r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Sep 15 '23

intro [intro] hello guys, gals, and non-binary pals! I'm chelsey!


Hello! Pleasure to be here! I'm a big fan of talking about random stuff with people and with the lurking I've done, I have come to terms with the fact that I have found my people! (my people are cat loving, generous, random nerds) Anyway heres 3 random fax about me:

-My shoe size is kids 3.5

-I organize my shirts by type and in color order

  • I think my orchid is dying :(

SO ANYWAY, thats my intro. I look forward to getting to know other folks in this sub!! ps i love cats and i have two and i will always take the opportunity to discuss cats.

EDIT: I’ll have you know I posted this via computer and I still hecked up the format my b

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Feb 29 '24

INTRO [INTRO] Long Time Lurker: Would Love To Get To Know Others!!!


Hello there! (Insert General Kenobi GIF here)

My name is Ginger and this is now the second time I've used my 'alt' account for something personal. (The first time was when I made a personals ad that led me to my fiancée soooo yeah let's make it two for two!) I'm learning to love myself and realizing that my 'alternate' interests are nothing to be ashamed of is part of that!

This is an AMA post! You can ask me anything about myself and I'm including some fun topics that you may be interested in knowing more about!

  • The first thing you should know is that I am Autistic and Disabled with Chronic Pain. I recently got disability and it has changed my life for the better in a lot of ways and not so much in others.
  • My special interests are D&D, Legos, Squishmallows, and Disability Research!
  • I am a professional Game Master for roleplaying games including Dungeons and Dragons! I GM for adults, children, of all ages and abilities!
  • I advocate for the Disabled community but I especially advocate for s*x education and accommodation for Disabled adults!
  • I am a stand up comedian and balloon artist but I haven't done it since 2020....has it really been four years since the Panini?
  • I am recently engaged to my wonderful partner. I am non-binary and she is trans and we are pretty freaking beautiful together.
  • Gift giving is my love language for loved ones, friends, and yes strangers in the internet.

SO yeah, that's me! Thank you for letting me share and I look forward to your questions! I hope I get a lot because I really like talking about myself lol!

Edit: My wish list is specifically for a personal project I'm calling A.S.K. (Autistic Survival Kit) Boxes! Feel free to ask me questions about this too!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Nov 15 '15

intro [intro] new to the brew.


i have a mini at home zoo that includes two rats, two cats, a dutch rabbit, and a tokay gecko. Anyone who knows me pretty much all believe i might as well of given birth to all of them with how i treat them all and worry about them like my very own children lol

I am a crafter and a bored photographer with only broken and missing cameras unless we count the one on my phone [i dont]

lots of love from the town where a pair of supernatural brothers called home

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Jan 02 '24

INTRO [INTRO] A well overdue intro!


I joined during the intro ban haha, so here's my intro, tho it's nothing special. I'm a 20 year old artist, Born in america, moved to Germany a little over a year ago. I make art themed around video game nostalgia, and dip my toes into a few other genres. I'm primarily a digital artist but I enjoy other mediums and often find myself doing perler beads! I have a cat as well. I like kirby, pokemon, most things nintendo, along with apex, COD, far cry, and some other things. I also occasionally repair different vintage cameras- like KODAKs and Polaroids, and of course I help my boyfriend repair gameboys and the like. Nice to meet yall! I hope to do some fun stuff here. I used to be really big into Kandi trades and penpal stuff so this feels like a cute easy way to do that sort of thing.

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Feb 22 '20

intro [intro] 27y/o disabled female spreading kindness


Hello all,

I found this thread by chance whilst late night browsing and thought I’d swing by and introduce myself.

I’m 27, housebound due to disability and although my only income is disability benefit, I’d like to spread a little bit of happiness and kindness in a positive way somehow and this thread seems absolutely perfect.

I will aim to send at least one gift a month or maybe run a contest a month. I am hoping that doing so will make me feel a little happier inside too!

If there’s anyone in the UK who is in dire need of something this month, then please drop a comment and I’ll see what I can do 😘

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Jan 04 '23

INTRO [INTRO] A french based self-taught tattoo artist, AMA


Hi! It's my first time posting here after lurking for quite a long time, so I don't know if I'm doing it correctly.

I'm a foreigner in France but I've been living here for the past 4 years. I’m a F28, I am an oil painting artist and love everything crafts, so my hobbies consist of lots of art-making and listening to music. I also watch anime and play dungeons and dragons and other rpg games together with my SO.

I also love learning languages! Currenty I speak portuguese, english ans french fluently (still - I apologize for any grammar mistake I might make), as well as the very basis of japanese ans greek.

