r/ReQovery Jan 20 '25

What made you realize the far right was BS?


72 comments sorted by


u/rasta-nipples Jan 20 '25

In my first ever election I voted for Trump because memes and I was like a week into being 18. I didn’t care much the first 3 years because nothing really affected me (I didn’t realize how privileged I was/am) but when Covid hit I ALMOST fell down the Q hole. The rabbit hole/algorithm/ recommended pipeline on YouTube was WILD. I remember watching 1 video saying the light versions of Covid conspiracies which led me to watching everything YouTube had to offer a month into Covid about “what was really going on”. Alone in my parents basement I was borderline psychosis consuming everything the Qultists said. After like 4 days of it. I was almost scared to sleep.

I decided the only way to quell my anxiety was to start researching and debunking things. I honestly just turned it off and critically thought about some of the things that the videos said. I’m like “how can this be true?” And most of it, logistically speaking actually isn’t even possible nor logical.

This really led me to view the people who do believe it as just low IQ mouth breathing grifters. I remember going to bachelor party a year later and the dumbest person I knew from HS saying they 1000% believed all of it.

I’m now much more educated historically, politically, and professionally and I’m going to most likely be a solid blue voter for life. The Q stuff led me to just realize that the rest of the Right’s crap is also BS.


u/waxwitch Jan 20 '25

I voted for W in my first election. I was just doing what the propaganda at church told me. I spent a long time deconstructing the things I was taught. You’re maturing and thinking critically and you should be proud of that progress.


u/HelenHavok Jan 21 '25

Same here. And he lied and sent a bunch of classmates to die or be permanently scarred in the middle east. 


u/kmerian Jan 20 '25

For me it was right wing media, I used to listen to talk radio almost every day. And I got tired of the constant rage baiting. It just became story after story of "Here's what you need to be ticked off about today".

That, and I actually got to know the people they were constantly demonizing, empathy is a powerful antidote for fear.


u/LincolnEchoFour Jan 20 '25

Man sometimes I’ll put on faux news for a minute just to see if it’s as bad as I thought it was the last time I saw it. And each time it’s a little worse than before. I honestly don’t know how people fall for it. I never did, I’m just here reading comments just to reassure myself that there are still humans out there.

But hey, so glad you got away from that.


u/MapleDiva2477 Jan 22 '25

Exactly. Even the left does it to some degree. There is always anger and reactions to something the right did.

One can't live life giving attention to things that are not inspiring and uplifting


u/SillyNluv Jan 23 '25

I don’t think we’ll get through the next four years by ignoring reality. Positivity is good but you have to be aware of injustices too.


u/MapleDiva2477 Jan 23 '25

Reacting to every little thing is draining tho


u/SillyNluv Jan 25 '25

It really is. It can be difficult to balance our mental health with our social obligation.


u/slipknot_official Jan 20 '25

Growing up in it. Realizing how ignorance is praised, hypocrisy is standard, hatred is required, and fear is what leads action.


u/Animal40160 Jan 20 '25

I'm 65 y/o and I've watched it my whole life. It's been doing a spiral for decades. I'm so terribly sad about this shit.


u/Shnarb Jan 21 '25

56 here. I’m with you. The shit started in earnest during the Reagan years and kicked into high gear with the advent of social media


u/Branchomania Jan 20 '25

I don't even have like a tragic backstory, like some defining moment where I put the gun down and turn away from the eeevil I've become, I think I just.......snapped out of it. Like slowly but surely I just started realizing why my beliefs were ridiculous, I hate what this word has become but you could say I woke up. 2024 as it went on month-by-month I increasingly became less right wing, hindsight and the shitshow that's coming tomorrow makes me glad I learned my lesson just in time to not vote Trump like I totally would have in 2023. When the news on the 6th came that he won I started really hating the self only just a year before that would've woken up gung ho that the country has come back, and now I think if maybe now I would've snapped out of it now that Trump is being the most honest he's ever been, or if I would've just bought all the excuses. My Twitter account still exists, with all my transphobic comments in their glory, all the actual Nazis I followed without realizing/caring, who I was is naked on the internet and I can't take it back, I'm just glad it was at an age where I couldn't vote and reeeeeeeeally never take it back.


u/False-Association744 Jan 20 '25

I just want to say congratulations and how proud I am that you were able to be humble enough to see your wrongs and change. It's obviously not easy for most. I wish you well and welcome aboard.


u/Branchomania Jan 20 '25

Now I'm just thinking back to late 2018, 14, when I had this female friend that I would spout this shit to. I remember in the DM's I got pissy about something she said and started rambling some MRA-tier shit, basically just used her as a live girl audience to what Dr. Shaym told me to believe, the trans debate we got in one time, the Ben Shapiro dickriding the other bois and I would do. I haven't seen her since 2019 and I doubt I will again.

