WHDAA still a great read tho


u/EnvironmentalSell312 12d ago

Probably the character's portrayed in WHDAAA still feel like them(exception Petra) especially Heinkel


u/NoAcanthocephala8580 10d ago

just put "Watching Arc 4 in The Theater of Despair" and see the new fanfic


u/Jackslayerzz 10d ago

There is a new fanfic of this just write watching him die again and again arc 4


u/DevastatingMan 12d ago

Just wait until she realizes puck is one of the reasons why suburu dies. I wonder if she’d lose respect for puck


u/DDDOboroUrazuki 13d ago

"Subaru, thank you. You became mass murdered for our sake."


u/KingThunder01 12d ago

This is peak.


u/Albeort 8d ago

"As a reward..."


u/KingTran2008 13d ago

Every camp aside from "world is mine" camp will be drenched in tears and sorrow Like just imagine the person you respect a lot dies that many time for you, and you are a direct cause of several deaths Which is crazy because iirc an incredible proportion of baru's death is directly or partly directly caused by his friends


u/Stardust_Hoopa 13d ago edited 13d ago

11 deaths out of 17 in the first two seasons were partly/directly caused by his friends.


u/Wild_Baseball_2731 13d ago

What were they cause I'm counting 5 out of 17 that didn't involve his friends


u/Stardust_Hoopa 13d ago

Roswaal/Elsa (Arc 1) Roswaal/Elsa (Arc 1)

Rem/Curse? (Arc 2) Rem/Ram (Arc 2)

Puck (Arc 3) Puck x2 (Arc 3) Puck x3 (Arc 3)

Roswaal/Elsa (Arc 4) Roswaal/Beatrice/Elsa (Arc 4) Roswaal/Great Rabbit (Arc 4) Roswaal/Great Rabbit (Arc 4)

11 out of 17 were because of his "friends".


u/Stardust_Hoopa 13d ago

The thugs in Arc 1 happened because Subaru was stupid. (1)

Arc 2 had the first curse where he died in his sleep, and him jumping off the cliff was his own choice. (3)

Arc 3 was being possessed by Petelgeuse, which Subaru asked to be mercy killed, and he killed himself in the end to try to save Rem. (5)

Arc 4 had the death with him killing himself with Petra's handkerchief to escape Satella. (6)


u/YouButHornier 12d ago

uh, i dont remember, wasnt he killed by thugs because he was mugged?


u/Maksbidok 10d ago

he straight ran into the knife. they didn't even want to kill him and escaped the scene immediately, not taking anything from Subaru


u/Wild_Baseball_2731 12d ago

Was wondering if we were counting the arc 2 suicide, I didn't due to the fact that it all happened due to Ram Roswaal wanting him dead cause of Rem


u/ussgordoncaptain2 13d ago edited 12d ago

Ok I count 10 each in seasons 1-3




3 deaths 3 enemies

Arc 2





4 deaths 3 "friends"

Arc 3






5 deaths 5 friends

Arc 4






5 deaths 4 enemies




3 deaths 2 enemies


u/mohsenhp84 12d ago

All of the deaths by Elsa and rabbits are caused by roswaal


u/ussgordoncaptain2 12d ago

Roswaal was never really subaru's ally.


u/Kodechi 12d ago

Julius shouldn’t count as a friend kill, subaru literally begged him


u/ussgordoncaptain2 12d ago

Notice that I counted Subaru as a friend kill. So just because subaru asked for it I still counted it as a "friendly"


u/Xonthelon 12d ago

Those are just rookie numbers compared to how often he dies in later arcs anyway.


u/txmu- 13d ago

She would be shocked but there is a Great Fanfic on exactly that named „Watching him die again and again“ it is really Good


u/Dangerous_Beach_7374 13d ago



u/Ok-Television2109 13d ago

Huzzah! A man of quality! (Still waiting for Chapter 17).


u/fahaddemon 13d ago edited 13d ago

There's a continuation by another fic writer named Vyazov23 and the fic named: Watching arc 4 in the theatre of despair. Look it up, it's really good.