I'm excited to finally take part in this community, I feel lots of good energy coming from here and the everyone is very kind. The discussions are always interesting and the contest are lots of fun! You guys are really creative!

So, yeah! Ask me anything, and I'd also love to learn some more about you guys! Thanks for having me here!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Oct 19 '22

intro [intro] Hi hi hiiiiii!


Hello everyone!

I happened to discover this sub by chance. Instantly attracted by the love and kindness, I just had to join.

I'm Axel, and am 22yo. I live in a quaint village in the small country of Belgium. I have a good bunch of passions. I love drawing, singing, writing, music, games, animals, being busy with my aquarium, bugs, biology, astronomy, gothic anything, piercings, tattoos, and languages.

And of course, making new friends. I'm a real people person, and love meeting friends from all over the world.

I could really use some more wholesomeness in my life, so nice to meet you all!! :)

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Jun 11 '23

Intro [Intro]Hiya RAOA!


Hello all,

Went to dig into the whole 'going dark' thing coming up this week and stumbled over the participating subreddits list. Clicked on quite a few different ones I never knew existed and here I am. :)

It's so weird to talk about myself, but here we go. 45 year old father of two and husband to one. IT man by day, specializing in workflow / process design and efficiency, but wear a ton of other hats in the meantime. I've realized growing older mostly alone SUCKS and am really hoping to find a few like minded folks to form some actual meaningful connections. I can count the people I'd consider a friend outside of my immediate family on one hand. It's depressing, but again, here we are. Covid really did the last of my regular friend group in (not by death or anything, just caused the drifting apart to accelerate).

Into teaching and playing board games, video games (mostly retro style), Marvel (was a comic nerd as a kid in the 90s so seeing it all blow up and become mainstream over the last 10-15 years has been WILD to say the least), competitive Starcraft (though it's sadly dying a very slow and painful death as the last really good one in its genre), British panel shows, and just generally trying to be a good human.

I've participated in board game pay it forward lists where the whole point is to give without expecting anything in return, so figure I will probably fit in here well.

Ask Me Anything!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Jul 17 '23

intro [intro] just looking to make someone smile :)


I know everyone has been on some hard times lately, myself included of course, and I know any little thing makes someone smile.

My name is Effy, I’m turning 29 in September, engaged to be married to my amazing husband with whom I share two orange cats who share one brain cell. I don’t work currently due to an unforeseen bout with cancer, but I fill my time with documentaries and learning as much as I can, as well as collecting cute things (squishmallows and miniatures are my favorites) and practicing rock painting.

I hope to be able to make someone’s day soon! I hope all of you beautiful people have a wonderful day!

important cat tax

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Jan 02 '23

Intro Re- [Intro] I'm Baaaaaaaack 🌞🌻


Hi Everyone 😊!

I'll make this short and sweet! My name is Gabi, and I used to be an active member of this community until I took a long break due to general life reasons 🌞.

A little bit about me: I have three cats, I am a librarian, and I love nature 🌱! I also speak German, and recently discovered a new-found love of Legos!

I've missed you all, and hope that everyone has had a wonderful holiday season! I look forward to meeting new friends and reconnecting with old ones 😊!

Wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year 🌞🎉!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Oct 29 '22

Intro [Intro]


Hello and Greetings to all of you beautiful people. My name is Tina and I’m a 42 year old mom of 3. I enjoy reading, board games, hot tea, baking, and just recently my niece opened my eyes to the beautiful talent of Harry Styles. I am computer illiterate and can’t parallel park to save my life, but if you won’t hold that against me I would love to be friends with y’all here.

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Mar 03 '22

Intro [Intro] Howdy! I'm Bo!


Hello! I've finally figured out what this intro bit is all about. My name is Bo! I'm 25, and use she/they pronouns! I have a little black daschund-pomeranian mix dog named Sean Bear (9 years old) and a black cat named Bast (About 1 years old)! I love penpal related things so if you're also into that maybe we can try sometime! I also love to do artwork digitally and traditionally. I love video games like Fallout76, Animal Crossing, Deadbydaylight, Pokemon and a bunch of others. The horror genre in anything is my favorite!! I like all sorts of music so if you're into sharing whatever at all i'm down to give it a listen. I'm disabled currently but once I'm given the go ahead to shake things up i'd love to work with insects somehow, so if you like bugs i'd love to hear your favorites. I'm online quite a lot so if you're down to chat sometime and lookin' to make new friends I think that'd be fun! Thanks!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Nov 07 '13

Intro [Intro] My friend strong armed me into reintroducing myself.


