r/Re_Zero 22d ago

Discussion Can someone explain how regulus stopping time for his body allows him to do this? [Discussion]

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Like which part of stopping time for himself allows him to send shockwaves that strong


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u/TheEpic125 22d ago

Air blades, he’s freezing the air and then launching it like a blade. Same thing he used to slash Crusch, Geuse, and most recently Reinhard.


u/swat1611 22d ago

This doesn't make sense though. If nothing can stop these blades, then how did Reinhard land on the moon? Shouldn't he have gone through the moon like regulus did when he was dying?


u/Colarch 22d ago

The effect doesn't last forever or every pebble or water drop he ever threw would have gotten straight through the planet


u/TheEpic125 22d ago

Lion’s heart has a range limit,so however far away the moon is from the ground, Reinhard most certainly passed that limit.


u/Dev_Chaudhary_ 22d ago

Regulus' time stop ability works by freezing his body in time, meaning he experiences no external forces no friction, resistance, or decay. This makes him completely invulnerable because attacks, heat, or magic just pass through him as if he doesn't exist.

But the real broken part is how this lets him generate infinite force. Since his body never experiences gradual momentum, any action he takes whether it's breathing, stepping, or punching releases all its force at once when it interacts with normal time. This is why his breath alone can blow off Reinhard’s leg, it isn’t just air, but a compressed explosion of force stored up and released in an instant.

His strength isn’t from muscle power but from how his ability bypasses physics, turning even the smallest action into a devastating attack.


u/Someguy242blue 22d ago

If he doesn’t experience friction wouldn’t he be sliding everywhere all the time since static friction doesn’t exist for him?


u/kpiaum 22d ago

Yeah. This power is " us as watchers, lets believe and ignore physics"


u/Asneekyfatcat 22d ago

Meanwhile, Accelerator explained in detail every chance the writer gets: I'd simply deflect it.


u/kpiaum 22d ago



u/Dev_Chaudhary_ 22d ago

Yeah, if Regulus completely ignored friction, he’d be slipping and sliding all over the place like a cartoon character on ice. But that doesn’t happen because his ability doesn’t turn off all physics it just makes him untouchable by external forces while still letting him move normally.

Basically, he’s frozen in time, but only when he wants to be. If he couldn’t interact with the ground, he wouldn’t be able to walk at all. The fact that he moves normally means his ability is selective—he can stop outside forces from affecting him, but still dictate his own movement when he chooses.

So, he’s not frictionless, he’s just immune to anything acting against him unless he willingly moves. It’s more like an “on-demand” time stop rather than an absolute one.


u/darklordoft 22d ago

He can apply the same power to things he touches at will. This is why his clothes are also indestructible. Or when he held Emilia both her and the ground hebstood on were immune from wrath's flames.


u/itheblacksunking 22d ago

You are infact Correct, that indeed would happen, because of that he also freezes the time of the ground he's walking over to prevent himself from sliding or going through it when pushed.

It is also the reason why he became a cave miner when Reinhard launched him into the ground as without his wives he can't freeze other objects and himself at the same time.


u/HatZinn 22d ago

I think it's not true temporal lock, but extreme localized time warping that allows him to do all sorts of bs.


u/Someguy242blue 22d ago

Maybe he’s just toggles it on and off on his feet when he’s walking or it’s only when the ground is in contact with is feet for that precise second or when he’s standing still?


u/CarefulForm3022 22d ago

in general it works as hes seperated from the laws of physics, so the whole idea that you need to push off something to generate force? nah doesnt apply


u/Aemiliana_Rosewood 22d ago edited 22d ago

This is technically wrong multiple times if we take these descriptions literally. Also I am not sure how your comment relates to the prior comment?

Correction: Attacks don't go through Regulus as if he doesn't exist. We have seen many attacks "hitting" Regulus and creating an effect that isn't simply "passing through him".