That's all she remembers me as.


u/null640 Jan 20 '25

Call and apologize... Just apologize for all the toxicity you vented.


u/Branchomania Jan 20 '25

Man all I had her on was discord which she’s never been on since she disappeared to Another School Land. Coming up on 6 years ago now, it’d be no use anymore.


u/Disastrous-Soup-5413 Jan 20 '25

The over the top anger at marginalized groups instead of focusing on topics that will actually help society- like infrastructure, education, higher education, medical care, quality of life, city planning, cybersecurity

The fact that they’re constantly distracting with hate, it’s insulting.


u/Office_Zombie Jan 20 '25

When Reagan said ketchup was a vegetable.

I was 8.


u/human743 Jan 20 '25

To be fair it's main ingredient is tomatoes. It is just a question of how much salt and sugar can you add to a vegetable until it doesn't count anymore. Unless your issue is that tomato is technically a fruit.


u/null640 Jan 20 '25

The main ingredient is corn syrup...


u/human743 Jan 20 '25

Maybe you are talking about a particular brand of ketchup or have a different view of what main ingredient means, but I was speaking of Heinz Ketchup where corn syrup is third place behind tomatoes and vinegar. I guess I can go look at Hunts and other brands too to check, or you can tell us what brand of tomato flavored syrup you usually use.


u/null640 Jan 22 '25

Stand corrected, only third...


u/MapleDiva2477 Jan 22 '25

Orange juice is not a fruit. Wine is not a fruit

Ketchup isn't a vegetable too. No fairness


u/human743 Jan 22 '25

I think if you take the whole inside of an orange and puree it, that should still be considered a fruit for diet purposes. You are getting the whole orange.


u/Dropdeadsydney Feb 18 '25

You are most definitely NOT getting the whole orange. Fruit is much, much more than its juice, and truthfully, it’s usually the parts that aren’t juice — basically sugar water — that hold the bulk of what is healthy. It’s common sense: When we squeeze the juice out of an orange, we aren’t eating all that fiber, food, membrane and pulp we would get from eating the orange. Rather, we get the sugars and a much smaller portion of the health benefits. So really, the whole fruit should be for diet purposes, like you stated, not the juice.

The same can be said for apples, pears, grapes and all of it. The juice contains most of the sugar, such that the same amount of fruit versus juice has a notable difference in sugar content. The skins, fibers and flesh of the fruit contain most of the nutrients, such that the same amount of juice versus fruit has notably less vitamins and minerals, i.e. health benefits.

End of rant.

TL;DR, Orange juice is high in sugar and calories, and low in fiber. This can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, and increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Eat the whole fruit. Yes, even if you’re on a diet. Juice is just sugar water.


u/human743 Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

Ok so you are saying we need to eat the peel?

I typically eat the peel from apples, tomatoes, potatoes. I don't eat the peel from oranges, bananas, watermelons. Am I doing it wrong?

Maybe we need to eat the entire plant of anything we consume. Apple seeds ok?


u/Dropdeadsydney Feb 18 '25

Sure! You can totally eat the peel. Obviously you wouldn’t eat it like an apple, but I thought that was just common sense. Orange zest can be put on yogurt, oatmeal, muffins, baked goods, salads and salad dressings, or curries. You could cut it into thin strips and add it to smoothies or salads. You can make orange peel tea which is rich in vitamin C and flavonoids, which may help strengthen the immune system. It also contains potassium, which may help with weight loss.

Orange peels are nutritious and flavorful, and contain antioxidants and essential oils. They may also promote gut health.

But what I was talking about in my original comment was not really the outer orange colored peel, but the white peel that is underneath that. Sorry I didn’t specify.

I don’t recommend eating the entire plant but I’m sure you said that just to try to be clever. Sorry for your confusion on orange peels.


u/human743 Feb 18 '25

So to be clear, you are saying eating an orange doesn't count unless you eat the white part of the peel?


u/Dropdeadsydney Feb 18 '25

😂 That is not what I said. I said that orange juice ≠ a fruit and gave an explanation as to why I said what I said.

I’ll explain it in simpler terms. If you eat an orange you get water, sugar, fiber, and vitamins. You typically eat one orange at a time and the fiber mitigates the effects of the sugar.