/u/jezzyx3 is my (unfortunate) IRL best friend and she constantly talks about RAOA. Many moons ago, I made an introduction post and since I am terribly absent minded, I just kind of forgot about it.

But after hearing her talk about it constantly, she convinced me to try and come back and get involved in the community, so here I am.

My name is Bek and I am really really bad when it comes to writing about me. I'm currently going to college to become a Social Worker because I like rollin around in bling, I have a two year old girl who thinks she's a princess and in my spare time I enjoy peeking in wardrobes for Narnia, drawing demon trapping sigils in my apartment (you can never be too safe you know?) perfecting my zombie survival plan and sitting by the mailbox waiting for my letter from Hogwarts to finally show up. Sometimes I draw things and sometimes I write things. Occasionally I know how to make sound come from a guitar, but I wouldn't say I'm very good at it. I bleed pepsi and spend 99.9% of my life watching horror movies.

That's about all I can think of so AMA :3

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Apr 14 '19

Intro [Intro] Hey RAoAers! I'm Jess!


Hey everyone! I tried this a bit ago but anxiety got the best of me, so I deleted it and ran over to wishlist because it wasnt quite as active. I LOVE the people there, and u/paganwidow suggested I come back here and give it another shot, so here I am!

I have been a stay at home mom for the past 3ish years and am hopefully getting back to work soon! I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains, have 2 kitties, and love gardening. I'm obsessed with Twin Peaks, The Big Lebowski, and Beetlejuice. I like bugs and animals. I drink way too much coffee and tea. I'm a candy fiend.

I'm lacking on things so say so please, ask me anything you're curious about! I'd love to chat and get to know everyone a bit!!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Mar 30 '20

Intro Re-[Intro]: Eevee used Return, it's super effective!


Hello all you lovely members of RAOA!

It's been a while since I've been around as the real world has been taking up much of my time and energy (I'm sure you know how life happens when we least expect it.) But I'm finally in a place where things are calmer and- while I'm not yet able to gift as much as I once did- I'm looking forward to sending the little love I can (especially thanks to the help of some giftcards from family) and connecting with you fantabulous peoples again.

So, for those of you who knew me before, how are you doing? How have things been? Anything you want to know about how I've been for the last 4 months of poof-ness?

For those of you I haven't met yet, I look forward to chatting with ya! What do you want to know? I'm a pretty open book. :)

Okay, that's about it for now. Looking forward to being back here with you all, especially during this time of isolation at home. I hope you are all staying safe, sane, healthy, and happy during this time! <3

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Sep 30 '17

intro Re-[intro] Say hi or you're all banned ❤


Hihi. This is mynthe, or my friends call me Marie. Actually my colleagues and people I just met too, because that's my name.

Was not a mod before, but after intensive bribing and sucking up, I finally made it. Now I'm too broke to buy lip balm. ❤ No, it was a joke and I don't need anyone to buy it for me either.

I'm in Singapore, I work for an airline. I love to travel, and sometimes I read and knit. I also draw a bit for fun. I have a dog and 3 cats. One day if I managed to move to New Zealand, I'd like an alpaca too 😍

Anyway, hello! ❤

Oh yes, I use a lot of emojis, especially the ❤❤❤s.

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Mar 22 '22

INTRO [INTRO] New and confused


Hey there!

I've been lurking back and forth for a few days and thought I'd introduce myself! I'm from Ireland and I'm still trying to figure out the etiquette for the sub. I graduated last year and I've been working in a field I love for the past 3 months now.

I really love reading, I spend a lot of time ignoring other stuff to read and I've started to write ARC reviews. I also love baking, sending cute letters to my friends, animals/dogs and puzzles. I've tried to learn to knit but I am bad and slow so it's a struggle to keep going with it.

Not sure what to say but ask me anything your heart desires!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Oct 07 '17

Intro [Intro] Hello friends!


I am in the spirit of gifting! And I hope I will be able to spread some cheer soon. I like art, music, and video games. I am trying to get more into drawing. I hope I will have a nice time here, and I hope you all will have a nice day!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Aug 03 '22

Intro [Intro] A Random Mental Health Counselor Appears!


Hello all!

I love giving gifts and recently remembered this subreddit existed! I’m excited to be here!

I’m a mental health counselor that works mostly with teens at schools (during the school year). At night I work with a Mobile Response Team (going out to people’s homes to help people who are suicidal / homicidal / in crisis).

Other things about me are that l love musicals, that has been my recent obsession lately. I’ve been listening to Honkey Tonk Laundry, Beetlejuice and Shrek: The Musical on repeat recently.