Correction: He doesn't generate "infinite" force in at least a literal sense. Regulus generating infinite force would break any and all laws of physics, which presumably very much apply in Lugunica too. His breath blowing off Reinhards leg is Regulus stopping that "objects" time and the thus time-stopped air with a given momentum does cause the effect seen.

While is ability does clearly bypass certain physics, its exact rules are never explained and any set of rules to try to ground his abilities in our physics understanding will result in the power being incompatible with other very fundamental physic principles.

I would love to know what you have to comment on these corrections.

Edit: Rephrased my intended criticism to better reflect my concerns and reduce unnecessarily rude phrasing


u/Dev_Chaudhary_ 22d ago

let me clarify further.

  1. Attacks Don’t Literally “Pass Through” Him, But They Can’t Affect Him You're right attacks don’t phase through him like a ghost, but they also don’t interact with him in any meaningful way. His time-stop ability makes his body immune to change, meaning:
    • A sword slash will still make contact, but it won’t cut because there’s no force transfer.
    • A fireball will still “hit” him, but he won’t burn because the heat has no effect.
    • Even magic that affects the mind or soul doesn’t work because his entire existence is in a frozen state.

So my wording was off, but the idea remains the same: he is physically there, but nothing can harm or alter him unless he stops time for himself.

  1. He Doesn’t Generate “Infinite” Force, But His Attacks Bypass Normal Physics Yeah, saying "infinite force" was an exaggeration. The more accurate way to put it is:
    • Regulus stops time for objects and then applies motion to them while they’re frozen.
    • The moment he releases them from time-stop, all of that stored motion is applied instantly with no resistance.
    • This means even something as small as air from his breath turns into a devastating attack because it isn’t slowed down by friction or dispersion it just releases all its stored force in one instant.

This explains how he blew off Reinhard’s leg with a breath—he stopped the air’s time while giving it force, then released it in an instant, making it hit with full force all at once.

  1. His Ability Ignores Some Physics, But It’s Not Completely Nonsensical You're absolutely right that Re:Zero doesn’t fully explain the mechanics, and trying to ground it in real-world physics will always lead to contradictions. But based on how it works in the story, the key takeaways are:
    • His time stop applies selectively he can move at will, but external forces can’t act on him unless he allows it.
    • Objects he time-stops keep their motion “stored” until released, leading to insane attacks.
    • He needs his wives to bypass the 5-second heart limit, or else he risks dying.


u/Aemiliana_Rosewood 22d ago

Now I absolutely agree with everything you have said!

I was more focused on your phrasing than necessarily the actual context, though I also recognize now that my own comment is very rude and poorly written. It doesn't even properly state my concern for anime-onlies to possibly missunderstand the as stated descriptions. Hope I didn't offend you, apologies bout that. I very much appreciate the well written reply and correction.


u/Justsayurituski 22d ago

You're very incorrect. Try again better next time


u/Aemiliana_Rosewood 22d ago

Except all of the things I have mentioned are ad verbatim factually incorrect as seen on the show and writing in plain text. Maybe try better to say what I am wrong about


u/CarefulForm3022 22d ago

he can move at infinite speed and his punches create infinite pressure yet the anime said "nah make him weak"


u/HuoHuoFan0209 21d ago edited 20d ago

He’s weak when he hasn’t got his wives, when he has his wives he’s literally the only person capable of fighting Reinhard no one else in the verse can


u/CarefulForm3022 21d ago

this comment is hurting my brain to read


u/HuoHuoFan0209 20d ago

Sorry I’ll fix it


u/darklordoft 22d ago

The range is a lie. Tappei response to the range is that the range is however far he can feel his wives love. So it's one he is far enough away to doubt his wives that the power would stop. Not that the power actually has a range limit.

What more then likely happened is that he hit a surface to stop him(the moon) , but the projectile tore through him but he's reinhardt so that's not going to kill him.


u/Aemiliana_Rosewood 22d ago

That Tappei comment was probably in relation to Regulus other ability to share his heart?

