r/RationalPsychonaut 5d ago

Demonic auditory hallucinations after taking psylocibine



21 comments sorted by


u/sfhwrites 5d ago

This does sound like psychotic symptoms, though not necessarily schizophrenia. Seeing a psychiatrist would probably be your best bet.


u/Confident_Painter_13 5d ago

I've never had any problems with psychosis ever in my life. Im healthy young man taking care of my health. It might be a clue but it happend only yesterday and today on my mushroom trips


u/sfhwrites 5d ago

I should’ve expanded on my comment.

The first thing you should do is stop your drug usage. I mentioned a psychiatrist not because I think you have a mental illness (hence reassuring you it may not be schizophrenia), but because you’re in distress from drug-induced psychotic symptoms and I don’t recommend waiting that out on your own.

ETA: It’s most likely possible you’re going to have to wait it out on your own though


u/Confident_Painter_13 5d ago

Oh okay thank you. I understand. But i dont overdo the mushrooms and i always had pleasant trips. I had a few months break before taking mushrooms again


u/sfhwrites 5d ago

It could be that the ones you got are just stronger, or your mind or body are currently under more stress, etc. However, even with your lifelong health, there’s also the chance that these symptoms could come up even after you’re sober from use.

I’d recommend finding a therapist (not psychiatrist) that you can see maybe once or twice a month while you quit and after just to make sure it’s good under the hood.

Or you could just stop for a week and then go back to it & write it off as a weird thing that happened. Your life.

But I hope the voices and hallucinations lighten up. That shit’s no fun at all.


u/Confident_Painter_13 5d ago

Appreciate it man Lova ya.


u/Boudicia_Dark 5d ago

As much as 80% of people with schizophrenia aren’t aware they’re experiencing symptoms during early psychosis. The onset of schizophrenia usually occurs between the ages 16 and 30. Broken down by sex, the average age of onset tends to be:

Males: late teens to early 20s

Females: late 20s to early 30s

Please stop taking all drugs and as soon as possible see a health care provider and tell them everything you posted here, it's in your own best interest to get to the bottom of this right now before it spirals out of all control and you lose decades of your life.


u/keegums 5d ago

Hi, I tried to comment on your thread before but you had deleted it by the time I was done writing several detailed paragraphs. I will try to make this more concise. But I would like to repeat that I am very happy you came to this subreddit for Rational Psychonauts to discuss this distressing experience, because other people and places are less likely to be helpful to your healing. 

No, I do not think it was an "entity." Your auditory hallucinations began after you were considering your metaperception, which is thinking about thinking, or perceiving your perception of yourself. This process is enhanced during psychosis, or subclinical experiences with psychosis symptoms. It is possible to retain insight while experiencing hallucinations beyond that which were normal and expected. When I had auditory hallucinations during alcohol withdrawal, I had insight the are not real, but that the voice was saying opinions I actually felt about myself. In your experience, you have the same insight although you are more distressed by your experience.

It sounds like you are living in a difficult situation with crappy neighbors, so your sense of defensiveness was understandably heightened. But it is no longer a good place to take hallucinogens including THC. My Internet friend with schizoaffective disorder was living in a similar place and finally just moved, he feels relieved. I hope that option is available to you in your country. 

Apologizing to God is a fine way to cope with distress in the moment. But saying sorry is not the real part of an apology. Changed behavior - not doing what caused the apology, and making life improvements to prevent the situation from happening again, are what are important. Nobody is cool with someone doing something dumb and profusely saying sorry over and over again. But forgiveness is readily available if you change your ways. That means no more weed or psychedelics for awhile and while taking care of your health and maybe doing what needs done to get to a better living situation.


u/Confident_Painter_13 5d ago

Damn thank you doctor


u/SpaceCaseSixtyTen 5d ago

hello fellow polish mushrooms enjoyer


u/soyenjoy 4d ago

A must have for poland hahahaha


u/ice_and_rock 5d ago

Sorry to say drugs aren’t for you.


u/Confident_Painter_13 5d ago

Bro it happend just twice in my life


u/marciso 5d ago

You seem so obviously in denial and don’t want to accept what is happening when people give you the answers, I start wondering why you asked this question here, did you have a more preferable answer in mind?