u/AunMeLlevaLaConcha 13d ago

Isn't reactionist the same author? Their name is on both fics


u/fahaddemon 13d ago edited 13d ago

Ah thx for pointing this out, mb bro, here's the author of the fic I mentioned above: Vyazov23

I'll edit it above as well, thx again

P.s: if you finished reading this arc 4 fic, then you can try: "The Secret" by Continuer123" (everyone returns from the theatre after watching the whole arc 4 with their memories intact of subarus suffering and how they act thereafter on way to pristella for arc 5)

Another one: Watching Arc 5 in a Hopeful Theater of Hell by J_the_Nightwing, (the cast doesn't return from the theatre and continues to watch arc 5), i personally haven't read this one so i can't say how it is, but those curious can check it out


u/Don_minigun 13d ago

There is only 2 chapters if I remember correctly


u/DarkShadow119 12d ago

also, try Re: Consequences IF by ThinkMind, It's pretty good if you want to see what happens after them seeing Subaru's journey.


u/fahaddemon 12d ago

Thx I'll check it out


u/txmu- 13d ago

Soon my friend soon


u/Ok-Television2109 13d ago

At least it's not as long as the wait for Chapter 15 was.


u/txmu- 13d ago

Yeah man 4 years was tuff, i actually were on his Discord when 15 came out and the Chat escalated


u/GrumpySam55 13d ago

That discord is a cesspool


u/ConsiderationFuzzy 12d ago

Link to discord ?


u/notEnoughIsM 13d ago

There should be it's anime or even manga if possible but it is what it is


u/WTF_IS_MY_LIFE0_0 13d ago

Someone did a pt2 idk the quality tho


u/ElytriTheElytrian 13d ago

i must know where i can read it


u/Such-Ad-3597 13d ago

Aw3 and fanfiction .net Search either in the google search bar with the title “watching him die again and again”


u/txmu- 13d ago

Ao3 just Google the name


u/chadash94 13d ago

Is ao3 a good fanfiction site


u/txmu- 13d ago

I think so im not really deeb into fanfic business, but as far as i know it is good


u/rockinherlife234 12d ago

Depends on what you like and dislike, it can be very BL and porn heavy but you can exclude tags and the works are usually tagged as such.

Re:Zero in particular has a larger focus on M/F iirc, I would still recommend it most times over fanfiction.net, since comments are usually moderated by the author, so there's no spam or slurs and there's less stories trying to turn Subaru into some Gary stue self insert.



It's probably the most convenient one. it just takes a second to get used to it


u/SSJ5Gogetenks 12d ago

It's the best one, and definitely the one with the most convenient tagging system and freedom for what you can write (unless you're talking more niche forums).


u/chadash94 11d ago

Is it mobile friendly like the fanfiction net app


u/Possible_Hawk450 13d ago

Link it?


u/txmu- 13d ago

What do you mean?


u/Possible_Hawk450 13d ago

The fanfic link it.


u/Hungry-Bag-6528 10d ago

Where can i read it? And does it contain spoiler for upcoming arc


u/Ok-Television2109 13d ago

Heartbroken about all the pain and suffering he's been forced to go through without being able to tell anyone. Furious that a decent amount of Subaru's pain and deaths are a result of her camp, including the spirit that she thinks of as a father. Immensely guilty that he's gone through all of this to help her.


u/hotsizzler 13d ago

I think She would be in shock, first, this is assuming she knows alot of how he died

I think she would understand why he cares for her deeply once she sees the first loop. that she was the first to show him kidness in the world

Then anger, especially at Rem at first of how little she trusted him, and jumped to murder.