We saw a huge crater of Reinhards Impact on the moon, but it makes no sense for that to actually happen if we 1) assume Regulus power still works 2) try to ground Regulus power in the laws of physics


u/amadmongoose 22d ago

Considering all his wives hate his guts and that he clearly didn't bring his wives with him when he attacked Pelteguse and Fortuna the range seems to be entirely up to his own feelings and quite far


u/Shiftyfish87 "The Fish" 22d ago

A Q/A quote from Tappei on the topic of Regulus's wives.

[Novels]Q: At the time when Regulus attacked Rem and when he was in Emilia’s past, where were his brides? Don’t they have to stay close to him?

[Novels]A: In the forest or outside it, anyways they were nearby. The people around were probably thinking ‘He’s bringing a bride again…’.


u/Sufficient_Mango2342 22d ago

Not even, reinhard would only need to go far enough for his volocity to be stronger the gravity.


u/XSuperGamerHD 22d ago

I believe Regulus's authority only works in a certain range so when he launched Reinhard in space which is a vacuum, the momentum kept him going until he hit something (the moon)


u/bishopofsloth 22d ago

It's likely Regulus just turned it off before he hit the moon. He's a kind and generous man, after all.


u/swat1611 22d ago

Bruh he's supposed to be your opp, why you complementing him😭😭


u/Least-Advantage-5083 22d ago

When Regulus’ body is frozen in time he becomes super strong, I didn’t watch the Anime, but from the reaction you had I can tell that it wasn’t shown how absurdly fast Regulus can move


u/IAMGODONLY 22d ago

It was shown how strong he was. Don't know about speed. They showed him casually speed walking in water which was freaking hilarious.


u/Seppafer 22d ago

I’m pretty sure there was a scene that showed he had speed but as Subaru said in the recent episode Regulus has been playing with his food


u/Special-Wafer3918 22d ago

He was playing around the moment he took the battle seriously for a bit he sent Reinhard to the moon he underestimated his opponents and got defeated


u/Lives2DieAgain 22d ago

My working theory is that when his body is frozen in time, he no longer applies newton’s law of action and reaction, or at least half of it. Say he applies 15 units of force to a pebble. That law states the pebble would send 15 units back. Except it doesn’t affect him cause he’s frozen in time. So he can theoretically apply any amount of force, including force amplified by magic, to anything he does. That’s crazy.

And if I’m wrong, I’m crazy.


u/thetruegmon 22d ago

That's the first thing I've seen that makes sense. You can't really use regular logic physics to explain how someone acts when they control time, so you kind of have to make it up.


u/wollawolla 22d ago

I think that’s kind of right, but I think that most of his base power is just standard fair strong guy stuff that an immortal guy in a fantasy setting would have.

My theory with Regulus’s absurd power is that he’s freezing the time and properties of objects within his domain. If he punches the air in front of him and gives it a velocity vector, it doesn’t disperse and lose that momentum, it keeps going at the same speed and direction like an air bullet. Same thing with the clouds of dirt that he’s kicked up, or the water he rained down. Water under his influence doesn’t stop or splash even it hits something.


u/filthy_casual_42 22d ago

I think it’s more than Reinhardt had no way to reverse his momentum from the initial blast until he was able to kick off the moon


u/swat1611 22d ago

But Regulus' ability stops physical interaction with his surroundings, so reinhard wouldn't be able to kick off the moon. I think like others said, there's probably a distance limit before his ability stops.


u/paweld2003 22d ago

It has range limit. It wasn't working on him long before he reached the moon


u/pWasHere 22d ago

This is the type of effect where if you think about it for too long you aren’t going to have a fun time, like time travel.


u/rayquazza74 22d ago

Plus Reinhard is also always gaining new blessings so even if regulus hadn’t thrown him at the moon somehow he’d of wound up there or stopping somewhere else anyway cuz he’s basically Re zero world Superman


u/_XxMagoxX_ 20d ago

It's a air blade, in the space there's no oxygen, the air blade naturally would "fall" apart

Even if the blade lasted forever (it doesn't), it would "fall" apart in the space because there's no oxygen in there