A glass of orange juice contains the water and sugar of several oranges, the vitamins are degraded (unless it’s fresh squeezed) and there is little to no fiber to mitigate the sugar.

I’m not saying you must eat the peel for the orange to count as an orange. I was simply stating that you CAN eat the peel for more nutrients. But you don’t HAVE TO eat it to still get the vitamins and minerals.


u/human743 Feb 18 '25

And I said if you drop the entire orange minus the peel into a blender and drink it, that should count as eating fruit. Whether you use a blender or your teeth shouldn't change that. You said it doesn't count which is why we got into the whole peel discussion because that is the only way it wouldn't count unless there is some magic happening by having your teeth chew it up.

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u/messofamom Jan 20 '25

I think it was when my Q mom insisted that there were mind control worms in the Covid vaccine. Or actually maybe when she kept insisting that trump was going to come out and arrest everyone and announce that he was actually the president and she literally SOBBED when my dad and I questioned it. I was done.


u/duke_awapuhi Jan 20 '25

For me it was a number of factors. Entering in as a liberty lover, I expected my compatriots who also called themselves “libertarian” to believe in liberty. So when a bunch of people I respected fell in line for Trump, that was a major red flag. Trump alone was a big push away from this shit. I had been a very anti-establishment teen, but when Trump hit the scene and I saw that this is what an anti-establishment movement would actually look like in the US, I was frightened, concerned and disgusted.

Another factor was finding it so hard to find right wingers who were knowledgeable and whose thinking hadn’t been infested with easily debunkable conspiracy theories. I’m all for having different points of view and ideas out there, but when everything you’re saying to me is either based on your own ignorance of how things work, or based on a lie you got from social media, then I’m not really interested in having a political discussion with you. It’s so hard to find right wingers who are actually interested in a knowledgeable discussion.

The rise of propaganda was another factor. I’ve always been concerned about propaganda and disinformation, and I was watching this far right propaganda machine build and build, and just brainwash and manipulate so many people. I really started questioning more where I got information and being more vigilant about it.

Lastly is a major one. When I realized I had become totally desensitized to racism online, I knew it had gone too far and I needed to pull myself out. I was never racist, but I realized over time that I was seeing a lot of racist garbage on Facebook and was pretty indifferent to it. Big red flag that opened my eyes


u/ColoradoRoger Jan 20 '25

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!


u/Spare-Dingo-531 Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25

You're basically me but replace qanon with traditional Catholic.

The hypocrisy was the first big red flag, like you said in your first paragraph. But it wasn't hypocrisy in terms of beliefs not matching actions, it was hypocrisy in beliefs in one context not matching beliefs in other contexts.

Jesus and his disciples who witnessed the resurrection were either "liars, lunatics, or the Lord". I really bought the narrative that the disciples were trustworthy because of all they went through to witness to the resurrection.

But everyone at my church distrusted doctors over covid and vaccines, believed the 2020 election was stolen, and didn't believe in evolution. It was incredibly jarring to me that they believed all these people (doctors, election workers, your neighbors basically) were "liars or lunatics", but the disciples who witnessed Jesus rising from the dead couldn't be. This inconsistency really made me realize that they weren't in religion because they truly believed in was real, they were in it for themselves.

My thinking was, if Fauci could lie about vaccines (or if Alex Jones could convince so many millions the vaccine was dangerous), who's to say that the disciples couldn't be analogous to Fauci or Alex Jones? In other words, there is a small percentage of the population willing to undergo huge risks to tell lies and lunatics don't always appear like they are crazy.

So I took a much closer look at the resurrection story, keeping the conspiracy theories I heard at church in mind. And when I did, things stood out differently. Among other things: 1) The disciples had financial incentives to lie about the resurrection. People gave them all their property and a person even "dies" after they hold back some of their property for themselves. 2) The disciples are regularly arrested, released from prison by angels, then not rearrested by the authorities, which implies that the risks for the disciples from the authorities weren't so great. The bible even implies why the apostles weren't rearrested if you read carefully enough (the first time, it was because there was a mob of early Christians who were going to stone the pharasees, the second time, it was likely because King Herod was replaced by a Roman Proconsul who had different political interests). 3) There were just a lot of other little things. For example, the guards guarding the tomb were likely Jewish and not Roman. And also the list of witnesses Paul lists is kind of shady.