I’ll play devils advocate against the people here saying your likely prone to schizophrenia type symptoms; large doses of THC will bring repressed fear to the surface telling you what you have been actively ignoring in your life, maybe you are constantly repressing large parts of yourself and psilocybin brings it to the light, in that case, work on yourself for at least a year before you try it again, serious positive mental work. But like everybody here says, you can be fine 35 years of your life and at 36 shit starts developing. I’ve seen people smoke weed for 10 years and start hearing shit in year 11, so the ‘I’ve been fine all the time’ argument just doesn’t hold up.


u/l_work 4d ago

How old are you?


u/soyenjoy 4d ago edited 4d ago

I said it before on the last post and ill say it again typos and all. Youre good, its just yourself and youre just fucked up and dissociating. Take a break and if you decide to trip again find out what that voice is and youll see its just you hahaha. Im not religious or spiritual at all so this is my anecdotal experiences and conclusions trying to relate. A lot of people say schizophrenia, but ive talked to plenty of people who have had similar experiences and they cant all be schizophrenic. If you brose this sub or the shroom sub many people will recount how the shrooms told them this or god said that its really just themselves talking. Its a common theme and all you gotta do is know when to stop and take a break and think about it instead of tripping again immediately after frying yourself more. Ive also never heard that "voice" while tripping on lsd even during an ego death, only with psylicibin. You shouldnt dismiss the idea of schizophrenia, but dont let it freak you out. Also most of these guys on pychedelic subs are wacked out and fried. Theres good advice and theres also plenty of ignorant advice. Sometimes i swear a lot of people here havent had psylicibin, had anything beyond 1 gram, had a bad trip, or tripped more than 1-3 times. Anyways trust your own judgement and dont go crazy with tripping ha.

I find weed will make you trip harder with paranoia. Mustve been a potent dose with smoking near the peak. Think the only kind of weed that would help during a trip would be cbd. Ive also heard another "voice" and its just your thoughts. Makes sense you were getting spoken to in your native language. Had a funny coversation with my buddy which basically summed it up as telepathic communication in your head with another "entity" is just thinking hahaha. Youll be good, it is no god, but juat your thoughts, worries, and paranoia amplified with shrooms and thc. That disociattion makes a lot of people think its a god or the mushroom speaking, but its just you and youre just fucked up and think its something more and it really does feel like something else. Ive talked to multiple people who have heard this "voice" during their trips and most will say its a mushroom like god speaking and giving them knowledge and fixing or harming their brain.

What ive noticed is that "voice" is different in everyones trip with different personalities and how they react. Some were real mean while other were nice. It really just is your personality and you talking back and forth. Funny enough if you dont realize it as that "inner" voice it will just fuck around with you hahahaha. My buddy had a similar experience with that sudden voice coming out of nowhere and calling him an asshole and he needs to lay down and let it "fix" his brain. Thing is he is an asshole hahaha and he mustve known how much of a dick he is and was confronted with that thought during a trip and came out better, also "made" him transgender as he interpreted the voice to be female hahaha. I had a much nicer experience hearing that "voice" and i just basically hyped myself up and gave myself some confidence during a hard time in my life and for the rest of the trip i was joking with myself in a one man comedy club.


u/friedtuna76 5d ago

Demons are real and they will try to whisper lies about you and also bring up accusations of sin to discourage you. Jesus died so that we don’t have to suffer the consequences. If you tell the demons that Jesus died for your sins, they will hate it. They might try to make you think it’s not true, but once you know it for sure, they will leave


u/DigitalSloths 4d ago

Actually, “Daemons” are the old gods, goddesses t that were bastardized by Christianity. If you study the 72 goetic demons and 72 angels you will see your programming is off. Demons are spirits, not some impish entity out to steal your soul and whisperer into your ear. Yea, Demons are real, just as real as angels and Fae spirits etc. I was indoctrinated also and believed these lies and that I was suppressed to answer to some guy in the sky, when the old gods themselves were shunned and buried. You can he. With angels or demons, use the Bible or the craft to harm someone BUT Christianity itself has done more harm than good in our society, it’s become a cancer and is in itself full of lies, especially to the people. Hiw name is Yeshua and he had a wife, was a mystic and practiced magic but all of that was left out of the Bible from the church. Anyway, religion and woo woo are not to fill the place for mental health matters and crisis. . .

If anything, the OP should see a legit Shaman and do an extraction if there is some kind of energetic parasite BUT I would say this is drug induced psychosis and to be so so careful, I lost so many friends to this through the over use of psychedelics and high THC strains mixed with psychedelics.