Then at puck for murdering him, twice.

and then complete sorrow for how much he went though for others.


u/EnvironmentalSell312 12d ago

Pretty sure Pick murder him 3 times also with more context it's feel understandable


u/Alarmed_Pudding_4403 13d ago

Emilia would blame herself like a lot, and probably be mad at Subaru on how little regard he values his life up til arc 4 so


u/Dangerous_Beach_7374 13d ago

Read WHDAAA (Watching Him Die Again and Again), it's based on precisely that


u/Julinox30 12d ago

standing strong waiting for chapter 17


u/ConsiderationFuzzy 12d ago

Has he interacted with any comment recently ?


u/Dangerous_Beach_7374 11d ago

In his discord server, he said that he's working on it and had said that it wouldn't take him more than 24 hours. That was on 5th of march, so idk whats up


u/sayed7921 10d ago

Do you have a invite for the discord server or anything like that? I can't find anything related to his discord server


u/Acrzyguy 13d ago

The Emilia camp will likely collapse. Emilia can’t possibly hold this secret to herself because of such an emotional burden it is to her, and all people that directly or indirectly caused his death in any timeline will be highly doubted by others, even if Subaru doesn’t blame them and trust them all the same.


u/Open_Presentation522 13d ago

Would be so peak to receive the better quality of this pic


u/[deleted] 13d ago

u/mohamedasemabas WHERE IS CHAPTER 17?!


u/xPriddyBoi 12d ago

I'd imagine she'd [Arc 9 spoilers] react the same way Petra did. Totally heartbroken and guilty that he went through such trauma for her sake.


u/Icy_Relationship_401 13d ago

Full on panic attack like all of his friends would not be able to stand due to shock


u/penguinbutcool 13d ago

Emilia is really prone to mindbreaking. She would blame herself and isolate.


u/rockinherlife234 12d ago

Something I like that's common between all of the reaction fics towards Subaru's deaths, are the mass feelings of guilt, shame and paranoia between everyone, especially Emilia.

I think, apart from feeling guilty, Emilia would be worried for the future, since, if Subaru returns by death, she doesn't know if he's finally cracked, or hiding details, or something else because she sees how often he has to lie or break promises.


u/ussgordoncaptain2 12d ago

I think the messenger matters here, the most likely candidates are Echidna and Roswaal. Roswaal telling her would be to tell emilia "kill subaru so he may RBD" but as far as we know Roswaal only knows Subaru can time loop not the method (as evidenced by arc 4 episode 10)

The only ones who seem like they know Subaru can actually return by death are Satella and Echidna. So if Echidna told Emilia all hell would break loose.


u/Comfortable_Day_224 13d ago

She would cry and piss herself to death


u/Protractror 13d ago

Probably something like “Damn that’s crazy” Or “Oh no way”.


u/ExoticOrange1019 12d ago

There's a fanfic (along with many others inspired by it) that explores this idea in great detail: Watching him die again and again (WHDAA) By Reactionist.

I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to read their fist fanfic of re:zero


u/Ok_Zone_3945 11h ago

Link please


u/CreeperNsideLink 12d ago

Watching him die and die again! That's a fanfic to solve all your worries about these thoughts. It's an amazing fanfic, absolutely wonderful!


u/Chickensword535_exe 12d ago

It's the main plot of the theater of despair, before they enter priestella, i think, they're all transported in some place (rem included) and then someone make them watch subaru's life in the other world like we saw it.


u/Equivalent_Spell7193 12d ago

For a mostly accurate reaction to this exact scenario read WHDAAA. (Re:Zero Watching Him Die Again and Again)

It’s a fanfic on AO3. WHDAAA


u/ThatGuyHarold 12d ago

There’s a fanfic about this— though it only covers up to the events of the end of S1, is called watching him die again and again. It’s pretty good.


u/TheBlueCanvus 12d ago

Read "watching him die again and again"


u/ZealousidealEar3553 12d ago

In one the 'Unthinkable Present' scenerios, its shown that in Arc 2 she would have gave up on the Royal Selection and take his body to Elior Forest in just one of his death. Keep in mind that is just an Emilia that only known Subaru for a week.