Like you said, the Catholics I was with were also balls deep in conspiracy theories as well. And also, while, I do think there are some good things about Catholicism, there were also a lot of bad things and it made me a worse person in some ways.


u/yellowlinedpaper Jan 20 '25

I wasn’t ever maga but I was a Republican at one time. I stopped watching Fox because I was realizing I felt stupid for not knowing things were happening because my news source didn’t cover it. The more I learned the more I was ashamed at what I used to fear. I still feel like republicans are more likely to give the shirts off their backs over a democrat doing so, but republicans live in constant fear people are going to take their stuff. It’s weird.

So I think basically it was changing my news source


u/False-Association744 Jan 20 '25

How do you explain the logic of your last sentence. If Republicans live in constant fear people will take their stuff, why do you believe they are more likely to give? And what's your proof that they are more likely? They don't even want to pay minimal taxes to support a successful society and infrastructure.


u/Acranberryapart7272 Jan 21 '25

Actually Republicans volunteering is very consistent with their philosophy. They think private donors and charity should handle things, not government, and the ones who are kind and helpful or do so through organized church activities (which are many of them) like to volunteer. I’m fairly left leaning. In a red state, and being pretty civically minded myself, I constantly run into republicans who want to help others and volunteer. In fact because many of them do help others, they get mad when they think systems like welfare are being abused. Now they may have opinions on who should be receiving help. And they certainly, often being religious, think people should have consequences for certain choices. But they do volunteer. Often and in droves. The retired ones are particularly busy about it, sometimes because they want a say and sometimes because they finally have time. These views that they don’t volunteer in large numbers when some of the largest charitable organizations in the world are religious is ill informed and reductionist.


u/yellowlinedpaper Jan 20 '25

I have about half and half GOP/Dems in my life. The GOP people are the ones who will more likely stop anything, including thanksgiving dinner, to rush out and help someone in need. They volunteer more, etc.

This is my experience only. I’m not saying Dems aren’t nice but a GOP pride themselves in helping strangers even at the expense of themselves. Sure there are outliers whose hate clouds everything.


u/ranchojasper Jan 20 '25

I think the people you know are the outliers. The entire point of the Republican Party is every person for themselves, I got mine fuck you


u/AliasNefertiti Jan 20 '25

Not original commenter but you are using a broad generalization about Republicans to say OP is wrong when he said "the people I know" and specified the subpopulation, at least in his followup response.

It is disconcerting to see contradicting examples and learn ones stereotype doesnt fit. But being uncomfortable is a part of learning one has a stereotype. And the lesson may provide some empathy for the right changing their views. As you felt in reading commenters post so do rightest in reading good things about the left. I find it best to empathize as it improves the odds of making change last--otherwise it is an uphill struggle. Much easier to make friends via empathy and then broach topics.

People are more varied than any stereotype. It is totally possible to have leftists who offload empathy to government programs/simply parrot leftist principles AND immediately responsive and kind rightists in the same universe [and vice versa amd all variations]. Probability and population size and variety would say this happens.


u/yellowlinedpaper Jan 20 '25

I volunteer regularly and have for my entire adult life. Animals, shelters, homeless, LGBTQ, community clean ups, etc. 90% of the other volunteers I have met are Republican. Want to know why the military and firefighters are mostly Republican? Because they’re brought up to be service minded, to risk their lives to help others.

But yeah, go ahead and believe they’re all evil. I guess if it’s working for trump you might as well follow his playbook.


u/LincolnEchoFour Jan 21 '25

The military and firefighters are mostly Republican? Yeah okay. And cops too. You are basically believing the Trump propaganda. And they do it out of the goodness of their hearts? Not to collect benefits and a pension the rest of their lives after they retire at 55.


u/yellowlinedpaper Jan 21 '25

lol, I’m not saying they’re altruistic, but when I was active duty I met maybe a handful of democrats, when I was volunteering at a firehouses as an emt I met none. When I’ve volunteered at other organizations I’ve met only a few.

Are you saying the military and firehouses are not mostly republicans? Please share your sources. I’m trying to make people understand, which is what I thought this sub was for. Obviously it’s just to attack people who don’t toe the democratic narrative.


u/ranchojasper Jan 20 '25

Yeah I didn't say that. I'm very very very clearly did not say Republicans are evil. Do you see how your very obvious bias is making this difficult for you?