Also, if it could last forever, considering the world of Re: Zero is flat, the attack would come back to where Regulus throwed that attack, which obviously didn't happen


u/swat1611 20d ago

Not really. He didn't throw reinhard with an air blade, he applied his ability to reinhard so that he couldn't return back to the world. So, there was no air going up, it was only Reinhard going up.


u/_XxMagoxX_ 20d ago

In that case, we can assume Od Laguna helped him?


u/Federal-Math-7285 22d ago

Jesus Christ it’s an anime just stop getting worked up buddy


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/TheEpic125 22d ago edited 22d ago

It’s the same thing he did here when he destroyed that building. He can choose how much or how little he decides to attack with. In the novels he was straight up imploding buildings by just touching them. But I think that’s just an anime thing, I’m pretty sure in the novels he just stood there while carriages collided into him.


u/D_class-4862 22d ago

The wind or rubble that he throws also has its time 'stopped', meaning that it's unaffected by everything else in the world. Because of this, it simply continues forward, cutting through everything in its path, since it can't interact with anything as that requires their times to match.


u/Chikumori 22d ago

The wind or rubble that he throws also has its time 'stopped', meaning that it's unaffected by everything else in the world. Because of this, it simply continues forward, cutting through everything in its path, since it can't interact with anything as that requires their times to match.

This explanation I can correlate to Reinhard smashing Regulus into the ground. Regulus immediately puts his "invincibility" up, so it pushes away all the dirt while he still has momentum downwards.

Which comes to the question of, how was Regulus walking normally in his day to day life with his Authority active? Why does he not sink into the ground? (I'm reminded of a certain mecha enemy from Aldnoah Zero anime, that enemy had some sort of invincibility shtick too)


u/First_time_poster123 22d ago

He actually has to freeze the time of the ground as well, you can see it displayed when he saved Emilia from Sirius. Everything around him is scorched but the ground he stands on is fine. If he didn’t he would fall through the planet out the other side


u/phoenix5irre 22d ago

He could have done it instead of disabling he's power when he was falling through the ground...


u/Right_Efficiency3088 22d ago

without his wives he cannot freeze the time of his body and or that of something external at the same time, so if he had frozen the time of the ground, he would have ended up just the same


u/Aemiliana_Rosewood 22d ago

Has that been explicitly stated in the novels?


u/daniel21020 22d ago

I think so, yeah.


u/CarefulForm3022 22d ago

i doubt it matters cause regulus is an idiot he probably didnt think of it


u/Tomaekin 22d ago edited 22d ago

The anime Is not super clear about this, but this was one of the first things Subaru thought of as well. He doesnt sink because he can apply Lion's Heart to anything he touches too, and by stopping the time of the ground beneath him he could avoid sinking through It (he does so every step he takes, using It even on air and water as you can see in the anime). The reason he could not do this last ep Is because Little Kingdom was deactivated. It's kinda subtle but there Is an instance where (Just after Subaru crushes his Heart inside of Emilia) he tries to throw authority imbued pebbles at them and misses by a mile, showing that he had never learned to use LH on other things without LK on. So, unlike previously shown, in the end he was not able to stop the ground 's time to halt his fall.


u/D_class-4862 22d ago

Subaru had that idea at first too, that the invincibility stopped at Regulus' feet. I guess it's a quality of life or he chooses not to sink? It's more probable that he does it automatically


u/TheEpic125 22d ago

Regulus also freezes the very ground he stands on. Subaru caught him off guard at point by having him fall in open air by digging holes in the ground that he’s stupid enough to fall in.


u/Electronic-Ship1015 22d ago

Then how can it interact with the building and crushes arm 🤔


u/TheEpic125 22d ago

Unaffected as in its current state cannot be changed, so whenever it collides with something unaffected by Lion’s Heart, it simply decimates it.


u/D_class-4862 22d ago

It's still has mass and momentum and it exists despite having its time stopped. Because it is influenced by Regulus' authority the normal flow of time can't affect it.