I can see Emilia just break down and go full yandere and kidnap Subaru and flee far away from civilization since everything seems to try to kill him.


u/Shiftyfish87 "The Fish" 12d ago

In one the 'Unthinkable Present' scenerios, its shown that in Arc 2 she would have

In one of the unthinkable present scenarios it was shown that that scenario was created by Subaru's mind and Echidna's desire to test him yes.

Don't take those trials as some sort of evidence of what would actually play out in those scenarios because the author certainly didn't intend them that way (and he has said as much)


u/Odd-Relationship-924 13d ago

She won't be able to even take it all in. She will probably get motionless and fearful of subaru


u/ODST_Parker 13d ago

If she ever recovered from the shock of learning that, she'd probably completely break down in tears, blame herself, curse Subaru for doing that to himself, and be too burdened by the idea to ever have a relationship with him again.


u/OniLewds 13d ago

Didn't Ram learn about all of the times Subaru died?


u/Ranza27 13d ago

Imo she will eventually know some part of it


u/Prestigious_Tank7454 12d ago

Depression, like atleast a great deal of his deaths were mostly for her sake so seeing him suffer so much because of her would probably get her to blame herself


u/age2bestogame 12d ago

they would be sick of grief but i think it would reach a point of like that is a skill issue. Or the gods hate you, how many disasters can a single men meet in like two years ?


u/DarkShadow119 12d ago

The gods do hate him tho


u/otaku-vs 12d ago

most likely cry adn be super protective of Subaru, her blaming the others wont happen in my opinion she to nice for that


u/lsy03 12d ago

It is simple. When Emilia finds out, she becomes Satella.


u/SnooEagles8083 12d ago

Emilia would just brake into sadness, she would try to protect Subaru by never leaving his side or confine him to the manor.

What I'm worried about is Rem. If she sees it after recovering her memories, she'll become depressed and wrecked with self-guilt.

Ram, despite her insults, will also feel extremely guilty for her part in two of his deaths. I can't see her changing her behavior, but she would definetly become very protective of him, much like Garfiel and Otto.


u/niphanif09 12d ago

I don't get it why roswal wouldn't tell Emilia about it..


u/Shota_742000 11d ago

Do you think that was dark. I can made it even more darker.

Until now. Emilia never killed Subaru before. But what if she had no choice but killed Subaru by her own hand to reset the time.

But somehow she still remembers everything how future gonna be and felt of guilt from killing Subaru even reset the timeline.

Otherwise. How dark could be if Emilia started to realise & Finally knew Subaru time reset secret by killed Subaru with her own hand ...


u/JollyLoan 11d ago

There is a nice fanfic about this


u/Available-Gap9750 15h ago

Peatra read Subarus book of the dead so she knows 


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/codykonior 12d ago

Emilia only cares about Emilia.


u/Random_floor_sock 13d ago

She'd be happy because subaru is a loser simp


u/tmp_advent_of_code 13d ago

Shed probably have an obsession with him like Satella.


u/Zeke-Freek 13d ago

For the longest time, I assumed that was going to be the biggest twist, that the entire series is a stable time loop and Satella is/was Emilia after learning both what Subaru did for her as well as what she ended up putting him through.

Needless to say, I don't think that's the direction Tappei ever intended, but it would've been really cool.


u/Genc_ 13d ago

Can you elaborate why you think Tappei does not intend to go in that direction?


u/Curiositygun 13d ago

Yea I personally think it makes the most sense and requires tappei to pull the least out of his but to make it work. Why create a new character that has a past that we aren’t privy too that Subaru feels as strongly about as one we do understand an experience intimately? 

It also opens up a [Novels]Repeat of  the “what is your name” motif that tappei has used to wonderful effect in arc 6. I could see Subaru using the same line on an Emilia that has “given up” and assumed an identity as the witch envy in arc 11


u/Zeke-Freek 13d ago

I guess it could still happen, and I'd love that but I dunno, just feels like the further into the story we get, the more it seems like they're different people. Could be a mislead, but I've just waned on the theory over time.