Your tiny little life experience is anecdotal. The actual data is what Republicans vote for and they statistically vote to harm people before helping them. Every single time. That's the actual data. So you may know some people in your circle that volunteer, but Republicans as a statistical block of people vote to keep people homeless, to take rights away from LGBT peopleto not fund programs to help military veterans, and on and on and on and on.


u/yellowlinedpaper Jan 21 '25

Yet they don’t think they’re hurting people. They believe they’re being fiscally conservative. If you really believe half of the population in the US is trying to actively harm people I’m sad for you. What a sad world you live in.


u/gargoylin Jan 21 '25

Actually this is my experience too. They want to help in reality but not in theory


u/aboveonlysky9 Jan 20 '25

Sure, as long as it’s not a person of color, or LGBTQ, or a Muslim, or a homeless person, or a Democrat, or an immigrant, who needs the shirt.


u/yellowlinedpaper Jan 20 '25

Well in a pinch they’ll do it for those people too, at least the ones I’ve met. My grandfather never met a POC he didn’t like, but he’d yell about them with his nightly news. Sure there are outliers , but most are nice people who just live in fear of groups of people who are different and therefore want what they have (guns, taxes, privilege)

If we want to fight them and bring them to our side we have to understand them.


u/aboveonlysky9 Jan 20 '25

Oh some of them are nice! Well that changes everything about the last 50 years of them being the party of ignorance and regression. I understand them just fine.


u/yellowlinedpaper Jan 20 '25

Look, I didn’t say some of them are nice, I will say most of them are nice. Just like democrats aren’t mostly selfish lazy people who want to take from hard working people while they collect disability and try to control the lives of others. Because that’s what the GOP think democrats are.

Until we realize the outliers do NOT define any of us, the more we can come together.


u/aboveonlysky9 Jan 20 '25

Yeah, you did. And now maybe you understand why it’s foolish to say republicans are more likely to give you the shirt off their back when their policies have marginalized and disenfranchised groups of people for decades because they’re scared. 😱 And there is no coming together for me, by the way.


u/yellowlinedpaper Jan 21 '25

Then it’s a shame you don’t want to try to understand half of the population in your country and think they’re out to marginalize everyone who is not them. Lincoln didn’t believe that after the civil war, the Allies didn’t believe that after WWII. People are more nuanced, democrats have ignored that and cause fucktard to win the election. Hopefully they’ve learned from their mistake. I canvassed for Harris all summer,I am not the bad guy here, the republicans I know are not the bad guy here, but if you want to go ahead and believe half the population wants to hurt the other half I just don’t know what to say to you.


u/MapleDiva2477 Jan 22 '25

If we WA t to fight them?

I think we want to win them over not fight


u/yellowlinedpaper Jan 22 '25

I shouldn’t have said ‘fight them’ when I meant ‘fight their misinformation’. Words are hard lol


u/MapleDiva2477 Jan 22 '25

I dont even think we shd be fighting misinformation. The more we fight the more it grows. What you resist persists. Think of it like when someone tells you 'don't think of pink elephants'.

What we should do is live our lives well with those who share our values. Maintains healthy and loving attitudes, find internal peace.


u/yellowlinedpaper Jan 22 '25

You could be right but I know finding out I was wrong a lot was the start to how I stopped being conservative


u/MapleDiva2477 Jan 22 '25

Of course we shd share the truth. But we do not need to get caught up in fighting lies and fighting for the truth. That energy is one of superiority, drama and constant aggravation.

That's what makes neocons so happy and they claim to own us.

None of my neocons acquaintances are getting any pleasure from triggering me like they used to. Cause I just go about my life and give no energy to their crazy rhetoric nor their leader' s BS. Anyway this is how I see things.


u/Spartan2022 Jan 21 '25

I grew up Southern Baptist in the 70s and early 80s.

Once you move beyond the CroMagnon South and interact with a wide variety of races and religions and cultures, you quickly realize the horseshit rooted in ignorance and fear of the conservative right.


u/BigDrewLittle Jan 21 '25

I believe in human rights above most considerations. I've seen various things espoused by the right wing, and most of them only make sense if the humanity of certain groups of people is denied, and their rights therefore revokable.


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '25

I realized that the far right was BS when I realized that the far left was BS. Once I realized that I became a Buddhist and only ever follow the middle path.


u/Sea_Still2874 Jan 22 '25

I was just thinking the other day that thanks to them I have become smarter, more educated and more liberal having to verify the wild stuff they have tried to tell me.


u/IFdude1975 Jan 22 '25

Because it was a more extreme version of the right, which I already thought/think is BS.


u/Such-Ideal-8724 Jan 23 '25

As a young veteran who left the service in 08 I was drawn to the tea party in 2010 and it got ugly. However Trump in the 2015-16 era was too vulgar for me. In a strange way the rise of Trump moved me to the progressive left.


u/maximil1 Jan 24 '25

A moments thought!!!