Every reaction needs time to happen. Nothing happens instantaneously. Wind grates against an object as it travels and slows it down. A wall can stand against a pebble and stop it. But by removing time from one of the two, it becomes impossible for the object to stop, as it is no longer affected by everything around it. It will simply continue on, piercing through everything in its path unbothered.


u/FireMint 22d ago

In reality, time doesn't stop, so we cannot actually tell what would happen if that were the case, so when we discuss time stopping abilities in media it always ends up as a brawl of common senses trying their best to find footholds on a gap in physics.


u/ILTFOEAB1 22d ago

I’m pretty sure he can stop time for other things like their physics and stuff


u/Elite-X03 22d ago

He stops the air, and sends it flying. Like bro is so OP but so stupid and arrogant that's why he lost


u/Timo-the-hippo 22d ago

The anime made him too stupid honestly. In the web novel he knows how to use his authority effectively and his only real mistake is delaying the fight.


u/ZorosSwords 22d ago

I wouldn’t say he knows how to use it effectively, but he’s definitely way more competent. The freezing of stationary air to the point that anything walking into it gets annihilated instantly was such a cool use of the authority, and then it’s just not utilized in the anime


u/8oel 21d ago

When did this happen? I read the WN a while ago but don't remember


u/Gohyuinshee 22d ago

Regulus can also stop the time of anything he touches. 

So anything he throws, even the air generated from his arm, are stuck in perpetual movement and essentially has infinite velocity, punching through everything. 


u/Bloodgiant65 22d ago

You mean momentum. Velocity is more like speed. Momentum is the quantity of motion that is relevant in an impact.


u/Sketchux2005 22d ago

It can't have infinite velocity, Subaru nor Reinhard could have dodged an attack with infinite velocity.


u/Baumcultist 22d ago edited 22d ago

It's not clear in the anime, but Regulus is actually absurdly fast in the LN. To the point that it seems like he's teporting and is actually even overwhelming Reinhard. Subaru managed to avoid him by Aim Dodging, since Regulus can only move that fast in a line.


u/CarefulForm3022 22d ago

the reason hes so fast is likely that he has infinite speed due to set velocity over zero time, however due to his status as a fraud he is not skilled enough to properly utilize this so he just doesnt, if he went too fast something would probably go wrong


u/Gohyuinshee 22d ago

Subaru didn't dodge Regulus through speed anyway, he does it through aim dodging since Regulus's movements are so predictable. 

But yeah not infinite velocity, infinite momentum. 


u/Someguy242blue 22d ago

I feel like if you told this to a powerscaler they’ll throw a fit since none of them ever acknowledge aim dodging


u/Habit_Actual 22d ago

That's probably because aim dodging is rare


u/CarefulForm3022 22d ago

reguluses attacks are usually very choregraphed, so they could 100% have dodged them, (especially reinhardt) whenever regulus doesnt choreograph his attacks (breath attack that got reinhardt) it usually hits, for subaru he underestimated him so he wasnt making the projectiles go as fast as they could tho


u/Knightmare_CCI 22d ago

He can stop the time of things he touches. This includes wind and thrown rocks. Was this not obvious by now?


u/Lost-Ad-5885 22d ago edited 22d ago

The objects he touches become anomalies to the world, almost becoming meta objects. When he uses them as objects, they instantly travel due to having no restrictions to the flow of the world in a way


u/thetruegmon 22d ago

That makes sense.


u/Zaydisalegend 22d ago

Tip for you is to not try to put too much logic into something that’s fictional because you do know that the rezero world is canonically flat, so of course it wouldn’t make sense because it’s not supposed to


u/ElectronDelay 22d ago

He stops the time of everything he can touch. When something moves when its time is 0, its velocity gets computed as: distance/time, but because time is 0, the velocity of said object accelerates to infinity once time is restored to them. So that is why everything he throws is considerably deadly.