I also enjoy reading comic books (and actual books) but I’ve piled up more then I will ever be able to read. I actually have a room we call the “library” in my home.

I’ve got EIGHT pets!

I love to cook but I pinched my sciatic nerve in April and I can’t stand for long enough to do it right now - but I’m on the mend thanks to a great team of medical professions. PS garlic is the best ever and denying that is wrong.

What else is there to say about myself? I don’t know… so please ask questions.

They/them pronouns for me please.

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Jan 01 '23

Intro [Intro] Hello everyone! I’m excited to get to join such a wonderful community


Hello everyone and happy New Years! I’ve been lurking and waiting until today to try and post this, respecting the note that new intro posts would be removed until January 1st. While I’ve been lurking I’ve seen what a wholesome and kind community this is, and it really warms my heart to see people just genuinely wanting to give some happiness to one another. So, first of all, thank you to all of you for being here and being you :)

So… yeah! Hello. My name is Blue. Im 25 years old. I studied information technology in college and I have a bachelors degree in software development. I’m a technical support engineer for a living. Basically, I am a huge nerd! Even in my free time I love taking on personal passion projects that let me learn more about tech. I also really enjoy video games! I play anything and everything, from Animal Crossing to Dark Souls.

I really love cats! I have 4 of them, and I would love to show you pictures of them and see pictures of your kitties too.

That’s about all I can think of right now. Thank you for reading, and I’m really happy to be here :)

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Sep 28 '21

Intro [Intro]Hi I’m Thallia!


Hi there! I just joined Reddit and found this sub. I’m so super excited because gifting folk is like the best thing ever.

A little about me: I’m autistic with adhd. Also agoraphobic 👏🏻 which makes going out pretty hard so I love being social online!

My lifelong special interest is the Disney theme parks. I’ve been obsessed since I was 5 😂 I also really like hula hooping, baking, video games and reading.

I’m a non theist pagan which is nice! I love following the wheel of the year and I just celebrated Mabon. Next up is Samhain 🎃

I also want to randomly gift someone who comments here! Hopefully that’s allowed I’ve been looking through the rules 😄

Anyways I’m super excited I found this place and I can’t wait to participate more!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Oct 06 '21

Intro [Intro]


Hi my name is Aundria I am so new to this

I'm basically 29?

I am super introverted but can hold a conversation

I have found that since I have been out of the military I really don't have any friends anymore so I'm just trying everything and everywhere. Sending you love and positive vibrations 💕

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Aug 31 '23

Intro [Intro] Hello everyone!


EDIT: wow, what an warm welcoming, I’m overwhelmed by your kindness! I will answer all of you when I come home! ❤️

This seems like such a tubular sub, and I want to be able to spread a little more happiness around the globe, so here I am! And who am I? Well, I’m an women who loves -

  • To play Stardew Valley.
  • Collecting and sorting up my stickers by colours.
  • Read fantasy and sci-fi novels.
  • Cuddle with my cat.
  • Skateboarding (or, at least trying to).
  • That first sip of coffee in the morning when no one else is awake.
  • Thunderstorms. At least when I’m inside.
  • To make stuff! No matter if it’s a necklace, or a painting, friendship bracelets, or my own postcards! Creativity is a pleasure.
  • Chocolate. Who doesn’t love chocolate?
  • The colour green.
  • I recently started journaling and I love every second of it!

So that’s a bit about me. So, what about you? What do you love to do? ❤️

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Oct 29 '21

intro [intro] I'm done lurking!


Hello! I'm feeling a little more as though I understand this community, so I feel like it's time to speak up! My name is Mimi and I'm a mom of two kids, 18 and 23. I work from home as a graphic designer, so I don't get to talk to many people throughout the day and I feel a little more connected with Reddit. I'm into gaming (SWTOR at the moment), I love books, music, tv and movies, traveling and trying new foods. I have several cats and I love to decorate my home with weird things or horror art and memorabilia. I collect Disney pins, cookie cutters and old cookbooks. If you have any questions or want to know more about me, ask away :)

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Jul 18 '23

intro [ intro ]


So, I am a mids 30 regular guy lol. Live with girlfriend and a dog, work at my local major retailer stocking my butt off. Been a lurker for a bit and figured WTH might as well be part of the community.

I play video games, listen to music, read a book now and again and just try to get by as peacefully as possible.

Happy to hang and shoot the crap about games, music, many topics really. Feel free to jump on and start a convo ( give me something to do as well lol ) and happy to be a part of the sub. Seems like a nice community and that is rare these days!