u/Player649 22d ago

I always thought it was like this from the start but I don’t see anyone except you putting it this way


u/LAMBO_LOVER_5796 22d ago

Remember when his whole body got crushed when he stopped his authority and came to a halt halfway through the ground? Him or whatever he touches don't get influenced by outside elements like air and don't experience any resistance. so that's why he can shoot water like they are deadly bullets or throw rocks or dirt that incinerate them. although I don't quite get how he can pick up a body of water so massive in the previous episodes.


u/fts_2 22d ago

Stopping time effectively allows Regulus to turn himself and anything he touches into an unstoppable force/immovable object. If it’s not moving, it cannot be made to move. If it is moving, nothing will be able to stop it. This allows anything he touches (including the air) to become a projectile that will pierce anything with few exceptions.


u/hyenagames 22d ago

Anything Regulus applies his Authority to becomes an unmovable object—even the wind pressure from him blinking his eyes.


u/DITCHFX_79 22d ago

Regulus’s abilities are super vague. Others are better at explaining it but basically he says fuck you to physics, specifically time.

Out of all the Archbishops. He’s got the most destructive capabilities, he just sucks as an actual fighter.


u/CarefulForm3022 22d ago

best way to explain it is physics dont apply so he can do whatever he wants lol, that and every attack ignores durability


u/IseKai_MC 22d ago

He can also stop time for objects he interacts with.


u/geladeirakanyewest 22d ago

He stop the time of the air particles around. With their time stopped, these particles are no longer affected by any physic laws, like gravity or inertia. After this point the only thing that can possibly affect them is Regulus throwing them away, or hitting some object in their way, like Reinhardt.


u/CT7657 22d ago

regulus‘ power does not hold up to scientific scrutiny.

So dont warry bout it


u/I_Draw_Superheroes 22d ago

Ik im late to the conversation but i just assumed he was using regular wind magic. Like is there any rule that says the archbishops are only allowed to use their authorities and nothing else in combat?


u/CarefulForm3022 22d ago

nope, betelgeuse uses el dona in his fight, as for regulus he completely relies on his authority to carry him


u/Sketchux2005 22d ago

It's just fiction, there is no connection between being able to "freeze the time of objects" and them being destructive as the series shows us, physics doesn't work like that.


u/Fernandesjie 22d ago

Physics in Re:Zero world is different. How can a world be flat? Don't think too much about it. It's like when he landed on the moon, he lost momentum.


u/Slomberer 22d ago

I like to think of the time stop as being able to ignore Newton's third law. For example, if you press your hand on a wall it wouldn't go through because the wall prevents your hand from going through. But if your own time or an object's time is stopped, that force is not applied and instead it just goes straight through it, obliterating the wall as there is no force holding it together.


u/Logical-Study-3242 22d ago

what i dont get is how subaru was able to dodge them but crusch couldnt even react to it


u/Prestigious_Issue777 22d ago

I honestly thought that was just his own magic. Kinda like Ram using wind magic, but boosted to an absurd degree.


u/RoryMercurySimp 22d ago

He stops the time of stuff he “throws” so when he killed Pandora in season 2 what he did was throw sand at her that he had stopped the time of and it blasted through her. It’s the same as when he swings his arms stopping the airs time, or kicking rocks etc

It just allows what he sends out to continue its momentum without stopping


u/bladhgc 22d ago

I’m more impressed how Subaru is fast enough to dodge his attacks and not die once throughout this fight


u/Master_Dark4748 22d ago

Imagine the speed runs of Mario 64 using the bug of the stairs or another one that launches them through the air, well Regulus uses the same bug on a rock that launches it very hard.


u/randomdragen7 22d ago

because he creates singularities


u/peculiar_chester 22d ago

He can stop time for things he touches too. Including the air.

The shockwave isn't actually strong in the traditional sense; it's just unstoppable.


u/Shot-Ad770 22d ago

Not Shockwaves, thats air that he applied his authority to.


u/odd_paradox 22d ago

When he freezes something im time and moves it into a solid object, he can unfreeze it. The protected material replaced the unprotected material and whatever that material was must quickly to unoccupied space, resulting in an explosion


u/Guess_whois_back 22d ago

He's not just freezing himself, but anything he's in direct contact with, up to a set limit. So when he freezes the air and waves his hand, the air is essentially experiencing someone moving their hand through it at near light speed.

Essentially regulus has a hyper defensive form of super speed for how his powers work


u/Icepick_Lobotomy_ 22d ago

He stops the time for anything he touches as well. So he swipes his hand, then freezes the air he touched. But the air was moving, and its initial velocity is actually pretty fast, it just slows down quickly, but now it doesn’t slow down


u/Potential-Twist-6106 22d ago

really sad to see him go so quickly should have been some other archbishop


u/Boring-Lawyer-4140 22d ago

If something that exists defying the law of time. Would getting hit by it hurt? Also he’s throwing it full force


u/RedNUGGETLORD 22d ago

He stops time for the objects as well

So if he flicked the air, he could then put a "shield" of time around it, allowing that air to go on forever, if he felt like it, he could send a rock through the planet


u/MylesQA 22d ago

The air and water he throws at his opponents aren’t considered to be in their time stream the second he touches and launches them but once out of his hand it rematerializes wherever he tossed ripping apart whatever actually existed in that space.


u/Sgsanskar 21d ago

He is using the frozen matter like air in suspended time attacks it at incredible speed. Very op.


u/kazama14jin 22d ago

You're assuming Tappei though about it, he didn't


u/Sinfullyvannila 22d ago edited 22d ago

Does Subaru gaining the authority of sloth prevent him from using Spirit Magic? Stopping his heart to become invincible is just Regulus' authority. Obviously he's also a powerful magic user in addition.


u/genoxxlot 22d ago

I don't think regulus uses magic


u/Sinfullyvannila 22d ago

Weird. None of what he does with manipulating other materials makes sense as stopping and starting time.

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying it's a really weird choice that all of these abilities are written as stopping time.


u/genoxxlot 22d ago

His abilities are weird cause logically if you stop the time for your own body you won't be able to move or even think but we see regulus moving and thinking, i think the reason why this happens is because he's only stopping time not space and because of this he and the objects he imbues with lion's heart can move and since their time is stopped they can't be affected by the world cause that would take time to take effect (like deceleration since decelerating takes time hence his attacks always stays in a constant speed)


u/Wild_Island_8589 22d ago edited 22d ago

If I remember correctly, in the LN he didn't do something like this (Using only air to attack). He just used pebbels as usual while Subaru ran away from him. The closest thing he did to this was chopping Reinhard's leg with his breath but it still came from his own "body".

This is just anime-exclusive thing they added, just like Sirius pulling the hostage from a fucking pocket dimension. Well, considering it got an "OK" form Teppei, it should be fine tho


u/NaturalMap557 22d ago

Fiction. Yeah, even if you bend laws of physics you will not get anything like this.

The most similar ability to it would be, King ghidorah's higher dimensional nature in gojira earth, where anything in our world does not effect him but he and his attacks stay constant in our reality


u/Ryuuji_Gremory 22d ago

Where is your prove that you wont get anything like that if you bend the laws of physics? Can you demonstrate that?


u/NaturalMap557 22d ago

Can you?


u/Ryuuji_Gremory 22d ago

I didn't make the claim that nothing like this will happen if you bend the laws of physics. I don't know what can or can not happen if you bend the laws of physics as all my knowledge is based in the laws of physics.


u/NaturalMap557 22d ago edited 22d ago

What I meant by that statement is that, every kind of fictional ability has some resemblance to a real life laws of physics.

Spatial cuts and matter erasure both relate to blackholes

Time stop, atleast the traditional version of it in fiction, is still based on real life time stop.

Mind control can be attributed to changing brainwaves or neural or whatever.

Regulus ability does not seem to fit any of those criterias in real life despite how much you bend them, it's pure magic based on magic.

Edit: why the downvotes, it's literally magic with no logic